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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Using ColdFusion as a proxy to a remote application
component extends="Controller" {
* Calls remote application with session cookies for this app and posting any form or get values. Returns cfhttp results struct.
* @app Model object containing info about remote app.
private function callRemoteApp(app) {
// HTTP method to call
if (isPost()) {
local.method = "post";
else {
local.method = "get";
// Get remote URL to call
local.remoteUrl = buildRemoteCallUrl(, "remoteBaseUrl", params, cgi.query_string);
// HTTP service to call
local.httpService = new Http(url=local.remoteUrl, method=local.method, multipart=true, redirect=false);
// Cookies
local.cookiesListLen = ListLen(StructKeyList(session.remoteApps[params.appName].cookies));
for (local.i = 1; local.i <= local.cookiesListLen; local.i++) {
local.cookieKey = ListGetAt(StructKeyList(session.remoteApps[params.appName].cookies), local.i);
local.httpService.addParam(type="cookie", name=local.cookieKey, value=session.remoteApps[params.appName].cookies[local.cookieKey]);
// Store an array of file names uploaded so we can delete them later
local.uploadedFiles = [];
// `POST` anything submitted via `POST`
if (isPost() && ListLen(StructKeyList(form))) {
local.fieldNameListLen = ListLen(form.FieldNames);
for (local.i = 1; local.i <= local.fieldNameListLen; local.i = local.fieldData.nextPosition) {
local.fieldData = getNextFormField(form.FieldNames, local.i);
local.field = local.fieldData.field;
// Re-upload any file uploads
local.fieldIsUpload = ToString(form[local.field]).startsWith(GetTempDirectory())
|| ListFindNoCase(form.FieldNames, Left(local.field, Len(local.field) - 1) & "&attachment]");
// Railo file upload
if (local.fieldIsUpload && StructKeyExists(server, "railo")) {
// Upload file to `/files/uploads/`
// Send it as a `POST` variable
local.tempFilename = "#local.fileUpload.ServerDirectory#/#local.fileUpload.ServerFile#";
local.httpService.addParam(type="file", name=local.field, file=local.tempFilename);
ArrayAppend(local.uploadedFiles, local.tempFilename);
// ColdFusion file upload
else if (local.fieldIsUpload) {
local.fileUpload = FileUpload(fileField=local.field, destination=ExpandPath('/files/uploads'), nameConflict="makeunique");
// Send it as a `POST` variable
local.tempFilename = "#local.fileUpload.ServerDirectory#/#local.fileUpload.ServerFile#";
local.httpService.addParam(type="file", name=local.field, file=local.tempFilename);
ArrayAppend(local.uploadedFiles, local.tempFilename);
// Don't send values called reload or password
else if (!ListFind("reload,password", local.field)) {
local.httpService.addParam(type="formfield", name=local.field, value=form[local.field]);
// Pass along any AJAX headers
if (isAjax()) {
local.httpService.addParam(type="header", name="http_x_requested_with", value="XMLHTTPRequest");
// Call it
local.httpResult = local.httpService.send();
// Delete any files sent
return local.httpResult.GetPrefix();
* Stores cookies set by the remote application in the user's session.
* @httpResult HTTP result data generated by a remote application call with `http`.
private function storeRemoteCookies(struct httpResult) {
if (StructKeyExists(arguments.httpResult, "ResponseHeader") && StructKeyExists(arguments.httpResult.ResponseHeader, "Set-Cookie")) {
local.setCookie = arguments.httpResult.ResponseHeader['Set-Cookie'];
// Multi cookie values are in a struct in Adobe ColdFusion
if (IsStruct(local.setCookie)) {
for (local.cookieKey in local.setCookie) {
local.cookieVal = local.setCookie[local.cookieKey];
local.cookieValListLen = ListLen(local.cookieVal, ";");
for (local.i = 1; local.i <= local.cookieValListLen; local.i++) {
if (ListFirst(local.cookieKeyVal, "=") != "expires" && ListFirst(local.cookieKeyVal, "=") != "path") {
session.remoteApps[params.appName].cookies[ListFirst(local.cookieKeyVal, "=")] = ListLast(local.cookieKeyVal, "=");
// Multi cookie values are in an array in Railo
else if (IsArray(local.setCookie)) {
for (local.cookieVal in local.setCookie) {
local.cookieValListLen = ListLen(local.cookieVal, ";");
for (local.i = 1; local.i <= local.cookieValListLen; local.i++) {
local.cookieKeyVal = ListGetAt(local.cookieVal, local.i, ";");
if (ListFirst(local.cookieKeyVal, "=") != "expires" && ListFirst(local.cookieKeyVal, "=") != "path") {
session.remoteApps[params.appName].cookies[ListFirst(local.cookieKeyVal, "=")] = UrlDecode(ListLast(local.cookieKeyVal, "="));
// Single cookie value is in a string
else if (IsSimpleValue(local.setCookie)) {
local.cookieKeyVal = local.setCookie;
if (ListFirst(local.cookieKeyVal, "=") != "expires" && ListFirst(local.cookieKeyVal, "=") != "path") {
session.remoteApps[params.appName].cookies[ListFirst(local.cookieKeyVal, "=")] = ListLast(local.cookieKeyVal, "=");
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