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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
"""Scientific branches."""
from itertools import permutations
from random import choice
branches = {
"Acarology": "study of mites",
"Aceology": "science of remedies, or of therapeutics; iamatology.",
"Acology": "study of medical remedies",
"Acoustics": "science of sound",
"Adenology": "study of glands",
"Aedoeology": "science of generative organs",
"Aerobiology": "study of airborne organisms",
"Aerodonetics": "science or study of gliding",
"Aerodynamics": "dynamics of gases; science of movement in a flow of air or gas",
"Aerolithology": "study of aerolites; meteorites",
"Aerology": "study of the atmosphere",
"Aeronautics": "study of navigation through air or space",
"Aerophilately": "collecting of air-mail stamps",
"Aerostatics": "science of air pressure; art of ballooning",
"Agonistics": "art and theory of prize-fighting",
"Agriology": "comparative study of primitive peoples",
"Agrobiology": "study of plant nutrition; soil yields",
"Agrology": "study of agricultural soils",
"Agronomics": "study of productivity of land",
"Agrostology": "science or study of grasses",
"Alethiology": "study of truth",
"Algedonics": "science of pleasure and pain",
"Algology": "study of algae or the study of pain",
"Anaesthesiology": "study of anaesthetics",
"Anaglyptics": "art of carving in bas-relief",
"Anagraphy": "art of constructing catalogues",
"Anatomy": "study of the structure of the body",
"Andragogy": "theory and practice of education of adults",
"Anemology": "study of wind.",
"Angiology": "study of blood flow and lymphatic system",
"Anthropobiology": "study of human biology",
"Anthropology": "study of human cultures",
"Aphnology": "science of wealth",
"Apiology": "study of bees",
"Arachnology": "study of arachnids",
"Archaeology": "study of human material remains",
"Archelogy": "study of first principles",
"Archology": "science of the origins of government",
"Arctophily": "study of teddy bears",
"Areology": "study of Mars",
"Aretaics": "science of virtue",
"Aristology": "science or art of dining",
"Arthrology": "study of joints",
"Astacology": "science of crayfish",
"Astheniology": "study of diseases of weakening and aging",
"Astrogeology": "study of extraterrestrial geology",
"Astrometeorology": "study of effect of stars on climate",
"Astronomy": "study of celestial bodies",
"Astrophysics": "study of behaviour of interstellar matter",
"Astroseismology": "study of star oscillations",
"Atmology": "the science of aqueous vapor",
"Audiology": "study of hearing",
"Autecology": "study of ecology of one species",
"Autology": "scientific study of oneself",
"Auxology": "science of growth",
"Avionics": "science of electronic devices for aircraft",
"Axiology": "science of the ultimate nature of value",
"Bacteriology": "study of bacteria",
"Balneology": "science of the therapeutic use of baths",
"Barodynamics": "science of the support and mechanics of bridges",
"Barology": "study of gravitation",
"Batology": "the study of brambles",
"Bibliology": "study of books",
"Bibliotics": "study of documents to determine authenticity",
"Bioecology": "study of interaction of life in the environment",
"Biology": "study of life",
"Biochemistry": "study of chemical processes within and relating to living oraganism",
"Biometrics": "study of biological measurement",
"Bionomics": "study of organisms interacting in their environments",
"Botany": "study of plants",
"Bromatology": "study of food",
"Bryology": "study of mosses and liverworts",
"Cacogenics": "study of racial degeneration",
"Caliology": "study of bird's nests",
"Calorifics": "study of heat",
"Cambistry": "science of international exchange",
"Campanology": "art of bell ringing",
"Carcinology": "study of crabs and other crustaceans",
"Cardiology": "study of the heart",
"Caricology": "study of sedges",
"Carpology": "study of fruit",
"Cartography": "science of making maps and globes",
"Cartophily": "hobby of collecting cigarette cards",
"Castrametation": "art of designing a camp",
"Catacoustics": "science of echoes or reflected sounds",
"Catalactics": "science of commercial exchange",
"Catechectics": "art of teaching by question and answer",
"Cetology": "study of whales and dolphins",
"Chalcography": "art of engraving on copper or brass",
"Chalcotriptics": "art of taking rubbings from ornamental brasses",
"Chaology": "study of chaos or chaos theory",
"Characterology": "study of development of character",
"Chemistry": "study of properties of substances",
"Chirocosmetics": "beautifying the hands; art of manicure",
"Chirography": "study of handwriting or penmanship",
"Chirology": "study of the hands",
"Chiropody": "medical science of feet",
"Chorology": "science of the geographic description of anything",
"Chrematistics": "study of wealth; political economy",
"Chronobiology": "study of biological rhythms",
"Chrysology": "study of precious metals",
"Ciselure": "art of chasing metal",
"Climatology": "study of climate",
"Clinology": "study of aging or individual decline after maturity",
"Codicology": "study of manuscripts",
"Coleopterology": "study of beetles and weevils",
"Cometology": "study of comets",
"Conchology": "study of shells",
"Coprology": "study of pornography",
"Cosmetology": "study of cosmetics",
"Cosmology": "study of the universe",
"Craniology": "study of the skull",
"Criminology": "study of crime; criminals",
"Cryobiology": "study of life under cold conditions",
"Cryptology": "study of codes",
"Cryptozoology": "study of animals for whose existence there is no conclusive proof",
"Ctetology": "study of the inheritance of acquired characteristics",
"Cynology": "scientific study of dogs",
"Cytology": "study of living cells",
"Dactyliology": "study of rings",
"Dactylography": "study of fingerprints",
"Dactylology": "study of sign language",
"Deltiology": "collection and study of picture postcards",
"Demography": "study of population",
"Demology": "study of human behaviour",
"Demonology": "study of demons",
"Dendrochronology": "study of tree rings",
"Dendrology": "study of trees",
"Deontology": "theory or study of moral obligation",
"Dermatoglyphics": "study of skin patterns and fingerprints",
"Dermatology": "study of skin",
"Desmology": "study of ligaments",
"Diabology": "study of devils",
"Diagraphics": "art of making diagrams or drawings",
"Dialectology": "study of dialects",
"Dioptrics": "study of light refraction",
"Diplomatics": "science of deciphering ancient writings and texts",
"Diplomatology": "study of diplomats",
"Docimology": "art of assaying",
"Dosiology": "study of doses",
"Dramaturgy": "art of producing and staging dramatic works",
"Dysgenics": "study of racial degeneration",
"Dysteleology": "study of purposeless organs",
"Ecclesiology": "study of church affairs",
"Eccrinology": "study of excretion",
"Ecology": "study of environment",
"Economics": "study of material wealth",
"Edaphology": "study of soils",
"Egyptology": "study of ancient Egypt",
"Ekistics": "study of human settlement",
"Electrochemistry": "study of relations between electricity and chemicals",
"Electrology": "study of electricity",
"Electrostatics": "study of static electricity",
"Embryology": "study of embryos",
"Emetology": "study of vomiting",
"Emmenology": "study of menstruation",
"Endemiology": "study of local diseases",
"Endocrinology": "study of glands",
"Enigmatology": "study of enigmas",
"Entomology": "study of insects",
"Entozoology": "study of parasites that live inside larger organisms",
"Enzymology": "study of enzymes",
"Ephebiatrics": "branch of medicine dealing with adolescence",
"Epidemiology": "study of diseases; epidemics",
"Epileptology": "study of epilepsy",
"Epistemology": "study of grounds of knowledge",
"Eremology": "study of deserts",
"Ergology": "study of effects of work on humans",
"Ergonomics": "study of people at work",
"Escapology": "study of freeing oneself from constraints",
"Eschatology": "study of death; final matters",
"Ethnogeny": "study of origins of races or ethnic groups",
"Ethnology": "study of cultures",
"Ethnomethodology": "study of everyday communication",
"Ethnomusicology": "study of comparative musical systems",
"Ethology": "study of natural or biological character",
"Ethonomics": "study of economic and ethical principles of a society",
"Etiology": "science of causes; especially of disease",
"Etymology": "study of origins of words",
"Euthenics": "science concerned with improving living conditions",
"Exobiology": "study of extraterrestrial life",
"Floristry": "art of cultivating and selling flowers",
"Fluviology": "study of watercourses",
"Folkloristics": "study of folklore and fables",
"Futurology": "study of future",
"Garbology": "study of garbage",
"Gastroenterology": "study of stomach; intestines",
"Gastronomy": "study of fine dining",
"Gemmology": "study of gems and jewels",
"Genealogy": "study of descent of families",
"Genesiology": "study of reproduction and heredity",
"Genethlialogy": "art of casting horoscopes",
"Geochemistry": "study of chemistry of the earth's crust",
"Geochronology": "study of measuring geological time",
"Geogeny": "science of the formation of the earth's crust",
"Geogony": "study of formation of the earth",
"Geography": "study of surface of the earth and its inhabitants",
"Geology": "study of earth's crust",
"Geomorphogeny": "study of the origins of land forms",
"Geoponics": "study of agriculture",
"Geotechnics": "study of increasing habitability of the earth",
"Geratology": "study of decadence and decay",
"Gerocomy": "study of old age",
"Gerontology": "study of the elderly; aging",
"Gigantology": "study of giants",
"Glaciology": "study of ice ages and glaciation",
"Glossology": "study of language; study of the tongue",
"Glyptography": "art of engraving on gems",
"Glyptology": "study of gem engravings",
"Gnomonics": "the art of measuring time using sundials",
"Gnosiology": "study of knowledge; philosophy of knowledge",
"Gnotobiology": "study of life in germ-free conditions",
"Graminology": "study of grasses",
"Grammatology": "study of systems of writing",
"Graphemics": "study of systems of representing speech in writing",
"Graphology": "study of handwriting",
"Gromatics": "science of surveying",
"Gynaecology": "study of women’s physiology",
"Gyrostatics": "study of rotating bodies",
"Haemataulics": "study of movement of blood through blood vessels",
"Hagiology": "study of saints",
"Halieutics": "study of fishing",
"Hamartiology": "study of sin",
"Harmonics": "study of musical acoustics",
"Hedonics": "part of ethics or psychology dealing with pleasure",
"Helcology": "study of ulcers",
"Heliology": "science of the sun",
"Helioseismology": "study of sun's interior by observing its surface oscillations",
"Helminthology": "study of worms",
"Hematology": "study of blood",
"Heortology": "study of religious feasts",
"Hepatology": "study of liver",
"Heraldry": "study of coats of arms",
"Heresiology": "study of heresies",
"Herpetology": "study of reptiles and amphibians",
"Hierology": "science of sacred matters",
"Hippiatrics": "study of diseases of horses",
"Hippology": "study of horses",
"Histology": "study of the tissues of organisms",
"Histopathology": "study of changes in tissue due to disease",
"Historiography": "study of writing history",
"Historiology": "study of history",
"Homiletics": "art of preaching",
"Hoplology": "study of weapons",
"Horography": "art of constructing sundials or clocks",
"Horology": "science of time measurement",
"Horticulture": "study of gardening",
"Hydrobiology": "study of aquatic organisms",
"Hydrodynamics": "study of movement in liquids",
"Hydrogeology": "study of ground water",
"Hydrography": "study of investigating bodies of water",
"Hydrokinetics": "study of motion of fluids",
"Hydrology": "study of water resources",
"Hydrometeorology": "study of atmospheric moisture",
"Hydropathy": "study of treating diseases with water",
"Hyetology": "science of rainfall",
"Hygiastics": "science of health and hygiene",
"Hygienics": "study of sanitation; health",
"Hygiology": "hygienics; study of cleanliness",
"Hygroscopy": "study of humidity",
"Hygrometry": "science of humidity",
"Hymnography": "study of writing hymns",
"Hymnology": "study of hymns",
"Hypnology": "study of sleep; study of hypnosis",
"Hypsography": "science of measuring heights",
"Iamatology": "study of remedies",
"Iatrology": "treatise or text on medical topics; study of medicine",
"Iatromathematics": "archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology",
"Ichnography": "art of drawing ground plans; a ground plan",
"Ichnology": "science of fossilized footprints",
"Ichthyology": "study of fish",
"Iconography": "study of drawing symbols",
"Iconology": "study of icons; symbols",
"Ideogeny": "study of origins of ideas",
"Ideology": "science of ideas; system of ideas used to justify behaviour",
"Idiomology": "study of idiom, jargon or dialect",
"Idiopsychology": "study of the psychology of one's own mind",
"Immunogenetics": "study of genetic characteristics of immunity",
"Immunology": "study of immunity",
"Immunopathology": "study of immunity to disease",
"Insectology": "study of insects",
"Irenology": "study of peace",
"Iridology": "study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye",
"Kalology": "study of beauty",
"Karyology": "study of cell nuclei",
"Kinematics": "study of motion",
"Kinesics": "study of gestural communication",
"Kinesiology": "study of human movement and posture",
"Kinetics": "study of forces producing or changing motion",
"Koniology": "study of atmospheric pollutants and dust",
"Ktenology": "science of putting people to death",
"Kymatology": "study of wave motion",
"Labeorphily": "collection and study of beer bottle labels",
"Larithmics": "study of population statistics",
"Laryngology": "study of larynx",
"Lepidopterology": "study of butterflies and moths",
"Leprology": "study of leprosy",
"Lexicology": "study of words and their meanings",
"Lexigraphy": "art of definition of words",
"Lichenology": "study of lichens",
"Limacology": "study of slugs",
"Limnobiology": "study of freshwater ecosystems",
"Limnology": "study of bodies of fresh water",
"Linguistics": "study of language",
"Liturgiology": "study of liturgical forms and church rituals",
"Loimology": "study of plagues and epidemics",
"Loxodromy": "study of sailing along rhumb-lines",
"Magirics": "art of cookery",
"Magnanerie": "art of raising silkworms",
"Magnetics": "study of magnetism",
"Malacology": "study of molluscs",
"Malariology": "study of malaria",
"Mammalogy": "study of mammals",
"Manège": "art of horsemanship",
"Mariology": "study of the Virgin Mary",
"Marine Biology": "Study of the Oceans Ecosystem",
"Mastology": "study of mammals",
"Mathematics": "study of magnitude, number, and forms",
"Mazology": "mammalogy; study of mammals",
"Mechanics": "study of action of force on bodies",
"Meconology": "study of or treatise concerning opium",
"Melittology": "study of bees",
"Mereology": "study of part-whole relationships",
"Mesology": "ecology",
"Metallogeny": "study of the origin and distribution of metal deposits",
"Metallography": "study of the structure and constitution of metals",
"Metallurgy": "study of alloying and treating metals",
"Metaphysics": "study of principles of nature and thought",
"Metapolitics": "study of politics in theory or abstract",
"Metapsychology": "study of nature of the mind",
"Meteoritics": "study of meteors",
"Meteorology": "study of weather",
"Metrics": "study of versification",
"Metrology": "science of weights and measures",
"Microanatomy": "study of microscopic tissues",
"Microbiology": "study of microscopic organisms",
"Microclimatology": "study of local climates",
"Micrology": "study or discussion of trivialities",
"Micropalaeontology": "study of microscopic fossils",
"Microphytology": "study of very small plant life",
"Microscopy": "study of minute objects",
"Mineralogy": "study of minerals",
"Molinology": "study of mills and milling",
"Momilogy": "study of mummies",
"Morphology": "study of forms and the development of structures",
"Muscology": "study of mosses",
"Museology": "study of museums",
"Musicology": "study of music",
"Mycology": "study of funguses",
"Myology": "study of muscles",
"Myrmecology": "study of ants",
"Mythology": "study of myths; fables; tales",
"Naology": "study of church or temple architecture",
"Nasology": "study of the nose",
"Nautics": "art of navigation",
"Nematology": "study of nematodes",
"Neonatology": "study of newborn babies",
"Neossology": "study of nestling birds",
"Nephology": "study of clouds",
"Nephrology": "study of the kidneys",
"Neurobiology": "study of anatomy of the nervous system",
"Neurology": "study of nervous system",
"Neuropsychology": "study of relation between brain and behaviour",
"Neurypnology": "study of hypnotism",
"Neutrosophy": "study of the origin and nature of philosophical neutralities",
"Nomology": "the science of the laws; especially of the mind",
"Noology": "science of the intellect",
"Nosology": "study of diseases",
"Nostology": "study of senility",
"Notaphily": "collecting of bank-notes and cheques",
"Numerology": "pseudoscientific study of numbers",
"Numismatics": "study of coins",
"Nymphology": "study of nymphs",
"Nanotechnology": "study of nanite",
"Obstetrics": "study of midwifery",
"Oceanography": "study of oceans",
"Oceanology": "study of oceans",
"Odontology": "study of teeth",
"Odonatology": "study of dragonflies and damselfies",
"Oenology": "study of wines",
"Oikology": "science of housekeeping",
"Olfactology": "study of the sense of smell",
"Ombrology": "study of rain",
"Oncology": "study of tumours",
"Oneirology": "study of dreams",
"Onomasiology": "study of nomenclature",
"Onomastics": "study of proper names",
"Ontology": "science of pure being; the nature of things",
"Oology": "study of eggs",
"Ophiology": "study of snakes",
"Ophthalmology": "study of eye diseases",
"Optics": "study of light",
"Optology": "study of sight",
"Optometry": "science of examining the eyes",
"Orchidology": "study of orchids",
"Ornithology": "study of birds",
"Orology": "study of mountains",
"Orthoepy": "study of correct pronunciation",
"Orthography": "study of spelling",
"Orthopterology": "study of cockroaches",
"Oryctology": "mineralogy or paleontology",
"Osmics": "scientific study of smells",
"Osmology": "study of smells and olfactory processes",
"Osphresiology": "study of the sense of smell",
"Osteology": "study of bones",
"Otology": "study of the ear",
"Otorhinolaryngology": "study of ear, nose and throat",
"Paedology": "study of children",
"Paedotrophy": "art of rearing children",
"Paidonosology": "study of children's diseases; pediatrics",
"Palaeoanthropology": "study of early humans",
"Palaeobiology": "study of fossil plants and animals",
"Palaeoclimatology": "study of ancient climates",
"Palaeolimnology": "study of ancient fish",
"Palaeolimnology": "study of ancient lakes",
"Palaeontology": "study of fossils",
"Palaeopedology": "study of early soils",
"Paleobotany": "study of ancient plants",
"Paleo-osteology": "study of ancient bones",
"Palynology": "study of pollen",
"Papyrology": "study of paper",
"Parapsychology": "study of unexplained mental phenomena",
"Parasitology": "study of parasites",
"Paroemiology": "study of proverbs",
"Parthenology": "study of virgins",
"Pataphysics": "science of imaginary solutions",
"Pathology": "study of disease",
"Patrology": "study of early Christianity",
"Pedagogics": "study of teaching",
"Pedology": "study of soils",
"Pelology": "study of mud",
"Penology": "study of crime and punishment",
"Periodontics": "study of gums",
"Peristerophily": "pigeon-collecting",
"Pestology": "science of pests",
"Petrology": "study of rocks",
"Pharmacognosy": "study of drugs of animal and plant origin",
"Pharmacology": "study of drugs",
"Pharology": "study of lighthouses",
"Pharyngology": "study of the throat",
"Phenology": "study of organisms as affected by climate",
"Phenomenology": "study of phenomena",
"Philately": "study of postage stamps",
"Philematology": "act or study of kissing",
"Phillumeny": "collecting of matchbox labels",
"Philology": "study of ancient texts; historical linguistics",
"Philosophy": "science of knowledge or wisdom",
"Phoniatrics": "study and correction of speech defects",
"Phonology": "study of speech sounds",
"Photobiology": "study of effects of light on organisms",
"Phraseology": "study of phrases",
"Phrenology": "study of bumps on the head",
"Phycology": "study of algae and seaweeds",
"Physics": "study of properties of matter and energy",
"Physiology": "study of processes of life",
"Phytology": "study of plants; botany",
"Piscatology": "study of fishes",
"Pisteology": "science or study of faith",
"Planetology": "study of planets",
"Plutology": "political economy; study of wealth",
"Pneumatics": "study of mechanics of gases",
"Podiatry": "study and treatment of disorders of the foot; chiropody",
"Podology": "study of the feet",
"Polemology": "study of war",
"Pomology": "study of fruit-growing",
"Posology": "science of quantity or dosage",
"Potamology": "study of rivers",
"Praxeology": "study of practical or efficient activity; science of efficient action",
"Primatology": "study of primates",
"Proctology": "study of rectum",
"Prosody": "study of versification",
"Protistology": "study of protists",
"Proxemics": "study of man’s need for personal space",
"Psalligraphy": "art of paper-cutting to make pictures",
"Psephology": "study of election results and voting trends",
"Pseudology": "art or science of lying",
"Pseudoptics": "study of optical illusions",
"Psychobiology": "study of biology of the mind",
"Psychogenetics": "study of internal or mental states",
"Psychognosy": "study of mentality, personality or character",
"Psychology": "study of mind",
"Psychopathology": "study of mental illness",
"Psychophysics": "study of link between mental and physical processes",
"Pteridology": "study of ferns",
"Pterylology": "study of distribution of feathers on birds",
"Pyretology": "study of fevers",
"Pyrgology": "study of towers",
"Pyroballogy": "study of artillery",
"Pyrography": "study of woodburning",
"Pyrotechnics": "study of combustion through fire or explosions",
"Quinology": "study of quinine",
"Raciology": "study of racial differences",
"Radiology": "study of X-rays and their medical applications",
"Reflexology": "study of reflexes",
"Rhabdology": "knowledge or learning concerning divining rods",
"Rhabdology": "art of calculating using numbering rods",
"Rheology": "science of the deformation or flow of matter",
"Rheumatology": "study of rheumatism",
"Rhinology": "study of the nose",
"Rhochrematics": "science of inventory management and the movement of products",
"Runology": "study of runes.",
"Sarcology": "study of fleshy parts of the body",
"Satanology": "study of the devil",
"Scatology": "study of excrement or obscene literature",
"Schematonics": "art of using gesture to express tones",
"Sciagraphy": "art of shading",
"Scripophily": "collection of bond and share certificates",
"Sedimentology": "study of sediment",
"Seismology": "study of earthquakes",
"Selenodesy": "study of the shape and features of the moon",
"Selenology": "study of the moon",
"Semantics": "study of meaning",
"Semantology": "science of meanings of words",
"Semasiology": "study of meaning; semantics",
"Semiology": "study of signs and signals",
"Semiotics": "study of signs and symbols",
"Serology": "study of serums",
"Sexology": "study of sexual behaviour",
"Siderography": "art of engraving on steel",
"Sigillography": "study of seals",
"Significs": "science of meaning",
"Silvics": "study of tree's life",
"Sindonology": "study of the shroud of Turin",
"Sinology": "study of China",
"Sitology": "dietetics",
"Sociobiology": "study of biological basis of human behaviour",
"Sociology": "study of society",
"Somatology": "science of the properties of matter",
"Sophiology": "science of ideas",
"Soteriology": "study of theological salvation",
"Spectrology": "study of ghosts",
"Spectroscopy": "study of spectra",
"Speleology": "study and exploration of caves",
"Spermology": "study of seeds",
"Sphagnology": "study of peat moss",
"Sphragistics": "study of seals and signets",
"Sphygmology": "study of the pulse",
"Splanchnology": "study of the entrails or viscera",
"Spongology": "study of sponges",
"Stasiology": "study of political parties",
"Statics": "study of bodies and forces in equilibrium",
"Stemmatology": "study of relationships between texts",
"Stoichiology": "science of elements of animal tissues",
"Stomatology": "study of the mouth",
"Storiology": "study of folk tales",
"Stratigraphy": "study of geological layers or strata",
"Stratography": "art of leading an army",
"Stylometry": "studying literature by means of statistical analysis",
"Suicidology": "study of suicide",
"Symbology": "study of symbols",
"Symptomatology": "study of symptoms of illness",
"Synecology": "study of ecological communities",
"Synectics": "study of processes of invention",
"Syntax": "study of sentence structure",
"Syphilology": "study of syphilis",
"Systematology": "study of systems",
"Taxidermy": "art of curing and stuffing animals",
"Taxonomy": "study of plant, animals and microorganisms classification",
"Tectonics": "science of structure of objects, buildings and landforms",
"Tegestology": "study and collecting of beer mats",
"Teleology": "study of final causes; analysis in terms of purpose",
"Telmatology": "study of swamps",
"Teratology": "study of birth defects and later abnormalities in living organisms",
"Teuthology": "study of cephalopods",
"Textology": "study of the production of texts",
"Thalassography": "science of the sea",
"Thanatology": "study of death and its customs",
"Thaumatology": "study of miracles",
"Theology": "study of religion; religious doctrine",
"Theriatrics": "veterinary medicine",
"Theriogenology": "study of animals' reproductive systems",
"Thermodynamics": "study of relation of heat to motion",
"Thermokinematics": "study of motion of heat",
"Thermology": "study of heat",
"Therology": "study of wild mammals",
"Thremmatology": "science of breeding domestic animals and plants",
"Threpsology": "science of nutrition",
"Tidology": "study of tides",
"Timbrology": "study of postage stamps",
"Tocology": "obstetrics; midwifery",
"Tonetics": "study of pronunciation",
"Topology": "study of places and their natural features",
"Toponymics": "study of place-names",
"Toreutics": "study of artistic work in metal",
"Toxicology": "study of poisons",
"Toxophily": "love of archery; archery; study of archery",
"Traumatology": "study of wounds and their effects",
"Tribology": "study of friction and wear between surfaces",
"Trichology": "study of hair and its disorders",
"Trophology": "study of nutrition",
"Tsiganology": "study of gypsies",
"Turnery": "art of turning in a lathe",
"Typhlology": "study of blindness and the blind",
"Typography": "art of printing or using type",
"Typology": "study of types of things",
"Uranography": "descriptive astronomy and mapping",
"Uranology": "study of the heavens; astronomy",
"Urbanology": "study of cities",
"Urenology": "study of rust molds",
"Urology": "study of urine; urinary tract",
"Venereology": "study of venereal disease",
"Vexillology": "study of flags",
"Victimology": "study of victims",
"Vinology": "scientific study of vines and winemaking",
"Virology": "study of viruses",
"Vitrics": "glassy materials; glassware; study of glassware",
"Volcanology": "study of volcanoes",
"Vulcanology": "study of volcanoes",
"Xylography": "art of engraving on wood",
"Xylology": "study of wood",
"Zenography": "study of the planet Jupiter",
"Zoiatrics": "veterinary surgery",
"Zooarchaeology": "study of animal remains of archaeological sites",
"Zoochemistry": "chemistry of animals",
"Zoogeography": "study of geographic distribution of animals",
"Zoogeology": "study of fossil animal remains",
"Zoology": "study of animals",
"Zoonomy": "animal physiology",
"Zoonosology": "study of animal diseases",
"Zoopathology": "study of animal diseases",
"Zoophysics": "physics of animal bodies",
"Zoophysiology": "study of physiology of animals",
"Zoophytology": "study of plant-like animals",
"Zoosemiotics": "study of animal communication",
"Zootaxy": "science of classifying animals",
"Zootechnics": "science of breeding animals",
"Zygology": "science of joining and fastening",
"Zymology": "science of fermentation",
"Zymurgy": "branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling",
def make_random_permutations(n=50):
"""Make N random choices and generate permutations for them."""
profs = branches.keys()
perms_group = [choice(profs) for _ in range(n)]
# Always use 2 since combining more than that probably doesn't
# make sense.
return list(permutations(perms_group, r=2))
def make_all_permutations():
"""Generate all permutations."""
profs = branches.keys()
# Always use 2 since combining more than that probably doesn't
# make sense.
return list(permutations(profs, r=2))
def coin_name(c1, c2):
"""Create a new name for this new field of science."""
if c1.endswith('ology') and c2.endswith('ology'):
return c1.replace('ology', '') + c2.lower()
return c1 + c2.lower()
def describe_random_permutations(perms):
"""Describe existing results."""
res = []
for (c1, c2) in perms:
statement = '{}+{} (aka {})={}, AND {}'.format(
c1, c2,
coin_name(c1, c2),
return res
res = describe_random_permutations(make_random_permutations())
for combo in res:
Microclimatology+Hepatology (aka Microclimathepatology)=study of local climates, AND study of liver
Microclimatology+Zymurgy (aka Microclimatologyzymurgy)=study of local climates, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Microclimatology+Significs (aka Microclimatologysignifics)=study of local climates, AND science of meaning
Microclimatology+Limacology (aka Microclimatlimacology)=study of local climates, AND study of slugs
Microclimatology+Cartophily (aka Microclimatologycartophily)=study of local climates, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Microclimatology+Cardiology (aka Microclimatcardiology)=study of local climates, AND study of the heart
Microclimatology+Euthenics (aka Microclimatologyeuthenics)=study of local climates, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Microclimatology+Pedagogics (aka Microclimatologypedagogics)=study of local climates, AND study of teaching
Microclimatology+Zoophysics (aka Microclimatologyzoophysics)=study of local climates, AND physics of animal bodies
Microclimatology+Molinology (aka Microclimatmolinology)=study of local climates, AND study of mills and milling
Microclimatology+Eremology (aka Microclimateremology)=study of local climates, AND study of deserts
Microclimatology+Paedotrophy (aka Microclimatologypaedotrophy)=study of local climates, AND art of rearing children
Microclimatology+Ethnomethodology (aka Microclimatethnomethodology)=study of local climates, AND study of everyday communication
Microclimatology+Floristry (aka Microclimatologyfloristry)=study of local climates, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Microclimatology+Trichology (aka Microclimattrichology)=study of local climates, AND study of hair and its disorders
Microclimatology+Agronomics (aka Microclimatologyagronomics)=study of local climates, AND study of productivity of land
Microclimatology+Storiology (aka Microclimatstoriology)=study of local climates, AND study of folk tales
Microclimatology+Micropalaeontology (aka Microclimatmicropalaeontology)=study of local climates, AND study of microscopic fossils
Microclimatology+Pharyngology (aka Microclimatpharyngology)=study of local climates, AND study of the throat
Microclimatology+Physiology (aka Microclimatphysiology)=study of local climates, AND study of processes of life
Microclimatology+Osphresiology (aka Microclimatosphresiology)=study of local climates, AND study of the sense of smell
Microclimatology+Immunology (aka Microclimatimmunology)=study of local climates, AND study of immunity
Microclimatology+Hydrokinetics (aka Microclimatologyhydrokinetics)=study of local climates, AND study of motion of fluids
Microclimatology+Arachnology (aka Microclimatarachnology)=study of local climates, AND study of arachnids
Microclimatology+Phraseology (aka Microclimatphraseology)=study of local climates, AND study of phrases
Microclimatology+Phytology (aka Microclimatphytology)=study of local climates, AND study of plants; botany
Microclimatology+Glyptology (aka Microclimatglyptology)=study of local climates, AND study of gem engravings
Microclimatology+Diplomatics (aka Microclimatologydiplomatics)=study of local climates, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Microclimatology+Astacology (aka Microclimatastacology)=study of local climates, AND science of crayfish
Microclimatology+Historiology (aka Microclimathistoriology)=study of local climates, AND study of history
Microclimatology+Tribology (aka Microclimattribology)=study of local climates, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Microclimatology+Zoopathology (aka Microclimatzoopathology)=study of local climates, AND study of animal diseases
Microclimatology+Paleo-osteology (aka Microclimatpaleo-osteology)=study of local climates, AND study of ancient bones
Microclimatology+Trophology (aka Microclimattrophology)=study of local climates, AND study of nutrition
Microclimatology+Loimology (aka Microclimatloimology)=study of local climates, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Microclimatology+Bromatology (aka Microclimatbromatology)=study of local climates, AND study of food
Microclimatology+Hydrometeorology (aka Microclimathydrometeorology)=study of local climates, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Microclimatology+Pyroballogy (aka Microclimatologypyroballogy)=study of local climates, AND study of artillery
Microclimatology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Microclimatotorhinolaryngology)=study of local climates, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Microclimatology+Aerostatics (aka Microclimatologyaerostatics)=study of local climates, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Microclimatology+Agrostology (aka Microclimatagrostology)=study of local climates, AND science or study of grasses
Microclimatology+Phillumeny (aka Microclimatologyphillumeny)=study of local climates, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Microclimatology+Zoonosology (aka Microclimatzoonosology)=study of local climates, AND study of animal diseases
Microclimatology+Gerontology (aka Microclimatgerontology)=study of local climates, AND study of the elderly; aging
Microclimatology+Selenology (aka Microclimatselenology)=study of local climates, AND study of the moon
Microclimatology+Psychopathology (aka Microclimatpsychopathology)=study of local climates, AND study of mental illness
Microclimatology+Futurology (aka Microclimatfuturology)=study of local climates, AND study of future
Microclimatology+Iridology (aka Microclimatiridology)=study of local climates, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Microclimatology+Toponymics (aka Microclimatologytoponymics)=study of local climates, AND study of place-names
Hepatology+Microclimatology (aka Hepatmicroclimatology)=study of liver, AND study of local climates
Hepatology+Zymurgy (aka Hepatologyzymurgy)=study of liver, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Hepatology+Significs (aka Hepatologysignifics)=study of liver, AND science of meaning
Hepatology+Limacology (aka Hepatlimacology)=study of liver, AND study of slugs
Hepatology+Cartophily (aka Hepatologycartophily)=study of liver, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Hepatology+Cardiology (aka Hepatcardiology)=study of liver, AND study of the heart
Hepatology+Euthenics (aka Hepatologyeuthenics)=study of liver, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Hepatology+Pedagogics (aka Hepatologypedagogics)=study of liver, AND study of teaching
Hepatology+Zoophysics (aka Hepatologyzoophysics)=study of liver, AND physics of animal bodies
Hepatology+Molinology (aka Hepatmolinology)=study of liver, AND study of mills and milling
Hepatology+Eremology (aka Hepateremology)=study of liver, AND study of deserts
Hepatology+Paedotrophy (aka Hepatologypaedotrophy)=study of liver, AND art of rearing children
Hepatology+Ethnomethodology (aka Hepatethnomethodology)=study of liver, AND study of everyday communication
Hepatology+Floristry (aka Hepatologyfloristry)=study of liver, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Hepatology+Trichology (aka Hepattrichology)=study of liver, AND study of hair and its disorders
Hepatology+Agronomics (aka Hepatologyagronomics)=study of liver, AND study of productivity of land
Hepatology+Storiology (aka Hepatstoriology)=study of liver, AND study of folk tales
Hepatology+Micropalaeontology (aka Hepatmicropalaeontology)=study of liver, AND study of microscopic fossils
Hepatology+Pharyngology (aka Hepatpharyngology)=study of liver, AND study of the throat
Hepatology+Physiology (aka Hepatphysiology)=study of liver, AND study of processes of life
Hepatology+Osphresiology (aka Hepatosphresiology)=study of liver, AND study of the sense of smell
Hepatology+Immunology (aka Hepatimmunology)=study of liver, AND study of immunity
Hepatology+Hydrokinetics (aka Hepatologyhydrokinetics)=study of liver, AND study of motion of fluids
Hepatology+Arachnology (aka Hepatarachnology)=study of liver, AND study of arachnids
Hepatology+Phraseology (aka Hepatphraseology)=study of liver, AND study of phrases
Hepatology+Phytology (aka Hepatphytology)=study of liver, AND study of plants; botany
Hepatology+Glyptology (aka Hepatglyptology)=study of liver, AND study of gem engravings
Hepatology+Diplomatics (aka Hepatologydiplomatics)=study of liver, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Hepatology+Astacology (aka Hepatastacology)=study of liver, AND science of crayfish
Hepatology+Historiology (aka Hepathistoriology)=study of liver, AND study of history
Hepatology+Tribology (aka Hepattribology)=study of liver, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Hepatology+Zoopathology (aka Hepatzoopathology)=study of liver, AND study of animal diseases
Hepatology+Paleo-osteology (aka Hepatpaleo-osteology)=study of liver, AND study of ancient bones
Hepatology+Trophology (aka Hepattrophology)=study of liver, AND study of nutrition
Hepatology+Loimology (aka Hepatloimology)=study of liver, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Hepatology+Bromatology (aka Hepatbromatology)=study of liver, AND study of food
Hepatology+Hydrometeorology (aka Hepathydrometeorology)=study of liver, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Hepatology+Pyroballogy (aka Hepatologypyroballogy)=study of liver, AND study of artillery
Hepatology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Hepatotorhinolaryngology)=study of liver, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Hepatology+Aerostatics (aka Hepatologyaerostatics)=study of liver, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Hepatology+Agrostology (aka Hepatagrostology)=study of liver, AND science or study of grasses
Hepatology+Phillumeny (aka Hepatologyphillumeny)=study of liver, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Hepatology+Zoonosology (aka Hepatzoonosology)=study of liver, AND study of animal diseases
Hepatology+Gerontology (aka Hepatgerontology)=study of liver, AND study of the elderly; aging
Hepatology+Selenology (aka Hepatselenology)=study of liver, AND study of the moon
Hepatology+Psychopathology (aka Hepatpsychopathology)=study of liver, AND study of mental illness
Hepatology+Futurology (aka Hepatfuturology)=study of liver, AND study of future
Hepatology+Iridology (aka Hepatiridology)=study of liver, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Hepatology+Toponymics (aka Hepatologytoponymics)=study of liver, AND study of place-names
Zymurgy+Microclimatology (aka Zymurgymicroclimatology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of local climates
Zymurgy+Hepatology (aka Zymurgyhepatology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of liver
Zymurgy+Significs (aka Zymurgysignifics)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND science of meaning
Zymurgy+Limacology (aka Zymurgylimacology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of slugs
Zymurgy+Cartophily (aka Zymurgycartophily)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Zymurgy+Cardiology (aka Zymurgycardiology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of the heart
Zymurgy+Euthenics (aka Zymurgyeuthenics)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Zymurgy+Pedagogics (aka Zymurgypedagogics)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of teaching
Zymurgy+Zoophysics (aka Zymurgyzoophysics)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND physics of animal bodies
Zymurgy+Molinology (aka Zymurgymolinology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of mills and milling
Zymurgy+Eremology (aka Zymurgyeremology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of deserts
Zymurgy+Paedotrophy (aka Zymurgypaedotrophy)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND art of rearing children
Zymurgy+Ethnomethodology (aka Zymurgyethnomethodology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of everyday communication
Zymurgy+Floristry (aka Zymurgyfloristry)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Zymurgy+Trichology (aka Zymurgytrichology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of hair and its disorders
Zymurgy+Agronomics (aka Zymurgyagronomics)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of productivity of land
Zymurgy+Storiology (aka Zymurgystoriology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of folk tales
Zymurgy+Micropalaeontology (aka Zymurgymicropalaeontology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of microscopic fossils
Zymurgy+Pharyngology (aka Zymurgypharyngology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of the throat
Zymurgy+Physiology (aka Zymurgyphysiology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of processes of life
Zymurgy+Osphresiology (aka Zymurgyosphresiology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of the sense of smell
Zymurgy+Immunology (aka Zymurgyimmunology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of immunity
Zymurgy+Hydrokinetics (aka Zymurgyhydrokinetics)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of motion of fluids
Zymurgy+Arachnology (aka Zymurgyarachnology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of arachnids
Zymurgy+Phraseology (aka Zymurgyphraseology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of phrases
Zymurgy+Phytology (aka Zymurgyphytology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of plants; botany
Zymurgy+Glyptology (aka Zymurgyglyptology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of gem engravings
Zymurgy+Diplomatics (aka Zymurgydiplomatics)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Zymurgy+Astacology (aka Zymurgyastacology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND science of crayfish
Zymurgy+Historiology (aka Zymurgyhistoriology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of history
Zymurgy+Tribology (aka Zymurgytribology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Zymurgy+Zoopathology (aka Zymurgyzoopathology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of animal diseases
Zymurgy+Paleo-osteology (aka Zymurgypaleo-osteology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of ancient bones
Zymurgy+Trophology (aka Zymurgytrophology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of nutrition
Zymurgy+Loimology (aka Zymurgyloimology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Zymurgy+Bromatology (aka Zymurgybromatology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of food
Zymurgy+Hydrometeorology (aka Zymurgyhydrometeorology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Zymurgy+Pyroballogy (aka Zymurgypyroballogy)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of artillery
Zymurgy+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Zymurgyotorhinolaryngology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Zymurgy+Aerostatics (aka Zymurgyaerostatics)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Zymurgy+Agrostology (aka Zymurgyagrostology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND science or study of grasses
Zymurgy+Phillumeny (aka Zymurgyphillumeny)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Zymurgy+Zoonosology (aka Zymurgyzoonosology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of animal diseases
Zymurgy+Gerontology (aka Zymurgygerontology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of the elderly; aging
Zymurgy+Selenology (aka Zymurgyselenology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of the moon
Zymurgy+Psychopathology (aka Zymurgypsychopathology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of mental illness
Zymurgy+Futurology (aka Zymurgyfuturology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of future
Zymurgy+Iridology (aka Zymurgyiridology)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Zymurgy+Toponymics (aka Zymurgytoponymics)=branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling, AND study of place-names
Significs+Microclimatology (aka Significsmicroclimatology)=science of meaning, AND study of local climates
Significs+Hepatology (aka Significshepatology)=science of meaning, AND study of liver
Significs+Zymurgy (aka Significszymurgy)=science of meaning, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Significs+Limacology (aka Significslimacology)=science of meaning, AND study of slugs
Significs+Cartophily (aka Significscartophily)=science of meaning, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Significs+Cardiology (aka Significscardiology)=science of meaning, AND study of the heart
Significs+Euthenics (aka Significseuthenics)=science of meaning, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Significs+Pedagogics (aka Significspedagogics)=science of meaning, AND study of teaching
Significs+Zoophysics (aka Significszoophysics)=science of meaning, AND physics of animal bodies
Significs+Molinology (aka Significsmolinology)=science of meaning, AND study of mills and milling
Significs+Eremology (aka Significseremology)=science of meaning, AND study of deserts
Significs+Paedotrophy (aka Significspaedotrophy)=science of meaning, AND art of rearing children
Significs+Ethnomethodology (aka Significsethnomethodology)=science of meaning, AND study of everyday communication
Significs+Floristry (aka Significsfloristry)=science of meaning, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Significs+Trichology (aka Significstrichology)=science of meaning, AND study of hair and its disorders
Significs+Agronomics (aka Significsagronomics)=science of meaning, AND study of productivity of land
Significs+Storiology (aka Significsstoriology)=science of meaning, AND study of folk tales
Significs+Micropalaeontology (aka Significsmicropalaeontology)=science of meaning, AND study of microscopic fossils
Significs+Pharyngology (aka Significspharyngology)=science of meaning, AND study of the throat
Significs+Physiology (aka Significsphysiology)=science of meaning, AND study of processes of life
Significs+Osphresiology (aka Significsosphresiology)=science of meaning, AND study of the sense of smell
Significs+Immunology (aka Significsimmunology)=science of meaning, AND study of immunity
Significs+Hydrokinetics (aka Significshydrokinetics)=science of meaning, AND study of motion of fluids
Significs+Arachnology (aka Significsarachnology)=science of meaning, AND study of arachnids
Significs+Phraseology (aka Significsphraseology)=science of meaning, AND study of phrases
Significs+Phytology (aka Significsphytology)=science of meaning, AND study of plants; botany
Significs+Glyptology (aka Significsglyptology)=science of meaning, AND study of gem engravings
Significs+Diplomatics (aka Significsdiplomatics)=science of meaning, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Significs+Astacology (aka Significsastacology)=science of meaning, AND science of crayfish
Significs+Historiology (aka Significshistoriology)=science of meaning, AND study of history
Significs+Tribology (aka Significstribology)=science of meaning, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Significs+Zoopathology (aka Significszoopathology)=science of meaning, AND study of animal diseases
Significs+Paleo-osteology (aka Significspaleo-osteology)=science of meaning, AND study of ancient bones
Significs+Trophology (aka Significstrophology)=science of meaning, AND study of nutrition
Significs+Loimology (aka Significsloimology)=science of meaning, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Significs+Bromatology (aka Significsbromatology)=science of meaning, AND study of food
Significs+Hydrometeorology (aka Significshydrometeorology)=science of meaning, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Significs+Pyroballogy (aka Significspyroballogy)=science of meaning, AND study of artillery
Significs+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Significsotorhinolaryngology)=science of meaning, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Significs+Aerostatics (aka Significsaerostatics)=science of meaning, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Significs+Agrostology (aka Significsagrostology)=science of meaning, AND science or study of grasses
Significs+Phillumeny (aka Significsphillumeny)=science of meaning, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Significs+Zoonosology (aka Significszoonosology)=science of meaning, AND study of animal diseases
Significs+Gerontology (aka Significsgerontology)=science of meaning, AND study of the elderly; aging
Significs+Selenology (aka Significsselenology)=science of meaning, AND study of the moon
Significs+Psychopathology (aka Significspsychopathology)=science of meaning, AND study of mental illness
Significs+Futurology (aka Significsfuturology)=science of meaning, AND study of future
Significs+Iridology (aka Significsiridology)=science of meaning, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Significs+Toponymics (aka Significstoponymics)=science of meaning, AND study of place-names
Limacology+Microclimatology (aka Limacmicroclimatology)=study of slugs, AND study of local climates
Limacology+Hepatology (aka Limachepatology)=study of slugs, AND study of liver
Limacology+Zymurgy (aka Limacologyzymurgy)=study of slugs, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Limacology+Significs (aka Limacologysignifics)=study of slugs, AND science of meaning
Limacology+Cartophily (aka Limacologycartophily)=study of slugs, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Limacology+Cardiology (aka Limaccardiology)=study of slugs, AND study of the heart
Limacology+Euthenics (aka Limacologyeuthenics)=study of slugs, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Limacology+Pedagogics (aka Limacologypedagogics)=study of slugs, AND study of teaching
Limacology+Zoophysics (aka Limacologyzoophysics)=study of slugs, AND physics of animal bodies
Limacology+Molinology (aka Limacmolinology)=study of slugs, AND study of mills and milling
Limacology+Eremology (aka Limaceremology)=study of slugs, AND study of deserts
Limacology+Paedotrophy (aka Limacologypaedotrophy)=study of slugs, AND art of rearing children
Limacology+Ethnomethodology (aka Limacethnomethodology)=study of slugs, AND study of everyday communication
Limacology+Floristry (aka Limacologyfloristry)=study of slugs, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Limacology+Trichology (aka Limactrichology)=study of slugs, AND study of hair and its disorders
Limacology+Agronomics (aka Limacologyagronomics)=study of slugs, AND study of productivity of land
Limacology+Storiology (aka Limacstoriology)=study of slugs, AND study of folk tales
Limacology+Micropalaeontology (aka Limacmicropalaeontology)=study of slugs, AND study of microscopic fossils
Limacology+Pharyngology (aka Limacpharyngology)=study of slugs, AND study of the throat
Limacology+Physiology (aka Limacphysiology)=study of slugs, AND study of processes of life
Limacology+Osphresiology (aka Limacosphresiology)=study of slugs, AND study of the sense of smell
Limacology+Immunology (aka Limacimmunology)=study of slugs, AND study of immunity
Limacology+Hydrokinetics (aka Limacologyhydrokinetics)=study of slugs, AND study of motion of fluids
Limacology+Arachnology (aka Limacarachnology)=study of slugs, AND study of arachnids
Limacology+Phraseology (aka Limacphraseology)=study of slugs, AND study of phrases
Limacology+Phytology (aka Limacphytology)=study of slugs, AND study of plants; botany
Limacology+Glyptology (aka Limacglyptology)=study of slugs, AND study of gem engravings
Limacology+Diplomatics (aka Limacologydiplomatics)=study of slugs, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Limacology+Astacology (aka Limacastacology)=study of slugs, AND science of crayfish
Limacology+Historiology (aka Limachistoriology)=study of slugs, AND study of history
Limacology+Tribology (aka Limactribology)=study of slugs, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Limacology+Zoopathology (aka Limaczoopathology)=study of slugs, AND study of animal diseases
Limacology+Paleo-osteology (aka Limacpaleo-osteology)=study of slugs, AND study of ancient bones
Limacology+Trophology (aka Limactrophology)=study of slugs, AND study of nutrition
Limacology+Loimology (aka Limacloimology)=study of slugs, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Limacology+Bromatology (aka Limacbromatology)=study of slugs, AND study of food
Limacology+Hydrometeorology (aka Limachydrometeorology)=study of slugs, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Limacology+Pyroballogy (aka Limacologypyroballogy)=study of slugs, AND study of artillery
Limacology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Limacotorhinolaryngology)=study of slugs, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Limacology+Aerostatics (aka Limacologyaerostatics)=study of slugs, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Limacology+Agrostology (aka Limacagrostology)=study of slugs, AND science or study of grasses
Limacology+Phillumeny (aka Limacologyphillumeny)=study of slugs, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Limacology+Zoonosology (aka Limaczoonosology)=study of slugs, AND study of animal diseases
Limacology+Gerontology (aka Limacgerontology)=study of slugs, AND study of the elderly; aging
Limacology+Selenology (aka Limacselenology)=study of slugs, AND study of the moon
Limacology+Psychopathology (aka Limacpsychopathology)=study of slugs, AND study of mental illness
Limacology+Futurology (aka Limacfuturology)=study of slugs, AND study of future
Limacology+Iridology (aka Limaciridology)=study of slugs, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Limacology+Toponymics (aka Limacologytoponymics)=study of slugs, AND study of place-names
Cartophily+Microclimatology (aka Cartophilymicroclimatology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of local climates
Cartophily+Hepatology (aka Cartophilyhepatology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of liver
Cartophily+Zymurgy (aka Cartophilyzymurgy)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Cartophily+Significs (aka Cartophilysignifics)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND science of meaning
Cartophily+Limacology (aka Cartophilylimacology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of slugs
Cartophily+Cardiology (aka Cartophilycardiology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of the heart
Cartophily+Euthenics (aka Cartophilyeuthenics)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Cartophily+Pedagogics (aka Cartophilypedagogics)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of teaching
Cartophily+Zoophysics (aka Cartophilyzoophysics)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND physics of animal bodies
Cartophily+Molinology (aka Cartophilymolinology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of mills and milling
Cartophily+Eremology (aka Cartophilyeremology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of deserts
Cartophily+Paedotrophy (aka Cartophilypaedotrophy)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND art of rearing children
Cartophily+Ethnomethodology (aka Cartophilyethnomethodology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of everyday communication
Cartophily+Floristry (aka Cartophilyfloristry)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Cartophily+Trichology (aka Cartophilytrichology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of hair and its disorders
Cartophily+Agronomics (aka Cartophilyagronomics)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of productivity of land
Cartophily+Storiology (aka Cartophilystoriology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of folk tales
Cartophily+Micropalaeontology (aka Cartophilymicropalaeontology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of microscopic fossils
Cartophily+Pharyngology (aka Cartophilypharyngology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of the throat
Cartophily+Physiology (aka Cartophilyphysiology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of processes of life
Cartophily+Osphresiology (aka Cartophilyosphresiology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of the sense of smell
Cartophily+Immunology (aka Cartophilyimmunology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of immunity
Cartophily+Hydrokinetics (aka Cartophilyhydrokinetics)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of motion of fluids
Cartophily+Arachnology (aka Cartophilyarachnology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of arachnids
Cartophily+Phraseology (aka Cartophilyphraseology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of phrases
Cartophily+Phytology (aka Cartophilyphytology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of plants; botany
Cartophily+Glyptology (aka Cartophilyglyptology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of gem engravings
Cartophily+Diplomatics (aka Cartophilydiplomatics)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Cartophily+Astacology (aka Cartophilyastacology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND science of crayfish
Cartophily+Historiology (aka Cartophilyhistoriology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of history
Cartophily+Tribology (aka Cartophilytribology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Cartophily+Zoopathology (aka Cartophilyzoopathology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of animal diseases
Cartophily+Paleo-osteology (aka Cartophilypaleo-osteology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of ancient bones
Cartophily+Trophology (aka Cartophilytrophology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of nutrition
Cartophily+Loimology (aka Cartophilyloimology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Cartophily+Bromatology (aka Cartophilybromatology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of food
Cartophily+Hydrometeorology (aka Cartophilyhydrometeorology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Cartophily+Pyroballogy (aka Cartophilypyroballogy)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of artillery
Cartophily+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Cartophilyotorhinolaryngology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Cartophily+Aerostatics (aka Cartophilyaerostatics)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Cartophily+Agrostology (aka Cartophilyagrostology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND science or study of grasses
Cartophily+Phillumeny (aka Cartophilyphillumeny)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Cartophily+Zoonosology (aka Cartophilyzoonosology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of animal diseases
Cartophily+Gerontology (aka Cartophilygerontology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of the elderly; aging
Cartophily+Selenology (aka Cartophilyselenology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of the moon
Cartophily+Psychopathology (aka Cartophilypsychopathology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of mental illness
Cartophily+Futurology (aka Cartophilyfuturology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of future
Cartophily+Iridology (aka Cartophilyiridology)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Cartophily+Toponymics (aka Cartophilytoponymics)=hobby of collecting cigarette cards, AND study of place-names
Cardiology+Microclimatology (aka Cardimicroclimatology)=study of the heart, AND study of local climates
Cardiology+Hepatology (aka Cardihepatology)=study of the heart, AND study of liver
Cardiology+Zymurgy (aka Cardiologyzymurgy)=study of the heart, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Cardiology+Significs (aka Cardiologysignifics)=study of the heart, AND science of meaning
Cardiology+Limacology (aka Cardilimacology)=study of the heart, AND study of slugs
Cardiology+Cartophily (aka Cardiologycartophily)=study of the heart, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Cardiology+Euthenics (aka Cardiologyeuthenics)=study of the heart, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Cardiology+Pedagogics (aka Cardiologypedagogics)=study of the heart, AND study of teaching
Cardiology+Zoophysics (aka Cardiologyzoophysics)=study of the heart, AND physics of animal bodies
Cardiology+Molinology (aka Cardimolinology)=study of the heart, AND study of mills and milling
Cardiology+Eremology (aka Cardieremology)=study of the heart, AND study of deserts
Cardiology+Paedotrophy (aka Cardiologypaedotrophy)=study of the heart, AND art of rearing children
Cardiology+Ethnomethodology (aka Cardiethnomethodology)=study of the heart, AND study of everyday communication
Cardiology+Floristry (aka Cardiologyfloristry)=study of the heart, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Cardiology+Trichology (aka Carditrichology)=study of the heart, AND study of hair and its disorders
Cardiology+Agronomics (aka Cardiologyagronomics)=study of the heart, AND study of productivity of land
Cardiology+Storiology (aka Cardistoriology)=study of the heart, AND study of folk tales
Cardiology+Micropalaeontology (aka Cardimicropalaeontology)=study of the heart, AND study of microscopic fossils
Cardiology+Pharyngology (aka Cardipharyngology)=study of the heart, AND study of the throat
Cardiology+Physiology (aka Cardiphysiology)=study of the heart, AND study of processes of life
Cardiology+Osphresiology (aka Cardiosphresiology)=study of the heart, AND study of the sense of smell
Cardiology+Immunology (aka Cardiimmunology)=study of the heart, AND study of immunity
Cardiology+Hydrokinetics (aka Cardiologyhydrokinetics)=study of the heart, AND study of motion of fluids
Cardiology+Arachnology (aka Cardiarachnology)=study of the heart, AND study of arachnids
Cardiology+Phraseology (aka Cardiphraseology)=study of the heart, AND study of phrases
Cardiology+Phytology (aka Cardiphytology)=study of the heart, AND study of plants; botany
Cardiology+Glyptology (aka Cardiglyptology)=study of the heart, AND study of gem engravings
Cardiology+Diplomatics (aka Cardiologydiplomatics)=study of the heart, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Cardiology+Astacology (aka Cardiastacology)=study of the heart, AND science of crayfish
Cardiology+Historiology (aka Cardihistoriology)=study of the heart, AND study of history
Cardiology+Tribology (aka Carditribology)=study of the heart, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Cardiology+Zoopathology (aka Cardizoopathology)=study of the heart, AND study of animal diseases
Cardiology+Paleo-osteology (aka Cardipaleo-osteology)=study of the heart, AND study of ancient bones
Cardiology+Trophology (aka Carditrophology)=study of the heart, AND study of nutrition
Cardiology+Loimology (aka Cardiloimology)=study of the heart, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Cardiology+Bromatology (aka Cardibromatology)=study of the heart, AND study of food
Cardiology+Hydrometeorology (aka Cardihydrometeorology)=study of the heart, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Cardiology+Pyroballogy (aka Cardiologypyroballogy)=study of the heart, AND study of artillery
Cardiology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Cardiotorhinolaryngology)=study of the heart, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Cardiology+Aerostatics (aka Cardiologyaerostatics)=study of the heart, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Cardiology+Agrostology (aka Cardiagrostology)=study of the heart, AND science or study of grasses
Cardiology+Phillumeny (aka Cardiologyphillumeny)=study of the heart, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Cardiology+Zoonosology (aka Cardizoonosology)=study of the heart, AND study of animal diseases
Cardiology+Gerontology (aka Cardigerontology)=study of the heart, AND study of the elderly; aging
Cardiology+Selenology (aka Cardiselenology)=study of the heart, AND study of the moon
Cardiology+Psychopathology (aka Cardipsychopathology)=study of the heart, AND study of mental illness
Cardiology+Futurology (aka Cardifuturology)=study of the heart, AND study of future
Cardiology+Iridology (aka Cardiiridology)=study of the heart, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Cardiology+Toponymics (aka Cardiologytoponymics)=study of the heart, AND study of place-names
Euthenics+Microclimatology (aka Euthenicsmicroclimatology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of local climates
Euthenics+Hepatology (aka Euthenicshepatology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of liver
Euthenics+Zymurgy (aka Euthenicszymurgy)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Euthenics+Significs (aka Euthenicssignifics)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND science of meaning
Euthenics+Limacology (aka Euthenicslimacology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of slugs
Euthenics+Cartophily (aka Euthenicscartophily)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Euthenics+Cardiology (aka Euthenicscardiology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of the heart
Euthenics+Pedagogics (aka Euthenicspedagogics)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of teaching
Euthenics+Zoophysics (aka Euthenicszoophysics)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND physics of animal bodies
Euthenics+Molinology (aka Euthenicsmolinology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of mills and milling
Euthenics+Eremology (aka Euthenicseremology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of deserts
Euthenics+Paedotrophy (aka Euthenicspaedotrophy)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND art of rearing children
Euthenics+Ethnomethodology (aka Euthenicsethnomethodology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of everyday communication
Euthenics+Floristry (aka Euthenicsfloristry)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Euthenics+Trichology (aka Euthenicstrichology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of hair and its disorders
Euthenics+Agronomics (aka Euthenicsagronomics)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of productivity of land
Euthenics+Storiology (aka Euthenicsstoriology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of folk tales
Euthenics+Micropalaeontology (aka Euthenicsmicropalaeontology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of microscopic fossils
Euthenics+Pharyngology (aka Euthenicspharyngology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of the throat
Euthenics+Physiology (aka Euthenicsphysiology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of processes of life
Euthenics+Osphresiology (aka Euthenicsosphresiology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of the sense of smell
Euthenics+Immunology (aka Euthenicsimmunology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of immunity
Euthenics+Hydrokinetics (aka Euthenicshydrokinetics)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of motion of fluids
Euthenics+Arachnology (aka Euthenicsarachnology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of arachnids
Euthenics+Phraseology (aka Euthenicsphraseology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of phrases
Euthenics+Phytology (aka Euthenicsphytology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of plants; botany
Euthenics+Glyptology (aka Euthenicsglyptology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of gem engravings
Euthenics+Diplomatics (aka Euthenicsdiplomatics)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Euthenics+Astacology (aka Euthenicsastacology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND science of crayfish
Euthenics+Historiology (aka Euthenicshistoriology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of history
Euthenics+Tribology (aka Euthenicstribology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Euthenics+Zoopathology (aka Euthenicszoopathology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of animal diseases
Euthenics+Paleo-osteology (aka Euthenicspaleo-osteology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of ancient bones
Euthenics+Trophology (aka Euthenicstrophology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of nutrition
Euthenics+Loimology (aka Euthenicsloimology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Euthenics+Bromatology (aka Euthenicsbromatology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of food
Euthenics+Hydrometeorology (aka Euthenicshydrometeorology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Euthenics+Pyroballogy (aka Euthenicspyroballogy)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of artillery
Euthenics+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Euthenicsotorhinolaryngology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Euthenics+Aerostatics (aka Euthenicsaerostatics)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Euthenics+Agrostology (aka Euthenicsagrostology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND science or study of grasses
Euthenics+Phillumeny (aka Euthenicsphillumeny)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Euthenics+Zoonosology (aka Euthenicszoonosology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of animal diseases
Euthenics+Gerontology (aka Euthenicsgerontology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of the elderly; aging
Euthenics+Selenology (aka Euthenicsselenology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of the moon
Euthenics+Psychopathology (aka Euthenicspsychopathology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of mental illness
Euthenics+Futurology (aka Euthenicsfuturology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of future
Euthenics+Iridology (aka Euthenicsiridology)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Euthenics+Toponymics (aka Euthenicstoponymics)=science concerned with improving living conditions, AND study of place-names
Pedagogics+Microclimatology (aka Pedagogicsmicroclimatology)=study of teaching, AND study of local climates
Pedagogics+Hepatology (aka Pedagogicshepatology)=study of teaching, AND study of liver
Pedagogics+Zymurgy (aka Pedagogicszymurgy)=study of teaching, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Pedagogics+Significs (aka Pedagogicssignifics)=study of teaching, AND science of meaning
Pedagogics+Limacology (aka Pedagogicslimacology)=study of teaching, AND study of slugs
Pedagogics+Cartophily (aka Pedagogicscartophily)=study of teaching, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Pedagogics+Cardiology (aka Pedagogicscardiology)=study of teaching, AND study of the heart
Pedagogics+Euthenics (aka Pedagogicseuthenics)=study of teaching, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Pedagogics+Zoophysics (aka Pedagogicszoophysics)=study of teaching, AND physics of animal bodies
Pedagogics+Molinology (aka Pedagogicsmolinology)=study of teaching, AND study of mills and milling
Pedagogics+Eremology (aka Pedagogicseremology)=study of teaching, AND study of deserts
Pedagogics+Paedotrophy (aka Pedagogicspaedotrophy)=study of teaching, AND art of rearing children
Pedagogics+Ethnomethodology (aka Pedagogicsethnomethodology)=study of teaching, AND study of everyday communication
Pedagogics+Floristry (aka Pedagogicsfloristry)=study of teaching, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Pedagogics+Trichology (aka Pedagogicstrichology)=study of teaching, AND study of hair and its disorders
Pedagogics+Agronomics (aka Pedagogicsagronomics)=study of teaching, AND study of productivity of land
Pedagogics+Storiology (aka Pedagogicsstoriology)=study of teaching, AND study of folk tales
Pedagogics+Micropalaeontology (aka Pedagogicsmicropalaeontology)=study of teaching, AND study of microscopic fossils
Pedagogics+Pharyngology (aka Pedagogicspharyngology)=study of teaching, AND study of the throat
Pedagogics+Physiology (aka Pedagogicsphysiology)=study of teaching, AND study of processes of life
Pedagogics+Osphresiology (aka Pedagogicsosphresiology)=study of teaching, AND study of the sense of smell
Pedagogics+Immunology (aka Pedagogicsimmunology)=study of teaching, AND study of immunity
Pedagogics+Hydrokinetics (aka Pedagogicshydrokinetics)=study of teaching, AND study of motion of fluids
Pedagogics+Arachnology (aka Pedagogicsarachnology)=study of teaching, AND study of arachnids
Pedagogics+Phraseology (aka Pedagogicsphraseology)=study of teaching, AND study of phrases
Pedagogics+Phytology (aka Pedagogicsphytology)=study of teaching, AND study of plants; botany
Pedagogics+Glyptology (aka Pedagogicsglyptology)=study of teaching, AND study of gem engravings
Pedagogics+Diplomatics (aka Pedagogicsdiplomatics)=study of teaching, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Pedagogics+Astacology (aka Pedagogicsastacology)=study of teaching, AND science of crayfish
Pedagogics+Historiology (aka Pedagogicshistoriology)=study of teaching, AND study of history
Pedagogics+Tribology (aka Pedagogicstribology)=study of teaching, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Pedagogics+Zoopathology (aka Pedagogicszoopathology)=study of teaching, AND study of animal diseases
Pedagogics+Paleo-osteology (aka Pedagogicspaleo-osteology)=study of teaching, AND study of ancient bones
Pedagogics+Trophology (aka Pedagogicstrophology)=study of teaching, AND study of nutrition
Pedagogics+Loimology (aka Pedagogicsloimology)=study of teaching, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Pedagogics+Bromatology (aka Pedagogicsbromatology)=study of teaching, AND study of food
Pedagogics+Hydrometeorology (aka Pedagogicshydrometeorology)=study of teaching, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Pedagogics+Pyroballogy (aka Pedagogicspyroballogy)=study of teaching, AND study of artillery
Pedagogics+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Pedagogicsotorhinolaryngology)=study of teaching, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Pedagogics+Aerostatics (aka Pedagogicsaerostatics)=study of teaching, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Pedagogics+Agrostology (aka Pedagogicsagrostology)=study of teaching, AND science or study of grasses
Pedagogics+Phillumeny (aka Pedagogicsphillumeny)=study of teaching, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Pedagogics+Zoonosology (aka Pedagogicszoonosology)=study of teaching, AND study of animal diseases
Pedagogics+Gerontology (aka Pedagogicsgerontology)=study of teaching, AND study of the elderly; aging
Pedagogics+Selenology (aka Pedagogicsselenology)=study of teaching, AND study of the moon
Pedagogics+Psychopathology (aka Pedagogicspsychopathology)=study of teaching, AND study of mental illness
Pedagogics+Futurology (aka Pedagogicsfuturology)=study of teaching, AND study of future
Pedagogics+Iridology (aka Pedagogicsiridology)=study of teaching, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Pedagogics+Toponymics (aka Pedagogicstoponymics)=study of teaching, AND study of place-names
Zoophysics+Microclimatology (aka Zoophysicsmicroclimatology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of local climates
Zoophysics+Hepatology (aka Zoophysicshepatology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of liver
Zoophysics+Zymurgy (aka Zoophysicszymurgy)=physics of animal bodies, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Zoophysics+Significs (aka Zoophysicssignifics)=physics of animal bodies, AND science of meaning
Zoophysics+Limacology (aka Zoophysicslimacology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of slugs
Zoophysics+Cartophily (aka Zoophysicscartophily)=physics of animal bodies, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Zoophysics+Cardiology (aka Zoophysicscardiology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of the heart
Zoophysics+Euthenics (aka Zoophysicseuthenics)=physics of animal bodies, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Zoophysics+Pedagogics (aka Zoophysicspedagogics)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of teaching
Zoophysics+Molinology (aka Zoophysicsmolinology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of mills and milling
Zoophysics+Eremology (aka Zoophysicseremology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of deserts
Zoophysics+Paedotrophy (aka Zoophysicspaedotrophy)=physics of animal bodies, AND art of rearing children
Zoophysics+Ethnomethodology (aka Zoophysicsethnomethodology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of everyday communication
Zoophysics+Floristry (aka Zoophysicsfloristry)=physics of animal bodies, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Zoophysics+Trichology (aka Zoophysicstrichology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of hair and its disorders
Zoophysics+Agronomics (aka Zoophysicsagronomics)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of productivity of land
Zoophysics+Storiology (aka Zoophysicsstoriology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of folk tales
Zoophysics+Micropalaeontology (aka Zoophysicsmicropalaeontology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of microscopic fossils
Zoophysics+Pharyngology (aka Zoophysicspharyngology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of the throat
Zoophysics+Physiology (aka Zoophysicsphysiology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of processes of life
Zoophysics+Osphresiology (aka Zoophysicsosphresiology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of the sense of smell
Zoophysics+Immunology (aka Zoophysicsimmunology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of immunity
Zoophysics+Hydrokinetics (aka Zoophysicshydrokinetics)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of motion of fluids
Zoophysics+Arachnology (aka Zoophysicsarachnology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of arachnids
Zoophysics+Phraseology (aka Zoophysicsphraseology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of phrases
Zoophysics+Phytology (aka Zoophysicsphytology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of plants; botany
Zoophysics+Glyptology (aka Zoophysicsglyptology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of gem engravings
Zoophysics+Diplomatics (aka Zoophysicsdiplomatics)=physics of animal bodies, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Zoophysics+Astacology (aka Zoophysicsastacology)=physics of animal bodies, AND science of crayfish
Zoophysics+Historiology (aka Zoophysicshistoriology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of history
Zoophysics+Tribology (aka Zoophysicstribology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Zoophysics+Zoopathology (aka Zoophysicszoopathology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of animal diseases
Zoophysics+Paleo-osteology (aka Zoophysicspaleo-osteology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of ancient bones
Zoophysics+Trophology (aka Zoophysicstrophology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of nutrition
Zoophysics+Loimology (aka Zoophysicsloimology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Zoophysics+Bromatology (aka Zoophysicsbromatology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of food
Zoophysics+Hydrometeorology (aka Zoophysicshydrometeorology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Zoophysics+Pyroballogy (aka Zoophysicspyroballogy)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of artillery
Zoophysics+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Zoophysicsotorhinolaryngology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Zoophysics+Aerostatics (aka Zoophysicsaerostatics)=physics of animal bodies, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Zoophysics+Agrostology (aka Zoophysicsagrostology)=physics of animal bodies, AND science or study of grasses
Zoophysics+Phillumeny (aka Zoophysicsphillumeny)=physics of animal bodies, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Zoophysics+Zoonosology (aka Zoophysicszoonosology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of animal diseases
Zoophysics+Gerontology (aka Zoophysicsgerontology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of the elderly; aging
Zoophysics+Selenology (aka Zoophysicsselenology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of the moon
Zoophysics+Psychopathology (aka Zoophysicspsychopathology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of mental illness
Zoophysics+Futurology (aka Zoophysicsfuturology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of future
Zoophysics+Iridology (aka Zoophysicsiridology)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Zoophysics+Toponymics (aka Zoophysicstoponymics)=physics of animal bodies, AND study of place-names
Molinology+Microclimatology (aka Molinmicroclimatology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of local climates
Molinology+Hepatology (aka Molinhepatology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of liver
Molinology+Zymurgy (aka Molinologyzymurgy)=study of mills and milling, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Molinology+Significs (aka Molinologysignifics)=study of mills and milling, AND science of meaning
Molinology+Limacology (aka Molinlimacology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of slugs
Molinology+Cartophily (aka Molinologycartophily)=study of mills and milling, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Molinology+Cardiology (aka Molincardiology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of the heart
Molinology+Euthenics (aka Molinologyeuthenics)=study of mills and milling, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Molinology+Pedagogics (aka Molinologypedagogics)=study of mills and milling, AND study of teaching
Molinology+Zoophysics (aka Molinologyzoophysics)=study of mills and milling, AND physics of animal bodies
Molinology+Eremology (aka Molineremology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of deserts
Molinology+Paedotrophy (aka Molinologypaedotrophy)=study of mills and milling, AND art of rearing children
Molinology+Ethnomethodology (aka Molinethnomethodology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of everyday communication
Molinology+Floristry (aka Molinologyfloristry)=study of mills and milling, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Molinology+Trichology (aka Molintrichology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of hair and its disorders
Molinology+Agronomics (aka Molinologyagronomics)=study of mills and milling, AND study of productivity of land
Molinology+Storiology (aka Molinstoriology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of folk tales
Molinology+Micropalaeontology (aka Molinmicropalaeontology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of microscopic fossils
Molinology+Pharyngology (aka Molinpharyngology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of the throat
Molinology+Physiology (aka Molinphysiology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of processes of life
Molinology+Osphresiology (aka Molinosphresiology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of the sense of smell
Molinology+Immunology (aka Molinimmunology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of immunity
Molinology+Hydrokinetics (aka Molinologyhydrokinetics)=study of mills and milling, AND study of motion of fluids
Molinology+Arachnology (aka Molinarachnology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of arachnids
Molinology+Phraseology (aka Molinphraseology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of phrases
Molinology+Phytology (aka Molinphytology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of plants; botany
Molinology+Glyptology (aka Molinglyptology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of gem engravings
Molinology+Diplomatics (aka Molinologydiplomatics)=study of mills and milling, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Molinology+Astacology (aka Molinastacology)=study of mills and milling, AND science of crayfish
Molinology+Historiology (aka Molinhistoriology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of history
Molinology+Tribology (aka Molintribology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Molinology+Zoopathology (aka Molinzoopathology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of animal diseases
Molinology+Paleo-osteology (aka Molinpaleo-osteology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of ancient bones
Molinology+Trophology (aka Molintrophology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of nutrition
Molinology+Loimology (aka Molinloimology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Molinology+Bromatology (aka Molinbromatology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of food
Molinology+Hydrometeorology (aka Molinhydrometeorology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Molinology+Pyroballogy (aka Molinologypyroballogy)=study of mills and milling, AND study of artillery
Molinology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Molinotorhinolaryngology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Molinology+Aerostatics (aka Molinologyaerostatics)=study of mills and milling, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Molinology+Agrostology (aka Molinagrostology)=study of mills and milling, AND science or study of grasses
Molinology+Phillumeny (aka Molinologyphillumeny)=study of mills and milling, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Molinology+Zoonosology (aka Molinzoonosology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of animal diseases
Molinology+Gerontology (aka Molingerontology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of the elderly; aging
Molinology+Selenology (aka Molinselenology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of the moon
Molinology+Psychopathology (aka Molinpsychopathology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of mental illness
Molinology+Futurology (aka Molinfuturology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of future
Molinology+Iridology (aka Moliniridology)=study of mills and milling, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Molinology+Toponymics (aka Molinologytoponymics)=study of mills and milling, AND study of place-names
Eremology+Microclimatology (aka Eremmicroclimatology)=study of deserts, AND study of local climates
Eremology+Hepatology (aka Eremhepatology)=study of deserts, AND study of liver
Eremology+Zymurgy (aka Eremologyzymurgy)=study of deserts, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Eremology+Significs (aka Eremologysignifics)=study of deserts, AND science of meaning
Eremology+Limacology (aka Eremlimacology)=study of deserts, AND study of slugs
Eremology+Cartophily (aka Eremologycartophily)=study of deserts, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Eremology+Cardiology (aka Eremcardiology)=study of deserts, AND study of the heart
Eremology+Euthenics (aka Eremologyeuthenics)=study of deserts, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Eremology+Pedagogics (aka Eremologypedagogics)=study of deserts, AND study of teaching
Eremology+Zoophysics (aka Eremologyzoophysics)=study of deserts, AND physics of animal bodies
Eremology+Molinology (aka Eremmolinology)=study of deserts, AND study of mills and milling
Eremology+Paedotrophy (aka Eremologypaedotrophy)=study of deserts, AND art of rearing children
Eremology+Ethnomethodology (aka Eremethnomethodology)=study of deserts, AND study of everyday communication
Eremology+Floristry (aka Eremologyfloristry)=study of deserts, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Eremology+Trichology (aka Eremtrichology)=study of deserts, AND study of hair and its disorders
Eremology+Agronomics (aka Eremologyagronomics)=study of deserts, AND study of productivity of land
Eremology+Storiology (aka Eremstoriology)=study of deserts, AND study of folk tales
Eremology+Micropalaeontology (aka Eremmicropalaeontology)=study of deserts, AND study of microscopic fossils
Eremology+Pharyngology (aka Erempharyngology)=study of deserts, AND study of the throat
Eremology+Physiology (aka Eremphysiology)=study of deserts, AND study of processes of life
Eremology+Osphresiology (aka Eremosphresiology)=study of deserts, AND study of the sense of smell
Eremology+Immunology (aka Eremimmunology)=study of deserts, AND study of immunity
Eremology+Hydrokinetics (aka Eremologyhydrokinetics)=study of deserts, AND study of motion of fluids
Eremology+Arachnology (aka Eremarachnology)=study of deserts, AND study of arachnids
Eremology+Phraseology (aka Eremphraseology)=study of deserts, AND study of phrases
Eremology+Phytology (aka Eremphytology)=study of deserts, AND study of plants; botany
Eremology+Glyptology (aka Eremglyptology)=study of deserts, AND study of gem engravings
Eremology+Diplomatics (aka Eremologydiplomatics)=study of deserts, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Eremology+Astacology (aka Eremastacology)=study of deserts, AND science of crayfish
Eremology+Historiology (aka Eremhistoriology)=study of deserts, AND study of history
Eremology+Tribology (aka Eremtribology)=study of deserts, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Eremology+Zoopathology (aka Eremzoopathology)=study of deserts, AND study of animal diseases
Eremology+Paleo-osteology (aka Erempaleo-osteology)=study of deserts, AND study of ancient bones
Eremology+Trophology (aka Eremtrophology)=study of deserts, AND study of nutrition
Eremology+Loimology (aka Eremloimology)=study of deserts, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Eremology+Bromatology (aka Erembromatology)=study of deserts, AND study of food
Eremology+Hydrometeorology (aka Eremhydrometeorology)=study of deserts, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Eremology+Pyroballogy (aka Eremologypyroballogy)=study of deserts, AND study of artillery
Eremology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Eremotorhinolaryngology)=study of deserts, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Eremology+Aerostatics (aka Eremologyaerostatics)=study of deserts, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Eremology+Agrostology (aka Eremagrostology)=study of deserts, AND science or study of grasses
Eremology+Phillumeny (aka Eremologyphillumeny)=study of deserts, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Eremology+Zoonosology (aka Eremzoonosology)=study of deserts, AND study of animal diseases
Eremology+Gerontology (aka Eremgerontology)=study of deserts, AND study of the elderly; aging
Eremology+Selenology (aka Eremselenology)=study of deserts, AND study of the moon
Eremology+Psychopathology (aka Erempsychopathology)=study of deserts, AND study of mental illness
Eremology+Futurology (aka Eremfuturology)=study of deserts, AND study of future
Eremology+Iridology (aka Eremiridology)=study of deserts, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Eremology+Toponymics (aka Eremologytoponymics)=study of deserts, AND study of place-names
Paedotrophy+Microclimatology (aka Paedotrophymicroclimatology)=art of rearing children, AND study of local climates
Paedotrophy+Hepatology (aka Paedotrophyhepatology)=art of rearing children, AND study of liver
Paedotrophy+Zymurgy (aka Paedotrophyzymurgy)=art of rearing children, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Paedotrophy+Significs (aka Paedotrophysignifics)=art of rearing children, AND science of meaning
Paedotrophy+Limacology (aka Paedotrophylimacology)=art of rearing children, AND study of slugs
Paedotrophy+Cartophily (aka Paedotrophycartophily)=art of rearing children, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Paedotrophy+Cardiology (aka Paedotrophycardiology)=art of rearing children, AND study of the heart
Paedotrophy+Euthenics (aka Paedotrophyeuthenics)=art of rearing children, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Paedotrophy+Pedagogics (aka Paedotrophypedagogics)=art of rearing children, AND study of teaching
Paedotrophy+Zoophysics (aka Paedotrophyzoophysics)=art of rearing children, AND physics of animal bodies
Paedotrophy+Molinology (aka Paedotrophymolinology)=art of rearing children, AND study of mills and milling
Paedotrophy+Eremology (aka Paedotrophyeremology)=art of rearing children, AND study of deserts
Paedotrophy+Ethnomethodology (aka Paedotrophyethnomethodology)=art of rearing children, AND study of everyday communication
Paedotrophy+Floristry (aka Paedotrophyfloristry)=art of rearing children, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Paedotrophy+Trichology (aka Paedotrophytrichology)=art of rearing children, AND study of hair and its disorders
Paedotrophy+Agronomics (aka Paedotrophyagronomics)=art of rearing children, AND study of productivity of land
Paedotrophy+Storiology (aka Paedotrophystoriology)=art of rearing children, AND study of folk tales
Paedotrophy+Micropalaeontology (aka Paedotrophymicropalaeontology)=art of rearing children, AND study of microscopic fossils
Paedotrophy+Pharyngology (aka Paedotrophypharyngology)=art of rearing children, AND study of the throat
Paedotrophy+Physiology (aka Paedotrophyphysiology)=art of rearing children, AND study of processes of life
Paedotrophy+Osphresiology (aka Paedotrophyosphresiology)=art of rearing children, AND study of the sense of smell
Paedotrophy+Immunology (aka Paedotrophyimmunology)=art of rearing children, AND study of immunity
Paedotrophy+Hydrokinetics (aka Paedotrophyhydrokinetics)=art of rearing children, AND study of motion of fluids
Paedotrophy+Arachnology (aka Paedotrophyarachnology)=art of rearing children, AND study of arachnids
Paedotrophy+Phraseology (aka Paedotrophyphraseology)=art of rearing children, AND study of phrases
Paedotrophy+Phytology (aka Paedotrophyphytology)=art of rearing children, AND study of plants; botany
Paedotrophy+Glyptology (aka Paedotrophyglyptology)=art of rearing children, AND study of gem engravings
Paedotrophy+Diplomatics (aka Paedotrophydiplomatics)=art of rearing children, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Paedotrophy+Astacology (aka Paedotrophyastacology)=art of rearing children, AND science of crayfish
Paedotrophy+Historiology (aka Paedotrophyhistoriology)=art of rearing children, AND study of history
Paedotrophy+Tribology (aka Paedotrophytribology)=art of rearing children, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Paedotrophy+Zoopathology (aka Paedotrophyzoopathology)=art of rearing children, AND study of animal diseases
Paedotrophy+Paleo-osteology (aka Paedotrophypaleo-osteology)=art of rearing children, AND study of ancient bones
Paedotrophy+Trophology (aka Paedotrophytrophology)=art of rearing children, AND study of nutrition
Paedotrophy+Loimology (aka Paedotrophyloimology)=art of rearing children, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Paedotrophy+Bromatology (aka Paedotrophybromatology)=art of rearing children, AND study of food
Paedotrophy+Hydrometeorology (aka Paedotrophyhydrometeorology)=art of rearing children, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Paedotrophy+Pyroballogy (aka Paedotrophypyroballogy)=art of rearing children, AND study of artillery
Paedotrophy+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Paedotrophyotorhinolaryngology)=art of rearing children, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Paedotrophy+Aerostatics (aka Paedotrophyaerostatics)=art of rearing children, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Paedotrophy+Agrostology (aka Paedotrophyagrostology)=art of rearing children, AND science or study of grasses
Paedotrophy+Phillumeny (aka Paedotrophyphillumeny)=art of rearing children, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Paedotrophy+Zoonosology (aka Paedotrophyzoonosology)=art of rearing children, AND study of animal diseases
Paedotrophy+Gerontology (aka Paedotrophygerontology)=art of rearing children, AND study of the elderly; aging
Paedotrophy+Selenology (aka Paedotrophyselenology)=art of rearing children, AND study of the moon
Paedotrophy+Psychopathology (aka Paedotrophypsychopathology)=art of rearing children, AND study of mental illness
Paedotrophy+Futurology (aka Paedotrophyfuturology)=art of rearing children, AND study of future
Paedotrophy+Iridology (aka Paedotrophyiridology)=art of rearing children, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Paedotrophy+Toponymics (aka Paedotrophytoponymics)=art of rearing children, AND study of place-names
Ethnomethodology+Microclimatology (aka Ethnomethodmicroclimatology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of local climates
Ethnomethodology+Hepatology (aka Ethnomethodhepatology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of liver
Ethnomethodology+Zymurgy (aka Ethnomethodologyzymurgy)=study of everyday communication, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Ethnomethodology+Significs (aka Ethnomethodologysignifics)=study of everyday communication, AND science of meaning
Ethnomethodology+Limacology (aka Ethnomethodlimacology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of slugs
Ethnomethodology+Cartophily (aka Ethnomethodologycartophily)=study of everyday communication, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Ethnomethodology+Cardiology (aka Ethnomethodcardiology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of the heart
Ethnomethodology+Euthenics (aka Ethnomethodologyeuthenics)=study of everyday communication, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Ethnomethodology+Pedagogics (aka Ethnomethodologypedagogics)=study of everyday communication, AND study of teaching
Ethnomethodology+Zoophysics (aka Ethnomethodologyzoophysics)=study of everyday communication, AND physics of animal bodies
Ethnomethodology+Molinology (aka Ethnomethodmolinology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of mills and milling
Ethnomethodology+Eremology (aka Ethnomethoderemology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of deserts
Ethnomethodology+Paedotrophy (aka Ethnomethodologypaedotrophy)=study of everyday communication, AND art of rearing children
Ethnomethodology+Floristry (aka Ethnomethodologyfloristry)=study of everyday communication, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Ethnomethodology+Trichology (aka Ethnomethodtrichology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of hair and its disorders
Ethnomethodology+Agronomics (aka Ethnomethodologyagronomics)=study of everyday communication, AND study of productivity of land
Ethnomethodology+Storiology (aka Ethnomethodstoriology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of folk tales
Ethnomethodology+Micropalaeontology (aka Ethnomethodmicropalaeontology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of microscopic fossils
Ethnomethodology+Pharyngology (aka Ethnomethodpharyngology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of the throat
Ethnomethodology+Physiology (aka Ethnomethodphysiology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of processes of life
Ethnomethodology+Osphresiology (aka Ethnomethodosphresiology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of the sense of smell
Ethnomethodology+Immunology (aka Ethnomethodimmunology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of immunity
Ethnomethodology+Hydrokinetics (aka Ethnomethodologyhydrokinetics)=study of everyday communication, AND study of motion of fluids
Ethnomethodology+Arachnology (aka Ethnomethodarachnology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of arachnids
Ethnomethodology+Phraseology (aka Ethnomethodphraseology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of phrases
Ethnomethodology+Phytology (aka Ethnomethodphytology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of plants; botany
Ethnomethodology+Glyptology (aka Ethnomethodglyptology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of gem engravings
Ethnomethodology+Diplomatics (aka Ethnomethodologydiplomatics)=study of everyday communication, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Ethnomethodology+Astacology (aka Ethnomethodastacology)=study of everyday communication, AND science of crayfish
Ethnomethodology+Historiology (aka Ethnomethodhistoriology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of history
Ethnomethodology+Tribology (aka Ethnomethodtribology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Ethnomethodology+Zoopathology (aka Ethnomethodzoopathology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of animal diseases
Ethnomethodology+Paleo-osteology (aka Ethnomethodpaleo-osteology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of ancient bones
Ethnomethodology+Trophology (aka Ethnomethodtrophology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of nutrition
Ethnomethodology+Loimology (aka Ethnomethodloimology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Ethnomethodology+Bromatology (aka Ethnomethodbromatology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of food
Ethnomethodology+Hydrometeorology (aka Ethnomethodhydrometeorology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Ethnomethodology+Pyroballogy (aka Ethnomethodologypyroballogy)=study of everyday communication, AND study of artillery
Ethnomethodology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Ethnomethodotorhinolaryngology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Ethnomethodology+Aerostatics (aka Ethnomethodologyaerostatics)=study of everyday communication, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Ethnomethodology+Agrostology (aka Ethnomethodagrostology)=study of everyday communication, AND science or study of grasses
Ethnomethodology+Phillumeny (aka Ethnomethodologyphillumeny)=study of everyday communication, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Ethnomethodology+Zoonosology (aka Ethnomethodzoonosology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of animal diseases
Ethnomethodology+Gerontology (aka Ethnomethodgerontology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of the elderly; aging
Ethnomethodology+Selenology (aka Ethnomethodselenology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of the moon
Ethnomethodology+Psychopathology (aka Ethnomethodpsychopathology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of mental illness
Ethnomethodology+Futurology (aka Ethnomethodfuturology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of future
Ethnomethodology+Iridology (aka Ethnomethodiridology)=study of everyday communication, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Ethnomethodology+Toponymics (aka Ethnomethodologytoponymics)=study of everyday communication, AND study of place-names
Floristry+Microclimatology (aka Floristrymicroclimatology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of local climates
Floristry+Hepatology (aka Floristryhepatology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of liver
Floristry+Zymurgy (aka Floristryzymurgy)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Floristry+Significs (aka Floristrysignifics)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND science of meaning
Floristry+Limacology (aka Floristrylimacology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of slugs
Floristry+Cartophily (aka Floristrycartophily)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Floristry+Cardiology (aka Floristrycardiology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of the heart
Floristry+Euthenics (aka Floristryeuthenics)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Floristry+Pedagogics (aka Floristrypedagogics)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of teaching
Floristry+Zoophysics (aka Floristryzoophysics)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND physics of animal bodies
Floristry+Molinology (aka Floristrymolinology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of mills and milling
Floristry+Eremology (aka Floristryeremology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of deserts
Floristry+Paedotrophy (aka Floristrypaedotrophy)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND art of rearing children
Floristry+Ethnomethodology (aka Floristryethnomethodology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of everyday communication
Floristry+Trichology (aka Floristrytrichology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of hair and its disorders
Floristry+Agronomics (aka Floristryagronomics)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of productivity of land
Floristry+Storiology (aka Floristrystoriology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of folk tales
Floristry+Micropalaeontology (aka Floristrymicropalaeontology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of microscopic fossils
Floristry+Pharyngology (aka Floristrypharyngology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of the throat
Floristry+Physiology (aka Floristryphysiology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of processes of life
Floristry+Osphresiology (aka Floristryosphresiology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of the sense of smell
Floristry+Immunology (aka Floristryimmunology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of immunity
Floristry+Hydrokinetics (aka Floristryhydrokinetics)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of motion of fluids
Floristry+Arachnology (aka Floristryarachnology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of arachnids
Floristry+Phraseology (aka Floristryphraseology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of phrases
Floristry+Phytology (aka Floristryphytology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of plants; botany
Floristry+Glyptology (aka Floristryglyptology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of gem engravings
Floristry+Diplomatics (aka Floristrydiplomatics)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Floristry+Astacology (aka Floristryastacology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND science of crayfish
Floristry+Historiology (aka Floristryhistoriology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of history
Floristry+Tribology (aka Floristrytribology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Floristry+Zoopathology (aka Floristryzoopathology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of animal diseases
Floristry+Paleo-osteology (aka Floristrypaleo-osteology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of ancient bones
Floristry+Trophology (aka Floristrytrophology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of nutrition
Floristry+Loimology (aka Floristryloimology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Floristry+Bromatology (aka Floristrybromatology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of food
Floristry+Hydrometeorology (aka Floristryhydrometeorology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Floristry+Pyroballogy (aka Floristrypyroballogy)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of artillery
Floristry+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Floristryotorhinolaryngology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Floristry+Aerostatics (aka Floristryaerostatics)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Floristry+Agrostology (aka Floristryagrostology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND science or study of grasses
Floristry+Phillumeny (aka Floristryphillumeny)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Floristry+Zoonosology (aka Floristryzoonosology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of animal diseases
Floristry+Gerontology (aka Floristrygerontology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of the elderly; aging
Floristry+Selenology (aka Floristryselenology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of the moon
Floristry+Psychopathology (aka Floristrypsychopathology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of mental illness
Floristry+Futurology (aka Floristryfuturology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of future
Floristry+Iridology (aka Floristryiridology)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Floristry+Toponymics (aka Floristrytoponymics)=art of cultivating and selling flowers, AND study of place-names
Trichology+Microclimatology (aka Trichmicroclimatology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of local climates
Trichology+Hepatology (aka Trichhepatology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of liver
Trichology+Zymurgy (aka Trichologyzymurgy)=study of hair and its disorders, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Trichology+Significs (aka Trichologysignifics)=study of hair and its disorders, AND science of meaning
Trichology+Limacology (aka Trichlimacology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of slugs
Trichology+Cartophily (aka Trichologycartophily)=study of hair and its disorders, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Trichology+Cardiology (aka Trichcardiology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of the heart
Trichology+Euthenics (aka Trichologyeuthenics)=study of hair and its disorders, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Trichology+Pedagogics (aka Trichologypedagogics)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of teaching
Trichology+Zoophysics (aka Trichologyzoophysics)=study of hair and its disorders, AND physics of animal bodies
Trichology+Molinology (aka Trichmolinology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of mills and milling
Trichology+Eremology (aka Tricheremology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of deserts
Trichology+Paedotrophy (aka Trichologypaedotrophy)=study of hair and its disorders, AND art of rearing children
Trichology+Ethnomethodology (aka Trichethnomethodology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of everyday communication
Trichology+Floristry (aka Trichologyfloristry)=study of hair and its disorders, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Trichology+Agronomics (aka Trichologyagronomics)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of productivity of land
Trichology+Storiology (aka Trichstoriology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of folk tales
Trichology+Micropalaeontology (aka Trichmicropalaeontology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of microscopic fossils
Trichology+Pharyngology (aka Trichpharyngology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of the throat
Trichology+Physiology (aka Trichphysiology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of processes of life
Trichology+Osphresiology (aka Trichosphresiology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of the sense of smell
Trichology+Immunology (aka Trichimmunology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of immunity
Trichology+Hydrokinetics (aka Trichologyhydrokinetics)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of motion of fluids
Trichology+Arachnology (aka Tricharachnology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of arachnids
Trichology+Phraseology (aka Trichphraseology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of phrases
Trichology+Phytology (aka Trichphytology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of plants; botany
Trichology+Glyptology (aka Trichglyptology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of gem engravings
Trichology+Diplomatics (aka Trichologydiplomatics)=study of hair and its disorders, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Trichology+Astacology (aka Trichastacology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND science of crayfish
Trichology+Historiology (aka Trichhistoriology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of history
Trichology+Tribology (aka Trichtribology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Trichology+Zoopathology (aka Trichzoopathology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of animal diseases
Trichology+Paleo-osteology (aka Trichpaleo-osteology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of ancient bones
Trichology+Trophology (aka Trichtrophology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of nutrition
Trichology+Loimology (aka Trichloimology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Trichology+Bromatology (aka Trichbromatology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of food
Trichology+Hydrometeorology (aka Trichhydrometeorology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Trichology+Pyroballogy (aka Trichologypyroballogy)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of artillery
Trichology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Trichotorhinolaryngology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Trichology+Aerostatics (aka Trichologyaerostatics)=study of hair and its disorders, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Trichology+Agrostology (aka Trichagrostology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND science or study of grasses
Trichology+Phillumeny (aka Trichologyphillumeny)=study of hair and its disorders, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Trichology+Zoonosology (aka Trichzoonosology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of animal diseases
Trichology+Gerontology (aka Trichgerontology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of the elderly; aging
Trichology+Selenology (aka Trichselenology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of the moon
Trichology+Psychopathology (aka Trichpsychopathology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of mental illness
Trichology+Futurology (aka Trichfuturology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of future
Trichology+Iridology (aka Trichiridology)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Trichology+Toponymics (aka Trichologytoponymics)=study of hair and its disorders, AND study of place-names
Agronomics+Microclimatology (aka Agronomicsmicroclimatology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of local climates
Agronomics+Hepatology (aka Agronomicshepatology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of liver
Agronomics+Zymurgy (aka Agronomicszymurgy)=study of productivity of land, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Agronomics+Significs (aka Agronomicssignifics)=study of productivity of land, AND science of meaning
Agronomics+Limacology (aka Agronomicslimacology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of slugs
Agronomics+Cartophily (aka Agronomicscartophily)=study of productivity of land, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Agronomics+Cardiology (aka Agronomicscardiology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of the heart
Agronomics+Euthenics (aka Agronomicseuthenics)=study of productivity of land, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Agronomics+Pedagogics (aka Agronomicspedagogics)=study of productivity of land, AND study of teaching
Agronomics+Zoophysics (aka Agronomicszoophysics)=study of productivity of land, AND physics of animal bodies
Agronomics+Molinology (aka Agronomicsmolinology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of mills and milling
Agronomics+Eremology (aka Agronomicseremology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of deserts
Agronomics+Paedotrophy (aka Agronomicspaedotrophy)=study of productivity of land, AND art of rearing children
Agronomics+Ethnomethodology (aka Agronomicsethnomethodology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of everyday communication
Agronomics+Floristry (aka Agronomicsfloristry)=study of productivity of land, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Agronomics+Trichology (aka Agronomicstrichology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of hair and its disorders
Agronomics+Storiology (aka Agronomicsstoriology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of folk tales
Agronomics+Micropalaeontology (aka Agronomicsmicropalaeontology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of microscopic fossils
Agronomics+Pharyngology (aka Agronomicspharyngology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of the throat
Agronomics+Physiology (aka Agronomicsphysiology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of processes of life
Agronomics+Osphresiology (aka Agronomicsosphresiology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of the sense of smell
Agronomics+Immunology (aka Agronomicsimmunology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of immunity
Agronomics+Hydrokinetics (aka Agronomicshydrokinetics)=study of productivity of land, AND study of motion of fluids
Agronomics+Arachnology (aka Agronomicsarachnology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of arachnids
Agronomics+Phraseology (aka Agronomicsphraseology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of phrases
Agronomics+Phytology (aka Agronomicsphytology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of plants; botany
Agronomics+Glyptology (aka Agronomicsglyptology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of gem engravings
Agronomics+Diplomatics (aka Agronomicsdiplomatics)=study of productivity of land, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Agronomics+Astacology (aka Agronomicsastacology)=study of productivity of land, AND science of crayfish
Agronomics+Historiology (aka Agronomicshistoriology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of history
Agronomics+Tribology (aka Agronomicstribology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Agronomics+Zoopathology (aka Agronomicszoopathology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of animal diseases
Agronomics+Paleo-osteology (aka Agronomicspaleo-osteology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of ancient bones
Agronomics+Trophology (aka Agronomicstrophology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of nutrition
Agronomics+Loimology (aka Agronomicsloimology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Agronomics+Bromatology (aka Agronomicsbromatology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of food
Agronomics+Hydrometeorology (aka Agronomicshydrometeorology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Agronomics+Pyroballogy (aka Agronomicspyroballogy)=study of productivity of land, AND study of artillery
Agronomics+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Agronomicsotorhinolaryngology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Agronomics+Aerostatics (aka Agronomicsaerostatics)=study of productivity of land, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Agronomics+Agrostology (aka Agronomicsagrostology)=study of productivity of land, AND science or study of grasses
Agronomics+Phillumeny (aka Agronomicsphillumeny)=study of productivity of land, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Agronomics+Zoonosology (aka Agronomicszoonosology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of animal diseases
Agronomics+Gerontology (aka Agronomicsgerontology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of the elderly; aging
Agronomics+Selenology (aka Agronomicsselenology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of the moon
Agronomics+Psychopathology (aka Agronomicspsychopathology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of mental illness
Agronomics+Futurology (aka Agronomicsfuturology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of future
Agronomics+Iridology (aka Agronomicsiridology)=study of productivity of land, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Agronomics+Toponymics (aka Agronomicstoponymics)=study of productivity of land, AND study of place-names
Storiology+Microclimatology (aka Storimicroclimatology)=study of folk tales, AND study of local climates
Storiology+Hepatology (aka Storihepatology)=study of folk tales, AND study of liver
Storiology+Zymurgy (aka Storiologyzymurgy)=study of folk tales, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Storiology+Significs (aka Storiologysignifics)=study of folk tales, AND science of meaning
Storiology+Limacology (aka Storilimacology)=study of folk tales, AND study of slugs
Storiology+Cartophily (aka Storiologycartophily)=study of folk tales, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Storiology+Cardiology (aka Storicardiology)=study of folk tales, AND study of the heart
Storiology+Euthenics (aka Storiologyeuthenics)=study of folk tales, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Storiology+Pedagogics (aka Storiologypedagogics)=study of folk tales, AND study of teaching
Storiology+Zoophysics (aka Storiologyzoophysics)=study of folk tales, AND physics of animal bodies
Storiology+Molinology (aka Storimolinology)=study of folk tales, AND study of mills and milling
Storiology+Eremology (aka Storieremology)=study of folk tales, AND study of deserts
Storiology+Paedotrophy (aka Storiologypaedotrophy)=study of folk tales, AND art of rearing children
Storiology+Ethnomethodology (aka Storiethnomethodology)=study of folk tales, AND study of everyday communication
Storiology+Floristry (aka Storiologyfloristry)=study of folk tales, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Storiology+Trichology (aka Storitrichology)=study of folk tales, AND study of hair and its disorders
Storiology+Agronomics (aka Storiologyagronomics)=study of folk tales, AND study of productivity of land
Storiology+Micropalaeontology (aka Storimicropalaeontology)=study of folk tales, AND study of microscopic fossils
Storiology+Pharyngology (aka Storipharyngology)=study of folk tales, AND study of the throat
Storiology+Physiology (aka Storiphysiology)=study of folk tales, AND study of processes of life
Storiology+Osphresiology (aka Storiosphresiology)=study of folk tales, AND study of the sense of smell
Storiology+Immunology (aka Storiimmunology)=study of folk tales, AND study of immunity
Storiology+Hydrokinetics (aka Storiologyhydrokinetics)=study of folk tales, AND study of motion of fluids
Storiology+Arachnology (aka Storiarachnology)=study of folk tales, AND study of arachnids
Storiology+Phraseology (aka Storiphraseology)=study of folk tales, AND study of phrases
Storiology+Phytology (aka Storiphytology)=study of folk tales, AND study of plants; botany
Storiology+Glyptology (aka Storiglyptology)=study of folk tales, AND study of gem engravings
Storiology+Diplomatics (aka Storiologydiplomatics)=study of folk tales, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Storiology+Astacology (aka Storiastacology)=study of folk tales, AND science of crayfish
Storiology+Historiology (aka Storihistoriology)=study of folk tales, AND study of history
Storiology+Tribology (aka Storitribology)=study of folk tales, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Storiology+Zoopathology (aka Storizoopathology)=study of folk tales, AND study of animal diseases
Storiology+Paleo-osteology (aka Storipaleo-osteology)=study of folk tales, AND study of ancient bones
Storiology+Trophology (aka Storitrophology)=study of folk tales, AND study of nutrition
Storiology+Loimology (aka Storiloimology)=study of folk tales, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Storiology+Bromatology (aka Storibromatology)=study of folk tales, AND study of food
Storiology+Hydrometeorology (aka Storihydrometeorology)=study of folk tales, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Storiology+Pyroballogy (aka Storiologypyroballogy)=study of folk tales, AND study of artillery
Storiology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Storiotorhinolaryngology)=study of folk tales, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Storiology+Aerostatics (aka Storiologyaerostatics)=study of folk tales, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Storiology+Agrostology (aka Storiagrostology)=study of folk tales, AND science or study of grasses
Storiology+Phillumeny (aka Storiologyphillumeny)=study of folk tales, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Storiology+Zoonosology (aka Storizoonosology)=study of folk tales, AND study of animal diseases
Storiology+Gerontology (aka Storigerontology)=study of folk tales, AND study of the elderly; aging
Storiology+Selenology (aka Storiselenology)=study of folk tales, AND study of the moon
Storiology+Psychopathology (aka Storipsychopathology)=study of folk tales, AND study of mental illness
Storiology+Futurology (aka Storifuturology)=study of folk tales, AND study of future
Storiology+Iridology (aka Storiiridology)=study of folk tales, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Storiology+Toponymics (aka Storiologytoponymics)=study of folk tales, AND study of place-names
Micropalaeontology+Microclimatology (aka Micropalaeontmicroclimatology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of local climates
Micropalaeontology+Hepatology (aka Micropalaeonthepatology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of liver
Micropalaeontology+Zymurgy (aka Micropalaeontologyzymurgy)=study of microscopic fossils, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Micropalaeontology+Significs (aka Micropalaeontologysignifics)=study of microscopic fossils, AND science of meaning
Micropalaeontology+Limacology (aka Micropalaeontlimacology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of slugs
Micropalaeontology+Cartophily (aka Micropalaeontologycartophily)=study of microscopic fossils, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Micropalaeontology+Cardiology (aka Micropalaeontcardiology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of the heart
Micropalaeontology+Euthenics (aka Micropalaeontologyeuthenics)=study of microscopic fossils, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Micropalaeontology+Pedagogics (aka Micropalaeontologypedagogics)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of teaching
Micropalaeontology+Zoophysics (aka Micropalaeontologyzoophysics)=study of microscopic fossils, AND physics of animal bodies
Micropalaeontology+Molinology (aka Micropalaeontmolinology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of mills and milling
Micropalaeontology+Eremology (aka Micropalaeonteremology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of deserts
Micropalaeontology+Paedotrophy (aka Micropalaeontologypaedotrophy)=study of microscopic fossils, AND art of rearing children
Micropalaeontology+Ethnomethodology (aka Micropalaeontethnomethodology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of everyday communication
Micropalaeontology+Floristry (aka Micropalaeontologyfloristry)=study of microscopic fossils, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Micropalaeontology+Trichology (aka Micropalaeonttrichology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of hair and its disorders
Micropalaeontology+Agronomics (aka Micropalaeontologyagronomics)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of productivity of land
Micropalaeontology+Storiology (aka Micropalaeontstoriology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of folk tales
Micropalaeontology+Pharyngology (aka Micropalaeontpharyngology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of the throat
Micropalaeontology+Physiology (aka Micropalaeontphysiology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of processes of life
Micropalaeontology+Osphresiology (aka Micropalaeontosphresiology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of the sense of smell
Micropalaeontology+Immunology (aka Micropalaeontimmunology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of immunity
Micropalaeontology+Hydrokinetics (aka Micropalaeontologyhydrokinetics)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of motion of fluids
Micropalaeontology+Arachnology (aka Micropalaeontarachnology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of arachnids
Micropalaeontology+Phraseology (aka Micropalaeontphraseology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of phrases
Micropalaeontology+Phytology (aka Micropalaeontphytology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of plants; botany
Micropalaeontology+Glyptology (aka Micropalaeontglyptology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of gem engravings
Micropalaeontology+Diplomatics (aka Micropalaeontologydiplomatics)=study of microscopic fossils, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Micropalaeontology+Astacology (aka Micropalaeontastacology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND science of crayfish
Micropalaeontology+Historiology (aka Micropalaeonthistoriology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of history
Micropalaeontology+Tribology (aka Micropalaeonttribology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Micropalaeontology+Zoopathology (aka Micropalaeontzoopathology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of animal diseases
Micropalaeontology+Paleo-osteology (aka Micropalaeontpaleo-osteology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of ancient bones
Micropalaeontology+Trophology (aka Micropalaeonttrophology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of nutrition
Micropalaeontology+Loimology (aka Micropalaeontloimology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Micropalaeontology+Bromatology (aka Micropalaeontbromatology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of food
Micropalaeontology+Hydrometeorology (aka Micropalaeonthydrometeorology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Micropalaeontology+Pyroballogy (aka Micropalaeontologypyroballogy)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of artillery
Micropalaeontology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Micropalaeontotorhinolaryngology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Micropalaeontology+Aerostatics (aka Micropalaeontologyaerostatics)=study of microscopic fossils, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Micropalaeontology+Agrostology (aka Micropalaeontagrostology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND science or study of grasses
Micropalaeontology+Phillumeny (aka Micropalaeontologyphillumeny)=study of microscopic fossils, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Micropalaeontology+Zoonosology (aka Micropalaeontzoonosology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of animal diseases
Micropalaeontology+Gerontology (aka Micropalaeontgerontology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of the elderly; aging
Micropalaeontology+Selenology (aka Micropalaeontselenology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of the moon
Micropalaeontology+Psychopathology (aka Micropalaeontpsychopathology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of mental illness
Micropalaeontology+Futurology (aka Micropalaeontfuturology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of future
Micropalaeontology+Iridology (aka Micropalaeontiridology)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Micropalaeontology+Toponymics (aka Micropalaeontologytoponymics)=study of microscopic fossils, AND study of place-names
Pharyngology+Microclimatology (aka Pharyngmicroclimatology)=study of the throat, AND study of local climates
Pharyngology+Hepatology (aka Pharynghepatology)=study of the throat, AND study of liver
Pharyngology+Zymurgy (aka Pharyngologyzymurgy)=study of the throat, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Pharyngology+Significs (aka Pharyngologysignifics)=study of the throat, AND science of meaning
Pharyngology+Limacology (aka Pharynglimacology)=study of the throat, AND study of slugs
Pharyngology+Cartophily (aka Pharyngologycartophily)=study of the throat, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Pharyngology+Cardiology (aka Pharyngcardiology)=study of the throat, AND study of the heart
Pharyngology+Euthenics (aka Pharyngologyeuthenics)=study of the throat, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Pharyngology+Pedagogics (aka Pharyngologypedagogics)=study of the throat, AND study of teaching
Pharyngology+Zoophysics (aka Pharyngologyzoophysics)=study of the throat, AND physics of animal bodies
Pharyngology+Molinology (aka Pharyngmolinology)=study of the throat, AND study of mills and milling
Pharyngology+Eremology (aka Pharyngeremology)=study of the throat, AND study of deserts
Pharyngology+Paedotrophy (aka Pharyngologypaedotrophy)=study of the throat, AND art of rearing children
Pharyngology+Ethnomethodology (aka Pharyngethnomethodology)=study of the throat, AND study of everyday communication
Pharyngology+Floristry (aka Pharyngologyfloristry)=study of the throat, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Pharyngology+Trichology (aka Pharyngtrichology)=study of the throat, AND study of hair and its disorders
Pharyngology+Agronomics (aka Pharyngologyagronomics)=study of the throat, AND study of productivity of land
Pharyngology+Storiology (aka Pharyngstoriology)=study of the throat, AND study of folk tales
Pharyngology+Micropalaeontology (aka Pharyngmicropalaeontology)=study of the throat, AND study of microscopic fossils
Pharyngology+Physiology (aka Pharyngphysiology)=study of the throat, AND study of processes of life
Pharyngology+Osphresiology (aka Pharyngosphresiology)=study of the throat, AND study of the sense of smell
Pharyngology+Immunology (aka Pharyngimmunology)=study of the throat, AND study of immunity
Pharyngology+Hydrokinetics (aka Pharyngologyhydrokinetics)=study of the throat, AND study of motion of fluids
Pharyngology+Arachnology (aka Pharyngarachnology)=study of the throat, AND study of arachnids
Pharyngology+Phraseology (aka Pharyngphraseology)=study of the throat, AND study of phrases
Pharyngology+Phytology (aka Pharyngphytology)=study of the throat, AND study of plants; botany
Pharyngology+Glyptology (aka Pharyngglyptology)=study of the throat, AND study of gem engravings
Pharyngology+Diplomatics (aka Pharyngologydiplomatics)=study of the throat, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Pharyngology+Astacology (aka Pharyngastacology)=study of the throat, AND science of crayfish
Pharyngology+Historiology (aka Pharynghistoriology)=study of the throat, AND study of history
Pharyngology+Tribology (aka Pharyngtribology)=study of the throat, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Pharyngology+Zoopathology (aka Pharyngzoopathology)=study of the throat, AND study of animal diseases
Pharyngology+Paleo-osteology (aka Pharyngpaleo-osteology)=study of the throat, AND study of ancient bones
Pharyngology+Trophology (aka Pharyngtrophology)=study of the throat, AND study of nutrition
Pharyngology+Loimology (aka Pharyngloimology)=study of the throat, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Pharyngology+Bromatology (aka Pharyngbromatology)=study of the throat, AND study of food
Pharyngology+Hydrometeorology (aka Pharynghydrometeorology)=study of the throat, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Pharyngology+Pyroballogy (aka Pharyngologypyroballogy)=study of the throat, AND study of artillery
Pharyngology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Pharyngotorhinolaryngology)=study of the throat, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Pharyngology+Aerostatics (aka Pharyngologyaerostatics)=study of the throat, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Pharyngology+Agrostology (aka Pharyngagrostology)=study of the throat, AND science or study of grasses
Pharyngology+Phillumeny (aka Pharyngologyphillumeny)=study of the throat, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Pharyngology+Zoonosology (aka Pharyngzoonosology)=study of the throat, AND study of animal diseases
Pharyngology+Gerontology (aka Pharynggerontology)=study of the throat, AND study of the elderly; aging
Pharyngology+Selenology (aka Pharyngselenology)=study of the throat, AND study of the moon
Pharyngology+Psychopathology (aka Pharyngpsychopathology)=study of the throat, AND study of mental illness
Pharyngology+Futurology (aka Pharyngfuturology)=study of the throat, AND study of future
Pharyngology+Iridology (aka Pharyngiridology)=study of the throat, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Pharyngology+Toponymics (aka Pharyngologytoponymics)=study of the throat, AND study of place-names
Physiology+Microclimatology (aka Physimicroclimatology)=study of processes of life, AND study of local climates
Physiology+Hepatology (aka Physihepatology)=study of processes of life, AND study of liver
Physiology+Zymurgy (aka Physiologyzymurgy)=study of processes of life, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Physiology+Significs (aka Physiologysignifics)=study of processes of life, AND science of meaning
Physiology+Limacology (aka Physilimacology)=study of processes of life, AND study of slugs
Physiology+Cartophily (aka Physiologycartophily)=study of processes of life, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Physiology+Cardiology (aka Physicardiology)=study of processes of life, AND study of the heart
Physiology+Euthenics (aka Physiologyeuthenics)=study of processes of life, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Physiology+Pedagogics (aka Physiologypedagogics)=study of processes of life, AND study of teaching
Physiology+Zoophysics (aka Physiologyzoophysics)=study of processes of life, AND physics of animal bodies
Physiology+Molinology (aka Physimolinology)=study of processes of life, AND study of mills and milling
Physiology+Eremology (aka Physieremology)=study of processes of life, AND study of deserts
Physiology+Paedotrophy (aka Physiologypaedotrophy)=study of processes of life, AND art of rearing children
Physiology+Ethnomethodology (aka Physiethnomethodology)=study of processes of life, AND study of everyday communication
Physiology+Floristry (aka Physiologyfloristry)=study of processes of life, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Physiology+Trichology (aka Physitrichology)=study of processes of life, AND study of hair and its disorders
Physiology+Agronomics (aka Physiologyagronomics)=study of processes of life, AND study of productivity of land
Physiology+Storiology (aka Physistoriology)=study of processes of life, AND study of folk tales
Physiology+Micropalaeontology (aka Physimicropalaeontology)=study of processes of life, AND study of microscopic fossils
Physiology+Pharyngology (aka Physipharyngology)=study of processes of life, AND study of the throat
Physiology+Osphresiology (aka Physiosphresiology)=study of processes of life, AND study of the sense of smell
Physiology+Immunology (aka Physiimmunology)=study of processes of life, AND study of immunity
Physiology+Hydrokinetics (aka Physiologyhydrokinetics)=study of processes of life, AND study of motion of fluids
Physiology+Arachnology (aka Physiarachnology)=study of processes of life, AND study of arachnids
Physiology+Phraseology (aka Physiphraseology)=study of processes of life, AND study of phrases
Physiology+Phytology (aka Physiphytology)=study of processes of life, AND study of plants; botany
Physiology+Glyptology (aka Physiglyptology)=study of processes of life, AND study of gem engravings
Physiology+Diplomatics (aka Physiologydiplomatics)=study of processes of life, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Physiology+Astacology (aka Physiastacology)=study of processes of life, AND science of crayfish
Physiology+Historiology (aka Physihistoriology)=study of processes of life, AND study of history
Physiology+Tribology (aka Physitribology)=study of processes of life, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Physiology+Zoopathology (aka Physizoopathology)=study of processes of life, AND study of animal diseases
Physiology+Paleo-osteology (aka Physipaleo-osteology)=study of processes of life, AND study of ancient bones
Physiology+Trophology (aka Physitrophology)=study of processes of life, AND study of nutrition
Physiology+Loimology (aka Physiloimology)=study of processes of life, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Physiology+Bromatology (aka Physibromatology)=study of processes of life, AND study of food
Physiology+Hydrometeorology (aka Physihydrometeorology)=study of processes of life, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Physiology+Pyroballogy (aka Physiologypyroballogy)=study of processes of life, AND study of artillery
Physiology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Physiotorhinolaryngology)=study of processes of life, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Physiology+Aerostatics (aka Physiologyaerostatics)=study of processes of life, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Physiology+Agrostology (aka Physiagrostology)=study of processes of life, AND science or study of grasses
Physiology+Phillumeny (aka Physiologyphillumeny)=study of processes of life, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Physiology+Zoonosology (aka Physizoonosology)=study of processes of life, AND study of animal diseases
Physiology+Gerontology (aka Physigerontology)=study of processes of life, AND study of the elderly; aging
Physiology+Selenology (aka Physiselenology)=study of processes of life, AND study of the moon
Physiology+Psychopathology (aka Physipsychopathology)=study of processes of life, AND study of mental illness
Physiology+Futurology (aka Physifuturology)=study of processes of life, AND study of future
Physiology+Iridology (aka Physiiridology)=study of processes of life, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Physiology+Toponymics (aka Physiologytoponymics)=study of processes of life, AND study of place-names
Osphresiology+Microclimatology (aka Osphresimicroclimatology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of local climates
Osphresiology+Hepatology (aka Osphresihepatology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of liver
Osphresiology+Zymurgy (aka Osphresiologyzymurgy)=study of the sense of smell, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Osphresiology+Significs (aka Osphresiologysignifics)=study of the sense of smell, AND science of meaning
Osphresiology+Limacology (aka Osphresilimacology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of slugs
Osphresiology+Cartophily (aka Osphresiologycartophily)=study of the sense of smell, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Osphresiology+Cardiology (aka Osphresicardiology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of the heart
Osphresiology+Euthenics (aka Osphresiologyeuthenics)=study of the sense of smell, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Osphresiology+Pedagogics (aka Osphresiologypedagogics)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of teaching
Osphresiology+Zoophysics (aka Osphresiologyzoophysics)=study of the sense of smell, AND physics of animal bodies
Osphresiology+Molinology (aka Osphresimolinology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of mills and milling
Osphresiology+Eremology (aka Osphresieremology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of deserts
Osphresiology+Paedotrophy (aka Osphresiologypaedotrophy)=study of the sense of smell, AND art of rearing children
Osphresiology+Ethnomethodology (aka Osphresiethnomethodology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of everyday communication
Osphresiology+Floristry (aka Osphresiologyfloristry)=study of the sense of smell, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Osphresiology+Trichology (aka Osphresitrichology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of hair and its disorders
Osphresiology+Agronomics (aka Osphresiologyagronomics)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of productivity of land
Osphresiology+Storiology (aka Osphresistoriology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of folk tales
Osphresiology+Micropalaeontology (aka Osphresimicropalaeontology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of microscopic fossils
Osphresiology+Pharyngology (aka Osphresipharyngology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of the throat
Osphresiology+Physiology (aka Osphresiphysiology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of processes of life
Osphresiology+Immunology (aka Osphresiimmunology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of immunity
Osphresiology+Hydrokinetics (aka Osphresiologyhydrokinetics)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of motion of fluids
Osphresiology+Arachnology (aka Osphresiarachnology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of arachnids
Osphresiology+Phraseology (aka Osphresiphraseology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of phrases
Osphresiology+Phytology (aka Osphresiphytology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of plants; botany
Osphresiology+Glyptology (aka Osphresiglyptology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of gem engravings
Osphresiology+Diplomatics (aka Osphresiologydiplomatics)=study of the sense of smell, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Osphresiology+Astacology (aka Osphresiastacology)=study of the sense of smell, AND science of crayfish
Osphresiology+Historiology (aka Osphresihistoriology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of history
Osphresiology+Tribology (aka Osphresitribology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Osphresiology+Zoopathology (aka Osphresizoopathology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of animal diseases
Osphresiology+Paleo-osteology (aka Osphresipaleo-osteology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of ancient bones
Osphresiology+Trophology (aka Osphresitrophology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of nutrition
Osphresiology+Loimology (aka Osphresiloimology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Osphresiology+Bromatology (aka Osphresibromatology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of food
Osphresiology+Hydrometeorology (aka Osphresihydrometeorology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Osphresiology+Pyroballogy (aka Osphresiologypyroballogy)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of artillery
Osphresiology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Osphresiotorhinolaryngology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Osphresiology+Aerostatics (aka Osphresiologyaerostatics)=study of the sense of smell, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Osphresiology+Agrostology (aka Osphresiagrostology)=study of the sense of smell, AND science or study of grasses
Osphresiology+Phillumeny (aka Osphresiologyphillumeny)=study of the sense of smell, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Osphresiology+Zoonosology (aka Osphresizoonosology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of animal diseases
Osphresiology+Gerontology (aka Osphresigerontology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of the elderly; aging
Osphresiology+Selenology (aka Osphresiselenology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of the moon
Osphresiology+Psychopathology (aka Osphresipsychopathology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of mental illness
Osphresiology+Futurology (aka Osphresifuturology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of future
Osphresiology+Iridology (aka Osphresiiridology)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Osphresiology+Toponymics (aka Osphresiologytoponymics)=study of the sense of smell, AND study of place-names
Immunology+Microclimatology (aka Immunmicroclimatology)=study of immunity, AND study of local climates
Immunology+Hepatology (aka Immunhepatology)=study of immunity, AND study of liver
Immunology+Zymurgy (aka Immunologyzymurgy)=study of immunity, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Immunology+Significs (aka Immunologysignifics)=study of immunity, AND science of meaning
Immunology+Limacology (aka Immunlimacology)=study of immunity, AND study of slugs
Immunology+Cartophily (aka Immunologycartophily)=study of immunity, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Immunology+Cardiology (aka Immuncardiology)=study of immunity, AND study of the heart
Immunology+Euthenics (aka Immunologyeuthenics)=study of immunity, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Immunology+Pedagogics (aka Immunologypedagogics)=study of immunity, AND study of teaching
Immunology+Zoophysics (aka Immunologyzoophysics)=study of immunity, AND physics of animal bodies
Immunology+Molinology (aka Immunmolinology)=study of immunity, AND study of mills and milling
Immunology+Eremology (aka Immuneremology)=study of immunity, AND study of deserts
Immunology+Paedotrophy (aka Immunologypaedotrophy)=study of immunity, AND art of rearing children
Immunology+Ethnomethodology (aka Immunethnomethodology)=study of immunity, AND study of everyday communication
Immunology+Floristry (aka Immunologyfloristry)=study of immunity, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Immunology+Trichology (aka Immuntrichology)=study of immunity, AND study of hair and its disorders
Immunology+Agronomics (aka Immunologyagronomics)=study of immunity, AND study of productivity of land
Immunology+Storiology (aka Immunstoriology)=study of immunity, AND study of folk tales
Immunology+Micropalaeontology (aka Immunmicropalaeontology)=study of immunity, AND study of microscopic fossils
Immunology+Pharyngology (aka Immunpharyngology)=study of immunity, AND study of the throat
Immunology+Physiology (aka Immunphysiology)=study of immunity, AND study of processes of life
Immunology+Osphresiology (aka Immunosphresiology)=study of immunity, AND study of the sense of smell
Immunology+Hydrokinetics (aka Immunologyhydrokinetics)=study of immunity, AND study of motion of fluids
Immunology+Arachnology (aka Immunarachnology)=study of immunity, AND study of arachnids
Immunology+Phraseology (aka Immunphraseology)=study of immunity, AND study of phrases
Immunology+Phytology (aka Immunphytology)=study of immunity, AND study of plants; botany
Immunology+Glyptology (aka Immunglyptology)=study of immunity, AND study of gem engravings
Immunology+Diplomatics (aka Immunologydiplomatics)=study of immunity, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Immunology+Astacology (aka Immunastacology)=study of immunity, AND science of crayfish
Immunology+Historiology (aka Immunhistoriology)=study of immunity, AND study of history
Immunology+Tribology (aka Immuntribology)=study of immunity, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Immunology+Zoopathology (aka Immunzoopathology)=study of immunity, AND study of animal diseases
Immunology+Paleo-osteology (aka Immunpaleo-osteology)=study of immunity, AND study of ancient bones
Immunology+Trophology (aka Immuntrophology)=study of immunity, AND study of nutrition
Immunology+Loimology (aka Immunloimology)=study of immunity, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Immunology+Bromatology (aka Immunbromatology)=study of immunity, AND study of food
Immunology+Hydrometeorology (aka Immunhydrometeorology)=study of immunity, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Immunology+Pyroballogy (aka Immunologypyroballogy)=study of immunity, AND study of artillery
Immunology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Immunotorhinolaryngology)=study of immunity, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Immunology+Aerostatics (aka Immunologyaerostatics)=study of immunity, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Immunology+Agrostology (aka Immunagrostology)=study of immunity, AND science or study of grasses
Immunology+Phillumeny (aka Immunologyphillumeny)=study of immunity, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Immunology+Zoonosology (aka Immunzoonosology)=study of immunity, AND study of animal diseases
Immunology+Gerontology (aka Immungerontology)=study of immunity, AND study of the elderly; aging
Immunology+Selenology (aka Immunselenology)=study of immunity, AND study of the moon
Immunology+Psychopathology (aka Immunpsychopathology)=study of immunity, AND study of mental illness
Immunology+Futurology (aka Immunfuturology)=study of immunity, AND study of future
Immunology+Iridology (aka Immuniridology)=study of immunity, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Immunology+Toponymics (aka Immunologytoponymics)=study of immunity, AND study of place-names
Hydrokinetics+Microclimatology (aka Hydrokineticsmicroclimatology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of local climates
Hydrokinetics+Hepatology (aka Hydrokineticshepatology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of liver
Hydrokinetics+Zymurgy (aka Hydrokineticszymurgy)=study of motion of fluids, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Hydrokinetics+Significs (aka Hydrokineticssignifics)=study of motion of fluids, AND science of meaning
Hydrokinetics+Limacology (aka Hydrokineticslimacology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of slugs
Hydrokinetics+Cartophily (aka Hydrokineticscartophily)=study of motion of fluids, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Hydrokinetics+Cardiology (aka Hydrokineticscardiology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of the heart
Hydrokinetics+Euthenics (aka Hydrokineticseuthenics)=study of motion of fluids, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Hydrokinetics+Pedagogics (aka Hydrokineticspedagogics)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of teaching
Hydrokinetics+Zoophysics (aka Hydrokineticszoophysics)=study of motion of fluids, AND physics of animal bodies
Hydrokinetics+Molinology (aka Hydrokineticsmolinology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of mills and milling
Hydrokinetics+Eremology (aka Hydrokineticseremology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of deserts
Hydrokinetics+Paedotrophy (aka Hydrokineticspaedotrophy)=study of motion of fluids, AND art of rearing children
Hydrokinetics+Ethnomethodology (aka Hydrokineticsethnomethodology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of everyday communication
Hydrokinetics+Floristry (aka Hydrokineticsfloristry)=study of motion of fluids, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Hydrokinetics+Trichology (aka Hydrokineticstrichology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of hair and its disorders
Hydrokinetics+Agronomics (aka Hydrokineticsagronomics)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of productivity of land
Hydrokinetics+Storiology (aka Hydrokineticsstoriology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of folk tales
Hydrokinetics+Micropalaeontology (aka Hydrokineticsmicropalaeontology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of microscopic fossils
Hydrokinetics+Pharyngology (aka Hydrokineticspharyngology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of the throat
Hydrokinetics+Physiology (aka Hydrokineticsphysiology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of processes of life
Hydrokinetics+Osphresiology (aka Hydrokineticsosphresiology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of the sense of smell
Hydrokinetics+Immunology (aka Hydrokineticsimmunology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of immunity
Hydrokinetics+Arachnology (aka Hydrokineticsarachnology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of arachnids
Hydrokinetics+Phraseology (aka Hydrokineticsphraseology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of phrases
Hydrokinetics+Phytology (aka Hydrokineticsphytology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of plants; botany
Hydrokinetics+Glyptology (aka Hydrokineticsglyptology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of gem engravings
Hydrokinetics+Diplomatics (aka Hydrokineticsdiplomatics)=study of motion of fluids, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Hydrokinetics+Astacology (aka Hydrokineticsastacology)=study of motion of fluids, AND science of crayfish
Hydrokinetics+Historiology (aka Hydrokineticshistoriology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of history
Hydrokinetics+Tribology (aka Hydrokineticstribology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Hydrokinetics+Zoopathology (aka Hydrokineticszoopathology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of animal diseases
Hydrokinetics+Paleo-osteology (aka Hydrokineticspaleo-osteology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of ancient bones
Hydrokinetics+Trophology (aka Hydrokineticstrophology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of nutrition
Hydrokinetics+Loimology (aka Hydrokineticsloimology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Hydrokinetics+Bromatology (aka Hydrokineticsbromatology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of food
Hydrokinetics+Hydrometeorology (aka Hydrokineticshydrometeorology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Hydrokinetics+Pyroballogy (aka Hydrokineticspyroballogy)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of artillery
Hydrokinetics+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Hydrokineticsotorhinolaryngology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Hydrokinetics+Aerostatics (aka Hydrokineticsaerostatics)=study of motion of fluids, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Hydrokinetics+Agrostology (aka Hydrokineticsagrostology)=study of motion of fluids, AND science or study of grasses
Hydrokinetics+Phillumeny (aka Hydrokineticsphillumeny)=study of motion of fluids, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Hydrokinetics+Zoonosology (aka Hydrokineticszoonosology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of animal diseases
Hydrokinetics+Gerontology (aka Hydrokineticsgerontology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of the elderly; aging
Hydrokinetics+Selenology (aka Hydrokineticsselenology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of the moon
Hydrokinetics+Psychopathology (aka Hydrokineticspsychopathology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of mental illness
Hydrokinetics+Futurology (aka Hydrokineticsfuturology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of future
Hydrokinetics+Iridology (aka Hydrokineticsiridology)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Hydrokinetics+Toponymics (aka Hydrokineticstoponymics)=study of motion of fluids, AND study of place-names
Arachnology+Microclimatology (aka Arachnmicroclimatology)=study of arachnids, AND study of local climates
Arachnology+Hepatology (aka Arachnhepatology)=study of arachnids, AND study of liver
Arachnology+Zymurgy (aka Arachnologyzymurgy)=study of arachnids, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Arachnology+Significs (aka Arachnologysignifics)=study of arachnids, AND science of meaning
Arachnology+Limacology (aka Arachnlimacology)=study of arachnids, AND study of slugs
Arachnology+Cartophily (aka Arachnologycartophily)=study of arachnids, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Arachnology+Cardiology (aka Arachncardiology)=study of arachnids, AND study of the heart
Arachnology+Euthenics (aka Arachnologyeuthenics)=study of arachnids, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Arachnology+Pedagogics (aka Arachnologypedagogics)=study of arachnids, AND study of teaching
Arachnology+Zoophysics (aka Arachnologyzoophysics)=study of arachnids, AND physics of animal bodies
Arachnology+Molinology (aka Arachnmolinology)=study of arachnids, AND study of mills and milling
Arachnology+Eremology (aka Arachneremology)=study of arachnids, AND study of deserts
Arachnology+Paedotrophy (aka Arachnologypaedotrophy)=study of arachnids, AND art of rearing children
Arachnology+Ethnomethodology (aka Arachnethnomethodology)=study of arachnids, AND study of everyday communication
Arachnology+Floristry (aka Arachnologyfloristry)=study of arachnids, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Arachnology+Trichology (aka Arachntrichology)=study of arachnids, AND study of hair and its disorders
Arachnology+Agronomics (aka Arachnologyagronomics)=study of arachnids, AND study of productivity of land
Arachnology+Storiology (aka Arachnstoriology)=study of arachnids, AND study of folk tales
Arachnology+Micropalaeontology (aka Arachnmicropalaeontology)=study of arachnids, AND study of microscopic fossils
Arachnology+Pharyngology (aka Arachnpharyngology)=study of arachnids, AND study of the throat
Arachnology+Physiology (aka Arachnphysiology)=study of arachnids, AND study of processes of life
Arachnology+Osphresiology (aka Arachnosphresiology)=study of arachnids, AND study of the sense of smell
Arachnology+Immunology (aka Arachnimmunology)=study of arachnids, AND study of immunity
Arachnology+Hydrokinetics (aka Arachnologyhydrokinetics)=study of arachnids, AND study of motion of fluids
Arachnology+Phraseology (aka Arachnphraseology)=study of arachnids, AND study of phrases
Arachnology+Phytology (aka Arachnphytology)=study of arachnids, AND study of plants; botany
Arachnology+Glyptology (aka Arachnglyptology)=study of arachnids, AND study of gem engravings
Arachnology+Diplomatics (aka Arachnologydiplomatics)=study of arachnids, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Arachnology+Astacology (aka Arachnastacology)=study of arachnids, AND science of crayfish
Arachnology+Historiology (aka Arachnhistoriology)=study of arachnids, AND study of history
Arachnology+Tribology (aka Arachntribology)=study of arachnids, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Arachnology+Zoopathology (aka Arachnzoopathology)=study of arachnids, AND study of animal diseases
Arachnology+Paleo-osteology (aka Arachnpaleo-osteology)=study of arachnids, AND study of ancient bones
Arachnology+Trophology (aka Arachntrophology)=study of arachnids, AND study of nutrition
Arachnology+Loimology (aka Arachnloimology)=study of arachnids, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Arachnology+Bromatology (aka Arachnbromatology)=study of arachnids, AND study of food
Arachnology+Hydrometeorology (aka Arachnhydrometeorology)=study of arachnids, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Arachnology+Pyroballogy (aka Arachnologypyroballogy)=study of arachnids, AND study of artillery
Arachnology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Arachnotorhinolaryngology)=study of arachnids, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Arachnology+Aerostatics (aka Arachnologyaerostatics)=study of arachnids, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Arachnology+Agrostology (aka Arachnagrostology)=study of arachnids, AND science or study of grasses
Arachnology+Phillumeny (aka Arachnologyphillumeny)=study of arachnids, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Arachnology+Zoonosology (aka Arachnzoonosology)=study of arachnids, AND study of animal diseases
Arachnology+Gerontology (aka Arachngerontology)=study of arachnids, AND study of the elderly; aging
Arachnology+Selenology (aka Arachnselenology)=study of arachnids, AND study of the moon
Arachnology+Psychopathology (aka Arachnpsychopathology)=study of arachnids, AND study of mental illness
Arachnology+Futurology (aka Arachnfuturology)=study of arachnids, AND study of future
Arachnology+Iridology (aka Arachniridology)=study of arachnids, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Arachnology+Toponymics (aka Arachnologytoponymics)=study of arachnids, AND study of place-names
Phraseology+Microclimatology (aka Phrasemicroclimatology)=study of phrases, AND study of local climates
Phraseology+Hepatology (aka Phrasehepatology)=study of phrases, AND study of liver
Phraseology+Zymurgy (aka Phraseologyzymurgy)=study of phrases, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Phraseology+Significs (aka Phraseologysignifics)=study of phrases, AND science of meaning
Phraseology+Limacology (aka Phraselimacology)=study of phrases, AND study of slugs
Phraseology+Cartophily (aka Phraseologycartophily)=study of phrases, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Phraseology+Cardiology (aka Phrasecardiology)=study of phrases, AND study of the heart
Phraseology+Euthenics (aka Phraseologyeuthenics)=study of phrases, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Phraseology+Pedagogics (aka Phraseologypedagogics)=study of phrases, AND study of teaching
Phraseology+Zoophysics (aka Phraseologyzoophysics)=study of phrases, AND physics of animal bodies
Phraseology+Molinology (aka Phrasemolinology)=study of phrases, AND study of mills and milling
Phraseology+Eremology (aka Phraseeremology)=study of phrases, AND study of deserts
Phraseology+Paedotrophy (aka Phraseologypaedotrophy)=study of phrases, AND art of rearing children
Phraseology+Ethnomethodology (aka Phraseethnomethodology)=study of phrases, AND study of everyday communication
Phraseology+Floristry (aka Phraseologyfloristry)=study of phrases, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Phraseology+Trichology (aka Phrasetrichology)=study of phrases, AND study of hair and its disorders
Phraseology+Agronomics (aka Phraseologyagronomics)=study of phrases, AND study of productivity of land
Phraseology+Storiology (aka Phrasestoriology)=study of phrases, AND study of folk tales
Phraseology+Micropalaeontology (aka Phrasemicropalaeontology)=study of phrases, AND study of microscopic fossils
Phraseology+Pharyngology (aka Phrasepharyngology)=study of phrases, AND study of the throat
Phraseology+Physiology (aka Phrasephysiology)=study of phrases, AND study of processes of life
Phraseology+Osphresiology (aka Phraseosphresiology)=study of phrases, AND study of the sense of smell
Phraseology+Immunology (aka Phraseimmunology)=study of phrases, AND study of immunity
Phraseology+Hydrokinetics (aka Phraseologyhydrokinetics)=study of phrases, AND study of motion of fluids
Phraseology+Arachnology (aka Phrasearachnology)=study of phrases, AND study of arachnids
Phraseology+Phytology (aka Phrasephytology)=study of phrases, AND study of plants; botany
Phraseology+Glyptology (aka Phraseglyptology)=study of phrases, AND study of gem engravings
Phraseology+Diplomatics (aka Phraseologydiplomatics)=study of phrases, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Phraseology+Astacology (aka Phraseastacology)=study of phrases, AND science of crayfish
Phraseology+Historiology (aka Phrasehistoriology)=study of phrases, AND study of history
Phraseology+Tribology (aka Phrasetribology)=study of phrases, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Phraseology+Zoopathology (aka Phrasezoopathology)=study of phrases, AND study of animal diseases
Phraseology+Paleo-osteology (aka Phrasepaleo-osteology)=study of phrases, AND study of ancient bones
Phraseology+Trophology (aka Phrasetrophology)=study of phrases, AND study of nutrition
Phraseology+Loimology (aka Phraseloimology)=study of phrases, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Phraseology+Bromatology (aka Phrasebromatology)=study of phrases, AND study of food
Phraseology+Hydrometeorology (aka Phrasehydrometeorology)=study of phrases, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Phraseology+Pyroballogy (aka Phraseologypyroballogy)=study of phrases, AND study of artillery
Phraseology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Phraseotorhinolaryngology)=study of phrases, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Phraseology+Aerostatics (aka Phraseologyaerostatics)=study of phrases, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Phraseology+Agrostology (aka Phraseagrostology)=study of phrases, AND science or study of grasses
Phraseology+Phillumeny (aka Phraseologyphillumeny)=study of phrases, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Phraseology+Zoonosology (aka Phrasezoonosology)=study of phrases, AND study of animal diseases
Phraseology+Gerontology (aka Phrasegerontology)=study of phrases, AND study of the elderly; aging
Phraseology+Selenology (aka Phraseselenology)=study of phrases, AND study of the moon
Phraseology+Psychopathology (aka Phrasepsychopathology)=study of phrases, AND study of mental illness
Phraseology+Futurology (aka Phrasefuturology)=study of phrases, AND study of future
Phraseology+Iridology (aka Phraseiridology)=study of phrases, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Phraseology+Toponymics (aka Phraseologytoponymics)=study of phrases, AND study of place-names
Phytology+Microclimatology (aka Phytmicroclimatology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of local climates
Phytology+Hepatology (aka Phythepatology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of liver
Phytology+Zymurgy (aka Phytologyzymurgy)=study of plants; botany, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Phytology+Significs (aka Phytologysignifics)=study of plants; botany, AND science of meaning
Phytology+Limacology (aka Phytlimacology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of slugs
Phytology+Cartophily (aka Phytologycartophily)=study of plants; botany, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Phytology+Cardiology (aka Phytcardiology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of the heart
Phytology+Euthenics (aka Phytologyeuthenics)=study of plants; botany, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Phytology+Pedagogics (aka Phytologypedagogics)=study of plants; botany, AND study of teaching
Phytology+Zoophysics (aka Phytologyzoophysics)=study of plants; botany, AND physics of animal bodies
Phytology+Molinology (aka Phytmolinology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of mills and milling
Phytology+Eremology (aka Phyteremology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of deserts
Phytology+Paedotrophy (aka Phytologypaedotrophy)=study of plants; botany, AND art of rearing children
Phytology+Ethnomethodology (aka Phytethnomethodology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of everyday communication
Phytology+Floristry (aka Phytologyfloristry)=study of plants; botany, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Phytology+Trichology (aka Phyttrichology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of hair and its disorders
Phytology+Agronomics (aka Phytologyagronomics)=study of plants; botany, AND study of productivity of land
Phytology+Storiology (aka Phytstoriology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of folk tales
Phytology+Micropalaeontology (aka Phytmicropalaeontology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of microscopic fossils
Phytology+Pharyngology (aka Phytpharyngology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of the throat
Phytology+Physiology (aka Phytphysiology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of processes of life
Phytology+Osphresiology (aka Phytosphresiology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of the sense of smell
Phytology+Immunology (aka Phytimmunology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of immunity
Phytology+Hydrokinetics (aka Phytologyhydrokinetics)=study of plants; botany, AND study of motion of fluids
Phytology+Arachnology (aka Phytarachnology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of arachnids
Phytology+Phraseology (aka Phytphraseology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of phrases
Phytology+Glyptology (aka Phytglyptology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of gem engravings
Phytology+Diplomatics (aka Phytologydiplomatics)=study of plants; botany, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Phytology+Astacology (aka Phytastacology)=study of plants; botany, AND science of crayfish
Phytology+Historiology (aka Phythistoriology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of history
Phytology+Tribology (aka Phyttribology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Phytology+Zoopathology (aka Phytzoopathology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of animal diseases
Phytology+Paleo-osteology (aka Phytpaleo-osteology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of ancient bones
Phytology+Trophology (aka Phyttrophology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of nutrition
Phytology+Loimology (aka Phytloimology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Phytology+Bromatology (aka Phytbromatology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of food
Phytology+Hydrometeorology (aka Phythydrometeorology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Phytology+Pyroballogy (aka Phytologypyroballogy)=study of plants; botany, AND study of artillery
Phytology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Phytotorhinolaryngology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Phytology+Aerostatics (aka Phytologyaerostatics)=study of plants; botany, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Phytology+Agrostology (aka Phytagrostology)=study of plants; botany, AND science or study of grasses
Phytology+Phillumeny (aka Phytologyphillumeny)=study of plants; botany, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Phytology+Zoonosology (aka Phytzoonosology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of animal diseases
Phytology+Gerontology (aka Phytgerontology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of the elderly; aging
Phytology+Selenology (aka Phytselenology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of the moon
Phytology+Psychopathology (aka Phytpsychopathology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of mental illness
Phytology+Futurology (aka Phytfuturology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of future
Phytology+Iridology (aka Phytiridology)=study of plants; botany, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Phytology+Toponymics (aka Phytologytoponymics)=study of plants; botany, AND study of place-names
Glyptology+Microclimatology (aka Glyptmicroclimatology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of local climates
Glyptology+Hepatology (aka Glypthepatology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of liver
Glyptology+Zymurgy (aka Glyptologyzymurgy)=study of gem engravings, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Glyptology+Significs (aka Glyptologysignifics)=study of gem engravings, AND science of meaning
Glyptology+Limacology (aka Glyptlimacology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of slugs
Glyptology+Cartophily (aka Glyptologycartophily)=study of gem engravings, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Glyptology+Cardiology (aka Glyptcardiology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of the heart
Glyptology+Euthenics (aka Glyptologyeuthenics)=study of gem engravings, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Glyptology+Pedagogics (aka Glyptologypedagogics)=study of gem engravings, AND study of teaching
Glyptology+Zoophysics (aka Glyptologyzoophysics)=study of gem engravings, AND physics of animal bodies
Glyptology+Molinology (aka Glyptmolinology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of mills and milling
Glyptology+Eremology (aka Glypteremology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of deserts
Glyptology+Paedotrophy (aka Glyptologypaedotrophy)=study of gem engravings, AND art of rearing children
Glyptology+Ethnomethodology (aka Glyptethnomethodology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of everyday communication
Glyptology+Floristry (aka Glyptologyfloristry)=study of gem engravings, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Glyptology+Trichology (aka Glypttrichology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of hair and its disorders
Glyptology+Agronomics (aka Glyptologyagronomics)=study of gem engravings, AND study of productivity of land
Glyptology+Storiology (aka Glyptstoriology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of folk tales
Glyptology+Micropalaeontology (aka Glyptmicropalaeontology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of microscopic fossils
Glyptology+Pharyngology (aka Glyptpharyngology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of the throat
Glyptology+Physiology (aka Glyptphysiology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of processes of life
Glyptology+Osphresiology (aka Glyptosphresiology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of the sense of smell
Glyptology+Immunology (aka Glyptimmunology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of immunity
Glyptology+Hydrokinetics (aka Glyptologyhydrokinetics)=study of gem engravings, AND study of motion of fluids
Glyptology+Arachnology (aka Glyptarachnology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of arachnids
Glyptology+Phraseology (aka Glyptphraseology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of phrases
Glyptology+Phytology (aka Glyptphytology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of plants; botany
Glyptology+Diplomatics (aka Glyptologydiplomatics)=study of gem engravings, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Glyptology+Astacology (aka Glyptastacology)=study of gem engravings, AND science of crayfish
Glyptology+Historiology (aka Glypthistoriology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of history
Glyptology+Tribology (aka Glypttribology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Glyptology+Zoopathology (aka Glyptzoopathology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of animal diseases
Glyptology+Paleo-osteology (aka Glyptpaleo-osteology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of ancient bones
Glyptology+Trophology (aka Glypttrophology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of nutrition
Glyptology+Loimology (aka Glyptloimology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Glyptology+Bromatology (aka Glyptbromatology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of food
Glyptology+Hydrometeorology (aka Glypthydrometeorology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Glyptology+Pyroballogy (aka Glyptologypyroballogy)=study of gem engravings, AND study of artillery
Glyptology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Glyptotorhinolaryngology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Glyptology+Aerostatics (aka Glyptologyaerostatics)=study of gem engravings, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Glyptology+Agrostology (aka Glyptagrostology)=study of gem engravings, AND science or study of grasses
Glyptology+Phillumeny (aka Glyptologyphillumeny)=study of gem engravings, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Glyptology+Zoonosology (aka Glyptzoonosology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of animal diseases
Glyptology+Gerontology (aka Glyptgerontology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of the elderly; aging
Glyptology+Selenology (aka Glyptselenology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of the moon
Glyptology+Psychopathology (aka Glyptpsychopathology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of mental illness
Glyptology+Futurology (aka Glyptfuturology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of future
Glyptology+Iridology (aka Glyptiridology)=study of gem engravings, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Glyptology+Toponymics (aka Glyptologytoponymics)=study of gem engravings, AND study of place-names
Diplomatics+Microclimatology (aka Diplomaticsmicroclimatology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of local climates
Diplomatics+Hepatology (aka Diplomaticshepatology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of liver
Diplomatics+Zymurgy (aka Diplomaticszymurgy)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Diplomatics+Significs (aka Diplomaticssignifics)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND science of meaning
Diplomatics+Limacology (aka Diplomaticslimacology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of slugs
Diplomatics+Cartophily (aka Diplomaticscartophily)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Diplomatics+Cardiology (aka Diplomaticscardiology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of the heart
Diplomatics+Euthenics (aka Diplomaticseuthenics)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Diplomatics+Pedagogics (aka Diplomaticspedagogics)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of teaching
Diplomatics+Zoophysics (aka Diplomaticszoophysics)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND physics of animal bodies
Diplomatics+Molinology (aka Diplomaticsmolinology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of mills and milling
Diplomatics+Eremology (aka Diplomaticseremology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of deserts
Diplomatics+Paedotrophy (aka Diplomaticspaedotrophy)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND art of rearing children
Diplomatics+Ethnomethodology (aka Diplomaticsethnomethodology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of everyday communication
Diplomatics+Floristry (aka Diplomaticsfloristry)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Diplomatics+Trichology (aka Diplomaticstrichology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of hair and its disorders
Diplomatics+Agronomics (aka Diplomaticsagronomics)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of productivity of land
Diplomatics+Storiology (aka Diplomaticsstoriology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of folk tales
Diplomatics+Micropalaeontology (aka Diplomaticsmicropalaeontology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of microscopic fossils
Diplomatics+Pharyngology (aka Diplomaticspharyngology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of the throat
Diplomatics+Physiology (aka Diplomaticsphysiology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of processes of life
Diplomatics+Osphresiology (aka Diplomaticsosphresiology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of the sense of smell
Diplomatics+Immunology (aka Diplomaticsimmunology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of immunity
Diplomatics+Hydrokinetics (aka Diplomaticshydrokinetics)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of motion of fluids
Diplomatics+Arachnology (aka Diplomaticsarachnology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of arachnids
Diplomatics+Phraseology (aka Diplomaticsphraseology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of phrases
Diplomatics+Phytology (aka Diplomaticsphytology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of plants; botany
Diplomatics+Glyptology (aka Diplomaticsglyptology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of gem engravings
Diplomatics+Astacology (aka Diplomaticsastacology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND science of crayfish
Diplomatics+Historiology (aka Diplomaticshistoriology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of history
Diplomatics+Tribology (aka Diplomaticstribology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Diplomatics+Zoopathology (aka Diplomaticszoopathology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of animal diseases
Diplomatics+Paleo-osteology (aka Diplomaticspaleo-osteology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of ancient bones
Diplomatics+Trophology (aka Diplomaticstrophology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of nutrition
Diplomatics+Loimology (aka Diplomaticsloimology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Diplomatics+Bromatology (aka Diplomaticsbromatology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of food
Diplomatics+Hydrometeorology (aka Diplomaticshydrometeorology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Diplomatics+Pyroballogy (aka Diplomaticspyroballogy)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of artillery
Diplomatics+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Diplomaticsotorhinolaryngology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Diplomatics+Aerostatics (aka Diplomaticsaerostatics)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Diplomatics+Agrostology (aka Diplomaticsagrostology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND science or study of grasses
Diplomatics+Phillumeny (aka Diplomaticsphillumeny)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Diplomatics+Zoonosology (aka Diplomaticszoonosology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of animal diseases
Diplomatics+Gerontology (aka Diplomaticsgerontology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of the elderly; aging
Diplomatics+Selenology (aka Diplomaticsselenology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of the moon
Diplomatics+Psychopathology (aka Diplomaticspsychopathology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of mental illness
Diplomatics+Futurology (aka Diplomaticsfuturology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of future
Diplomatics+Iridology (aka Diplomaticsiridology)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Diplomatics+Toponymics (aka Diplomaticstoponymics)=science of deciphering ancient writings and texts, AND study of place-names
Astacology+Microclimatology (aka Astacmicroclimatology)=science of crayfish, AND study of local climates
Astacology+Hepatology (aka Astachepatology)=science of crayfish, AND study of liver
Astacology+Zymurgy (aka Astacologyzymurgy)=science of crayfish, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Astacology+Significs (aka Astacologysignifics)=science of crayfish, AND science of meaning
Astacology+Limacology (aka Astaclimacology)=science of crayfish, AND study of slugs
Astacology+Cartophily (aka Astacologycartophily)=science of crayfish, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Astacology+Cardiology (aka Astaccardiology)=science of crayfish, AND study of the heart
Astacology+Euthenics (aka Astacologyeuthenics)=science of crayfish, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Astacology+Pedagogics (aka Astacologypedagogics)=science of crayfish, AND study of teaching
Astacology+Zoophysics (aka Astacologyzoophysics)=science of crayfish, AND physics of animal bodies
Astacology+Molinology (aka Astacmolinology)=science of crayfish, AND study of mills and milling
Astacology+Eremology (aka Astaceremology)=science of crayfish, AND study of deserts
Astacology+Paedotrophy (aka Astacologypaedotrophy)=science of crayfish, AND art of rearing children
Astacology+Ethnomethodology (aka Astacethnomethodology)=science of crayfish, AND study of everyday communication
Astacology+Floristry (aka Astacologyfloristry)=science of crayfish, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Astacology+Trichology (aka Astactrichology)=science of crayfish, AND study of hair and its disorders
Astacology+Agronomics (aka Astacologyagronomics)=science of crayfish, AND study of productivity of land
Astacology+Storiology (aka Astacstoriology)=science of crayfish, AND study of folk tales
Astacology+Micropalaeontology (aka Astacmicropalaeontology)=science of crayfish, AND study of microscopic fossils
Astacology+Pharyngology (aka Astacpharyngology)=science of crayfish, AND study of the throat
Astacology+Physiology (aka Astacphysiology)=science of crayfish, AND study of processes of life
Astacology+Osphresiology (aka Astacosphresiology)=science of crayfish, AND study of the sense of smell
Astacology+Immunology (aka Astacimmunology)=science of crayfish, AND study of immunity
Astacology+Hydrokinetics (aka Astacologyhydrokinetics)=science of crayfish, AND study of motion of fluids
Astacology+Arachnology (aka Astacarachnology)=science of crayfish, AND study of arachnids
Astacology+Phraseology (aka Astacphraseology)=science of crayfish, AND study of phrases
Astacology+Phytology (aka Astacphytology)=science of crayfish, AND study of plants; botany
Astacology+Glyptology (aka Astacglyptology)=science of crayfish, AND study of gem engravings
Astacology+Diplomatics (aka Astacologydiplomatics)=science of crayfish, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Astacology+Historiology (aka Astachistoriology)=science of crayfish, AND study of history
Astacology+Tribology (aka Astactribology)=science of crayfish, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Astacology+Zoopathology (aka Astaczoopathology)=science of crayfish, AND study of animal diseases
Astacology+Paleo-osteology (aka Astacpaleo-osteology)=science of crayfish, AND study of ancient bones
Astacology+Trophology (aka Astactrophology)=science of crayfish, AND study of nutrition
Astacology+Loimology (aka Astacloimology)=science of crayfish, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Astacology+Bromatology (aka Astacbromatology)=science of crayfish, AND study of food
Astacology+Hydrometeorology (aka Astachydrometeorology)=science of crayfish, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Astacology+Pyroballogy (aka Astacologypyroballogy)=science of crayfish, AND study of artillery
Astacology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Astacotorhinolaryngology)=science of crayfish, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Astacology+Aerostatics (aka Astacologyaerostatics)=science of crayfish, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Astacology+Agrostology (aka Astacagrostology)=science of crayfish, AND science or study of grasses
Astacology+Phillumeny (aka Astacologyphillumeny)=science of crayfish, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Astacology+Zoonosology (aka Astaczoonosology)=science of crayfish, AND study of animal diseases
Astacology+Gerontology (aka Astacgerontology)=science of crayfish, AND study of the elderly; aging
Astacology+Selenology (aka Astacselenology)=science of crayfish, AND study of the moon
Astacology+Psychopathology (aka Astacpsychopathology)=science of crayfish, AND study of mental illness
Astacology+Futurology (aka Astacfuturology)=science of crayfish, AND study of future
Astacology+Iridology (aka Astaciridology)=science of crayfish, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Astacology+Toponymics (aka Astacologytoponymics)=science of crayfish, AND study of place-names
Historiology+Microclimatology (aka Historimicroclimatology)=study of history, AND study of local climates
Historiology+Hepatology (aka Historihepatology)=study of history, AND study of liver
Historiology+Zymurgy (aka Historiologyzymurgy)=study of history, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Historiology+Significs (aka Historiologysignifics)=study of history, AND science of meaning
Historiology+Limacology (aka Historilimacology)=study of history, AND study of slugs
Historiology+Cartophily (aka Historiologycartophily)=study of history, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Historiology+Cardiology (aka Historicardiology)=study of history, AND study of the heart
Historiology+Euthenics (aka Historiologyeuthenics)=study of history, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Historiology+Pedagogics (aka Historiologypedagogics)=study of history, AND study of teaching
Historiology+Zoophysics (aka Historiologyzoophysics)=study of history, AND physics of animal bodies
Historiology+Molinology (aka Historimolinology)=study of history, AND study of mills and milling
Historiology+Eremology (aka Historieremology)=study of history, AND study of deserts
Historiology+Paedotrophy (aka Historiologypaedotrophy)=study of history, AND art of rearing children
Historiology+Ethnomethodology (aka Historiethnomethodology)=study of history, AND study of everyday communication
Historiology+Floristry (aka Historiologyfloristry)=study of history, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Historiology+Trichology (aka Historitrichology)=study of history, AND study of hair and its disorders
Historiology+Agronomics (aka Historiologyagronomics)=study of history, AND study of productivity of land
Historiology+Storiology (aka Historistoriology)=study of history, AND study of folk tales
Historiology+Micropalaeontology (aka Historimicropalaeontology)=study of history, AND study of microscopic fossils
Historiology+Pharyngology (aka Historipharyngology)=study of history, AND study of the throat
Historiology+Physiology (aka Historiphysiology)=study of history, AND study of processes of life
Historiology+Osphresiology (aka Historiosphresiology)=study of history, AND study of the sense of smell
Historiology+Immunology (aka Historiimmunology)=study of history, AND study of immunity
Historiology+Hydrokinetics (aka Historiologyhydrokinetics)=study of history, AND study of motion of fluids
Historiology+Arachnology (aka Historiarachnology)=study of history, AND study of arachnids
Historiology+Phraseology (aka Historiphraseology)=study of history, AND study of phrases
Historiology+Phytology (aka Historiphytology)=study of history, AND study of plants; botany
Historiology+Glyptology (aka Historiglyptology)=study of history, AND study of gem engravings
Historiology+Diplomatics (aka Historiologydiplomatics)=study of history, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Historiology+Astacology (aka Historiastacology)=study of history, AND science of crayfish
Historiology+Tribology (aka Historitribology)=study of history, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Historiology+Zoopathology (aka Historizoopathology)=study of history, AND study of animal diseases
Historiology+Paleo-osteology (aka Historipaleo-osteology)=study of history, AND study of ancient bones
Historiology+Trophology (aka Historitrophology)=study of history, AND study of nutrition
Historiology+Loimology (aka Historiloimology)=study of history, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Historiology+Bromatology (aka Historibromatology)=study of history, AND study of food
Historiology+Hydrometeorology (aka Historihydrometeorology)=study of history, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Historiology+Pyroballogy (aka Historiologypyroballogy)=study of history, AND study of artillery
Historiology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Historiotorhinolaryngology)=study of history, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Historiology+Aerostatics (aka Historiologyaerostatics)=study of history, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Historiology+Agrostology (aka Historiagrostology)=study of history, AND science or study of grasses
Historiology+Phillumeny (aka Historiologyphillumeny)=study of history, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Historiology+Zoonosology (aka Historizoonosology)=study of history, AND study of animal diseases
Historiology+Gerontology (aka Historigerontology)=study of history, AND study of the elderly; aging
Historiology+Selenology (aka Historiselenology)=study of history, AND study of the moon
Historiology+Psychopathology (aka Historipsychopathology)=study of history, AND study of mental illness
Historiology+Futurology (aka Historifuturology)=study of history, AND study of future
Historiology+Iridology (aka Historiiridology)=study of history, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Historiology+Toponymics (aka Historiologytoponymics)=study of history, AND study of place-names
Tribology+Microclimatology (aka Tribmicroclimatology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of local climates
Tribology+Hepatology (aka Tribhepatology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of liver
Tribology+Zymurgy (aka Tribologyzymurgy)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Tribology+Significs (aka Tribologysignifics)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND science of meaning
Tribology+Limacology (aka Triblimacology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of slugs
Tribology+Cartophily (aka Tribologycartophily)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Tribology+Cardiology (aka Tribcardiology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of the heart
Tribology+Euthenics (aka Tribologyeuthenics)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Tribology+Pedagogics (aka Tribologypedagogics)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of teaching
Tribology+Zoophysics (aka Tribologyzoophysics)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND physics of animal bodies
Tribology+Molinology (aka Tribmolinology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of mills and milling
Tribology+Eremology (aka Triberemology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of deserts
Tribology+Paedotrophy (aka Tribologypaedotrophy)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND art of rearing children
Tribology+Ethnomethodology (aka Tribethnomethodology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of everyday communication
Tribology+Floristry (aka Tribologyfloristry)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Tribology+Trichology (aka Tribtrichology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of hair and its disorders
Tribology+Agronomics (aka Tribologyagronomics)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of productivity of land
Tribology+Storiology (aka Tribstoriology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of folk tales
Tribology+Micropalaeontology (aka Tribmicropalaeontology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of microscopic fossils
Tribology+Pharyngology (aka Tribpharyngology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of the throat
Tribology+Physiology (aka Tribphysiology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of processes of life
Tribology+Osphresiology (aka Tribosphresiology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of the sense of smell
Tribology+Immunology (aka Tribimmunology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of immunity
Tribology+Hydrokinetics (aka Tribologyhydrokinetics)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of motion of fluids
Tribology+Arachnology (aka Tribarachnology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of arachnids
Tribology+Phraseology (aka Tribphraseology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of phrases
Tribology+Phytology (aka Tribphytology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of plants; botany
Tribology+Glyptology (aka Tribglyptology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of gem engravings
Tribology+Diplomatics (aka Tribologydiplomatics)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Tribology+Astacology (aka Tribastacology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND science of crayfish
Tribology+Historiology (aka Tribhistoriology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of history
Tribology+Zoopathology (aka Tribzoopathology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of animal diseases
Tribology+Paleo-osteology (aka Tribpaleo-osteology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of ancient bones
Tribology+Trophology (aka Tribtrophology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of nutrition
Tribology+Loimology (aka Tribloimology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Tribology+Bromatology (aka Tribbromatology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of food
Tribology+Hydrometeorology (aka Tribhydrometeorology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Tribology+Pyroballogy (aka Tribologypyroballogy)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of artillery
Tribology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Tribotorhinolaryngology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Tribology+Aerostatics (aka Tribologyaerostatics)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Tribology+Agrostology (aka Tribagrostology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND science or study of grasses
Tribology+Phillumeny (aka Tribologyphillumeny)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Tribology+Zoonosology (aka Tribzoonosology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of animal diseases
Tribology+Gerontology (aka Tribgerontology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of the elderly; aging
Tribology+Selenology (aka Tribselenology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of the moon
Tribology+Psychopathology (aka Tribpsychopathology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of mental illness
Tribology+Futurology (aka Tribfuturology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of future
Tribology+Iridology (aka Tribiridology)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Tribology+Toponymics (aka Tribologytoponymics)=study of friction and wear between surfaces, AND study of place-names
Zoopathology+Microclimatology (aka Zoopathmicroclimatology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of local climates
Zoopathology+Hepatology (aka Zoopathhepatology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of liver
Zoopathology+Zymurgy (aka Zoopathologyzymurgy)=study of animal diseases, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Zoopathology+Significs (aka Zoopathologysignifics)=study of animal diseases, AND science of meaning
Zoopathology+Limacology (aka Zoopathlimacology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of slugs
Zoopathology+Cartophily (aka Zoopathologycartophily)=study of animal diseases, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Zoopathology+Cardiology (aka Zoopathcardiology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of the heart
Zoopathology+Euthenics (aka Zoopathologyeuthenics)=study of animal diseases, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Zoopathology+Pedagogics (aka Zoopathologypedagogics)=study of animal diseases, AND study of teaching
Zoopathology+Zoophysics (aka Zoopathologyzoophysics)=study of animal diseases, AND physics of animal bodies
Zoopathology+Molinology (aka Zoopathmolinology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of mills and milling
Zoopathology+Eremology (aka Zoopatheremology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of deserts
Zoopathology+Paedotrophy (aka Zoopathologypaedotrophy)=study of animal diseases, AND art of rearing children
Zoopathology+Ethnomethodology (aka Zoopathethnomethodology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of everyday communication
Zoopathology+Floristry (aka Zoopathologyfloristry)=study of animal diseases, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Zoopathology+Trichology (aka Zoopathtrichology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of hair and its disorders
Zoopathology+Agronomics (aka Zoopathologyagronomics)=study of animal diseases, AND study of productivity of land
Zoopathology+Storiology (aka Zoopathstoriology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of folk tales
Zoopathology+Micropalaeontology (aka Zoopathmicropalaeontology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of microscopic fossils
Zoopathology+Pharyngology (aka Zoopathpharyngology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of the throat
Zoopathology+Physiology (aka Zoopathphysiology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of processes of life
Zoopathology+Osphresiology (aka Zoopathosphresiology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of the sense of smell
Zoopathology+Immunology (aka Zoopathimmunology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of immunity
Zoopathology+Hydrokinetics (aka Zoopathologyhydrokinetics)=study of animal diseases, AND study of motion of fluids
Zoopathology+Arachnology (aka Zoopatharachnology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of arachnids
Zoopathology+Phraseology (aka Zoopathphraseology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of phrases
Zoopathology+Phytology (aka Zoopathphytology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of plants; botany
Zoopathology+Glyptology (aka Zoopathglyptology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of gem engravings
Zoopathology+Diplomatics (aka Zoopathologydiplomatics)=study of animal diseases, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Zoopathology+Astacology (aka Zoopathastacology)=study of animal diseases, AND science of crayfish
Zoopathology+Historiology (aka Zoopathhistoriology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of history
Zoopathology+Tribology (aka Zoopathtribology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Zoopathology+Paleo-osteology (aka Zoopathpaleo-osteology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of ancient bones
Zoopathology+Trophology (aka Zoopathtrophology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of nutrition
Zoopathology+Loimology (aka Zoopathloimology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Zoopathology+Bromatology (aka Zoopathbromatology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of food
Zoopathology+Hydrometeorology (aka Zoopathhydrometeorology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Zoopathology+Pyroballogy (aka Zoopathologypyroballogy)=study of animal diseases, AND study of artillery
Zoopathology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Zoopathotorhinolaryngology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Zoopathology+Aerostatics (aka Zoopathologyaerostatics)=study of animal diseases, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Zoopathology+Agrostology (aka Zoopathagrostology)=study of animal diseases, AND science or study of grasses
Zoopathology+Phillumeny (aka Zoopathologyphillumeny)=study of animal diseases, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Zoopathology+Zoonosology (aka Zoopathzoonosology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of animal diseases
Zoopathology+Gerontology (aka Zoopathgerontology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of the elderly; aging
Zoopathology+Selenology (aka Zoopathselenology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of the moon
Zoopathology+Psychopathology (aka Zoopathpsychopathology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of mental illness
Zoopathology+Futurology (aka Zoopathfuturology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of future
Zoopathology+Iridology (aka Zoopathiridology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Zoopathology+Toponymics (aka Zoopathologytoponymics)=study of animal diseases, AND study of place-names
Paleo-osteology+Microclimatology (aka Paleo-ostemicroclimatology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of local climates
Paleo-osteology+Hepatology (aka Paleo-ostehepatology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of liver
Paleo-osteology+Zymurgy (aka Paleo-osteologyzymurgy)=study of ancient bones, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Paleo-osteology+Significs (aka Paleo-osteologysignifics)=study of ancient bones, AND science of meaning
Paleo-osteology+Limacology (aka Paleo-ostelimacology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of slugs
Paleo-osteology+Cartophily (aka Paleo-osteologycartophily)=study of ancient bones, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Paleo-osteology+Cardiology (aka Paleo-ostecardiology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of the heart
Paleo-osteology+Euthenics (aka Paleo-osteologyeuthenics)=study of ancient bones, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Paleo-osteology+Pedagogics (aka Paleo-osteologypedagogics)=study of ancient bones, AND study of teaching
Paleo-osteology+Zoophysics (aka Paleo-osteologyzoophysics)=study of ancient bones, AND physics of animal bodies
Paleo-osteology+Molinology (aka Paleo-ostemolinology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of mills and milling
Paleo-osteology+Eremology (aka Paleo-osteeremology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of deserts
Paleo-osteology+Paedotrophy (aka Paleo-osteologypaedotrophy)=study of ancient bones, AND art of rearing children
Paleo-osteology+Ethnomethodology (aka Paleo-osteethnomethodology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of everyday communication
Paleo-osteology+Floristry (aka Paleo-osteologyfloristry)=study of ancient bones, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Paleo-osteology+Trichology (aka Paleo-ostetrichology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of hair and its disorders
Paleo-osteology+Agronomics (aka Paleo-osteologyagronomics)=study of ancient bones, AND study of productivity of land
Paleo-osteology+Storiology (aka Paleo-ostestoriology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of folk tales
Paleo-osteology+Micropalaeontology (aka Paleo-ostemicropalaeontology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of microscopic fossils
Paleo-osteology+Pharyngology (aka Paleo-ostepharyngology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of the throat
Paleo-osteology+Physiology (aka Paleo-ostephysiology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of processes of life
Paleo-osteology+Osphresiology (aka Paleo-osteosphresiology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of the sense of smell
Paleo-osteology+Immunology (aka Paleo-osteimmunology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of immunity
Paleo-osteology+Hydrokinetics (aka Paleo-osteologyhydrokinetics)=study of ancient bones, AND study of motion of fluids
Paleo-osteology+Arachnology (aka Paleo-ostearachnology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of arachnids
Paleo-osteology+Phraseology (aka Paleo-ostephraseology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of phrases
Paleo-osteology+Phytology (aka Paleo-ostephytology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of plants; botany
Paleo-osteology+Glyptology (aka Paleo-osteglyptology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of gem engravings
Paleo-osteology+Diplomatics (aka Paleo-osteologydiplomatics)=study of ancient bones, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Paleo-osteology+Astacology (aka Paleo-osteastacology)=study of ancient bones, AND science of crayfish
Paleo-osteology+Historiology (aka Paleo-ostehistoriology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of history
Paleo-osteology+Tribology (aka Paleo-ostetribology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Paleo-osteology+Zoopathology (aka Paleo-ostezoopathology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of animal diseases
Paleo-osteology+Trophology (aka Paleo-ostetrophology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of nutrition
Paleo-osteology+Loimology (aka Paleo-osteloimology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Paleo-osteology+Bromatology (aka Paleo-ostebromatology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of food
Paleo-osteology+Hydrometeorology (aka Paleo-ostehydrometeorology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Paleo-osteology+Pyroballogy (aka Paleo-osteologypyroballogy)=study of ancient bones, AND study of artillery
Paleo-osteology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Paleo-osteotorhinolaryngology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Paleo-osteology+Aerostatics (aka Paleo-osteologyaerostatics)=study of ancient bones, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Paleo-osteology+Agrostology (aka Paleo-osteagrostology)=study of ancient bones, AND science or study of grasses
Paleo-osteology+Phillumeny (aka Paleo-osteologyphillumeny)=study of ancient bones, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Paleo-osteology+Zoonosology (aka Paleo-ostezoonosology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of animal diseases
Paleo-osteology+Gerontology (aka Paleo-ostegerontology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of the elderly; aging
Paleo-osteology+Selenology (aka Paleo-osteselenology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of the moon
Paleo-osteology+Psychopathology (aka Paleo-ostepsychopathology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of mental illness
Paleo-osteology+Futurology (aka Paleo-ostefuturology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of future
Paleo-osteology+Iridology (aka Paleo-osteiridology)=study of ancient bones, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Paleo-osteology+Toponymics (aka Paleo-osteologytoponymics)=study of ancient bones, AND study of place-names
Trophology+Microclimatology (aka Trophmicroclimatology)=study of nutrition, AND study of local climates
Trophology+Hepatology (aka Trophhepatology)=study of nutrition, AND study of liver
Trophology+Zymurgy (aka Trophologyzymurgy)=study of nutrition, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Trophology+Significs (aka Trophologysignifics)=study of nutrition, AND science of meaning
Trophology+Limacology (aka Trophlimacology)=study of nutrition, AND study of slugs
Trophology+Cartophily (aka Trophologycartophily)=study of nutrition, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Trophology+Cardiology (aka Trophcardiology)=study of nutrition, AND study of the heart
Trophology+Euthenics (aka Trophologyeuthenics)=study of nutrition, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Trophology+Pedagogics (aka Trophologypedagogics)=study of nutrition, AND study of teaching
Trophology+Zoophysics (aka Trophologyzoophysics)=study of nutrition, AND physics of animal bodies
Trophology+Molinology (aka Trophmolinology)=study of nutrition, AND study of mills and milling
Trophology+Eremology (aka Tropheremology)=study of nutrition, AND study of deserts
Trophology+Paedotrophy (aka Trophologypaedotrophy)=study of nutrition, AND art of rearing children
Trophology+Ethnomethodology (aka Trophethnomethodology)=study of nutrition, AND study of everyday communication
Trophology+Floristry (aka Trophologyfloristry)=study of nutrition, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Trophology+Trichology (aka Trophtrichology)=study of nutrition, AND study of hair and its disorders
Trophology+Agronomics (aka Trophologyagronomics)=study of nutrition, AND study of productivity of land
Trophology+Storiology (aka Trophstoriology)=study of nutrition, AND study of folk tales
Trophology+Micropalaeontology (aka Trophmicropalaeontology)=study of nutrition, AND study of microscopic fossils
Trophology+Pharyngology (aka Trophpharyngology)=study of nutrition, AND study of the throat
Trophology+Physiology (aka Trophphysiology)=study of nutrition, AND study of processes of life
Trophology+Osphresiology (aka Trophosphresiology)=study of nutrition, AND study of the sense of smell
Trophology+Immunology (aka Trophimmunology)=study of nutrition, AND study of immunity
Trophology+Hydrokinetics (aka Trophologyhydrokinetics)=study of nutrition, AND study of motion of fluids
Trophology+Arachnology (aka Tropharachnology)=study of nutrition, AND study of arachnids
Trophology+Phraseology (aka Trophphraseology)=study of nutrition, AND study of phrases
Trophology+Phytology (aka Trophphytology)=study of nutrition, AND study of plants; botany
Trophology+Glyptology (aka Trophglyptology)=study of nutrition, AND study of gem engravings
Trophology+Diplomatics (aka Trophologydiplomatics)=study of nutrition, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Trophology+Astacology (aka Trophastacology)=study of nutrition, AND science of crayfish
Trophology+Historiology (aka Trophhistoriology)=study of nutrition, AND study of history
Trophology+Tribology (aka Trophtribology)=study of nutrition, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Trophology+Zoopathology (aka Trophzoopathology)=study of nutrition, AND study of animal diseases
Trophology+Paleo-osteology (aka Trophpaleo-osteology)=study of nutrition, AND study of ancient bones
Trophology+Loimology (aka Trophloimology)=study of nutrition, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Trophology+Bromatology (aka Trophbromatology)=study of nutrition, AND study of food
Trophology+Hydrometeorology (aka Trophhydrometeorology)=study of nutrition, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Trophology+Pyroballogy (aka Trophologypyroballogy)=study of nutrition, AND study of artillery
Trophology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Trophotorhinolaryngology)=study of nutrition, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Trophology+Aerostatics (aka Trophologyaerostatics)=study of nutrition, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Trophology+Agrostology (aka Trophagrostology)=study of nutrition, AND science or study of grasses
Trophology+Phillumeny (aka Trophologyphillumeny)=study of nutrition, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Trophology+Zoonosology (aka Trophzoonosology)=study of nutrition, AND study of animal diseases
Trophology+Gerontology (aka Trophgerontology)=study of nutrition, AND study of the elderly; aging
Trophology+Selenology (aka Trophselenology)=study of nutrition, AND study of the moon
Trophology+Psychopathology (aka Trophpsychopathology)=study of nutrition, AND study of mental illness
Trophology+Futurology (aka Trophfuturology)=study of nutrition, AND study of future
Trophology+Iridology (aka Trophiridology)=study of nutrition, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Trophology+Toponymics (aka Trophologytoponymics)=study of nutrition, AND study of place-names
Loimology+Microclimatology (aka Loimmicroclimatology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of local climates
Loimology+Hepatology (aka Loimhepatology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of liver
Loimology+Zymurgy (aka Loimologyzymurgy)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Loimology+Significs (aka Loimologysignifics)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND science of meaning
Loimology+Limacology (aka Loimlimacology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of slugs
Loimology+Cartophily (aka Loimologycartophily)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Loimology+Cardiology (aka Loimcardiology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of the heart
Loimology+Euthenics (aka Loimologyeuthenics)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Loimology+Pedagogics (aka Loimologypedagogics)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of teaching
Loimology+Zoophysics (aka Loimologyzoophysics)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND physics of animal bodies
Loimology+Molinology (aka Loimmolinology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of mills and milling
Loimology+Eremology (aka Loimeremology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of deserts
Loimology+Paedotrophy (aka Loimologypaedotrophy)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND art of rearing children
Loimology+Ethnomethodology (aka Loimethnomethodology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of everyday communication
Loimology+Floristry (aka Loimologyfloristry)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Loimology+Trichology (aka Loimtrichology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of hair and its disorders
Loimology+Agronomics (aka Loimologyagronomics)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of productivity of land
Loimology+Storiology (aka Loimstoriology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of folk tales
Loimology+Micropalaeontology (aka Loimmicropalaeontology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of microscopic fossils
Loimology+Pharyngology (aka Loimpharyngology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of the throat
Loimology+Physiology (aka Loimphysiology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of processes of life
Loimology+Osphresiology (aka Loimosphresiology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of the sense of smell
Loimology+Immunology (aka Loimimmunology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of immunity
Loimology+Hydrokinetics (aka Loimologyhydrokinetics)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of motion of fluids
Loimology+Arachnology (aka Loimarachnology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of arachnids
Loimology+Phraseology (aka Loimphraseology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of phrases
Loimology+Phytology (aka Loimphytology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of plants; botany
Loimology+Glyptology (aka Loimglyptology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of gem engravings
Loimology+Diplomatics (aka Loimologydiplomatics)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Loimology+Astacology (aka Loimastacology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND science of crayfish
Loimology+Historiology (aka Loimhistoriology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of history
Loimology+Tribology (aka Loimtribology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Loimology+Zoopathology (aka Loimzoopathology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of animal diseases
Loimology+Paleo-osteology (aka Loimpaleo-osteology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of ancient bones
Loimology+Trophology (aka Loimtrophology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of nutrition
Loimology+Bromatology (aka Loimbromatology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of food
Loimology+Hydrometeorology (aka Loimhydrometeorology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Loimology+Pyroballogy (aka Loimologypyroballogy)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of artillery
Loimology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Loimotorhinolaryngology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Loimology+Aerostatics (aka Loimologyaerostatics)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Loimology+Agrostology (aka Loimagrostology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND science or study of grasses
Loimology+Phillumeny (aka Loimologyphillumeny)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Loimology+Zoonosology (aka Loimzoonosology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of animal diseases
Loimology+Gerontology (aka Loimgerontology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of the elderly; aging
Loimology+Selenology (aka Loimselenology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of the moon
Loimology+Psychopathology (aka Loimpsychopathology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of mental illness
Loimology+Futurology (aka Loimfuturology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of future
Loimology+Iridology (aka Loimiridology)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Loimology+Toponymics (aka Loimologytoponymics)=study of plagues and epidemics, AND study of place-names
Bromatology+Microclimatology (aka Bromatmicroclimatology)=study of food, AND study of local climates
Bromatology+Hepatology (aka Bromathepatology)=study of food, AND study of liver
Bromatology+Zymurgy (aka Bromatologyzymurgy)=study of food, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Bromatology+Significs (aka Bromatologysignifics)=study of food, AND science of meaning
Bromatology+Limacology (aka Bromatlimacology)=study of food, AND study of slugs
Bromatology+Cartophily (aka Bromatologycartophily)=study of food, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Bromatology+Cardiology (aka Bromatcardiology)=study of food, AND study of the heart
Bromatology+Euthenics (aka Bromatologyeuthenics)=study of food, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Bromatology+Pedagogics (aka Bromatologypedagogics)=study of food, AND study of teaching
Bromatology+Zoophysics (aka Bromatologyzoophysics)=study of food, AND physics of animal bodies
Bromatology+Molinology (aka Bromatmolinology)=study of food, AND study of mills and milling
Bromatology+Eremology (aka Bromateremology)=study of food, AND study of deserts
Bromatology+Paedotrophy (aka Bromatologypaedotrophy)=study of food, AND art of rearing children
Bromatology+Ethnomethodology (aka Bromatethnomethodology)=study of food, AND study of everyday communication
Bromatology+Floristry (aka Bromatologyfloristry)=study of food, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Bromatology+Trichology (aka Bromattrichology)=study of food, AND study of hair and its disorders
Bromatology+Agronomics (aka Bromatologyagronomics)=study of food, AND study of productivity of land
Bromatology+Storiology (aka Bromatstoriology)=study of food, AND study of folk tales
Bromatology+Micropalaeontology (aka Bromatmicropalaeontology)=study of food, AND study of microscopic fossils
Bromatology+Pharyngology (aka Bromatpharyngology)=study of food, AND study of the throat
Bromatology+Physiology (aka Bromatphysiology)=study of food, AND study of processes of life
Bromatology+Osphresiology (aka Bromatosphresiology)=study of food, AND study of the sense of smell
Bromatology+Immunology (aka Bromatimmunology)=study of food, AND study of immunity
Bromatology+Hydrokinetics (aka Bromatologyhydrokinetics)=study of food, AND study of motion of fluids
Bromatology+Arachnology (aka Bromatarachnology)=study of food, AND study of arachnids
Bromatology+Phraseology (aka Bromatphraseology)=study of food, AND study of phrases
Bromatology+Phytology (aka Bromatphytology)=study of food, AND study of plants; botany
Bromatology+Glyptology (aka Bromatglyptology)=study of food, AND study of gem engravings
Bromatology+Diplomatics (aka Bromatologydiplomatics)=study of food, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Bromatology+Astacology (aka Bromatastacology)=study of food, AND science of crayfish
Bromatology+Historiology (aka Bromathistoriology)=study of food, AND study of history
Bromatology+Tribology (aka Bromattribology)=study of food, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Bromatology+Zoopathology (aka Bromatzoopathology)=study of food, AND study of animal diseases
Bromatology+Paleo-osteology (aka Bromatpaleo-osteology)=study of food, AND study of ancient bones
Bromatology+Trophology (aka Bromattrophology)=study of food, AND study of nutrition
Bromatology+Loimology (aka Bromatloimology)=study of food, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Bromatology+Hydrometeorology (aka Bromathydrometeorology)=study of food, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Bromatology+Pyroballogy (aka Bromatologypyroballogy)=study of food, AND study of artillery
Bromatology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Bromatotorhinolaryngology)=study of food, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Bromatology+Aerostatics (aka Bromatologyaerostatics)=study of food, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Bromatology+Agrostology (aka Bromatagrostology)=study of food, AND science or study of grasses
Bromatology+Phillumeny (aka Bromatologyphillumeny)=study of food, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Bromatology+Zoonosology (aka Bromatzoonosology)=study of food, AND study of animal diseases
Bromatology+Gerontology (aka Bromatgerontology)=study of food, AND study of the elderly; aging
Bromatology+Selenology (aka Bromatselenology)=study of food, AND study of the moon
Bromatology+Psychopathology (aka Bromatpsychopathology)=study of food, AND study of mental illness
Bromatology+Futurology (aka Bromatfuturology)=study of food, AND study of future
Bromatology+Iridology (aka Bromatiridology)=study of food, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Bromatology+Toponymics (aka Bromatologytoponymics)=study of food, AND study of place-names
Hydrometeorology+Microclimatology (aka Hydrometeormicroclimatology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of local climates
Hydrometeorology+Hepatology (aka Hydrometeorhepatology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of liver
Hydrometeorology+Zymurgy (aka Hydrometeorologyzymurgy)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Hydrometeorology+Significs (aka Hydrometeorologysignifics)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND science of meaning
Hydrometeorology+Limacology (aka Hydrometeorlimacology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of slugs
Hydrometeorology+Cartophily (aka Hydrometeorologycartophily)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Hydrometeorology+Cardiology (aka Hydrometeorcardiology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of the heart
Hydrometeorology+Euthenics (aka Hydrometeorologyeuthenics)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Hydrometeorology+Pedagogics (aka Hydrometeorologypedagogics)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of teaching
Hydrometeorology+Zoophysics (aka Hydrometeorologyzoophysics)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND physics of animal bodies
Hydrometeorology+Molinology (aka Hydrometeormolinology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of mills and milling
Hydrometeorology+Eremology (aka Hydrometeoreremology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of deserts
Hydrometeorology+Paedotrophy (aka Hydrometeorologypaedotrophy)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND art of rearing children
Hydrometeorology+Ethnomethodology (aka Hydrometeorethnomethodology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of everyday communication
Hydrometeorology+Floristry (aka Hydrometeorologyfloristry)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Hydrometeorology+Trichology (aka Hydrometeortrichology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of hair and its disorders
Hydrometeorology+Agronomics (aka Hydrometeorologyagronomics)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of productivity of land
Hydrometeorology+Storiology (aka Hydrometeorstoriology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of folk tales
Hydrometeorology+Micropalaeontology (aka Hydrometeormicropalaeontology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of microscopic fossils
Hydrometeorology+Pharyngology (aka Hydrometeorpharyngology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of the throat
Hydrometeorology+Physiology (aka Hydrometeorphysiology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of processes of life
Hydrometeorology+Osphresiology (aka Hydrometeorosphresiology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of the sense of smell
Hydrometeorology+Immunology (aka Hydrometeorimmunology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of immunity
Hydrometeorology+Hydrokinetics (aka Hydrometeorologyhydrokinetics)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of motion of fluids
Hydrometeorology+Arachnology (aka Hydrometeorarachnology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of arachnids
Hydrometeorology+Phraseology (aka Hydrometeorphraseology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of phrases
Hydrometeorology+Phytology (aka Hydrometeorphytology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of plants; botany
Hydrometeorology+Glyptology (aka Hydrometeorglyptology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of gem engravings
Hydrometeorology+Diplomatics (aka Hydrometeorologydiplomatics)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Hydrometeorology+Astacology (aka Hydrometeorastacology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND science of crayfish
Hydrometeorology+Historiology (aka Hydrometeorhistoriology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of history
Hydrometeorology+Tribology (aka Hydrometeortribology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Hydrometeorology+Zoopathology (aka Hydrometeorzoopathology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of animal diseases
Hydrometeorology+Paleo-osteology (aka Hydrometeorpaleo-osteology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of ancient bones
Hydrometeorology+Trophology (aka Hydrometeortrophology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of nutrition
Hydrometeorology+Loimology (aka Hydrometeorloimology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Hydrometeorology+Bromatology (aka Hydrometeorbromatology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of food
Hydrometeorology+Pyroballogy (aka Hydrometeorologypyroballogy)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of artillery
Hydrometeorology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Hydrometeorotorhinolaryngology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Hydrometeorology+Aerostatics (aka Hydrometeorologyaerostatics)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Hydrometeorology+Agrostology (aka Hydrometeoragrostology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND science or study of grasses
Hydrometeorology+Phillumeny (aka Hydrometeorologyphillumeny)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Hydrometeorology+Zoonosology (aka Hydrometeorzoonosology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of animal diseases
Hydrometeorology+Gerontology (aka Hydrometeorgerontology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of the elderly; aging
Hydrometeorology+Selenology (aka Hydrometeorselenology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of the moon
Hydrometeorology+Psychopathology (aka Hydrometeorpsychopathology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of mental illness
Hydrometeorology+Futurology (aka Hydrometeorfuturology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of future
Hydrometeorology+Iridology (aka Hydrometeoriridology)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Hydrometeorology+Toponymics (aka Hydrometeorologytoponymics)=study of atmospheric moisture, AND study of place-names
Pyroballogy+Microclimatology (aka Pyroballogymicroclimatology)=study of artillery, AND study of local climates
Pyroballogy+Hepatology (aka Pyroballogyhepatology)=study of artillery, AND study of liver
Pyroballogy+Zymurgy (aka Pyroballogyzymurgy)=study of artillery, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Pyroballogy+Significs (aka Pyroballogysignifics)=study of artillery, AND science of meaning
Pyroballogy+Limacology (aka Pyroballogylimacology)=study of artillery, AND study of slugs
Pyroballogy+Cartophily (aka Pyroballogycartophily)=study of artillery, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Pyroballogy+Cardiology (aka Pyroballogycardiology)=study of artillery, AND study of the heart
Pyroballogy+Euthenics (aka Pyroballogyeuthenics)=study of artillery, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Pyroballogy+Pedagogics (aka Pyroballogypedagogics)=study of artillery, AND study of teaching
Pyroballogy+Zoophysics (aka Pyroballogyzoophysics)=study of artillery, AND physics of animal bodies
Pyroballogy+Molinology (aka Pyroballogymolinology)=study of artillery, AND study of mills and milling
Pyroballogy+Eremology (aka Pyroballogyeremology)=study of artillery, AND study of deserts
Pyroballogy+Paedotrophy (aka Pyroballogypaedotrophy)=study of artillery, AND art of rearing children
Pyroballogy+Ethnomethodology (aka Pyroballogyethnomethodology)=study of artillery, AND study of everyday communication
Pyroballogy+Floristry (aka Pyroballogyfloristry)=study of artillery, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Pyroballogy+Trichology (aka Pyroballogytrichology)=study of artillery, AND study of hair and its disorders
Pyroballogy+Agronomics (aka Pyroballogyagronomics)=study of artillery, AND study of productivity of land
Pyroballogy+Storiology (aka Pyroballogystoriology)=study of artillery, AND study of folk tales
Pyroballogy+Micropalaeontology (aka Pyroballogymicropalaeontology)=study of artillery, AND study of microscopic fossils
Pyroballogy+Pharyngology (aka Pyroballogypharyngology)=study of artillery, AND study of the throat
Pyroballogy+Physiology (aka Pyroballogyphysiology)=study of artillery, AND study of processes of life
Pyroballogy+Osphresiology (aka Pyroballogyosphresiology)=study of artillery, AND study of the sense of smell
Pyroballogy+Immunology (aka Pyroballogyimmunology)=study of artillery, AND study of immunity
Pyroballogy+Hydrokinetics (aka Pyroballogyhydrokinetics)=study of artillery, AND study of motion of fluids
Pyroballogy+Arachnology (aka Pyroballogyarachnology)=study of artillery, AND study of arachnids
Pyroballogy+Phraseology (aka Pyroballogyphraseology)=study of artillery, AND study of phrases
Pyroballogy+Phytology (aka Pyroballogyphytology)=study of artillery, AND study of plants; botany
Pyroballogy+Glyptology (aka Pyroballogyglyptology)=study of artillery, AND study of gem engravings
Pyroballogy+Diplomatics (aka Pyroballogydiplomatics)=study of artillery, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Pyroballogy+Astacology (aka Pyroballogyastacology)=study of artillery, AND science of crayfish
Pyroballogy+Historiology (aka Pyroballogyhistoriology)=study of artillery, AND study of history
Pyroballogy+Tribology (aka Pyroballogytribology)=study of artillery, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Pyroballogy+Zoopathology (aka Pyroballogyzoopathology)=study of artillery, AND study of animal diseases
Pyroballogy+Paleo-osteology (aka Pyroballogypaleo-osteology)=study of artillery, AND study of ancient bones
Pyroballogy+Trophology (aka Pyroballogytrophology)=study of artillery, AND study of nutrition
Pyroballogy+Loimology (aka Pyroballogyloimology)=study of artillery, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Pyroballogy+Bromatology (aka Pyroballogybromatology)=study of artillery, AND study of food
Pyroballogy+Hydrometeorology (aka Pyroballogyhydrometeorology)=study of artillery, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Pyroballogy+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Pyroballogyotorhinolaryngology)=study of artillery, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Pyroballogy+Aerostatics (aka Pyroballogyaerostatics)=study of artillery, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Pyroballogy+Agrostology (aka Pyroballogyagrostology)=study of artillery, AND science or study of grasses
Pyroballogy+Phillumeny (aka Pyroballogyphillumeny)=study of artillery, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Pyroballogy+Zoonosology (aka Pyroballogyzoonosology)=study of artillery, AND study of animal diseases
Pyroballogy+Gerontology (aka Pyroballogygerontology)=study of artillery, AND study of the elderly; aging
Pyroballogy+Selenology (aka Pyroballogyselenology)=study of artillery, AND study of the moon
Pyroballogy+Psychopathology (aka Pyroballogypsychopathology)=study of artillery, AND study of mental illness
Pyroballogy+Futurology (aka Pyroballogyfuturology)=study of artillery, AND study of future
Pyroballogy+Iridology (aka Pyroballogyiridology)=study of artillery, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Pyroballogy+Toponymics (aka Pyroballogytoponymics)=study of artillery, AND study of place-names
Otorhinolaryngology+Microclimatology (aka Otorhinolaryngmicroclimatology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of local climates
Otorhinolaryngology+Hepatology (aka Otorhinolarynghepatology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of liver
Otorhinolaryngology+Zymurgy (aka Otorhinolaryngologyzymurgy)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Otorhinolaryngology+Significs (aka Otorhinolaryngologysignifics)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND science of meaning
Otorhinolaryngology+Limacology (aka Otorhinolarynglimacology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of slugs
Otorhinolaryngology+Cartophily (aka Otorhinolaryngologycartophily)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Otorhinolaryngology+Cardiology (aka Otorhinolaryngcardiology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of the heart
Otorhinolaryngology+Euthenics (aka Otorhinolaryngologyeuthenics)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Otorhinolaryngology+Pedagogics (aka Otorhinolaryngologypedagogics)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of teaching
Otorhinolaryngology+Zoophysics (aka Otorhinolaryngologyzoophysics)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND physics of animal bodies
Otorhinolaryngology+Molinology (aka Otorhinolaryngmolinology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of mills and milling
Otorhinolaryngology+Eremology (aka Otorhinolaryngeremology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of deserts
Otorhinolaryngology+Paedotrophy (aka Otorhinolaryngologypaedotrophy)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND art of rearing children
Otorhinolaryngology+Ethnomethodology (aka Otorhinolaryngethnomethodology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of everyday communication
Otorhinolaryngology+Floristry (aka Otorhinolaryngologyfloristry)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Otorhinolaryngology+Trichology (aka Otorhinolaryngtrichology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of hair and its disorders
Otorhinolaryngology+Agronomics (aka Otorhinolaryngologyagronomics)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of productivity of land
Otorhinolaryngology+Storiology (aka Otorhinolaryngstoriology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of folk tales
Otorhinolaryngology+Micropalaeontology (aka Otorhinolaryngmicropalaeontology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of microscopic fossils
Otorhinolaryngology+Pharyngology (aka Otorhinolaryngpharyngology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of the throat
Otorhinolaryngology+Physiology (aka Otorhinolaryngphysiology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of processes of life
Otorhinolaryngology+Osphresiology (aka Otorhinolaryngosphresiology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of the sense of smell
Otorhinolaryngology+Immunology (aka Otorhinolaryngimmunology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of immunity
Otorhinolaryngology+Hydrokinetics (aka Otorhinolaryngologyhydrokinetics)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of motion of fluids
Otorhinolaryngology+Arachnology (aka Otorhinolaryngarachnology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of arachnids
Otorhinolaryngology+Phraseology (aka Otorhinolaryngphraseology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of phrases
Otorhinolaryngology+Phytology (aka Otorhinolaryngphytology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of plants; botany
Otorhinolaryngology+Glyptology (aka Otorhinolaryngglyptology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of gem engravings
Otorhinolaryngology+Diplomatics (aka Otorhinolaryngologydiplomatics)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Otorhinolaryngology+Astacology (aka Otorhinolaryngastacology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND science of crayfish
Otorhinolaryngology+Historiology (aka Otorhinolarynghistoriology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of history
Otorhinolaryngology+Tribology (aka Otorhinolaryngtribology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Otorhinolaryngology+Zoopathology (aka Otorhinolaryngzoopathology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of animal diseases
Otorhinolaryngology+Paleo-osteology (aka Otorhinolaryngpaleo-osteology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of ancient bones
Otorhinolaryngology+Trophology (aka Otorhinolaryngtrophology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of nutrition
Otorhinolaryngology+Loimology (aka Otorhinolaryngloimology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Otorhinolaryngology+Bromatology (aka Otorhinolaryngbromatology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of food
Otorhinolaryngology+Hydrometeorology (aka Otorhinolarynghydrometeorology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Otorhinolaryngology+Pyroballogy (aka Otorhinolaryngologypyroballogy)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of artillery
Otorhinolaryngology+Aerostatics (aka Otorhinolaryngologyaerostatics)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Otorhinolaryngology+Agrostology (aka Otorhinolaryngagrostology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND science or study of grasses
Otorhinolaryngology+Phillumeny (aka Otorhinolaryngologyphillumeny)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Otorhinolaryngology+Zoonosology (aka Otorhinolaryngzoonosology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of animal diseases
Otorhinolaryngology+Gerontology (aka Otorhinolarynggerontology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of the elderly; aging
Otorhinolaryngology+Selenology (aka Otorhinolaryngselenology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of the moon
Otorhinolaryngology+Psychopathology (aka Otorhinolaryngpsychopathology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of mental illness
Otorhinolaryngology+Futurology (aka Otorhinolaryngfuturology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of future
Otorhinolaryngology+Iridology (aka Otorhinolaryngiridology)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Otorhinolaryngology+Toponymics (aka Otorhinolaryngologytoponymics)=study of ear, nose and throat, AND study of place-names
Aerostatics+Microclimatology (aka Aerostaticsmicroclimatology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of local climates
Aerostatics+Hepatology (aka Aerostaticshepatology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of liver
Aerostatics+Zymurgy (aka Aerostaticszymurgy)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Aerostatics+Significs (aka Aerostaticssignifics)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND science of meaning
Aerostatics+Limacology (aka Aerostaticslimacology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of slugs
Aerostatics+Cartophily (aka Aerostaticscartophily)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Aerostatics+Cardiology (aka Aerostaticscardiology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of the heart
Aerostatics+Euthenics (aka Aerostaticseuthenics)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Aerostatics+Pedagogics (aka Aerostaticspedagogics)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of teaching
Aerostatics+Zoophysics (aka Aerostaticszoophysics)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND physics of animal bodies
Aerostatics+Molinology (aka Aerostaticsmolinology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of mills and milling
Aerostatics+Eremology (aka Aerostaticseremology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of deserts
Aerostatics+Paedotrophy (aka Aerostaticspaedotrophy)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND art of rearing children
Aerostatics+Ethnomethodology (aka Aerostaticsethnomethodology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of everyday communication
Aerostatics+Floristry (aka Aerostaticsfloristry)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Aerostatics+Trichology (aka Aerostaticstrichology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of hair and its disorders
Aerostatics+Agronomics (aka Aerostaticsagronomics)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of productivity of land
Aerostatics+Storiology (aka Aerostaticsstoriology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of folk tales
Aerostatics+Micropalaeontology (aka Aerostaticsmicropalaeontology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of microscopic fossils
Aerostatics+Pharyngology (aka Aerostaticspharyngology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of the throat
Aerostatics+Physiology (aka Aerostaticsphysiology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of processes of life
Aerostatics+Osphresiology (aka Aerostaticsosphresiology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of the sense of smell
Aerostatics+Immunology (aka Aerostaticsimmunology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of immunity
Aerostatics+Hydrokinetics (aka Aerostaticshydrokinetics)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of motion of fluids
Aerostatics+Arachnology (aka Aerostaticsarachnology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of arachnids
Aerostatics+Phraseology (aka Aerostaticsphraseology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of phrases
Aerostatics+Phytology (aka Aerostaticsphytology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of plants; botany
Aerostatics+Glyptology (aka Aerostaticsglyptology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of gem engravings
Aerostatics+Diplomatics (aka Aerostaticsdiplomatics)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Aerostatics+Astacology (aka Aerostaticsastacology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND science of crayfish
Aerostatics+Historiology (aka Aerostaticshistoriology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of history
Aerostatics+Tribology (aka Aerostaticstribology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Aerostatics+Zoopathology (aka Aerostaticszoopathology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of animal diseases
Aerostatics+Paleo-osteology (aka Aerostaticspaleo-osteology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of ancient bones
Aerostatics+Trophology (aka Aerostaticstrophology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of nutrition
Aerostatics+Loimology (aka Aerostaticsloimology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Aerostatics+Bromatology (aka Aerostaticsbromatology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of food
Aerostatics+Hydrometeorology (aka Aerostaticshydrometeorology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Aerostatics+Pyroballogy (aka Aerostaticspyroballogy)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of artillery
Aerostatics+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Aerostaticsotorhinolaryngology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Aerostatics+Agrostology (aka Aerostaticsagrostology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND science or study of grasses
Aerostatics+Phillumeny (aka Aerostaticsphillumeny)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Aerostatics+Zoonosology (aka Aerostaticszoonosology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of animal diseases
Aerostatics+Gerontology (aka Aerostaticsgerontology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of the elderly; aging
Aerostatics+Selenology (aka Aerostaticsselenology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of the moon
Aerostatics+Psychopathology (aka Aerostaticspsychopathology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of mental illness
Aerostatics+Futurology (aka Aerostaticsfuturology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of future
Aerostatics+Iridology (aka Aerostaticsiridology)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Aerostatics+Toponymics (aka Aerostaticstoponymics)=science of air pressure; art of ballooning, AND study of place-names
Agrostology+Microclimatology (aka Agrostmicroclimatology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of local climates
Agrostology+Hepatology (aka Agrosthepatology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of liver
Agrostology+Zymurgy (aka Agrostologyzymurgy)=science or study of grasses, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Agrostology+Significs (aka Agrostologysignifics)=science or study of grasses, AND science of meaning
Agrostology+Limacology (aka Agrostlimacology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of slugs
Agrostology+Cartophily (aka Agrostologycartophily)=science or study of grasses, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Agrostology+Cardiology (aka Agrostcardiology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of the heart
Agrostology+Euthenics (aka Agrostologyeuthenics)=science or study of grasses, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Agrostology+Pedagogics (aka Agrostologypedagogics)=science or study of grasses, AND study of teaching
Agrostology+Zoophysics (aka Agrostologyzoophysics)=science or study of grasses, AND physics of animal bodies
Agrostology+Molinology (aka Agrostmolinology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of mills and milling
Agrostology+Eremology (aka Agrosteremology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of deserts
Agrostology+Paedotrophy (aka Agrostologypaedotrophy)=science or study of grasses, AND art of rearing children
Agrostology+Ethnomethodology (aka Agrostethnomethodology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of everyday communication
Agrostology+Floristry (aka Agrostologyfloristry)=science or study of grasses, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Agrostology+Trichology (aka Agrosttrichology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of hair and its disorders
Agrostology+Agronomics (aka Agrostologyagronomics)=science or study of grasses, AND study of productivity of land
Agrostology+Storiology (aka Agroststoriology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of folk tales
Agrostology+Micropalaeontology (aka Agrostmicropalaeontology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of microscopic fossils
Agrostology+Pharyngology (aka Agrostpharyngology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of the throat
Agrostology+Physiology (aka Agrostphysiology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of processes of life
Agrostology+Osphresiology (aka Agrostosphresiology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of the sense of smell
Agrostology+Immunology (aka Agrostimmunology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of immunity
Agrostology+Hydrokinetics (aka Agrostologyhydrokinetics)=science or study of grasses, AND study of motion of fluids
Agrostology+Arachnology (aka Agrostarachnology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of arachnids
Agrostology+Phraseology (aka Agrostphraseology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of phrases
Agrostology+Phytology (aka Agrostphytology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of plants; botany
Agrostology+Glyptology (aka Agrostglyptology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of gem engravings
Agrostology+Diplomatics (aka Agrostologydiplomatics)=science or study of grasses, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Agrostology+Astacology (aka Agrostastacology)=science or study of grasses, AND science of crayfish
Agrostology+Historiology (aka Agrosthistoriology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of history
Agrostology+Tribology (aka Agrosttribology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Agrostology+Zoopathology (aka Agrostzoopathology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of animal diseases
Agrostology+Paleo-osteology (aka Agrostpaleo-osteology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of ancient bones
Agrostology+Trophology (aka Agrosttrophology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of nutrition
Agrostology+Loimology (aka Agrostloimology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Agrostology+Bromatology (aka Agrostbromatology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of food
Agrostology+Hydrometeorology (aka Agrosthydrometeorology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Agrostology+Pyroballogy (aka Agrostologypyroballogy)=science or study of grasses, AND study of artillery
Agrostology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Agrostotorhinolaryngology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Agrostology+Aerostatics (aka Agrostologyaerostatics)=science or study of grasses, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Agrostology+Phillumeny (aka Agrostologyphillumeny)=science or study of grasses, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Agrostology+Zoonosology (aka Agrostzoonosology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of animal diseases
Agrostology+Gerontology (aka Agrostgerontology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of the elderly; aging
Agrostology+Selenology (aka Agrostselenology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of the moon
Agrostology+Psychopathology (aka Agrostpsychopathology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of mental illness
Agrostology+Futurology (aka Agrostfuturology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of future
Agrostology+Iridology (aka Agrostiridology)=science or study of grasses, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Agrostology+Toponymics (aka Agrostologytoponymics)=science or study of grasses, AND study of place-names
Phillumeny+Microclimatology (aka Phillumenymicroclimatology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of local climates
Phillumeny+Hepatology (aka Phillumenyhepatology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of liver
Phillumeny+Zymurgy (aka Phillumenyzymurgy)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Phillumeny+Significs (aka Phillumenysignifics)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND science of meaning
Phillumeny+Limacology (aka Phillumenylimacology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of slugs
Phillumeny+Cartophily (aka Phillumenycartophily)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Phillumeny+Cardiology (aka Phillumenycardiology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of the heart
Phillumeny+Euthenics (aka Phillumenyeuthenics)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Phillumeny+Pedagogics (aka Phillumenypedagogics)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of teaching
Phillumeny+Zoophysics (aka Phillumenyzoophysics)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND physics of animal bodies
Phillumeny+Molinology (aka Phillumenymolinology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of mills and milling
Phillumeny+Eremology (aka Phillumenyeremology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of deserts
Phillumeny+Paedotrophy (aka Phillumenypaedotrophy)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND art of rearing children
Phillumeny+Ethnomethodology (aka Phillumenyethnomethodology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of everyday communication
Phillumeny+Floristry (aka Phillumenyfloristry)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Phillumeny+Trichology (aka Phillumenytrichology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of hair and its disorders
Phillumeny+Agronomics (aka Phillumenyagronomics)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of productivity of land
Phillumeny+Storiology (aka Phillumenystoriology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of folk tales
Phillumeny+Micropalaeontology (aka Phillumenymicropalaeontology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of microscopic fossils
Phillumeny+Pharyngology (aka Phillumenypharyngology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of the throat
Phillumeny+Physiology (aka Phillumenyphysiology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of processes of life
Phillumeny+Osphresiology (aka Phillumenyosphresiology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of the sense of smell
Phillumeny+Immunology (aka Phillumenyimmunology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of immunity
Phillumeny+Hydrokinetics (aka Phillumenyhydrokinetics)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of motion of fluids
Phillumeny+Arachnology (aka Phillumenyarachnology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of arachnids
Phillumeny+Phraseology (aka Phillumenyphraseology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of phrases
Phillumeny+Phytology (aka Phillumenyphytology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of plants; botany
Phillumeny+Glyptology (aka Phillumenyglyptology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of gem engravings
Phillumeny+Diplomatics (aka Phillumenydiplomatics)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Phillumeny+Astacology (aka Phillumenyastacology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND science of crayfish
Phillumeny+Historiology (aka Phillumenyhistoriology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of history
Phillumeny+Tribology (aka Phillumenytribology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Phillumeny+Zoopathology (aka Phillumenyzoopathology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of animal diseases
Phillumeny+Paleo-osteology (aka Phillumenypaleo-osteology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of ancient bones
Phillumeny+Trophology (aka Phillumenytrophology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of nutrition
Phillumeny+Loimology (aka Phillumenyloimology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Phillumeny+Bromatology (aka Phillumenybromatology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of food
Phillumeny+Hydrometeorology (aka Phillumenyhydrometeorology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Phillumeny+Pyroballogy (aka Phillumenypyroballogy)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of artillery
Phillumeny+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Phillumenyotorhinolaryngology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Phillumeny+Aerostatics (aka Phillumenyaerostatics)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Phillumeny+Agrostology (aka Phillumenyagrostology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND science or study of grasses
Phillumeny+Zoonosology (aka Phillumenyzoonosology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of animal diseases
Phillumeny+Gerontology (aka Phillumenygerontology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of the elderly; aging
Phillumeny+Selenology (aka Phillumenyselenology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of the moon
Phillumeny+Psychopathology (aka Phillumenypsychopathology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of mental illness
Phillumeny+Futurology (aka Phillumenyfuturology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of future
Phillumeny+Iridology (aka Phillumenyiridology)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Phillumeny+Toponymics (aka Phillumenytoponymics)=collecting of matchbox labels, AND study of place-names
Zoonosology+Microclimatology (aka Zoonosmicroclimatology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of local climates
Zoonosology+Hepatology (aka Zoonoshepatology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of liver
Zoonosology+Zymurgy (aka Zoonosologyzymurgy)=study of animal diseases, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Zoonosology+Significs (aka Zoonosologysignifics)=study of animal diseases, AND science of meaning
Zoonosology+Limacology (aka Zoonoslimacology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of slugs
Zoonosology+Cartophily (aka Zoonosologycartophily)=study of animal diseases, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Zoonosology+Cardiology (aka Zoonoscardiology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of the heart
Zoonosology+Euthenics (aka Zoonosologyeuthenics)=study of animal diseases, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Zoonosology+Pedagogics (aka Zoonosologypedagogics)=study of animal diseases, AND study of teaching
Zoonosology+Zoophysics (aka Zoonosologyzoophysics)=study of animal diseases, AND physics of animal bodies
Zoonosology+Molinology (aka Zoonosmolinology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of mills and milling
Zoonosology+Eremology (aka Zoonoseremology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of deserts
Zoonosology+Paedotrophy (aka Zoonosologypaedotrophy)=study of animal diseases, AND art of rearing children
Zoonosology+Ethnomethodology (aka Zoonosethnomethodology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of everyday communication
Zoonosology+Floristry (aka Zoonosologyfloristry)=study of animal diseases, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Zoonosology+Trichology (aka Zoonostrichology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of hair and its disorders
Zoonosology+Agronomics (aka Zoonosologyagronomics)=study of animal diseases, AND study of productivity of land
Zoonosology+Storiology (aka Zoonosstoriology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of folk tales
Zoonosology+Micropalaeontology (aka Zoonosmicropalaeontology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of microscopic fossils
Zoonosology+Pharyngology (aka Zoonospharyngology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of the throat
Zoonosology+Physiology (aka Zoonosphysiology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of processes of life
Zoonosology+Osphresiology (aka Zoonososphresiology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of the sense of smell
Zoonosology+Immunology (aka Zoonosimmunology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of immunity
Zoonosology+Hydrokinetics (aka Zoonosologyhydrokinetics)=study of animal diseases, AND study of motion of fluids
Zoonosology+Arachnology (aka Zoonosarachnology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of arachnids
Zoonosology+Phraseology (aka Zoonosphraseology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of phrases
Zoonosology+Phytology (aka Zoonosphytology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of plants; botany
Zoonosology+Glyptology (aka Zoonosglyptology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of gem engravings
Zoonosology+Diplomatics (aka Zoonosologydiplomatics)=study of animal diseases, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Zoonosology+Astacology (aka Zoonosastacology)=study of animal diseases, AND science of crayfish
Zoonosology+Historiology (aka Zoonoshistoriology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of history
Zoonosology+Tribology (aka Zoonostribology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Zoonosology+Zoopathology (aka Zoonoszoopathology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of animal diseases
Zoonosology+Paleo-osteology (aka Zoonospaleo-osteology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of ancient bones
Zoonosology+Trophology (aka Zoonostrophology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of nutrition
Zoonosology+Loimology (aka Zoonosloimology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Zoonosology+Bromatology (aka Zoonosbromatology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of food
Zoonosology+Hydrometeorology (aka Zoonoshydrometeorology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Zoonosology+Pyroballogy (aka Zoonosologypyroballogy)=study of animal diseases, AND study of artillery
Zoonosology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Zoonosotorhinolaryngology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Zoonosology+Aerostatics (aka Zoonosologyaerostatics)=study of animal diseases, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Zoonosology+Agrostology (aka Zoonosagrostology)=study of animal diseases, AND science or study of grasses
Zoonosology+Phillumeny (aka Zoonosologyphillumeny)=study of animal diseases, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Zoonosology+Gerontology (aka Zoonosgerontology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of the elderly; aging
Zoonosology+Selenology (aka Zoonosselenology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of the moon
Zoonosology+Psychopathology (aka Zoonospsychopathology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of mental illness
Zoonosology+Futurology (aka Zoonosfuturology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of future
Zoonosology+Iridology (aka Zoonosiridology)=study of animal diseases, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Zoonosology+Toponymics (aka Zoonosologytoponymics)=study of animal diseases, AND study of place-names
Gerontology+Microclimatology (aka Gerontmicroclimatology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of local climates
Gerontology+Hepatology (aka Geronthepatology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of liver
Gerontology+Zymurgy (aka Gerontologyzymurgy)=study of the elderly; aging, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Gerontology+Significs (aka Gerontologysignifics)=study of the elderly; aging, AND science of meaning
Gerontology+Limacology (aka Gerontlimacology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of slugs
Gerontology+Cartophily (aka Gerontologycartophily)=study of the elderly; aging, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Gerontology+Cardiology (aka Gerontcardiology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of the heart
Gerontology+Euthenics (aka Gerontologyeuthenics)=study of the elderly; aging, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Gerontology+Pedagogics (aka Gerontologypedagogics)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of teaching
Gerontology+Zoophysics (aka Gerontologyzoophysics)=study of the elderly; aging, AND physics of animal bodies
Gerontology+Molinology (aka Gerontmolinology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of mills and milling
Gerontology+Eremology (aka Geronteremology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of deserts
Gerontology+Paedotrophy (aka Gerontologypaedotrophy)=study of the elderly; aging, AND art of rearing children
Gerontology+Ethnomethodology (aka Gerontethnomethodology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of everyday communication
Gerontology+Floristry (aka Gerontologyfloristry)=study of the elderly; aging, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Gerontology+Trichology (aka Geronttrichology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of hair and its disorders
Gerontology+Agronomics (aka Gerontologyagronomics)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of productivity of land
Gerontology+Storiology (aka Gerontstoriology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of folk tales
Gerontology+Micropalaeontology (aka Gerontmicropalaeontology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of microscopic fossils
Gerontology+Pharyngology (aka Gerontpharyngology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of the throat
Gerontology+Physiology (aka Gerontphysiology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of processes of life
Gerontology+Osphresiology (aka Gerontosphresiology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of the sense of smell
Gerontology+Immunology (aka Gerontimmunology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of immunity
Gerontology+Hydrokinetics (aka Gerontologyhydrokinetics)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of motion of fluids
Gerontology+Arachnology (aka Gerontarachnology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of arachnids
Gerontology+Phraseology (aka Gerontphraseology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of phrases
Gerontology+Phytology (aka Gerontphytology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of plants; botany
Gerontology+Glyptology (aka Gerontglyptology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of gem engravings
Gerontology+Diplomatics (aka Gerontologydiplomatics)=study of the elderly; aging, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Gerontology+Astacology (aka Gerontastacology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND science of crayfish
Gerontology+Historiology (aka Geronthistoriology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of history
Gerontology+Tribology (aka Geronttribology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Gerontology+Zoopathology (aka Gerontzoopathology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of animal diseases
Gerontology+Paleo-osteology (aka Gerontpaleo-osteology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of ancient bones
Gerontology+Trophology (aka Geronttrophology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of nutrition
Gerontology+Loimology (aka Gerontloimology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Gerontology+Bromatology (aka Gerontbromatology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of food
Gerontology+Hydrometeorology (aka Geronthydrometeorology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Gerontology+Pyroballogy (aka Gerontologypyroballogy)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of artillery
Gerontology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Gerontotorhinolaryngology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Gerontology+Aerostatics (aka Gerontologyaerostatics)=study of the elderly; aging, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Gerontology+Agrostology (aka Gerontagrostology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND science or study of grasses
Gerontology+Phillumeny (aka Gerontologyphillumeny)=study of the elderly; aging, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Gerontology+Zoonosology (aka Gerontzoonosology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of animal diseases
Gerontology+Selenology (aka Gerontselenology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of the moon
Gerontology+Psychopathology (aka Gerontpsychopathology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of mental illness
Gerontology+Futurology (aka Gerontfuturology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of future
Gerontology+Iridology (aka Gerontiridology)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Gerontology+Toponymics (aka Gerontologytoponymics)=study of the elderly; aging, AND study of place-names
Selenology+Microclimatology (aka Selenmicroclimatology)=study of the moon, AND study of local climates
Selenology+Hepatology (aka Selenhepatology)=study of the moon, AND study of liver
Selenology+Zymurgy (aka Selenologyzymurgy)=study of the moon, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Selenology+Significs (aka Selenologysignifics)=study of the moon, AND science of meaning
Selenology+Limacology (aka Selenlimacology)=study of the moon, AND study of slugs
Selenology+Cartophily (aka Selenologycartophily)=study of the moon, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Selenology+Cardiology (aka Selencardiology)=study of the moon, AND study of the heart
Selenology+Euthenics (aka Selenologyeuthenics)=study of the moon, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Selenology+Pedagogics (aka Selenologypedagogics)=study of the moon, AND study of teaching
Selenology+Zoophysics (aka Selenologyzoophysics)=study of the moon, AND physics of animal bodies
Selenology+Molinology (aka Selenmolinology)=study of the moon, AND study of mills and milling
Selenology+Eremology (aka Seleneremology)=study of the moon, AND study of deserts
Selenology+Paedotrophy (aka Selenologypaedotrophy)=study of the moon, AND art of rearing children
Selenology+Ethnomethodology (aka Selenethnomethodology)=study of the moon, AND study of everyday communication
Selenology+Floristry (aka Selenologyfloristry)=study of the moon, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Selenology+Trichology (aka Selentrichology)=study of the moon, AND study of hair and its disorders
Selenology+Agronomics (aka Selenologyagronomics)=study of the moon, AND study of productivity of land
Selenology+Storiology (aka Selenstoriology)=study of the moon, AND study of folk tales
Selenology+Micropalaeontology (aka Selenmicropalaeontology)=study of the moon, AND study of microscopic fossils
Selenology+Pharyngology (aka Selenpharyngology)=study of the moon, AND study of the throat
Selenology+Physiology (aka Selenphysiology)=study of the moon, AND study of processes of life
Selenology+Osphresiology (aka Selenosphresiology)=study of the moon, AND study of the sense of smell
Selenology+Immunology (aka Selenimmunology)=study of the moon, AND study of immunity
Selenology+Hydrokinetics (aka Selenologyhydrokinetics)=study of the moon, AND study of motion of fluids
Selenology+Arachnology (aka Selenarachnology)=study of the moon, AND study of arachnids
Selenology+Phraseology (aka Selenphraseology)=study of the moon, AND study of phrases
Selenology+Phytology (aka Selenphytology)=study of the moon, AND study of plants; botany
Selenology+Glyptology (aka Selenglyptology)=study of the moon, AND study of gem engravings
Selenology+Diplomatics (aka Selenologydiplomatics)=study of the moon, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Selenology+Astacology (aka Selenastacology)=study of the moon, AND science of crayfish
Selenology+Historiology (aka Selenhistoriology)=study of the moon, AND study of history
Selenology+Tribology (aka Selentribology)=study of the moon, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Selenology+Zoopathology (aka Selenzoopathology)=study of the moon, AND study of animal diseases
Selenology+Paleo-osteology (aka Selenpaleo-osteology)=study of the moon, AND study of ancient bones
Selenology+Trophology (aka Selentrophology)=study of the moon, AND study of nutrition
Selenology+Loimology (aka Selenloimology)=study of the moon, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Selenology+Bromatology (aka Selenbromatology)=study of the moon, AND study of food
Selenology+Hydrometeorology (aka Selenhydrometeorology)=study of the moon, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Selenology+Pyroballogy (aka Selenologypyroballogy)=study of the moon, AND study of artillery
Selenology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Selenotorhinolaryngology)=study of the moon, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Selenology+Aerostatics (aka Selenologyaerostatics)=study of the moon, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Selenology+Agrostology (aka Selenagrostology)=study of the moon, AND science or study of grasses
Selenology+Phillumeny (aka Selenologyphillumeny)=study of the moon, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Selenology+Zoonosology (aka Selenzoonosology)=study of the moon, AND study of animal diseases
Selenology+Gerontology (aka Selengerontology)=study of the moon, AND study of the elderly; aging
Selenology+Psychopathology (aka Selenpsychopathology)=study of the moon, AND study of mental illness
Selenology+Futurology (aka Selenfuturology)=study of the moon, AND study of future
Selenology+Iridology (aka Seleniridology)=study of the moon, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Selenology+Toponymics (aka Selenologytoponymics)=study of the moon, AND study of place-names
Psychopathology+Microclimatology (aka Psychopathmicroclimatology)=study of mental illness, AND study of local climates
Psychopathology+Hepatology (aka Psychopathhepatology)=study of mental illness, AND study of liver
Psychopathology+Zymurgy (aka Psychopathologyzymurgy)=study of mental illness, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Psychopathology+Significs (aka Psychopathologysignifics)=study of mental illness, AND science of meaning
Psychopathology+Limacology (aka Psychopathlimacology)=study of mental illness, AND study of slugs
Psychopathology+Cartophily (aka Psychopathologycartophily)=study of mental illness, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Psychopathology+Cardiology (aka Psychopathcardiology)=study of mental illness, AND study of the heart
Psychopathology+Euthenics (aka Psychopathologyeuthenics)=study of mental illness, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Psychopathology+Pedagogics (aka Psychopathologypedagogics)=study of mental illness, AND study of teaching
Psychopathology+Zoophysics (aka Psychopathologyzoophysics)=study of mental illness, AND physics of animal bodies
Psychopathology+Molinology (aka Psychopathmolinology)=study of mental illness, AND study of mills and milling
Psychopathology+Eremology (aka Psychopatheremology)=study of mental illness, AND study of deserts
Psychopathology+Paedotrophy (aka Psychopathologypaedotrophy)=study of mental illness, AND art of rearing children
Psychopathology+Ethnomethodology (aka Psychopathethnomethodology)=study of mental illness, AND study of everyday communication
Psychopathology+Floristry (aka Psychopathologyfloristry)=study of mental illness, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Psychopathology+Trichology (aka Psychopathtrichology)=study of mental illness, AND study of hair and its disorders
Psychopathology+Agronomics (aka Psychopathologyagronomics)=study of mental illness, AND study of productivity of land
Psychopathology+Storiology (aka Psychopathstoriology)=study of mental illness, AND study of folk tales
Psychopathology+Micropalaeontology (aka Psychopathmicropalaeontology)=study of mental illness, AND study of microscopic fossils
Psychopathology+Pharyngology (aka Psychopathpharyngology)=study of mental illness, AND study of the throat
Psychopathology+Physiology (aka Psychopathphysiology)=study of mental illness, AND study of processes of life
Psychopathology+Osphresiology (aka Psychopathosphresiology)=study of mental illness, AND study of the sense of smell
Psychopathology+Immunology (aka Psychopathimmunology)=study of mental illness, AND study of immunity
Psychopathology+Hydrokinetics (aka Psychopathologyhydrokinetics)=study of mental illness, AND study of motion of fluids
Psychopathology+Arachnology (aka Psychopatharachnology)=study of mental illness, AND study of arachnids
Psychopathology+Phraseology (aka Psychopathphraseology)=study of mental illness, AND study of phrases
Psychopathology+Phytology (aka Psychopathphytology)=study of mental illness, AND study of plants; botany
Psychopathology+Glyptology (aka Psychopathglyptology)=study of mental illness, AND study of gem engravings
Psychopathology+Diplomatics (aka Psychopathologydiplomatics)=study of mental illness, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Psychopathology+Astacology (aka Psychopathastacology)=study of mental illness, AND science of crayfish
Psychopathology+Historiology (aka Psychopathhistoriology)=study of mental illness, AND study of history
Psychopathology+Tribology (aka Psychopathtribology)=study of mental illness, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Psychopathology+Zoopathology (aka Psychopathzoopathology)=study of mental illness, AND study of animal diseases
Psychopathology+Paleo-osteology (aka Psychopathpaleo-osteology)=study of mental illness, AND study of ancient bones
Psychopathology+Trophology (aka Psychopathtrophology)=study of mental illness, AND study of nutrition
Psychopathology+Loimology (aka Psychopathloimology)=study of mental illness, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Psychopathology+Bromatology (aka Psychopathbromatology)=study of mental illness, AND study of food
Psychopathology+Hydrometeorology (aka Psychopathhydrometeorology)=study of mental illness, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Psychopathology+Pyroballogy (aka Psychopathologypyroballogy)=study of mental illness, AND study of artillery
Psychopathology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Psychopathotorhinolaryngology)=study of mental illness, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Psychopathology+Aerostatics (aka Psychopathologyaerostatics)=study of mental illness, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Psychopathology+Agrostology (aka Psychopathagrostology)=study of mental illness, AND science or study of grasses
Psychopathology+Phillumeny (aka Psychopathologyphillumeny)=study of mental illness, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Psychopathology+Zoonosology (aka Psychopathzoonosology)=study of mental illness, AND study of animal diseases
Psychopathology+Gerontology (aka Psychopathgerontology)=study of mental illness, AND study of the elderly; aging
Psychopathology+Selenology (aka Psychopathselenology)=study of mental illness, AND study of the moon
Psychopathology+Futurology (aka Psychopathfuturology)=study of mental illness, AND study of future
Psychopathology+Iridology (aka Psychopathiridology)=study of mental illness, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Psychopathology+Toponymics (aka Psychopathologytoponymics)=study of mental illness, AND study of place-names
Futurology+Microclimatology (aka Futurmicroclimatology)=study of future, AND study of local climates
Futurology+Hepatology (aka Futurhepatology)=study of future, AND study of liver
Futurology+Zymurgy (aka Futurologyzymurgy)=study of future, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Futurology+Significs (aka Futurologysignifics)=study of future, AND science of meaning
Futurology+Limacology (aka Futurlimacology)=study of future, AND study of slugs
Futurology+Cartophily (aka Futurologycartophily)=study of future, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Futurology+Cardiology (aka Futurcardiology)=study of future, AND study of the heart
Futurology+Euthenics (aka Futurologyeuthenics)=study of future, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Futurology+Pedagogics (aka Futurologypedagogics)=study of future, AND study of teaching
Futurology+Zoophysics (aka Futurologyzoophysics)=study of future, AND physics of animal bodies
Futurology+Molinology (aka Futurmolinology)=study of future, AND study of mills and milling
Futurology+Eremology (aka Futureremology)=study of future, AND study of deserts
Futurology+Paedotrophy (aka Futurologypaedotrophy)=study of future, AND art of rearing children
Futurology+Ethnomethodology (aka Futurethnomethodology)=study of future, AND study of everyday communication
Futurology+Floristry (aka Futurologyfloristry)=study of future, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Futurology+Trichology (aka Futurtrichology)=study of future, AND study of hair and its disorders
Futurology+Agronomics (aka Futurologyagronomics)=study of future, AND study of productivity of land
Futurology+Storiology (aka Futurstoriology)=study of future, AND study of folk tales
Futurology+Micropalaeontology (aka Futurmicropalaeontology)=study of future, AND study of microscopic fossils
Futurology+Pharyngology (aka Futurpharyngology)=study of future, AND study of the throat
Futurology+Physiology (aka Futurphysiology)=study of future, AND study of processes of life
Futurology+Osphresiology (aka Futurosphresiology)=study of future, AND study of the sense of smell
Futurology+Immunology (aka Futurimmunology)=study of future, AND study of immunity
Futurology+Hydrokinetics (aka Futurologyhydrokinetics)=study of future, AND study of motion of fluids
Futurology+Arachnology (aka Futurarachnology)=study of future, AND study of arachnids
Futurology+Phraseology (aka Futurphraseology)=study of future, AND study of phrases
Futurology+Phytology (aka Futurphytology)=study of future, AND study of plants; botany
Futurology+Glyptology (aka Futurglyptology)=study of future, AND study of gem engravings
Futurology+Diplomatics (aka Futurologydiplomatics)=study of future, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Futurology+Astacology (aka Futurastacology)=study of future, AND science of crayfish
Futurology+Historiology (aka Futurhistoriology)=study of future, AND study of history
Futurology+Tribology (aka Futurtribology)=study of future, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Futurology+Zoopathology (aka Futurzoopathology)=study of future, AND study of animal diseases
Futurology+Paleo-osteology (aka Futurpaleo-osteology)=study of future, AND study of ancient bones
Futurology+Trophology (aka Futurtrophology)=study of future, AND study of nutrition
Futurology+Loimology (aka Futurloimology)=study of future, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Futurology+Bromatology (aka Futurbromatology)=study of future, AND study of food
Futurology+Hydrometeorology (aka Futurhydrometeorology)=study of future, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Futurology+Pyroballogy (aka Futurologypyroballogy)=study of future, AND study of artillery
Futurology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Futurotorhinolaryngology)=study of future, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Futurology+Aerostatics (aka Futurologyaerostatics)=study of future, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Futurology+Agrostology (aka Futuragrostology)=study of future, AND science or study of grasses
Futurology+Phillumeny (aka Futurologyphillumeny)=study of future, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Futurology+Zoonosology (aka Futurzoonosology)=study of future, AND study of animal diseases
Futurology+Gerontology (aka Futurgerontology)=study of future, AND study of the elderly; aging
Futurology+Selenology (aka Futurselenology)=study of future, AND study of the moon
Futurology+Psychopathology (aka Futurpsychopathology)=study of future, AND study of mental illness
Futurology+Iridology (aka Futuriridology)=study of future, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Futurology+Toponymics (aka Futurologytoponymics)=study of future, AND study of place-names
Iridology+Microclimatology (aka Iridmicroclimatology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of local climates
Iridology+Hepatology (aka Iridhepatology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of liver
Iridology+Zymurgy (aka Iridologyzymurgy)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Iridology+Significs (aka Iridologysignifics)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND science of meaning
Iridology+Limacology (aka Iridlimacology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of slugs
Iridology+Cartophily (aka Iridologycartophily)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Iridology+Cardiology (aka Iridcardiology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of the heart
Iridology+Euthenics (aka Iridologyeuthenics)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Iridology+Pedagogics (aka Iridologypedagogics)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of teaching
Iridology+Zoophysics (aka Iridologyzoophysics)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND physics of animal bodies
Iridology+Molinology (aka Iridmolinology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of mills and milling
Iridology+Eremology (aka Irideremology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of deserts
Iridology+Paedotrophy (aka Iridologypaedotrophy)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND art of rearing children
Iridology+Ethnomethodology (aka Iridethnomethodology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of everyday communication
Iridology+Floristry (aka Iridologyfloristry)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Iridology+Trichology (aka Iridtrichology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of hair and its disorders
Iridology+Agronomics (aka Iridologyagronomics)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of productivity of land
Iridology+Storiology (aka Iridstoriology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of folk tales
Iridology+Micropalaeontology (aka Iridmicropalaeontology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of microscopic fossils
Iridology+Pharyngology (aka Iridpharyngology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of the throat
Iridology+Physiology (aka Iridphysiology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of processes of life
Iridology+Osphresiology (aka Iridosphresiology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of the sense of smell
Iridology+Immunology (aka Iridimmunology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of immunity
Iridology+Hydrokinetics (aka Iridologyhydrokinetics)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of motion of fluids
Iridology+Arachnology (aka Iridarachnology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of arachnids
Iridology+Phraseology (aka Iridphraseology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of phrases
Iridology+Phytology (aka Iridphytology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of plants; botany
Iridology+Glyptology (aka Iridglyptology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of gem engravings
Iridology+Diplomatics (aka Iridologydiplomatics)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Iridology+Astacology (aka Iridastacology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND science of crayfish
Iridology+Historiology (aka Iridhistoriology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of history
Iridology+Tribology (aka Iridtribology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Iridology+Zoopathology (aka Iridzoopathology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of animal diseases
Iridology+Paleo-osteology (aka Iridpaleo-osteology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of ancient bones
Iridology+Trophology (aka Iridtrophology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of nutrition
Iridology+Loimology (aka Iridloimology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Iridology+Bromatology (aka Iridbromatology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of food
Iridology+Hydrometeorology (aka Iridhydrometeorology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Iridology+Pyroballogy (aka Iridologypyroballogy)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of artillery
Iridology+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Iridotorhinolaryngology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Iridology+Aerostatics (aka Iridologyaerostatics)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Iridology+Agrostology (aka Iridagrostology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND science or study of grasses
Iridology+Phillumeny (aka Iridologyphillumeny)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Iridology+Zoonosology (aka Iridzoonosology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of animal diseases
Iridology+Gerontology (aka Iridgerontology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of the elderly; aging
Iridology+Selenology (aka Iridselenology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of the moon
Iridology+Psychopathology (aka Iridpsychopathology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of mental illness
Iridology+Futurology (aka Iridfuturology)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of future
Iridology+Toponymics (aka Iridologytoponymics)=study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye, AND study of place-names
Toponymics+Microclimatology (aka Toponymicsmicroclimatology)=study of place-names, AND study of local climates
Toponymics+Hepatology (aka Toponymicshepatology)=study of place-names, AND study of liver
Toponymics+Zymurgy (aka Toponymicszymurgy)=study of place-names, AND branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling
Toponymics+Significs (aka Toponymicssignifics)=study of place-names, AND science of meaning
Toponymics+Limacology (aka Toponymicslimacology)=study of place-names, AND study of slugs
Toponymics+Cartophily (aka Toponymicscartophily)=study of place-names, AND hobby of collecting cigarette cards
Toponymics+Cardiology (aka Toponymicscardiology)=study of place-names, AND study of the heart
Toponymics+Euthenics (aka Toponymicseuthenics)=study of place-names, AND science concerned with improving living conditions
Toponymics+Pedagogics (aka Toponymicspedagogics)=study of place-names, AND study of teaching
Toponymics+Zoophysics (aka Toponymicszoophysics)=study of place-names, AND physics of animal bodies
Toponymics+Molinology (aka Toponymicsmolinology)=study of place-names, AND study of mills and milling
Toponymics+Eremology (aka Toponymicseremology)=study of place-names, AND study of deserts
Toponymics+Paedotrophy (aka Toponymicspaedotrophy)=study of place-names, AND art of rearing children
Toponymics+Ethnomethodology (aka Toponymicsethnomethodology)=study of place-names, AND study of everyday communication
Toponymics+Floristry (aka Toponymicsfloristry)=study of place-names, AND art of cultivating and selling flowers
Toponymics+Trichology (aka Toponymicstrichology)=study of place-names, AND study of hair and its disorders
Toponymics+Agronomics (aka Toponymicsagronomics)=study of place-names, AND study of productivity of land
Toponymics+Storiology (aka Toponymicsstoriology)=study of place-names, AND study of folk tales
Toponymics+Micropalaeontology (aka Toponymicsmicropalaeontology)=study of place-names, AND study of microscopic fossils
Toponymics+Pharyngology (aka Toponymicspharyngology)=study of place-names, AND study of the throat
Toponymics+Physiology (aka Toponymicsphysiology)=study of place-names, AND study of processes of life
Toponymics+Osphresiology (aka Toponymicsosphresiology)=study of place-names, AND study of the sense of smell
Toponymics+Immunology (aka Toponymicsimmunology)=study of place-names, AND study of immunity
Toponymics+Hydrokinetics (aka Toponymicshydrokinetics)=study of place-names, AND study of motion of fluids
Toponymics+Arachnology (aka Toponymicsarachnology)=study of place-names, AND study of arachnids
Toponymics+Phraseology (aka Toponymicsphraseology)=study of place-names, AND study of phrases
Toponymics+Phytology (aka Toponymicsphytology)=study of place-names, AND study of plants; botany
Toponymics+Glyptology (aka Toponymicsglyptology)=study of place-names, AND study of gem engravings
Toponymics+Diplomatics (aka Toponymicsdiplomatics)=study of place-names, AND science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Toponymics+Astacology (aka Toponymicsastacology)=study of place-names, AND science of crayfish
Toponymics+Historiology (aka Toponymicshistoriology)=study of place-names, AND study of history
Toponymics+Tribology (aka Toponymicstribology)=study of place-names, AND study of friction and wear between surfaces
Toponymics+Zoopathology (aka Toponymicszoopathology)=study of place-names, AND study of animal diseases
Toponymics+Paleo-osteology (aka Toponymicspaleo-osteology)=study of place-names, AND study of ancient bones
Toponymics+Trophology (aka Toponymicstrophology)=study of place-names, AND study of nutrition
Toponymics+Loimology (aka Toponymicsloimology)=study of place-names, AND study of plagues and epidemics
Toponymics+Bromatology (aka Toponymicsbromatology)=study of place-names, AND study of food
Toponymics+Hydrometeorology (aka Toponymicshydrometeorology)=study of place-names, AND study of atmospheric moisture
Toponymics+Pyroballogy (aka Toponymicspyroballogy)=study of place-names, AND study of artillery
Toponymics+Otorhinolaryngology (aka Toponymicsotorhinolaryngology)=study of place-names, AND study of ear, nose and throat
Toponymics+Aerostatics (aka Toponymicsaerostatics)=study of place-names, AND science of air pressure; art of ballooning
Toponymics+Agrostology (aka Toponymicsagrostology)=study of place-names, AND science or study of grasses
Toponymics+Phillumeny (aka Toponymicsphillumeny)=study of place-names, AND collecting of matchbox labels
Toponymics+Zoonosology (aka Toponymicszoonosology)=study of place-names, AND study of animal diseases
Toponymics+Gerontology (aka Toponymicsgerontology)=study of place-names, AND study of the elderly; aging
Toponymics+Selenology (aka Toponymicsselenology)=study of place-names, AND study of the moon
Toponymics+Psychopathology (aka Toponymicspsychopathology)=study of place-names, AND study of mental illness
Toponymics+Futurology (aka Toponymicsfuturology)=study of place-names, AND study of future
Toponymics+Iridology (aka Toponymicsiridology)=study of place-names, AND study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
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