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Last active May 31, 2023 18:24
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jupyter notebook page follower

jupyter notebook page follower

Add 'page follow' feature to jupyter notebook pages


  1. Install Tampermonkey
  2. Install this userscript


Scrolling to the bottom of the notebook enables the feature, which means that as the notebook height gets larger, the page will continually be auto-scrolled to the bottom.

Scrolling up in the notebook disables the feature.

// ==UserScript==
// @name jupyter notebook page follow
// @namespace
// @version 0.3
// @description Add 'page follow' feature to jupyter notebook pages
// @author Chris Deacy
// @match http*://*/notebook*/*
// @downloadURl
// @updateURl
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
class Scroller {
constructor(el) {
this.el = el
this.lastScrollPos = this.el.scrollTop
this.isFollowing = false
this.isPolling = false
// add scroll event listener
this.el.onscroll = this._handleScroll.bind(this)
startPolling() {
// add interval to constantly keep page at bottom
setInterval(this._followPage.bind(this), 100)
this.isPolling = true
isAtBottom() {
return this.el.clientHeight + this.el.scrollTop === this.el.scrollHeight
scrollToBottom() {
this.el.scrollTo({ top: this.el.scrollHeight, behavior: 'smooth' })
_handleScroll() {
// this prevents the polling from starting until the user has
// manually scrolled on the page at least once
if (!this.isPolling) {
if (this.el.scrollTop > 0) {
if (this.el.scrollTop < this.lastScrollPos && this.isFollowing) {'[page follow] no longer following')
this.isFollowing = false
if (this.isAtBottom() && !this.isFollowing) {'[page follow] starting to follow')
this.isFollowing = true
this.lastScrollPos = this.el.scrollTop
_followPage() {
if (this.isFollowing && !this.isAtBottom()) {
// add to global scope for debugging
window.JUYTER_SCROLLER = new Scroller(document.getElementById('site'))
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