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Formalisation of L1 operational semantics, with various proofs
This is a formalisation of the operational semantics and typing rules of L1, a
small language introduced in the Semantics of Programming Languages module in
Part 1B of the Uni of Cambridge Computer Science course (2022-2023)
The definitions and proofs could be extended to L2 and L3 as an exercise!
module L1Semantics where
open import Data.String hiding (toList)
open import Level hiding (suc ; zero)
open import Data.Nat hiding (_≟_)
open import Data.Bool hiding (_≟_)
open import Data.Unit hiding (_≟_)
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Product
open import Data.List
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (⌊_⌋)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
-- Essentially just used when we need to tell the checker explicitly "this case doesn't arise"
-- in proofs
absurd : {A : Set} → ⊥ → A
absurd = ⊥-elim
-- ==== L1 DEFINITIONS ====
Loc : Set
Loc = String
Store : Set
Store = List (Loc × ℕ)
get : Loc → Store → ℕ
get l [] = 0
get l ((l' , m) ∷ s) with ⌊ l ≟ l' ⌋
... | true = m
... | false = get l s
store-contains : Loc → Store → Set
store-contains l [] = ⊥
store-contains l ((l′ , m) ∷ s) with l ≟ l′
... | yes refl = ⊤
... | no _ = store-contains l s
-- Whether the store contains a location is decideable
store-contains? : (l : Loc) → (s : Store) → Dec (store-contains l s)
store-contains? l [] = no (λ x → x)
store-contains? l ((l′ , m) ∷ s) with l ≟ l′
... | yes refl = yes tt
... | no _ = store-contains? l s
store-contains-first : {s : Store} {l : Loc} {n : ℕ} → store-contains l ((l , n) ∷ s)
store-contains-first {s} {l} {n} with l ≟ l
... | yes refl = tt
... | no ¬p = absurd (¬p refl)
store-contains-weaken : {s : Store} {l l′ : Loc} {n : ℕ} → store-contains l s → store-contains l ((l′ , n) ∷ s)
store-contains-weaken {s} {l} {l′} {n} l-in-s with l ≟ l′
... | yes refl = tt
... | no _ = l-in-s
-- ==== SYNTAX ====
data Op : Set where
Add : Op
data L1 : Set where
Int : ℕ → L1
Boolean : Bool → L1
App : Op → L1 → L1 → L1
If_Then_Else_ : L1 → L1 → L1 → L1
Skip : L1
Seq : L1 → L1 → L1
Assign : Loc → L1 → L1
Deref : Loc → L1
While_Do_ : L1 → L1 → L1
isValue : L1 → Set
isValue (Int _) = ⊤
isValue (Boolean _) = ⊤
isValue Skip = ⊤
isValue _ = ⊥
isValue? : (e : L1) → Dec (isValue e)
isValue? (Int _) = yes tt
isValue? (Boolean _) = yes tt
isValue? Skip = yes tt
isValue? (App op e e₁) = no (λ x → x)
isValue? (If e Then e₁ Else e₂) = no (λ x → x)
isValue? (Seq e e₁) = no (λ x → x)
isValue? (Assign l e) = no (λ x → x)
isValue? (Deref l) = no (λ x → x)
isValue? (While e Do e₁) = no (λ x → x)
-- ==== REDUCTION RULES ====
data Config : Set where
⟨_,_⟩ : L1 → Store → Config
-- Small-step reduction relation
data _⟶_ : Config → Config → Set where
op+ : {n m : ℕ} {s : Store}
→ ⟨ App Add (Int n) (Int m) , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ Int (n + m) , s ⟩
op≥ : {n m : ℕ} {s : Store}
→ ⟨ App GTEQ (Int n) (Int m) , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ Boolean ⌊ n ≥? m ⌋ , s ⟩
op1 : {op : Op} {e₁ e₁′ e₂ : L1} {s s′ : Store}
→ ⟨ e₁ , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e₁′ , s′ ⟩
→ ⟨ App op e₁ e₂ , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ App op e₁′ e₂ , s′ ⟩
op2 : {op : Op} {v e₂ e₂′ : L1} {s s′ : Store}
→ isValue v
→ ⟨ e₂ , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e₂′ , s′ ⟩
→ ⟨ App op v e₂ , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ App op v e₂′ , s′ ⟩
seq1 : {e : L1} {s : Store}
→ ⟨ Seq Skip e , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e , s ⟩
seq2 : {e₁ e₁′ e₂ : L1} {s s′ : Store}
→ ⟨ e₁ , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e₁′ , s′ ⟩
→ ⟨ Seq e₁ e₂ , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ Seq e₁′ e₂ , s′ ⟩
if1 : {e₁ e₂ : L1} {s : Store}
→ ⟨ If (Boolean true) Then e₁ Else e₂ , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e₁ , s ⟩
if2 : {e₁ e₂ : L1} {s : Store}
→ ⟨ If (Boolean false) Then e₁ Else e₂ , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e₂ , s ⟩
if3 : {e₁ e₁′ e₂ e₃ : L1} {s s′ : Store}
→ ⟨ e₁ , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e₁′ , s′ ⟩
→ ⟨ If e₁ Then e₂ Else e₃ , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ If e₁′ Then e₂ Else e₃ , s′ ⟩
deref : {l : Loc} {s : Store}
→ store-contains l s
→ ⟨ Deref l , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ Int (get l s) , s ⟩
assign1 : {l : Loc} {n : ℕ} {s : Store}
→ store-contains l s
→ ⟨ Assign l (Int n) , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ Skip , (l , n) ∷ s ⟩
assign2 : {e e′ : L1} {l : Loc} {s s′ : Store}
→ ⟨ e , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩
→ ⟨ Assign l e , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ Assign l e′ , s′ ⟩
while : {e₁ e₂ : L1} {s : Store}
→ ⟨ While e₁ Do e₂ , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ If e₁ Then (Seq e₂ (While e₁ Do e₂)) Else Skip , s ⟩
-- Two functions to extract information from a reduction rule (rarely used)
codomain-expr : {e e′ : L1} {s s′ : Store} → ⟨ e , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩ → L1
codomain-expr {e′ = e′} r = e′
codomain-store : {e e′ : L1} {s s′ : Store} → ⟨ e , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩ → Store
codomain-store {s′ = s′} r = s′
-- ==== TYPING RULES ====
data Type : Set where
int : Type
bool : Type
unit : Type
-- Type equality is decideable (comes in useful for type inference)
¬int≡bool : ¬ (_≡_ {A = Type} int bool)
¬int≡bool ()
¬int≡unit : ¬ (_≡_ {A = Type} int unit)
¬int≡unit ()
¬unit≡bool : ¬ (_≡_ {A = Type} unit bool)
¬unit≡bool ()
_≟ᵗ_ : (T T′ : Type) → Dec (T ≡ T′)
int ≟ᵗ int = yes refl
int ≟ᵗ bool = no ¬int≡bool
int ≟ᵗ unit = no ¬int≡unit
bool ≟ᵗ int = no (λ p → ¬int≡bool (sym p))
bool ≟ᵗ bool = yes refl
bool ≟ᵗ unit = no (λ p → ¬unit≡bool (sym p))
unit ≟ᵗ int = no (λ p → ¬int≡unit (sym p))
unit ≟ᵗ bool = no ¬unit≡bool
unit ≟ᵗ unit = yes refl
data TLoc : Set where
intref : TLoc
Context : Set
Context = List (Loc × TLoc)
Γ-contains : Loc → Context → Set
Γ-contains l [] = ⊥
Γ-contains l ((l′ , m) ∷ Γ) with l ≟ l′
... | yes refl = ⊤
... | no _ = Γ-contains l Γ
Γ-contains? : (l : Loc) → (Γ : Context) → Dec (Γ-contains l Γ)
Γ-contains? l [] = no (λ x → x)
Γ-contains? l ((l′ , m) ∷ Γ) with l ≟ l′
... | yes refl = yes tt
... | no _ = Γ-contains? l Γ
data _⊢_꞉_ : Context → L1 → Type → Set where
int : {Γ : Context} {n : ℕ} → Γ ⊢ Int n ꞉ int
bool : {Γ : Context} {b : Bool} → Γ ⊢ Boolean b ꞉ bool
op+ : {Γ : Context} {e₁ e₂ : L1}
→ Γ ⊢ e₁ ꞉ int → Γ ⊢ e₂ ꞉ int
→ Γ ⊢ App Add e₁ e₂ ꞉ int
op≥ : {Γ : Context} {e₁ e₂ : L1}
→ Γ ⊢ e₁ ꞉ int → Γ ⊢ e₂ ꞉ int
→ Γ ⊢ App GTEQ e₁ e₂ ꞉ bool
if : {Γ : Context} {e₁ e₂ e₃ : L1} {T : Type}
→ Γ ⊢ e₁ ꞉ bool → Γ ⊢ e₂ ꞉ T → Γ ⊢ e₃ ꞉ T
→ Γ ⊢ If e₁ Then e₂ Else e₃ ꞉ T
assign : {Γ : Context} {e : L1} {l : Loc}
→ Γ-contains l Γ
→ Γ ⊢ e ꞉ int
→ Γ ⊢ Assign l e ꞉ unit
deref : {Γ : Context} {l : Loc}
→ Γ-contains l Γ
→ Γ ⊢ Deref l ꞉ int
skip : {Γ : Context} → Γ ⊢ Skip ꞉ unit
seq : {Γ : Context} {e₁ e₂ : L1} {T : Type}
→ Γ ⊢ e₁ ꞉ unit → Γ ⊢ e₂ ꞉ T
→ Γ ⊢ Seq e₁ e₂ ꞉ T
while : {Γ : Context} {e₁ e₂ : L1}
→ Γ ⊢ e₁ ꞉ bool → Γ ⊢ e₂ ꞉ unit
→ Γ ⊢ While e₁ Do e₂ ꞉ unit
-- Equivalent to the statement "dom(Γ) ⊆ dom(s)" (used often in the proofs)
all-locations : (Γ : Context) → (s : Store) → Set
all-locations Γ s = {l : Loc} → Γ-contains l Γ → store-contains l s
-- Equivalent to the statement "dom(Γ) ⊆ dom(s) implies dom(Γ) ⊆ dom((l , n) ∷ s)"
all-locations-weaken : {Γ : Context} {s : Store} {n : ℕ} → (l : Loc)
→ all-locations Γ s → all-locations Γ ((l , n) ∷ s)
all-locations-weaken {Γ} {s} {n} l all-locs {l′} l′∈Γ with l ≟ l′
... | yes refl = store-contains-first {s} {l} {n}
... | no ¬p = store-contains-weaken {s} {l′} {l} {n} (all-locs l′∈Γ)
-- An obvious-but-not-obvious lemma that is needed in various proofs:
-- You cannot reduce a value (proven by inspecting the definition of ⟶)
value-cannot-reduce : {e : L1} {s : Store} → isValue e
→ ¬ (Σ[ e′ ∈ L1 ] Σ[ s′ ∈ Store ] ⟨ e , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩)
value-cannot-reduce {e} v-is-value x with isValue? e
value-cannot-reduce {Int x} v-is-value () | yes _
value-cannot-reduce {Boolean x} v-is-value () | yes _
value-cannot-reduce {Skip} v-is-value () | yes _
value-cannot-reduce {e} e-is-value _ | no ¬e-is-value = ¬e-is-value e-is-value
-- ==== PROOFS ====
determinacy : {e e₁ e₂ : L1} {s s₁ s₂ : Store}
→ ⟨ e , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e₁ , s₁ ⟩ → ⟨ e , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e₂ , s₂ ⟩
→ (e₁ ≡ e₂) × (s₁ ≡ s₂)
determinacy {App op e e₁} (op1 r) (op1 r′) with determinacy r r′
... | (p , q) = cong (λ x → App op x e₁) p , q
determinacy {App op v e₁} (op2 v-is-value r) (op2 v-is-value′ r′) with determinacy r r′
... | (p , q) = cong (λ x → App op v x) p , q
determinacy {App op v e₁} (op2 v-is-value r) (op1 r′) = absurd (value-cannot-reduce v-is-value (codomain-expr r′ , codomain-store r′ , r′))
determinacy {App op v e₁} (op1 r) (op2 v-is-value r′) = absurd (value-cannot-reduce v-is-value (codomain-expr r , codomain-store r , r))
determinacy {App Add (Int n) (Int m)} op+ op+ = refl , refl
determinacy {App GTEQ (Int n) (Int m)} op≥ op≥ = refl , refl
determinacy {If (Boolean true) Then e₁ Else e₂} if1 if1 = refl , refl
determinacy {If (Boolean false) Then e₁ Else e₂} if2 if2 = refl , refl
determinacy {If e Then e₁ Else e₂} (if3 r) (if3 r′) with determinacy r r′
... | (p , q) = cong (λ x → If x Then e₁ Else e₂) p , q
determinacy {Seq Skip e₁} seq1 seq1 = refl , refl
determinacy {Seq e e₁} (seq2 r) (seq2 r′) with determinacy r r′
... | (p , q) = cong (λ x → Seq x e₁) p , q
determinacy {Assign l (Int n)} (assign1 _) (assign1 _) = refl , refl
determinacy {Assign l e} (assign2 r) (assign2 r′) with determinacy r r′
... | (p , q) = cong (λ x → Assign l x) p , q
determinacy {Deref l} (deref _) (deref _) = refl , refl
determinacy {While e₁ Do e₂} while while = refl , refl
progress : {e : L1} {s : Store} {Γ : Context} {T : Type}
→ Γ ⊢ e ꞉ T → all-locations Γ s
→ isValue e ⊎ (Σ[ e′ ∈ L1 ] Σ[ s′ ∈ Store ] ⟨ e , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩)
progress {Int n} _ _ = inj₁ tt
progress {Boolean b} _ _ = inj₁ tt
progress {Skip} t _ = inj₁ tt
progress {App Add e e₁} {s} (op+ t t₁) all-locs with progress {e} {s} t all-locs | progress {e₁} {s} t₁ all-locs
progress {App Add (Int n) (Int m)} {s} (op+ t t₁) all-locs | inj₁ n-is-value | inj₁ m-is-value = inj₂ (Int (n + m) , s , op+)
progress {App Add v e₁} {s} (op+ t t₁) all-locs | inj₁ n-is-value | inj₂ (e′ , s′ , r) = inj₂ (App Add v e′ , s′ , op2 n-is-value r)
progress {App Add e v} {s} (op+ t t₁) all-locs | inj₂ (e′ , s′ , r) | _ = inj₂ (App Add e′ v , s′ , op1 r)
progress {App GTEQ e e₁} {s} (op≥ t t₁) all-locs with progress {e} {s} t all-locs | progress {e₁} {s} t₁ all-locs
progress {App GTEQ (Int n) (Int m)} {s} (op≥ t t₁) all-locs | inj₁ n-is-value | inj₁ m-is-value = inj₂ (Boolean ⌊ n ≥? m ⌋ , s , op≥)
progress {App GTEQ v e₁} {s} (op≥ t t₁) all-locs | inj₁ n-is-value | inj₂ (e′ , s′ , r) = inj₂ (App GTEQ v e′ , s′ , op2 n-is-value r)
progress {App GTEQ e v} {s} (op≥ t t₁) all-locs | inj₂ (e′ , s′ , r) | _ = inj₂ (App GTEQ e′ v , s′ , op1 r)
progress {If e Then e₁ Else e₂} {s} (if t t₁ t₂) all-locs with progress {e} {s} t all-locs
progress {If (Boolean true) Then e₁ Else e₂} {s} (if t t₁ t₂) all-locs | inj₁ b-is-value = inj₂ (e₁ , s , if1)
progress {If (Boolean false) Then e₁ Else e₂} {s} (if t t₁ t₂) all-locs | inj₁ b-is-value = inj₂ (e₂ , s , if2)
progress {If e Then e₁ Else e₂} {s} (if t t₁ t₂) all-locs | inj₂ (e′ , s′ , r) = inj₂ (If e′ Then e₁ Else e₂ , s′ , if3 r)
progress {Seq e e₁} {s} (seq t t₁) all-locs with progress {e} {s} t all-locs
progress {Seq Skip e₁} {s} (seq t t₁) all-locs | inj₁ skip-is-value = inj₂ (e₁ , s , seq1)
progress {Seq e e₁} {s} (seq t t₁) all-locs | inj₂ (e′ , s′ , r) = inj₂ (Seq e′ e₁ , s′ , seq2 r)
progress {Assign l e} {s} (assign l-in-Γ t) all-locs with progress {e} {s} t all-locs
progress {Assign l (Int n)} {s} (assign l-in-Γ t) all-locs | inj₁ n-is-value = inj₂ ((Skip , (l , n) ∷ s , assign1 (all-locs l-in-Γ)))
progress {Assign l e} {s} (assign l-in-Γ t) all-locs | inj₂ (e′ , s′ , r) = inj₂ (Assign l e′ , s′ , assign2 r)
progress {Deref l} {s} (deref l-in-Γ) all-locs = inj₂ ((Int (get l s) , s , deref (all-locs l-in-Γ)))
progress {While e Do e₁} {s} (while t t₁) _ = inj₂ (If e Then (Seq e₁ (While e Do e₁)) Else Skip , s , while)
type-uniqueness : {e : L1} {Γ : Context} {T T′ : Type}
→ Γ ⊢ e ꞉ T → Γ ⊢ e ꞉ T′ → T ≡ T′
type-uniqueness {Int n} int int = refl
type-uniqueness {Boolean n} bool bool = refl
type-uniqueness {App Add e e₁} (op+ _ _) (op+ _ _) = refl
type-uniqueness {App GTEQ e e₁} (op≥ _ _) (op≥ _ _) = refl
type-uniqueness {If e Then e₁ Else e₂} (if _ b _) (if _ b′ _) = type-uniqueness b b′
type-uniqueness {Skip} skip skip = refl
type-uniqueness {Seq e e₁} (seq _ b) (seq _ b′) = type-uniqueness b b′
type-uniqueness {Assign l e} (assign _ _) (assign _ _) = refl
type-uniqueness {Deref l} (deref _) (deref _) = refl
type-uniqueness {While e₁ Do e₂} (while _ _) (while _ _) = refl
type-preservation : {e e′ : L1} {Γ : Context} {T : Type} {s s′ : Store}
→ Γ ⊢ e ꞉ T → all-locations Γ s → (⟨ e , s ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩)
→ (Γ ⊢ e′ ꞉ T) × (all-locations Γ s′)
type-preservation {App Add (Int n) (Int m)} (op+ _ _) all-locs op+ = int , all-locs
type-preservation {App GTEQ (Int n) (Int m)} (op≥ _ _) all-locs op≥ = bool , all-locs
type-preservation {App Add e e₁} (op+ t t₁) all-locs (op1 r) with type-preservation t all-locs r
... | (t′ , all-locs′) = op+ t′ t₁ , all-locs′
type-preservation {App GTEQ e e₁} (op≥ t t₁) all-locs (op1 r) with type-preservation t all-locs r
... | (t′ , all-locs′) = op≥ t′ t₁ , all-locs′
type-preservation {App Add v e₁} (op+ t t₁) all-locs (op2 v-is-value r) with type-preservation t₁ all-locs r
... | (t₁′ , all-locs′) = op+ t t₁′ , all-locs′
type-preservation {App GTEQ v e₁} (op≥ t t₁) all-locs (op2 v-is-value r) with type-preservation t₁ all-locs r
... | (t₁′ , all-locs′) = op≥ t t₁′ , all-locs′
type-preservation {If (Boolean true) Then e₁ Else e₂} (if t t₁ t₂) all-locs if1 = t₁ , all-locs
type-preservation {If (Boolean false) Then e₁ Else e₂} (if t t₁ t₂) all-locs if2 = t₂ , all-locs
type-preservation {If e Then e₁ Else e₂} (if t t₁ t₂) all-locs (if3 r) with type-preservation t all-locs r
... | (t′ , all-locs′) = if t′ t₁ t₂ , all-locs′
type-preservation {Seq Skip e₁} (seq t t₁) all-locs seq1 = t₁ , all-locs
type-preservation {Seq e e₁} (seq t t₁) all-locs (seq2 r) with type-preservation t all-locs r
... | (t′ , all-locs′) = seq t′ t₁ , all-locs′
type-preservation {Assign l (Int n)} (assign {Γ} locs t) all-locs (assign1 {.l} {n} {s} _) = skip , all-locations-weaken {Γ} {s} {n} l all-locs
type-preservation {Assign l e} (assign locs t) all-locs (assign2 r) with type-preservation t all-locs r
... | (t′ , all-locs′) = assign locs t′ , all-locs′
type-preservation {Deref l} (deref Γ-locs) all-locs (deref s-locs) = int , all-locs
type-preservation {While e Do e₁} (while t t₁) all-locs while = if t (seq t₁ (while t t₁)) skip , all-locs
-- Explicit typing rule inversions (used for type inference proof)
op+-inv₁ : {e e₁ : L1} {Γ : Context} {T : Type} → Γ ⊢ App Add e e₁ ꞉ T → Γ ⊢ e ꞉ int
op+-inv₁ (op+ t _) = t
op+-inv₂ : {e e₁ : L1} {Γ : Context} {T : Type} → Γ ⊢ App Add e e₁ ꞉ T → Γ ⊢ e₁ ꞉ int
op+-inv₂ (op+ _ t) = t
op≥-inv₁ : {e e₁ : L1} {Γ : Context} {T : Type} → Γ ⊢ App GTEQ e e₁ ꞉ T → Γ ⊢ e ꞉ int
op≥-inv₁ (op≥ t _) = t
op≥-inv₂ : {e e₁ : L1} {Γ : Context} {T : Type} → Γ ⊢ App GTEQ e e₁ ꞉ T → Γ ⊢ e₁ ꞉ int
op≥-inv₂ (op≥ _ t) = t
if-inv₁ : {e e₁ e₂ : L1} {Γ : Context} {T : Type} → Γ ⊢ If e Then e₁ Else e₂ ꞉ T → Γ ⊢ e ꞉ bool
if-inv₁ (if t _ _) = t
if-inv₂ : {e e₁ e₂ : L1} {Γ : Context} {T : Type} → Γ ⊢ If e Then e₁ Else e₂ ꞉ T → Γ ⊢ e₁ ꞉ T
if-inv₂ (if _ t _) = t
if-inv₃ : {e e₁ e₂ : L1} {Γ : Context} {T : Type} → Γ ⊢ If e Then e₁ Else e₂ ꞉ T → Γ ⊢ e₂ ꞉ T
if-inv₃ (if _ _ t) = t
seq-inv₁ : {e e₁ : L1} {Γ : Context} {T : Type} → Γ ⊢ Seq e e₁ ꞉ T → Γ ⊢ e ꞉ unit
seq-inv₁ (seq t _) = t
seq-inv₂ : {e e₁ : L1} {Γ : Context} {T : Type} → Γ ⊢ Seq e e₁ ꞉ T → Γ ⊢ e₁ ꞉ T
seq-inv₂ (seq _ t) = t
assign-inv₁ : {e : L1} {Γ : Context} {l : Loc} {T : Type} → Γ ⊢ Assign l e ꞉ T → Γ-contains l Γ
assign-inv₁ (assign l∈Γ _) = l∈Γ
assign-inv₂ : {e : L1} {Γ : Context} {l : Loc} {T : Type} → Γ ⊢ Assign l e ꞉ T → Γ ⊢ e ꞉ int
assign-inv₂ (assign _ t) = t
deref-inv : {Γ : Context} {l : Loc} {T : Type} → Γ ⊢ Deref l ꞉ T → Γ-contains l Γ
deref-inv (deref l∈Γ) = l∈Γ
while-inv₁ : {e e₁ : L1} {Γ : Context} {T : Type} → Γ ⊢ While e Do e₁ ꞉ T → Γ ⊢ e ꞉ bool
while-inv₁ (while t _) = t
while-inv₂ : {e e₁ : L1} {Γ : Context} {T : Type} → Γ ⊢ While e Do e₁ ꞉ T → Γ ⊢ e₁ ꞉ unit
while-inv₂ (while _ t) = t
-- Decidability of type inference - the below provides a type inference algorithm and
-- simultaneously proves it correct by returning a derivation tree alongside the inferred type,
-- or shows that a derivation tree cannot exist for any T
is-typeable? : (Γ : Context) (e : L1) → Dec (Σ[ T ∈ Type ] Γ ⊢ e ꞉ T)
is-typeable? Γ (Int n) = yes (int , int)
is-typeable? Γ (Boolean b) = yes (bool , bool)
is-typeable? Γ (App Add e e₁) with is-typeable? Γ e | is-typeable? Γ e₁
is-typeable? Γ (App Add e e₁) | yes (T , t) | yes (T′ , t′) with T ≟ᵗ int | T′ ≟ᵗ int
is-typeable? Γ (App Add e e₁) | yes (T , t) | yes (T′ , t′) | yes refl | yes refl = yes (int , op+ t t′)
is-typeable? Γ (App Add e e₁) | yes (T , t) | _ | no ¬e-int | _ = no (λ (T , r) → ¬e-int (type-uniqueness t (op+-inv₁ r)))
is-typeable? Γ (App Add e e₁) | _ | yes (T′ , t′) | _ | no ¬e₁-int = no (λ (T , r) → ¬e₁-int (type-uniqueness t′ (op+-inv₂ r)))
is-typeable? Γ (App Add e e₁) | no ¬e-typeable | _ = no (λ (_ , t) → ¬e-typeable (int , op+-inv₁ t))
is-typeable? Γ (App Add e e₁) | _ | no ¬e₁-typeable = no (λ (_ , t) → ¬e₁-typeable (int , op+-inv₂ t))
is-typeable? Γ (App GTEQ e e₁) with is-typeable? Γ e | is-typeable? Γ e₁
is-typeable? Γ (App GTEQ e e₁) | yes (T , t) | yes (T′ , t′) with T ≟ᵗ int | T′ ≟ᵗ int
is-typeable? Γ (App GTEQ e e₁) | yes (T , t) | yes (T′ , t′) | yes refl | yes refl = yes (bool , op≥ t t′)
is-typeable? Γ (App GTEQ e e₁) | yes (T , t) | _ | no ¬e-int | _ = no (λ (T , r) → ¬e-int (type-uniqueness t (op≥-inv₁ r)))
is-typeable? Γ (App GTEQ e e₁) | _ | yes (T′ , t′) | _ | no ¬e₁-int = no (λ (T , r) → ¬e₁-int (type-uniqueness t′ (op≥-inv₂ r)))
is-typeable? Γ (App GTEQ e e₁) | no ¬e-typeable | _ = no (λ (_ , t) → ¬e-typeable (int , op≥-inv₁ t))
is-typeable? Γ (App GTEQ e e₁) | _ | no ¬e₁-typeable = no (λ (_ , t) → ¬e₁-typeable (int , op≥-inv₂ t))
is-typeable? Γ (If e Then e₁ Else e₂) with is-typeable? Γ e | is-typeable? Γ e₁ | is-typeable? Γ e₂
is-typeable? Γ (If e Then e₁ Else e₂) | yes (T , t) | yes (T₁ , t₁) | yes (T₂ , t₂) with T ≟ᵗ bool | T₁ ≟ᵗ T₂
is-typeable? Γ (If e Then e₁ Else e₂) | yes (T , t) | yes (T₁ , t₁) | yes (T₂ , t₂) | yes refl | yes refl = yes (T₁ , if t t₁ t₂)
is-typeable? Γ (If e Then e₁ Else e₂) | yes (T , t) | yes (T₁ , t₁) | yes (T₂ , t₂) | no ¬e-bool | _ = no (λ (T , r) → ¬e-bool (type-uniqueness t (if-inv₁ r)))
is-typeable? Γ (If e Then e₁ Else e₂) | yes (T , t) | yes (T₁ , t₁) | yes (T₂ , t₂) | _ | no ¬T₁≡T₂ = no (λ (T , r) → ¬T₁≡T₂ (trans (type-uniqueness t₁ (if-inv₂ r)) (sym (type-uniqueness t₂ (if-inv₃ r)))))
is-typeable? Γ (If e Then e₁ Else e₂) | no ¬e-typeable | _ | _ = no (λ (_ , t) → ¬e-typeable (bool , if-inv₁ t))
is-typeable? Γ (If e Then e₁ Else e₂) | _ | no ¬e₁-typeable | _ = no (λ (T , t) → ¬e₁-typeable (T , if-inv₂ t))
is-typeable? Γ (If e Then e₁ Else e₂) | _ | _ | no ¬e₂-typeable = no (λ (T , t) → ¬e₂-typeable (T , if-inv₃ t))
is-typeable? Γ Skip = yes (unit , skip)
is-typeable? Γ (Seq e e₁) with is-typeable? Γ e | is-typeable? Γ e₁
is-typeable? Γ (Seq e e₁) | yes (T , t) | yes (T′ , t′) with T ≟ᵗ unit
is-typeable? Γ (Seq e e₁) | yes (T , t) | yes (T′ , t′) | yes refl = yes (T′ , seq t t′)
is-typeable? Γ (Seq e e₁) | yes (T , t) | _ | no ¬e-unit = no (λ (T , r) → ¬e-unit (type-uniqueness t (seq-inv₁ r)))
is-typeable? Γ (Seq e e₁) | no ¬e-typeable | _ = no (λ (_ , t) → ¬e-typeable (unit , seq-inv₁ t))
is-typeable? Γ (Seq e e₁) | _ | no ¬e₁-typeable = no (λ (T , t) → ¬e₁-typeable (T , seq-inv₂ t))
is-typeable? Γ (Assign l e) with is-typeable? Γ e
is-typeable? Γ (Assign l e) | yes (T , t) with T ≟ᵗ int | Γ-contains? l Γ
is-typeable? Γ (Assign l e) | yes (T , t) | yes refl | yes l∈Γ = yes (unit , assign l∈Γ t)
is-typeable? Γ (Assign l e) | yes (T , t) | no ¬e-unit | _ = no (λ (T , r) → ¬e-unit (type-uniqueness t (assign-inv₂ r)))
is-typeable? Γ (Assign l e) | yes (T , t) | _ | no ¬l∈Γ = no (λ (T , r) → ¬l∈Γ (assign-inv₁ r))
is-typeable? Γ (Assign l e) | no ¬e-typeable = no (λ (_ , t) → ¬e-typeable (int , assign-inv₂ t))
is-typeable? Γ (Deref l) with Γ-contains? l Γ
is-typeable? Γ (Deref l) | yes l∈Γ = yes (int , deref l∈Γ)
is-typeable? Γ (Deref l) | no ¬l∈Γ = no (λ (_ , t) → ¬l∈Γ (deref-inv t))
is-typeable? Γ (While e Do e₁) with is-typeable? Γ e | is-typeable? Γ e₁
is-typeable? Γ (While e Do e₁) | yes (T , t) | yes (T′ , t′) with T ≟ᵗ bool | T′ ≟ᵗ unit
is-typeable? Γ (While e Do e₁) | yes (T , t) | yes (T′ , t′) | yes refl | yes refl = yes (unit , while t t′)
is-typeable? Γ (While e Do e₁) | yes (T , t) | yes (T′ , t′) | no ¬e-bool | _ = no (λ (T , r) → ¬e-bool (type-uniqueness t (while-inv₁ r)))
is-typeable? Γ (While e Do e₁) | yes (T , t) | yes (T′ , t′) | _ | no ¬e-unit = no (λ (T , r) → ¬e-unit (type-uniqueness t′ (while-inv₂ r)))
is-typeable? Γ (While e Do e₁) | no ¬e-typeable | _ = no (λ (_ , t) → ¬e-typeable (bool , while-inv₁ t))
is-typeable? Γ (While e Do e₁) | _ | no ¬e₁-typeable = no (λ (_ , t) → ¬e₁-typeable (unit , while-inv₂ t))
-- Decidability of type checking - provides an algorithm for type checking, that returns
-- a derivation tree if the program type checks, or a proof that the derivation tree cannot
-- exist otherwise
type-checks? : (Γ : Context) (e : L1) (T : Type) → Dec (Γ ⊢ e ꞉ T)
type-checks? Γ e T with is-typeable? Γ e
type-checks? Γ e T | yes (T′ , t) with T ≟ᵗ T′
type-checks? Γ e T | yes (T′ , t) | yes refl = yes t
type-checks? Γ e T | yes (T′ , t) | no ¬T≡T′ = no (λ t′ → ¬T≡T′ (type-uniqueness t′ t))
type-checks? Γ e T | no ¬e-typeable = no (λ t → ¬e-typeable (T , t))
-- ==== ⟶* PROOFS ====
-- n-step reduction relation, used to define the reflexive-transitive closure of ⟶
data _[_]⟶_ : Config → ℕ → Config → Set where
refl⟶* : {e : L1} {s : Store} → ⟨ e , s ⟩ [ 0 ]⟶ ⟨ e , s ⟩
trans⟶* : {e e′ e″ : L1} {s s′ s″ : Store} {n : ℕ}
→ ⟨ e , s ⟩ [ n ]⟶ ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩
→ ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e″ , s″ ⟩
→ ⟨ e , s ⟩ [ suc n ]⟶ ⟨ e″ , s″ ⟩
-- The reflexive-transitive closure of ⟶
_⟶*_ : Config → Config → Set
c ⟶* c′ = Σ[ k ∈ ℕ ] c [ k ]⟶ c′
-- Proof of type safety via mathematical induction
-- First a lemma - essentially the reflexive-transitive closure of the type-preservation property
type-preservation* : {e e′ : L1} {Γ : Context} {T : Type} {s s′ : Store}
→ Γ ⊢ e ꞉ T → all-locations Γ s → (⟨ e , s ⟩ ⟶* ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩)
→ (Γ ⊢ e′ ꞉ T) × (all-locations Γ s′)
type-preservation* t all-locs (0 , refl⟶*) = t , all-locs
type-preservation* t all-locs (suc n , trans⟶* rs r) with type-preservation* t all-locs (n , rs)
... | t′ , all-locs′ = type-preservation t′ all-locs′ r
-- Then we show type safety holds after n ⟶-steps...
n-step-type-safety : {e e′ : L1} {s s′ : Store} {Γ : Context} {T : Type}
→ (n : ℕ)
→ (Γ ⊢ e ꞉ T) → all-locations Γ s → (⟨ e , s ⟩ [ n ]⟶ ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩)
→ (isValue e′) ⊎ (Σ[ e″ ∈ L1 ] Σ[ s″ ∈ Store ] ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e″ , s″ ⟩)
n-step-type-safety zero t all-locs refl⟶* = progress t all-locs
n-step-type-safety {e} {e′} {s} {s′} (suc n) t all-locs (trans⟶* rs r) with n-step-type-safety n t all-locs rs | type-preservation* t all-locs (n , rs)
... | inj₁ middle-e-is-value | _ = absurd (value-cannot-reduce middle-e-is-value (e′ , s′ , r))
... | _ | t′ , all-locs′ = let (t″ , all-locs″) = type-preservation t′ all-locs′ r in progress t″ all-locs″
-- ... which, since n is arbitrary, gives us type safety as a corollary.
type-safety : {e e′ : L1} {s s′ : Store} {Γ : Context} {T : Type}
→ (Γ ⊢ e ꞉ T) → all-locations Γ s → (⟨ e , s ⟩ ⟶* ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩)
→ (isValue e′) ⊎ (Σ[ e″ ∈ L1 ] Σ[ s″ ∈ Store ] ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩ ⟶ ⟨ e″ , s″ ⟩)
type-safety t all-locs (n , r) = n-step-type-safety n t all-locs r
-- Bonus lemma: if you have a reduction path ⟨ e , s ⟩ ⟶* ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩ where e is a value, then
-- the path is necessarily refl⟶* (i.e. it is 0 ⟶-steps long)
-- To prove this, we need a lemma that is completely obvious on paper, but is often required
-- when dealing with equality in Agda:
transport : {A : Set}{a b : A} → (P : A → Set) → (p : a ≡ b) → P a → P b
transport P refl x = x
value-reduction-is-refl⟶* : {e e′ : L1} {s s′ : Store} → isValue e
→ (⟨ e , s ⟩ ⟶* ⟨ e′ , s′ ⟩) → (e ≡ e′) × (s ≡ s′)
value-reduction-is-refl⟶* v-is-value (0 , refl⟶*) = refl , refl
value-reduction-is-refl⟶* e-is-value ((suc 0) , trans⟶* {e} {_} {e′} {s} {_} {s′} refl⟶* r) = absurd (value-cannot-reduce e-is-value (e′ , (s′ , r)))
value-reduction-is-refl⟶* e-is-value ((suc (suc n)) , trans⟶* {e} {e′} {e″} {s} {s′} {s″} t r) with value-reduction-is-refl⟶* e-is-value (suc n , t)
... | (p , _)= absurd (value-cannot-reduce (transport isValue p e-is-value) (e″ , s″ , r))
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