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Last active October 24, 2017 22:25
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Simple function to create caterpillar plots from rstan's stanfit objects
#' A function to create caterpillar plots from rstan's stanfit objects
#' @param obj a \code{stanfit} object
#' @param pars character string, vector, or regular expression of paramater
#' labels that you would like to plot as declared in \code{model_code} from the
#' \code{\link{stan}} call.
#' @param pars_labels vector of parameter labels. Important: they must be in
#' the same order as in the \code{stanfit} object when \code{}
#' is called.
#' @param hpd logical. If \code{TRUE} then the 90% and 95% highest probability
#' density intervals are found. If \code{FALSE} then the corresponding
#' central intervals are found.
#' @param order_medians logical. Whether or not to order the points by their
#' medians.
#' @param horizontal logical. Whether or not you would like the lines to be
#' horizontal
#' @details Points plot the simulations' medians, thin lines represent the 95%
#' HPD/central intervals, and thick lines represent the 90% HPD/central
#' intervals.
#' @seealso \link{rstan}, \code{\link{stan}}, \code{ggmcmc}
stan_caterpillar <- function(obj, pars, pars_labels = NULL, hpd = TRUE,
order_medians = TRUE, horizontal = TRUE){
# Load packages
# Extract all simulations
sims <-
# Extract only desired parameters
names <- names(sims)
sims_subset <- sims[, names %in% grep(pattern = pars, x = names,
value = TRUE)]
if (ncol(sims_subset) == 0) {
stop("No parameters selected. \n", call. = FALSE)
# Gather for plotting
gathered <- gather(sims_subset, variable, value)
# Add labels
if (!is.null(pars_labels)) {
message("\nEnsure that your parameter labels are in the same order as the parameters.\n")
if (length(pars_labels) !=
length(unique(gathered$variable))) {
stop("pars_labels must equal the number of plotted parameters.",
call. = FALSE)
gathered$variable <- factor(gathered$variable,
labels = pars_labels)
if (isTRUE(hpd)) {
# Find highest probability density
HPD <- function(x, prob, side){
both <- as.mcmc(x) %>% HPDinterval(prob = prob)
if (side == 'lower') {
out <- both[1]
else if (side == 'upper'){
out <- both[2]
gathered <- group_by(gathered, variable)
lower95 <- summarise(gathered, HPD(value, prob = 0.95, side = 'lower'))
lower90 <- summarise(gathered, HPD(value, prob = 0.9, side = 'lower'))
upper90 <- summarise(gathered, HPD(value, prob = 0.9, side = 'upper'))
upper95 <- summarise(gathered, HPD(value, prob = 0.95, side = 'upper'))
else if (!isTRUE(hpd)){
# Find central interval
gathered <- group_by(gathered, variable)
lower95 <- summarise(gathered, quantile(value, 0.025))
lower90 <- summarise(gathered, quantile(value, 0.05))
upper90 <- summarise(gathered, quantile(value, 0.95))
upper95 <- summarise(gathered, quantile(value, 0.975))
# Find medians
medians <- summarise(gathered, median(value))
# Merge
comb <- suppressMessages(inner_join(lower95, lower90))
comb <- suppressMessages(inner_join(comb, medians))
comb <- suppressMessages(inner_join(comb, upper90))
comb <- suppressMessages(inner_join(comb, upper95))
names(comb) <- c('pars', 'lower95', 'lower90', 'medians', 'upper90',
# Plot
if (isTRUE(order_medians)){
pp <- ggplot(comb, aes(x = medians, y = reorder(pars, medians),
xmin = lower95,
xmax = upper95)) +
geom_point(size = 3) +
geom_segment(aes(x = lower95, xend = upper95,
yend = reorder(pars, medians)), size = 0.5) +
geom_segment(aes(x = lower90, xend = upper90,
yend = reorder(pars, medians)), size = 1.5) +
xlab('') + ylab('') +
else {
pp <- ggplot(comb, aes(x = medians, y = pars,
xmin = lower95,
xmax = upper95)) +
geom_point(size = 3) +
geom_segment(aes(x = lower95, xend = upper95, yend = pars),
size = 0.5) +
geom_segment(aes(x = lower90, xend = upper90,
yend = pars), size = 1.5) +
xlab('') + ylab('') +
if (!isTRUE(horizontal)) pp <- pp + coord_flip()
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tatet2 commented Oct 24, 2017

On line 55 and 56:
factor(gathered$variable, labels = pars_labels)

can lead to mislabeling.

This is probably safer:
factor(gathered$variable, levels = unique(gathered$variable), labels = pars_labels)

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