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Created July 8, 2010 07:33
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# Now I can do stuff like this!
# ...
When I follow "Personal Details"
Then I should see an inline error "can't be blank" for the following formtastic fields:
| label | within |
| Full Name | .identity |
| Date of birth | .identity |
| Gender | .identity |
| Marital status | .citizenship |
And I should see an inline error "must be selected" for the formtastic field "Title" within ".identity"
And I should see an inline error "Please indicate your citizenship status" for the formtastic field "Citizenship status"
And I should see an inline error "Please indicate how many dependants you have" for the formtastic field "Number of dependants"
Then /^I should see an inline error "([^\"]*)" for the following formtastic fields:?$/ do |text, label_table|
label_table.hashes.each do |hash|
field = hash["label"]
scope = hash["within"]
if scope
Then "I should see an inline error \"#{text}\" for the formtastic field \"#{field}\" within \"#{scope}\""
Then "I should see an inline error \"#{text}\" for the formtastic field \"#{field}\""
Then /^I should see (?:the|an) (?:|inline )error "([^\"]*)" for the formtastic field "([^\"]*)"(?: within "([^\"]*)")?$/ do |text, label, scope|
with_scope(scope) do
selector ="//label[contains(text(),'#{label}')]/ancestor::li")
selector = selector.append("//fieldset/legend/descendant-or-self::*[contains(normalize-space(.),'#{label}')]/ancestor::li")
element = find(:xpath, selector)
if element.nil?
msg = "The the formastic field '#{label}' could not be found"
msg << " within #{scope}" if scope
msg << "."
msg << " Perhaps it is hidden?"
msg << "\n" << "The XPath produced was: #{selector}"
raise Capybara::ElementNotFound, msg
within(:xpath, selector) do
result = find(:xpath, Capybara::XPath.content(text))
if result.nil?
msg = "The text '#{text}' could not be found for the formastic field '#{label}'"
msg << " within #{scope}" if scope
msg << "."
msg << " Perhaps it is hidden?"
raise Capybara::ElementNotFound, msg
if page.respond_to? :should
page.should have_content(text)
assert page.has_content?(text)
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