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Last active August 29, 2022 05:10
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My first Sonic Pi thing
# Run this in Sonic Pi:
# Sick of Losing Soulmates by Dodie:
# Inspired by Deerful's cover:
use_synth :pluck
use_bpm 75
define :tab do |t|
t.split('').map {|n| note(:e2) + n.to_i }
verse = tab( '55772233' * 4)
pre = tab(('75923333' * 4)[0...-1] + '2')
chorus = tab(('3335777766115552' * 2)[0...-1] + '5')
bridge = verse[0...-1] + tab('2')
song = (verse + pre + chorus) * 2 + bridge + chorus
live_loop :guitar do
low = song.tick
stop unless low
changed = song.look(offset: -1) != low
[changed || look.even? ? low : :r, :d3, low, :d3].each do |n|
use_bpm_mul 0.99 if song.length - look < 12
play n
sleep 0.25
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