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chrisvfritz/.js Secret

Last active December 5, 2017 22:27
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// Would be great if Vetur could use the PascalCased file name by default,
// which is what the Vue devtools do through the `__filename` property
// added to processed SFCs.
name: 'AppModal',
// A description of the component itself, which could also be displayed in the
// devtools, to provide extra context when browsing a complex component tree.
description: 'A generic, scrollable modal for forms and longer-form content',
// Whether more than a single instance of the component can exist. For example,
// if the component contains an element with a hard-coded `id`, more than
// one instance would produce invalid HTML. This could be used not only by Vetur,
// but also by Vue itself to display a warning.
reusable: true,
props: {
width: {
// Prop descriptions could be used not only by editor integrations like
// Vetur, but also by the Vue Devtools and in dev warnings (e.g. when
// a custom validator fails).
description: 'Maximum width of the modal, as a percentage of the total width'
type: Number,
default: 80,
// When a custom validator fails in development, Vue could provide the
// description of the prop for extra context. For example, in this case,
// it's very possible that someone might provide something like `600`,
// thinking that it's a pixel-based width.
validator (value) {
return value > 0 && value <= 100
events: {
close: {
// These descriptions for emitted events could be displayed in Vue's
// devtools as well - and also perhaps be included in a warning when
// a listener for this event throws an error.
description: 'The user has pressed the close button.',
// When `null` is specified, it indicates the absence of arguments. If
// arguments is `undefined`, it means the user hasn't specified whether or
// not arguments are attached to this event.
arguments: null
resize: {
description: 'The user has initiated click-and-drag resizing.',
// When arguments exist, we use an array instead of an object, because the
// order is important. When we're using `Proxy`, we should even be able to
// intercept undefined property errors and remind users of the details of
// the argument they tried to access an undefined property on.
arguments: [
name: 'dimensions'
description: 'The new dimensions of the modal.'
type: Object
// This is definitely a "wishlist" sort of idea, as I've often wanted
// to be able to specify the shape of object props in Vue. I think it
// might be especially helpful for Vetur though. The `shape` property
// could work the same as `props`, since props are also an object.
shape: {
width: Number
slots: {
default: {
description: 'The main content of the modal.',
// This could facilitate linting and also allow Vue itself to
// provide warnings when an expected slot is not provided.
required: true
header: {
description: 'The header displayed at the top of the modal. Its content is visually separated by the main content by a darker background color.'
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