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Created January 5, 2012 04:50
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby1.9.1
# Testing multipart uploads into s3
# Very basic script for testing how the functionality works
# Takes a file, splits it up
# For each part get the base64 encoded md5 of the part
# Then run through the parts and upload them
# Refs:
# <-- Query API auth
require 'fog'
require 'digest/md5'
require 'base64'
require 'fileutils'
key = 'AAAA'
secret = 'BBBB'
bucket = 'some_bucket'
region = 'eu-west-1'
# Setup connection
@stor =
:provider => 'AWS',
:aws_access_key_id => key,
:aws_secret_access_key => secret,
:region => region
# Get object, split into 100M chunks
object_to_upload = '/tmp/linux-2.6.38.tar.bz2'
# Area to place the split file into
workdir = "/tmp/work/#{File.basename(object_to_upload)}/"
# Split the file into chunks
`split -C 10M -a 3 -d #{object_to_upload} #{workdir}`
# Map of the file_part => md5
parts = {}
# Get the MD5 of each file
Dir.entries(workdir).each do |file|
next if file =~ /\.\./
next if file =~ /\./
md5 = Base64.encode64(Digest::MD5.file("#{workdir}/#{file}").digest).chomp!
full_path = "#{workdir}#{file}"
parts[full_path] = md5
# Initiate the upload and get the uploadid
multi_part_up = @stor.initiate_multipart_upload(bucket, object_to_upload[1..-1], { 'x-amz-acl' => 'private' } )
upload_id = multi_part_up.body["UploadId"]
part_number = 1
tags = []
parts.sort.each do |entry|
puts "Got: #{entry[0]} - #{entry[1]}"
@stor.reload[0]) do |file_part|
part_upload = @stor.upload_part(bucket, object_to_upload[1..-1], upload_id, part_number, file_part, { 'Content-MD5' => entry[1] } )
part_number += 1
completed_upload = @stor.complete_multipart_upload(bucket, object_to_upload[1..-1], upload_id, tags)
p completed_upload
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