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Last active July 8, 2021 00:35
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Motorola SB6141 montioring script and Zabbix template+config

$ grep Motorola zabbix_agentd.conf 
UserParameter=motosb6141[*],/PATH/ '$1' '$2' $3

$ zabbix_agentd -c /PATH/zabbix_agentd.conf -t "motosb6141[Signal Stats,Total Unerrored Codewords,13]"
motosb6141[Signal Stats,Total Unerrored Codewords,13] [t|18762153331]

$ zabbix_agentd -c /PATH/zabbix_agentd.conf -t "motosb6141[Upstream]"
motosb6141[Upstream]                          [t|{"data": [{"{#CHANNELID}": "7"}, {"{#CHANNELID}": "6"}, {"{#CHANNELID}": "5"}, {"{#CHANNELID}": "8"}]}]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Parser for Motorola SB6141 Signal page
# <tablename> <column>
# Specify the tablename to return all available (Zabbix LLD format) Bonding Channel Values
# Specity tablename and column to return a specific value for the table and channel
# Data based on Model Name: SB6141, Firmware Name: SB_KOMODO-
# Downstream: Frequency, Signal to Noise Ratio, Downstream Modulation, Power Level
# Upstream: Frequency, Ranging Service ID, Symbol Rate, Power Level, Upstream Modulation, Ranging Status
# Signal Stats (Codewords): Total Unerrored Codewords, Total Correctable Codewords, Total Uncorrectable Codewords
import json
import sys
import urllib2
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
# Purpose: Simple class for parsing an (x)html string to extract tables.
# Author: Josua Schmid
# Original:
class HTMLTableParser(HTMLParser):
""" This class serves as a html table parser. It is able to parse multiple
tables which you feed in. You can access the result per .tables field.
def __init__(
data_separator=' ',
self._parse_html_entities = decode_html_entities
self._data_separator = data_separator
self._in_td = False
self._in_th = False
self._current_table = []
self._current_row = []
self._current_cell = []
self.tables = []
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
""" We need to remember the opening point for the content of interest.
The other tags (<table>, <tr>) are only handled at the closing point.
if tag == 'td':
self._in_td = True
if tag == 'th':
self._in_th = True
def handle_data(self, data):
""" This is where we save content to a cell """
if self._in_td or self._in_th:
def handle_charref(self, name):
""" Handle HTML encoded characters """
if self._parse_html_entities:
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
""" Here we exit the tags. If the closing tag is </tr>, we know that we
can save our currently parsed cells to the current table as a row and
prepare for a new row. If the closing tag is </table>, we save the
current table and prepare for a new one.
if tag == 'td':
self._in_td = False
elif tag == 'th':
self._in_th = False
if tag in ['td', 'th']:
final_cell = self._data_separator.join(self._current_cell).strip()
self._current_cell = []
elif tag == 'tr':
self._current_row = []
elif tag == 'table':
self._current_table = []
# ---
def url_get_contents(url):
""" Opens a website and read its binary contents (HTTP Response Body) """
req = urllib2.Request(url)
r = urllib2.urlopen(req)
def main():
url = ''
xhtml = url_get_contents(url).decode('utf-8')
p = HTMLTableParser()
# CLI parse
tablename = sys.argv[1] # Downstream, Upstream, ...
rowname = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv)>2 else '' # Frequency, Symbol Rate, ...
chanid = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv)==4 else -1
# Hack for dBmV output on Downstream
p.tables[0][-1][0] = 'Power Level'
p.tables[3][0][0] = 'Signal Stats'
for t in p.tables:
if t[0][0] == tablename:
if chanid != -1:
# find channel column index
colindex = t[1].index(str(chanid))
# Cleanup header rows
t.pop(0) # Header name row
t.pop(0) # Channel ID row
for r in t:
if r[0] == rowname:
print r[colindex].split()[0] # print first int, float from string
else: # LLD output based on columns available
macroname = t[1].pop(0)
macroname = '{#' + ''.join(macroname.upper().split()) + '}' # tranform to Zabbix format
lld = { 'data': [] }
for r in t[1]:
lld['data'].append( { macroname: r } )
print json.dumps(lld)
if __name__ == '__main__':
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<template>Template NET Motorola SB6141</template>
<name>Template NET Motorola SB6141</name>
<description>Monitoring for SB6141 Signal stats</description>
<name>Cable Modem Operation</name>
<name>Modem Configuration Manager</name>
<name>Modem Running Configuration</name>
<name>Frequency Plan</name>
<key>[,cmConfigData.htm,80,&quot;&lt;TD align=left&gt;(.*/.*)&lt;/TD&gt;&quot;,,\1]</key>
<name>Modem Running Configuration</name>
<name>Upstream Channel ID</name>
<key>[,cmConfigData.htm,80,&quot;&lt;TD align=left&gt;([0-9]*).&lt;/TD&gt;&quot;,,\1]</key>
<name>Modem Running Configuration</name>
<name>Favorite Frequency (Hz)</name>
<key>[,cmConfigData.htm,80,&quot;&lt;TD align=left&gt;([0-9]*)&lt;/TD&gt;&quot;,,\1]</key>
<name>Modem Running Configuration</name>
<name>Boot Version</name>
<key>[,cmHelpData.htm,80,&quot;Boot Version:.(.*)&lt;BR&gt;&quot;,,\1]</key>
<name>Modem Configuration Manager</name>
<name>Firmware Build Time</name>
<key>[,cmHelpData.htm,80,&quot;Firmware Build Time:.(.*)&lt;BR&gt;&quot;,,\1]</key>
<name>Modem Configuration Manager</name>
<name>Firmware Name</name>
<key>[,cmHelpData.htm,80,&quot;Firmware Name:.(.*)&lt;BR&gt;&quot;,,\1]</key>
<name>Modem Configuration Manager</name>
<name>Hardware Version</name>
<key>[,cmHelpData.htm,80,&quot;Hardware Version:.(.*)&lt;BR&gt;&quot;,,\1]</key>
<name>Modem Configuration Manager</name>
<name>Serial Number</name>
<key>[,cmHelpData.htm,80,&quot;Serial Number:.(.*)&lt;BR&gt;&quot;,,\1]</key>
<name>Modem Configuration Manager</name>
<name>System Up Time</name>
<name>Cable Modem Operation</name>
<name>Downstream Channel IDs</name>
<name>Downstream Frequency for Channel {#CHANNELID}</name>
<name>Downstream Power Level for Channel {#CHANNELID}</name>
<key>motosb6141[Downstream,Power Level,{#CHANNELID}]</key>
<name>Downstream Signal to Noise Ratio for Channel {#CHANNELID}</name>
<key>motosb6141[Downstream,Signal to Noise Ratio,{#CHANNELID}]</key>
<name>Signal Stats Channel IDs</name>
<key>motosb6141[Signal Stats]</key>
<name>Signal Stats Total Correctable Codewords Rate for Channel {#CHANNELID}</name>
<key>motosb6141[Signal Stats,Total Correctable Codewords,{#CHANNELID},]</key>
<name>Signal Stats Total Correctable Codewords for Channel {#CHANNELID}</name>
<key>motosb6141[Signal Stats,Total Correctable Codewords,{#CHANNELID}]</key>
<name>Signal Stats Total Uncorrectable Codewords Rate for Channel {#CHANNELID}</name>
<key>motosb6141[Signal Stats,Total Uncorrectable Codewords,{#CHANNELID},]</key>
<name>Signal Stats Total Uncorrectable Codewords for Channel {#CHANNELID}</name>
<key>motosb6141[Signal Stats,Total Uncorrectable Codewords,{#CHANNELID}]</key>
<name>Signal Stats Total Unerrored Codewords Rate for Channel {#CHANNELID}</name>
<key>motosb6141[Signal Stats,Total Unerrored Codewords,{#CHANNELID},]</key>
<name>Signal Stats Total Unerrored Codewords for Channel {#CHANNELID}</name>
<key>motosb6141[Signal Stats,Total Unerrored Codewords,{#CHANNELID}]</key>
<name>Upstream Channel IDs</name>
<name>Upstream Frequency for Channel {#CHANNELID}</name>
<name>Upstream Power Level for Channel {#CHANNELID}</name>
<key>motosb6141[Upstream,Power Level,{#CHANNELID}]</key>
<name>Upstream Ranging Service ID for Channel {#CHANNELID}</name>
<key>motosb6141[Upstream,Ranging Service ID,{#CHANNELID}]</key>
<name>Upstream Symbol Rate for Channel {#CHANNELID}</name>
<key>motosb6141[Upstream,Symbol Rate,{#CHANNELID}]</key>
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