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Created April 20, 2013 00:42
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Save chrisfesler/5424196 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
strange behavior from esper when invoking methods on an Object variable while using a context
package com.apexclearing.esperdemo;
import com.espertech.esper.client.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Demo {
private final static String[] demoStatements = new String[]{
" CREATE CONTEXT partcontext PARTITION BY part FROM msg"
" CREATE VARIABLE com.apexclearing.esperdemo.Demo demo = com.apexclearing.esperdemo.Demo.make()"
" CONTEXT partcontext\n" +
" SELECT *\n" +
" EVERY (\n" +
" firstMsg=msg(\n" +
" demo.log(' init', part, filt, msgId)\n" +
" )\n" +
" -> (\n" +
" [1:] rest=msg(\n" +
" filt = firstMsg.filt\n" +
" AND demo.log(' rest', part, filt, msgId)\n" +
" )\n" +
" until (\n" +
" msg(\n" +
" filt != firstMsg.filt\n" +
" AND demo.log('until', part, filt, msgId)\n" +
" )\n" +
" )\n" +
" )\n" +
" )\n" +
" ]"
* Factory method so we can assign our variable in EPL
public static Demo make() {
return new Demo();
* Demonstrates weird behavior when invoked from EPL
public boolean log(String from, String id, String filt, int msgId) {
System.out.println("{ from: " + from + ", id: " + id + ", filt: " + filt + ", msgId: " + msgId + " }");
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> schema = new HashMap<String, Object>();
schema.put("part", String.class);
schema.put("filt", String.class);
schema.put("msgId", int.class);
List<Map<String, Object>> events = new ArrayList<>();
// part, filt, msgId
events.add(makeEvent("foo", "y", 101));
events.add(makeEvent("bar", "n", 102));
events.add(makeEvent("bar", "y", 103));
events.add(makeEvent("bar", "y", 104));
events.add(makeEvent("bar", "n", 105));
new DemoRunner(schema, demoStatements, events).run();
private static Map<String, Object> makeEvent(String part, String filt, int msgId) {
Map<String, Object> event = new HashMap<>();
event.put("part", part);
event.put("filt", filt);
event.put("msgId", msgId);
return event;
private static class DemoRunner {
private final EPServiceProvider provider;
private final String[] statements;
private final List<Map<String, Object>> events;
public DemoRunner(Map<String, Object> schema, String[] statements, List<Map<String, Object>> events) {
this.statements = statements; = events;
Configuration esperConfig = new Configuration();
provider = EPServiceProviderManager.getProvider(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), esperConfig);
ConfigurationOperations providerOptions = provider.getEPAdministrator().getConfiguration();
providerOptions.addEventType("msg", schema);
private void run() throws Exception {
EPRuntime epRuntime = provider.getEPRuntime();
EPAdministrator epAdministrator = provider.getEPAdministrator();
for (String stmt : statements) {
for (Map<String, Object> event : events) {
epRuntime.sendEvent(event, "msg");
# we see a bunch of things that don't correspond to actual
# messages, and we keep seeing id: "foo" up until the end,
# despite the fact that he have matched only the firstMsg
# guy, in the "foo" context, and should never have appeared
# in the "bar" context.
{ from: init, id: foo, filt: y, msgId: 101 }
{ from: until, id: foo, filt: n, msgId: 102 }
{ from: until, id: foo, filt: n, msgId: 102 }
{ from: init, id: bar, filt: n, msgId: 102 }
{ from: until, id: bar, filt: y, msgId: 103 }
{ from: rest, id: foo, filt: y, msgId: 103 }
{ from: rest, id: foo, filt: y, msgId: 104 }
{ from: init, id: bar, filt: y, msgId: 104 }
{ from: until, id: foo, filt: n, msgId: 105 }
{ from: until, id: bar, filt: n, msgId: 105 }
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