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_Separate DOM Manipulation methods from Functional methods

_Separate DOM Manipulation methods from Functional methods

This is an example of how you might separate method with side-effects from pure functions. This make the not only the pure function testable but the methods with side-effect are more general purpose and become more of a utility method that is easier to test

A Pen by Chris Marks on CodePen.


<p id="js-text-area">Add Text Here</p>
<button id="js-add-text">Click Me!</button>
<button id="js-reset-text">Reset</button>
/* DOM manipulation methods */
* Set the html/text of a DOM element by paassing an id and string to the method
* id - string - The id of the dome element
* html - string - The text and or html string to add the DOM
function setDomText(id, html){
try {
let el = document.getElementById(id);
el.innerHTML = html;
} catch(err){
throw err;
* Add a click listener to a DOM element by ID string
* id - string - The id of the dome element
* func - function - A function to attach to the DOM element
function setOnClick(id, func){
try {
let el = document.getElementById(id);
el.addEventListener("click", func, false);
} catch(err){
throw err;
Functional code that can be separated and unit tested. The methods above can stubbed
or mocked in the unit test for the code below.
* Reset the the DOM element to the previous text
function resetTextArea(){
setDomText("js-text-area","Add Text Here");
* Add new test to the DOM element
function addTextToDomHandler(){
setDomText("js-text-area", "<span style='color: darkred;'>Test adding text and html to the dom!</span>");
/* These are the method that you might add to a main.js file or the stript tag */
* Add click listener to the add text button
setOnClick("js-add-text", addTextToDomHandler);
* Add click listener to the reset button
setOnClick("js-reset-text", resetTextArea);
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