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Created September 25, 2009 20:14
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* Recursive xml transformation util. Provides a simplistic tool for
* registering transforms as functions, which will be called recursively
* on each node of the tree.
import scala.xml._
trait XmlRenderer {
val handlers: Map[(Node) => Boolean, (Node) => Node]
def render(seq: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = =>
n match {
case e: Elem => processNode(e) match {
case Some(handled) => handled
case None => Elem(e.prefix, e.label, e.attributes, e.scope, render(e.child):_*)
case _ => n
def processNode(n: Node): Option[Node] =
handlers.filterKeys(_(n)).values.find((v_) => true).map(_(n))
object Loader extends XmlRenderer {
val handlers = Map(
((n: Node) => n.label == "span") -> ((n: Node) =>
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