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Last active January 23, 2024 15:09
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Fix issues with using boot2docker with Cisco's AnyConnect
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# If you're using docker-machine, call this script with your
# environment name
# Ex: ./vpn_fix dev
[ $(id -u) = 0 ] || { echo "You must be root (or use 'sudo')" ; exit 1; }
report_success ()
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
echo "$(tput setaf 2)[OK]$(tput sgr0)"
echo "$(tput setaf 1)[FAIL]$(tput sgr0)"
exit 1
firewall_down ()
fwrule=`ipfw -a list | grep "deny ip from any to any"`
fwrule_id=`echo $fwrule | awk '{ print $1 }'`
if [ "$fwrule" != "" ]; then
echo "Found blocking firewall rule: $(tput setaf 1)${fwrule}$(tput sgr0)"
printf "Deleting rule ${fwrule_id} ... "
ipfw delete ${fwrule_id}
echo "No firewall rules found. Good!"
restore_route ()
docker_interface=$(sudo -u $(logname) VBoxManage showvminfo "${vm_name}" --machinereadable | awk -F "=" '/hostonlyadapter/ { gsub("\"", "", $2); print $2 }' | head -n1)
if [ -z "${docker_interface}" ]; then
echo "No docker VM found! Maybe ${vm_name} isn't running?"
printf "Found docker interface at $(tput setaf 1)${docker_interface}$(tput sgr0). Changing routes ... "
current_route=$(netstat -rn | grep 192.168.59)
if [ -z "${current_route}" ]; then
# no route, let's add it!
route -nv add -net 192.168.59 -interface ${docker_interface} > /dev/null
route -nv change -net 192.168.59 -interface ${docker_interface} > /dev/null
restore_route ${1-$DEFAULT_VM}
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jtyberg commented Jan 30, 2015

Worked for me, thanks. Only issue is that Cisco AnyConnect (version 3.1.04074) does not allow modifying routes. I had to disconnect first, run script, then re-connect.

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ghost commented Mar 6, 2015

I forked this and made it work with docker-machine

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👍 thanks!

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I've heard that this solution doesn't work with Yosemite. I haven't upgraded, so I haven't had a chance to find a new way.

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sudowork commented Feb 2, 2016

@christian-blades-cb, I've got a version of this script working with Yosemite (forked from @ori-rad-admin's script that uses docker-machine).

The main changes are basically:

dm_ip=`docker-machine ip ${machine} | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2"."$3".0/24"}'` 
sudo route delete ${dm_ip} && sudo route add -net ${dm_ip} -interface ${docker_interface}

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