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Created March 9, 2015 04:30
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cylon / skynet iteration question...
// my.skynet.on('message', function(data) {
// interate on array of pins
// data = [{"pin":9, "mode":1, "value":1}, {"pin":13, "mode":1, "value":1}]
// where do I listen to skynet messages and where do i set the pins and as interating on this array
// });
var Cylon = require('cylon');
connections: {
arduino: { adaptor: 'firmata', port: '/dev/tty.usbmodem1411' },
skynet: { adaptor: 'skynet', uuid: "db895340-c344-11e4-9f09-df7578d68eac", token: "d0a9f0d7e321657a38d25dd492492ffed0baf773" }
// interate through array of pins
devices: {
pin: { driver: 'direct-pin', pin: ? }
work: function(my) {
// Modes: 0=input, 1=output, 2=analog, 3=pwm, 4=servo
if mode == 0 {;
} else if mode == 1 {;
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