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Created July 3, 2012 18:02
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Save chrisjlee/3041415 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
example build.xml file used for phing - from, "expert php tools" by Dirk Merkel
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="" description="Targets for maintaining and deploying the web site." default="deploy">
<!-- See book here: -->
<!-- initialize timestamp that will be used in naming of various files & directories -->
<target name="deploy" depends="get-env,create-skeleton,svn-export,stamp-config,disp-maint,backup-db,deploy-db,publish-site" description="Deploy the site to the web server and perform necessary build and upgrade tasks.">
<target name="get-env" description="get the environment for an action">
<!-- has the environment been set already? -->
<isset property="environment" />
<!-- prompt the user to select from a list of supported environments -->
<input propertyname="environment" validargs="dev,test,prod" promptChar=":">Enter environment </input>
<!-- make sure the properties file for the environment exists -->
<available file="${environment}.properties" property="env_prop_exists" type="file" />
<equals arg1="${env_prop_exists}" arg2="true" />
<!-- parse the properties files -->
<property file="${environment}.properties"/>
<!-- die with an error message -->
<fail message="No properties file for selected environment exists (${environment}.properties)" />
<!-- create directories; no existing ones will be overridden -->
<target name="create-skeleton" description="Create the basic directory structure for the site.">
<mkdir dir="${site.home}" />
<mkdir dir="${site.home}/build" />
<mkdir dir="${site.home}/backups" />
<mkdir dir="${site.home}/logs" />
<mkdir dir="${site.home}/tmp" />
<target name="svn-export" description="Export the site's files from subversion to the local target directory.">
<!-- construct proper Subversion URL -->
<property name="svn.url" value="${svn.proto}${svn.fqdn}${svn.repo}${svn.project}" override="true" />
<!-- was the subversion password given in the properties file? -->
<isset property="svn.password" />
<!-- prompt the user for the subversion password -->
<input propertyname="svn.password" promptChar=":">Enter password for user ${svn.user} to get project ${svn.project} from Subversion repository ${svn.fqdn}${svn.repo}</input>
<!-- checkout project for development -->
<equals arg1="${environment}" arg2="dev" />
<echo>Beginning svn checkout ...</echo>
<svncheckout svnpath="${svn.bin}"
password="${svn.password}" />
<!-- export project for deployment -->
<echo>Beginning svn export ...</echo>
<svnexport svnpath="${svn.bin}"
password="${svn.password}" />
<target name="deploy-dev" description="Deploy the site to the development environment.">
<property name="environment" value="dev" override="true" />
<phingcall target="deploy" />
<target name="deploy-prod" description="Deploy the site to the production environment.">
<property name="environment" value="prod" override="true" />
<phingcall target="deploy" />
<target name="deploy-test" description="Deploy the site to the test environment.">
<property name="environment" value="test" override="true" />
<phingcall target="deploy" />
<target name="disp-maint" description="Export the site's files from subversion to the local target directory.">
<!-- check whether there already is a .htaccess file -->
<available file="${site.root}/htdocs/.htaccess" property="htaccess_exists" type="file" />
<equals arg1="${htaccess_exists}" arg2="true" />
<!-- .htaccess file exists; move/rename it -->
<move file="${site.root}/htdocs/.htaccess"
overwrite="false" />
<!-- new .htaccess file for maintenance screen -->
<echo file="${site.root}/htdocs/.htaccess" append="false">
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/maintenance.html$
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} !^127\.0\.0\.1
RewriteRule $ /maintenance.html [R=302,L]
<target name="backup-db" description="Backup the database before upgrade.">
<!-- was the database password given in the properties file? -->
<isset property="db.password" />
<!-- prompt the user for the database password -->
<input propertyname="db.password" promptChar=":">Enter password for user ${db.user} for database ${}</input>
<!-- execute external command mysqldump to backup database -->
<exec command="${extern.mysqldump} --quick --password=${db.password} --user=${db.user} ${} > ${}.${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP}.sql"
escape="false" />
<!-- compress the DB dump file -->
<zip destfile="${db.backup.dir}/${}.${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP}">
<fileset dir="${db.backup.dir}">
<include name="${}.${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP}.sql" />
<!-- delete the original DB dump file to save space -->
<delete file="${db.backup.dir}/${}.${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP}.sql" />
<target name="stamp-config" description="Populates the Config.php class with config properties.">
<copy todir="${site.root}.${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP}/includes/classes">
<expandproperties />
<fileset dir="${site.root}.${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP}/config/templates">
<include name="Config.php" />
<target name="deploy-db" description="Runs the SQL migrations to update the DB schema and data.">
<!-- load the dbdeploy task -->
<taskdef name="dbdeploy" classname="phing.tasks.ext.dbdeploy.DbDeployTask"/>
<!-- generate SQL to upgrade the DB to the most recent migration -->
<dbdeploy url="mysql:host=${db.fqdn};dbname=${}"
undooutputfile="${site.home}/build/db-downgrade-${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP}.sql" />
<!-- execute SQL using mysql command line client -->
command="${extern.mysql} -h${db.fqdn} -u${db.user} -p${db.password} ${} &lt; ${site.home}/build/db-upgrade-${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP}.sql"
checkreturn="true" />
<target name="publish-site" description="Activates new version of site and restarts Apache for all changes to take effect.">
<!-- symlink in external library dependencies -->
<exec command="${extern.ln} -s ${zend_dir}"
escape="false" />
<!-- delete symlink to currently active copy of the site -->
<delete file="${site.root}" />
<!-- symlink to newest version of site -->
<exec command="${extern.ln} -s ${site.fqdn}.${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP} ${site.fqdn}"
escape="false" />
<!-- restart the Apache web server gracefully for all changes to take effect: we are live now!!! -->
<exec command="${extern.sudo} ${extern.apachectl} graceful" escape="false" />
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