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Last active August 19, 2022 16:39
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ft = fetch
pl = pull
fp = push -f
pd = push --delete
co = checkout
ct = commit
cm = commit -m
ca = commit --amend
# Logging
ls = log
lg = log --graph --oneline
# Staging
ss = status -s
si = add -i
sa = add
# Diff
ds = diff --staged
du = diff
# Resets
rs = reset --soft
rh = reset --hard
# Branches
bs = branch
ba = branch
bd = branch -D
bc = "!git ba $1; git co"
# Tags
ta = tag
ts = tag
td = tag -d
# Stashing
hl = stash list
hs = stash show
hd = stash show -p
hm = stash save
# Merging
mt = mergetool --tool kdiff3
mg = merge
ma = merge --abort
# Rebasing
ra = rebase --abort
rc = rebase --continue
rs = rebase --skip
ri = rebase -i
pr = pull --rebase=interactive origin
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