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This custom code snippet can be used to associate a contact to a company based on the company name property that is stored at a contact level. It's particularly useful if your customers are using a freemail address and aren't supplying a company website - just the name of their company. If no company is found a new record will be created in the …
// Import the Hubspot NodeJS Client Library - this will allow us to use the HubSpot APIs
const hubspot = require('@hubspot/api-client');
This function is called when the custom code action is executed. It takes 2 arguements. The first is the event object which contains information on the currently enrolled object.
The second is the callback function which is used to pass data back to the workflow.
exports.main = (event, callback) => {
// Instantiate a new HubSpot API client using the HAPI key (secret)
const hubspotClient = new hubspot.Client({
apiKey: process.env.HAPIKEY
// Retrive the currently enrolled contacts "company" property
hubspotClient.crm.contacts.basicApi.getById(event.object.objectId, ["partner"])
.then(results => {
const associationType = "partner";
// Get data from the results and store in variables
let companyName =;
//console.log("SEARCH TERM: " + companyName); // - FOR DEBUG
// Create search criteria
const filter = { propertyName: 'name', operator: 'EQ', value: companyName }
const filterGroup = { filters: [filter] }
const sort = JSON.stringify({ propertyName: 'name', direction: 'DESCENDING'})
const properties = ['name']
const limit = 1
const after = 0
const searchCriteria = {
filterGroups: [filterGroup],
sorts: [sort],
// Search the CRM for Companies matching "companyName" variable defined earlier
hubspotClient.crm.companies.searchApi.doSearch(searchCriteria).then(searchCompanyResponse => {
//console.log("RESULTS: " +; // - FOR DEBUG
// If total equals 0 no results found
// console.log("COMPANY " + companyName + "NOT FOUND: CREATE + ASSOCIATE") // - FOR DEBUG
//Create a Company object
const companyObj = {
properties: {
name: companyName,
//Create the Company using Company object above
hubspotClient.crm.companies.basicApi.create(companyObj).then(companyCreateResponse =>{
//Associate Company with Contact using the ID returned from the previous request
hubspotClient.crm.companies.associationsApi.create(,'contacts', event.object.objectId, associationType);
// console.log("COMPANY " + companyName + " FOUND: ASSOCIATE RECORDS"); // - FOR DEBUG
//Associate Company with Contact
hubspotClient.crm.companies.associationsApi.create(searchCompanyResponse.body.results[0].id,'contacts', event.object.objectId,'partner');
callback({outputFields: {}});
.catch(err => {
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cragwin commented Dec 29, 2022

Hi @chrisoklepke , i'm trying to associate contacts to companies based on 2 custom properties but not sure if it will work/how to adjust the code you've supplied. I've had a go but when enrolling some test contacts the company with a matching property value is not being associated to the contact.
my contact property is: customer_accpac
my company property is: accpac

Do you know if it might be possible and how I may need to adjust the code? thanks in advance!

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