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Created January 30, 2014 20:08
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Spray Token Authentication
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import spray.routing.{AuthenticationFailedRejection, RequestContext}
import spray.routing.authentication.{Authentication, ContextAuthenticator}
/** Token based authentication for Spray Routing.
* Extracts an API key from the header or querystring and authenticates requests.
* TokenAuthenticator[T] takes arguments for the named header/query string containing the API key and
* an authenticator that returns an Option[T]. If None is returned from the authenticator, the request
* is rejected.
* Usage:
* val authenticator = TokenAuthenticator[User](
* headerName = "My-Api-Key",
* queryStringParameterName = "api_key"
* ) { key =>
* User.findByAPIKey(key)
* }
* def auth: Directive1[User] = authenticate(authenticator)
* val home = path("home") {
* auth { user =>
* get {
* complete("OK")
* }
* }
* }
object TokenAuthenticator {
object TokenExtraction {
type TokenExtractor = RequestContext => Option[String]
def fromHeader(headerName: String): TokenExtractor = { context: RequestContext =>
context.request.headers.find( == headerName).map(_.value)
def fromQueryString(parameterName: String): TokenExtractor = { context: RequestContext =>
class TokenAuthenticator[T](extractor: TokenExtraction.TokenExtractor, authenticator: (String => Future[Option[T]]))
(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) extends ContextAuthenticator[T] {
import AuthenticationFailedRejection._
def apply(context: RequestContext): Future[Authentication[T]] =
extractor(context) match {
case None =>
Left(AuthenticationFailedRejection(CredentialsMissing, List()))
case Some(token) =>
authenticator(token) map {
case Some(t) =>
case None =>
Left(AuthenticationFailedRejection(CredentialsRejected, List()))
def apply[T](headerName: String, queryStringParameterName: String)(authenticator: (String => Future[Option[T]]))
(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) = {
def extractor(context: RequestContext) =
TokenExtraction.fromHeader(headerName)(context) orElse
new TokenAuthenticator(extractor, authenticator)
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