Making videos into GIFs on the command-line with gifify I like making gifs.
You also probably like making gifs.
It's a thing we do.
On a regular basis I'll have video from television shows or movies or other video I've taken myself like screencasts that I want to turn into a gif.
Turning video into a gif can be done using online services, but I need a quick way to do it on the command line.
I've previously used this bash script:
But I was excited to discover an npm module that was built for this purpose: gifify
It can be used on the command line and as a Node module that supports streams.
gifify has three dependencies:
Here are instructions for installing those dependencies on a Mac:
ffmpeg & imagemagick
You'll need homebrew if you don't already have it.
To install ffmpeg & imagemagick with homebrew run this command:
brew install ffmpeg & imagemagick giflossy
This tool for reducing image file size needs to be installed from the source.
I found that I needed to install automake before following the install instructions for giflossy:
brew install automake Follow full instructions here:
After following those install instructions you'll have a gifsicle command available.
Install gifify
Now that we have the dependencies installed we can install gifify using npm:
npm install -g gifify The -g option installs the package globally so that we can use its gifify command.
Using gifify
The moment we've been waiting for: let's make a gif.
Here's the options for the command-line usage:
gifify -h
Usage: gifify [options] [file]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
--fps <n> Frames Per Second, defaults to 10
--from <position> Start position, hh:mm:ss or seconds, defaults to 0
--colors <n> Number of colors, up to 255, defaults to 80
--compress <n> Compression (quality) level, from 0 (no compression) to 100, defaults to 40
-o, --output <file> Output file, defaults to stdout
--resize <WxH> Resize output, use -1 when specifying only width or height. `350x100`, `400x-1`, `-1x200`
--speed <n> Movie speed, defaults to 1
--to <position> End position, hh:mm:ss or seconds, defaults to end of movie
I found that with some videos I've needed to use the gt-faststart command that comes with ffmpeg on a video before the gifify command would work.
So I would first make a compatible video:
qt-faststart Then run gifify:
gifify -o video.gif Here's an example of a gif I made using gifify from the video of one of my first JavaScript games:
jumpbud gifify on GitHub:
gifify on npm: