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Created December 5, 2012 19:44
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Extending SAPUI5 JSON Model"sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel");
sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel.extend("myJSONModel", {
//declare our new method including two new parameters fnSuccess and fnError, our callback functions
loadDataNew: function(sURL, fnSuccess, fnError, oParameters, bAsync, sType, bMerge, bCache){
var that = this;
if (bAsync !== false) {
bAsync = true;
if (!sType) {
sType = "GET";
if (bCache === undefined) {
bCache = this.bCache;
this.fireRequestSent({url : sURL, type : sType, async : bAsync, info : "cache="+bCache+";bMerge=" + bMerge});
url: sURL,
async: bAsync,
dataType: 'json',
cache: bCache,
data: oParameters,
type: sType,
success: function(oData) {
if (!oData) {"The following problem occurred: No data was retrieved by service: " + sURL);
that.oDataOrig = {};
that.oDataOrig = jQuery.extend(true,{},that.oDataOrig, oData); // Holds a copy of the original data
that.setData(oData, bMerge);
that.fireRequestCompleted({url : sURL, type : sType, async : bAsync, info : "cache=false;bMerge=" + bMerge});
// call the callback success function if informed
if (typeof fnSuccess === 'function') {
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){"The following problem occurred: " + textStatus, XMLHttpRequest.responseText + ","
+ XMLHttpRequest.status + "," + XMLHttpRequest.statusText);
that.fireRequestCompleted({url : sURL, type : sType, async : bAsync, info : "cache=false;bMerge=" + bMerge});
that.fireRequestFailed({message : textStatus,
statusCode : XMLHttpRequest.status, statusText : XMLHttpRequest.statusText, responseText : XMLHttpRequest.responseText});
// call the callback error function if informed
if (typeof fnError === 'function') {
fnError({message : textStatus, statusCode : XMLHttpRequest.status, statusText : XMLHttpRequest.statusText, responseText : XMLHttpRequest.responseText});
getOrigData: function(){
return this.oDataOrig;
discardChanges: function(){
commitChanges: function(){
this.oDataOrig = this.getData();
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