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Last active July 5, 2021 08:11
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Ender 3 v2 Setup
; Purpose:
; Jyers 1.3.4 has a bug (which I think comes from Marlin), where
; you have to reset the EPROM before it will correctly create a mesh.
; This collection of GCODEs sets up my printer with the correct
; settings, does a PID Autotune and then creates a UBL mesh.
; I've also left in the G26 command, which creates a test print.
; Clear the EPROM
M502 ; Load defaults
M500 ; Save
M501 ; Load saved defaults from EPROM
; Setup the basics
M92 E97.24 ; Set the esteps
M851 Z-2.64 ; Set the z-offset
M500 ; Save
; PID Autotunes
M303 E0 C5 S190 U ; Hotend
M303 E-1 C5 S60 U ; Bed
M190 S60 ; Wait for bed temp to stabilize
; M109 S170 ; Wait for nozzle temp to stabilize
G29 P1 ; Start probing the bed
G29 P3 ; Calculate in missed probing areas
G29 S0 ; Save the slot
G29 F 10.0 ; Set the fade height
G29 A ; Enable UBL
M500 ; Save
; Test print
; G28
; G26 P10 B60 H190 R
; Cooldown
M104 S0 ; Turn off nozzle
M140 S0 ; Turn off bed
G28 ; Home
M84 ; Disable motors
M107 ; Turn off fan
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