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Created December 17, 2021 20:45
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
## Get and run consul agent from within VMM ignite-firecracker
echo "Creating /tmp/${app}"
mkdir -p /tmp/${app} > /dev/null 2>&1
cat << EON > /tmp/${app}-config.json
"server": false,
"datacenter": "mlb",
"domain": "",
"data_dir": "/tmp/consul-dir",
"enable_syslog": true,
"enable_script_checks": true,
"ui_config": { "enabled": true },
"telemetry": { "disable_compat_1.9": true },
"bind_addr": "{{ GetPrivateInterfaces | include \"network\" \"\" | attr \"address\" }}",
"encrypt": "${CONSUL_TOKEN}",
"node_name": "$(hostname)",
"client_addr": "$(ip addr | grep 192 | tr -s " " | cut -f1 -d "/" | cut -f3 -d " ")",
"rejoin_after_leave": true,
"retry_join": [
"dns_config": {
"node_ttl": "1m",
"service_ttl": {
"*": "1m"
"addresses": {
"dns": " {{GetPrivateIP}}",
"grpc": " {{GetPrivateIP}}",
"https": " {{GetPrivateIP}}"
"ports": {
"https": 8501,
"grpc": 8502
"connect": { "enabled": true },
"key_file": "/tmp/privkey.pem",
"cert_file": "/tmp/cert.pem",
"ca_file": "/tmp/chain.pem"
latest=$(curl -s GET${app}/tags | grep --color=never "name" | cut -f2 -d ":" | cut -f2 -d "\"" | head -n1 | cut -f2 -d"v")
# 32 bit
# 64 bit
# arm 64
# arm
thisarch=$(uname -m)
case "${thisarch}" in
"armv7") archstr="arm";; # Pi
"armv7l") archstr="arm";; # Pi 4
"arm64") archstr="arm64";; # M1
"x86_64") archstr="amd64";; # x86
"i386") archstr="386";; # old x86
*) echo "Couldn't determine archstr from ${thisarch}"; exit 1;;
echo "thisarch is: ${thisarch}; archstr is ${archstr}"
cd /tmp
echo "Removing any existing ${app} artifacts..."
rm -rf /tmp/${app}
rm -rf /tmp/consul-dir
#rm -rf /tmp/alloc/
#rm -rf /tmp/checkpoint-signature
echo curl -ks "${app}/${latest}/${app}_${latest}_linux_${archstr}.zip -o - | busybox unzip -"
curl -ks "${app}/${latest}/${app}_${latest}_linux_${archstr}.zip" -o - | busybox unzip -
chmod oag+x /tmp/${app}
echo "Starting ${app} as client ..."
echo /tmp/${app} agent -config-file=/tmp/${app}-config.json
/tmp/${app} agent -config-file=/tmp/{$app}-config.json > /tmp/${app}.log 2>&1 &
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