#Setting Up Salesforce
###Install these!
- Java JRE - Allows you to run ANT tasks
- Sublime Text 3
- Atom also works, but you're on your own there
- Mavensmate
- Mavensmate is two parts - a Sublime plugin and a desktop app.
- Desktop app - download the latest stable release from the GitHub page: https://github.com/joeferraro/mavensmate-app/releases
- Install the Sublime Plugin - https://mavensmate.com/Plugins/Sublime_Text/Installation
- The desktop app is still in beta, so you need to tell Sublime to use that version (v7): https://github.com/joeferraro/MavensMate-SublimeText#version-7-prerelease-channel
brew update
brew install ant
###Setup your development environment
- Get your Salesforce security token from your org
- Log into Salesforce. In the top right, click your name and select My Settings
- In the Quick Find box in the sidebar, search for Reset My Security Token. Click the link that appears and reset your token. You'll get an email with your new token.
- Open the Mavensmate desktop app. Click the hamburger menu in the top left and choose Settings. In the Workspaces (mm_workspace) section, you need to add a path to where Mavensmate will look to create your projects. (It's not really clear, but this page will autosave)
For example:
- In Terminal, navigate to the folder from above and clone this repository into that folder
- Open the repository in Sublime Text
- Right click the base folder (probably named salesforce), choose MavensMate > Create Mavensmate Project
- This opens up the MavensMate App. enter your salesforce.com username for the sandbox. Your password is the password for your sandboxes + your security token. Example:
Password: hello123
Security Token: asdi3m48di9kfie032kiro04090eie3
Use this: hello123asdi3m48di9kfie032kiro04090eie3
- Choose "Sandbox" in the dropdown below the password input
- Click Create MavensMate project
You're done! Now whenever you save a file, it will deploy to your sandbox.