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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Jekyll Resume


An agile business intelligence analyst by day, an entrepreneurial developer/engineer by night.

Business Intelligence Analyst

Reliant Energy (2010 - Present)

  • Co-led high impact organizational change project aimed to recover over $3,000,000 annually through process improvements.

    • Designed an object-oriented API pricing engine to gather ERCOT industry pricing logic.
    • Implemented design with technical and IT teams into company systems, consolidating duplicated workflows in existing and future business processes.
  • Core evangelist on modernizing interactive web-based business reports and processes:

    • Developed and deployed five R shiny interactive web applications interfacing Oracle databases that are used by over five business teams.
    • Reduced dependency on inefficient data reporting through traditional weekly Excel-based processes.
    • Examples of open-source R Shiny projects can be found in the Projects section.
  • Reverse-engineered the company's supply cost transaction Oracle system.

    • Re-purposed the ETL process through careful redesign of over 20 tables.
    • Cost queries are now executable on-demand, as opposed to a weekly update frequency, generating over 40 hours of time savings weekly across five business teams.
  • Created the calculation foundations for business pricing and supply costs, fulfilling pricing for over 1 million residential customers every year.

  • Focused on building "company-agnostic" reports and processes based on researched industry knowledge, ensuring that the company can support the efforts of multi-brand teams and future acquisitions, and have a strong long-term foundation of business processes and reports to work with.

  • Jack-of-all-"data"-trades employing relevant tools and technologies (R, Python, VBA, Oracle) to engineer creative solutions for many other process-improvement and business insight requests.

Lead UI + Visualization + Frontend Developer

GRADE (2014 - Present)

GRADE is a startup company providing data-driven software solutions for global education foreign equivalencies in the US. The application is still being developed but please email for a preview if you are interested.

  • Co-developed business directions and decisions within a small agile team.

  • Designed and built the frontend application using AngularJS, with strong focus on MVC abstractions.

  • GRADE is built on a REST API with a RoR backend.

  • Designed the UI, styles and unique interactive web visualizations on education data (in D3.js).


Learning, building, and sharing on the open-source:

R Shiny Visualizations

Collection of R Shiny visualizations on AWS EC2 showcasing the lifecycle of data scraping, munging, transformation and interactive visualization. Detailed guide and analysis writeup is provided in the Github project links.

Web Applications

Collection of webapps and visualizations built mostly with D3.js and AngularJS, with a focus on code organization and visualization of generic datasets.

This is my data homepage/blog where I organize all my projects, ideas, thoughts and opinions on my passionate journey through data science and visualizations. The site is statically generated with Jekyll.


These are solutions written for math/algorithmic problems found on The solutions are organized in a functional and executable IPython package. My goal is to solve all the problems when I have free time, but the problems seem to be getting a lot harder! Project solutions are made available on Github.


Indispensable Swiss-army knife for data processing and visualizations


  • R, Python, JavaScript, Bash


  • Tableau, D3.js, ggplot2, ggvis
  • SQL, ETL, dplyr, reshape, pandas
  • scraping, munging and mining


  • AngularJS, shiny, some Django


  • MVC, REST, APIs, git
  • Object-oriented programming, some functional programming
  • AWS (EC2, S3, Route 53, VPC), some Google Analytics


  • Excel, Access, VBA, Oracle, Cognos
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