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Last active October 23, 2019 19:11
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Test datastore permissions
Create a folder on a datastore
Script used to test folder creation on a datastore with a user account. This will test permissions as well as provide debug output
for foreman_bootdisk debugging
Replace Line# 19 with your vCenter URL and username/password you are going to authenticate with
Replace Line# 21 Datastore1 with the datastore you are wanting to test against
Replace Line# 20/21 with username in Windows found in C:/Users/
File Name : folder-create.ps1
Author : Chris Roberts [email protected]
Prerequisite : PowerShell V2
Script posted at:
# Create log file of operations and store in variable
New-Item -Path C:/Users/<user> -Name "script_results.txt" -ItemType "file" -Value "Output of script"
$ScriptLog = 'C:/Users/<user>/script_results.txt
# Connect to the VMware vCenter
Connect-VIServer -Server <vcenterfqdn> -User <adminuser> -Password <adminpassword>
# Store datastore as variable so we can use it for folder creation
$DataStore = Get-Datastore -Name Datastore1 | Out-File $ScriptLog -Append
# Set datastore as a PowerShell drive so we do not have to mess with Linux/Windows local file creation
New-PSDrive -Location $datastore -Name DS -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root "\"
# Create the directory on the datastore
New-Item -Path DS:\foreman_isos\test -ItemType Directory | Out-File $ScriptLog -Append
# Let user know directory was created
Write-Host "Directory powershell_directory has been created on datastore $DataStore" | Out-File $ScriptLog -Append
# Remove PowerShell drive
Remove-PSDrive -Name DS -Confirm:$false
# Let user know script is finished
Write-Host "Script finished, please verify in vCenter that the directory is present" | Out-File $ScriptLog -Append
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