Streaming from Sony PXW X70 with ffmpeg. Display, save and forward stream to Youtube
requires Firmware 2.0
- Configure your camera to connect to the same network as your Computer (Network > Wi-Fi SET)
- Go to the Network -> Streaming Menu
- Configure the Preset,
- Set SIZE to 1280x720
- In DESTINATION SET enter the IP of your Computer as Host Name (You can use the Touchscreen)
- Leave Port on 1234
- Set PRESET SELECT to the Preset you just configured
- Select EXECUTE and choose Wi-Fi
- Press the [THUMBNAIL] button to start sending the stream.
- Go to Youtube and prepare your livestream
- Edit the Script to your liking
- e.g. Remove logo filter line
- e.g. remove copy stream line
- Replace the placeholder with your Youtube stream name
- Execute the script
To enable execution of local PowerShell scripts run the following command in a Administrator PowerShell
set-executionpolicy remotesigned
Start PowerShell, navigate to the folder of the script and execute the script.
cd .\Downloads
Open Network Stream Ctrl+N and enter udp://:1234