Stanford Class: Crypto I
- Central Theorem: Anything that can be done with a trusted authority can also be done without.
- Instead of passing inputs
, ...,xn
to someAuthority
object, which then outputs the resultf(x1, x2, ..., xn)
, the inputs themselves can talk to each other and output the same resultf(x1, x2, ..., xn)
- Instead of passing inputs
- Crypto Magic
- Privately outsourcing computation: e.g. Google can compute encrypted results
of an encrypted queryE[query]
without every knowing the contents ofquery
itself. - Zero knowledge (proof of knowledge): It is provable that you can give the solution of any puzzle to another person without giving the details of the solution itself. WTF???
- Privately outsourcing computation: e.g. Google can compute encrypted results
- Cryptography is a rigorous science with 3 key steps:
- Precisely specify threat model (what attacker would do)
- Propose a construction
- Prove that breaking construction under threat model will solve an underlying hard problem
- Notation:
- Encrpytion:
c := E(k, m)
- Decrpytion:
D(k, c)
- cipher:
- message:
- secret key:
- Encrpytion:
- Caesar cipher is not a real cipher because it does not involve
(since the encryption algorithm is independent onk
and only depends onm
i.e. it shifts the letters inm
) - Substitution cipher is easily broken despite random character mapping in
. Using frequency of letters, digrams and trigrams, we can easily brute-forcek
, to the point where substitution cipher can be broken by a 'cipher-text only attack' i.e. the key is basically useless - Vigener Cipher
- Rotal Motors (e.g. Enigma)
- DES: outdated because
bits is easily brute-forced
- A cipher defined over
(K, M, C)
is a pair of 'efficient' algorithmE
whereE(K x M) = C
andD(K x C) = M
. - It needs to satisfy the consistency rule i.e.
D(k, E(k, m)) = m
for allk
. E
is often randomized (i.e. it can generate random bits as part of its encryption) whileD
is always deterministic.
- A cipher text should reveal no information about the plain text
- More formally, a cipher
(E, D)
over(K, M, C)
has perfect secrecy if for anym0, m1, in M
,Pr(E(k, m0)) = c
,Pr(E(k, m1)) = c
, ...Pr(E(k, mn)) =
for all uniformly sampledk in K
. This means that given any cipher textc
, we will be unable to find out whichm
is, since they have uniformly equal probabilities. - The one-time-pad has perfect secrecy but is impractical because key length is long. In fact, the OTP is the most efficient perfect secrecy cipher because it has
len(K) = len(M)
. Note that we require thatlen(K) >= len(M)
for a cipher has perfect secrecy.
- Never use stream cipher key more than once.
- Given:
C1 <- m1 XOR PRG(k)
C2 <- m2 XOR PRG(k)
We can decrypt C1 XOR C2 -> m1 XOR m2
. English (in particular ASCII encoding) has enough redudancy such that given mx XOR m2
we can obtain m1
and m2
, and hence determine PRG(k)
and subsequently decrypt all ciphers.
- Project Venona (1941 - 1946) and MS-PPTP (Windows NT), 802.11b WEP are examples that used two-time pads that had security vulnerabilities.
- Disk encryption is also another common example on how two time pads can be highly insecure. For some given file content
encrypted using aPRG(k)
, if the file content changes tom2
and encrypted with the same keyPRG(k)
, we now have a two-time pad vulnerability. Therefore NEVER encrypt files on a disk using stream ciphers. - TLDR, for stream ciphers, NEVER USE THE
more than once.
- For any given cipher
c <- m XOR k
, an attacker can apply another cipher e.g.c' <- m XOR k XOR p
. When decrypting withk
, we will get a new messagem XOR p
. This causes the receiver to receive an incorrect message and there are no guarantees in the process to stop that. The attacker may not know whatm
is, but he with a bit of information, he can change the content of the message to something new e.g. encrypting something that he knows that isFrom: Bob
toFrom: Eve
, so that the receiver believes that the message is coming fromFrom: Eve
- LFSR is popular in hardware manufacturers because it is easy to implement stream cipher using LFSR in hardware.
- However, they are not secure, all of these have been broken
- DVD encryption (CSS/Content Scrambling System): 2LFSRs
- GSM encryption: 3LFSRs
- Bluetooth: 4LFSRs
- Cipher text should reveal no information about the plain text (perfect secrecy)
Assignment: Write algorithms that can break the above historical ciphers.