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Created May 6, 2021 01:41
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Attempt at organizing my context menu code better
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var contextMenuDataSource = CommentsContextMenuHandler()
override func viewDidLoad() {
let interaction = UIContextMenuInteraction(delegate: contextMenuDataSource)
class CommentsContextMenuHandler: NSObject, UIContextMenuInteractionDelegate {
func contextMenuInteraction(_ interaction: UIContextMenuInteraction, configurationForMenuAtLocation location: CGPoint) -> UIContextMenuConfiguration? {
return UIContextMenuConfiguration(identifier: nil, previewProvider: createFancyViewController) { (suggestElements) in
return UIMenu(inlineWithActions: [
UIAction(action: .upvote, handler: self.upvote(action:)),
UIAction(action: .downvote, handler: self.downvote(action:))
// MARK: - View Controller Creation
func createFancyViewController() -> UIViewController {
// Would likely do more customization here typically
return UIViewController()
// MARK: - Actions
func upvote(action: UIAction) {
// Do an upvote!
func downvote(action: UIAction) {
// Do a downvote!
extension UIMenu {
convenience init(inlineWithActions actions: [UIAction]) {
self.init(title: "", image: nil, identifier: nil, options: .displayInline, children: actions)
enum Action: String {
case upvote
case downvote
var title: String {
switch self {
case .upvote:
return "Upvote"
case .downvote:
return "Downvote"
var icon: UIImage {
switch self {
case .upvote:
return UIImage(systemName: "arrow.up")!
case .downvote:
return UIImage(systemName: "arrow.down")!
extension UIAction {
convenience init(action: Action, handler: @escaping UIActionHandler) {
self.init(title: action.title, image: action.icon, identifier: UIAction.Identifier(rawValue: action.rawValue), handler: handler)
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