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Created January 2, 2018 13:30
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// main.swift
// ExtensibleEffects
// Created by Chris Eidhof on 02.01.18.
// Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved.
import Foundation
protocol SideEffect {
associatedtype Action
static func nothing() -> Self
static func readFile(path: String, transform: @escaping (Data?) -> Action) -> Self
static func sequence(_ commands: [Self]) -> Self
struct Execute<A> {
let run: (_ callback: @escaping (A) -> ()) -> ()
import Foundation
extension Execute: SideEffect {
typealias Action = A
static func nothing() -> Execute<A> {
return Execute { _ in () }
static func readFile(path: String, transform: @escaping (Data?) -> A) -> Execute<A> {
return Execute { (callback: (A) -> ()) in
let data = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: path))
static func sequence(_ commands: [Execute<A>]) -> Execute<A> {
return Execute { callback in
for c in commands {
// It's straightforward to create a new enum and make that conform to SideEffect so I'll omit it (but very useful for testing, of course).
// Here's a sample reducer state with a reduce method.
struct State {
var counter: Int = 0
enum Action {
case load
case didReadFile(contents: String?)
mutating func reduce<S: SideEffect>(action: Action) -> S where S.Action == Action {
switch action {
case .load:
return S.readFile(path: "counter.txt", transform: { data in
.didReadFile(contents: data.flatMap { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8) })
case let .didReadFile(contents: contents):
if let s = contents, let i = Int(s) {
counter = i
return .nothing()
func sampleDriver() {
var state = State()
func interpret(action: State.Action) {
let result: Execute<State.Action> = state.reduce(action: action)
interpret(action: .load) // example
// Now for the really cool part, we can also extend SideEffect! (For example, in a different module).
protocol Networking: SideEffect {
static func readURL(_ url: URL, transform: @escaping (Data?) -> Action) -> Self
extension Execute: Networking {
static func readURL(_ url: URL, transform: @escaping (Data?) -> A) -> Execute<A> {
return Execute { callback in
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, _, _) in
struct State2 {
var counter: Int = 0
enum Action {
case load
case didReadFile(contents: String?)
// Note that the type of our side-effect has changed:
mutating func reduce<S: SideEffect & Networking>(action: Action) -> S where S.Action == Action {
switch action {
case .load:
return S.readURL(URL(string: "http://localhost:8000/counter.txt")!, transform: { data in
.didReadFile(contents: data.flatMap { String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8) })
case let .didReadFile(contents: contents):
if let s = contents, let i = Int(s) {
counter = i
return .nothing()
func sampleDriver2() {
var state = State2()
func interpret(action: State2.Action) {
let result: Execute<State2.Action> = state.reduce(action: action)
interpret(action: .load) // example
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