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Created January 28, 2015 17:58
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OSM Relation -> GPX utility
#!/usr/bin/env python3
This script downloads a relation from OSM (given the relation number), fetches
all the ways contained and then writes the contents into a GPX file for easy
import into other tools (for instance, a handheld GPS unit/GPS-equipped phone).
Requires python3.
Based on the perl script available at
(updated in various ways)
Uses OSM API v0.6 (see
python3 -o relation.gpx 12345678
__author__ = "Gordon Ball"
__license__ = "GPLv3"
import argparse
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import sys
import os
GPX_ATTR = {"version": "1.1",
"creator": "osmrelation_to_gpx",
"xmlns:xsi": "",
"xmlns": "",
"xsi:schemaLocation": ""}
def fetch_relation(rel):
Fetch the relation by ID number. The API call "relation/#id/full" fetches
both the relation and all ways and nodes it references in a single XML
response. The structure should be:
<node ...>+
Returns an ElementTree root object (the <osm> node) for further processing.
url = API_BASE+"relation/"+str(rel)+"/full"
f = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
print("Failed to open %s, HTTP 404 (relation number invalid?)" % (url))
print("Failed to open %s, HTTP error %s: %s" % (url, e.code, e.reason))
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
print("Failed to open %s, reason: %s" % (url, e.reason))
osm = ET.parse(f).getroot()
except ET.ParseError as e:
print("Error parsing received XML: " + str(e))
if osm.tag != "osm":
print("Top level of received document is not 'osm' (found '%s'): cannot parse" % osm.tag)
return osm
def build_gpx(rel):
Uses the downloaded relation data to build an GPX-format XML document.
One <trkseg> is created per <way> in the relation, plus some <metadata>
Returns an ElementTree object
root = ET.Element("gpx", **GPX_ATTR)
print("Fetching relation: %s" % rel)
osm = fetch_relation(rel)
print("Found %d nodes, %d ways" % (len(osm.findall('./node')),
# build a dictionary of {nodeid: (lat, long)} for later lookup
nodell = {e.attrib['id']: (float(e.attrib['lat']), float(e.attrib['lon']))
for e in osm.findall('./node')}
# find the bounding box
bounds = {'minlat': str(min(n[0] for n in nodell.values())),
'maxlat': str(max(n[0] for n in nodell.values())),
'minlon': str(min(n[1] for n in nodell.values())),
'maxlon': str(max(n[1] for n in nodell.values()))}
# add some metadata from the <relation> tags
meta = ET.SubElement(root, "metadata")
trk = ET.SubElement(root, "trk")
relname = osm.find('./relation/tag[@k="name"]')
if relname is not None:
name = relname.attrib['v']
print("Relation name: %s" % name)
metaname = ET.SubElement(meta, "name")
metaname.text = name
trkname = ET.SubElement(trk, "name")
trkname.text = name
desc = ET.SubElement(meta, "desc")
desc.text = "OSM Relation #%s" % rel
ET.SubElement(meta, "link", href=LINK_BASE+str(rel))
ET.SubElement(meta, "bounds", **bounds)
# loop over the ways in the relation
# creating one <trkseg> element per way
for way in osm.findall('./relation/member[@type="way"]'):
trkseg = ET.SubElement(trk, "trkseg")
for nd in osm.findall('./way[@id="%s"]/nd' % way.attrib['ref']):
ll = nodell[nd.attrib['ref']]
ET.SubElement(trkseg, "trkpt", lat=str(ll[0]), lon=str(ll[1]))
return root
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("relation", type=int, help="Relation to fetch")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, default=None,
help="File for output (defaults to osmREL.gpx)")
parser.add_argument("-y", "--overwrite", action="store_true",
default=False, help="Overwrite existing file")
args = parser.parse_args()
etree = ET.ElementTree(build_gpx(args.relation))
if args.output:
fname = args.output
fname = "osm%s.gpx" % args.relation
print("Saving to %s" % fname)
if os.path.exists(fname) and not args.overwrite:
print("%s exists, not overwriting" % fname)
if fname == '-':
etree.write(sys.stdout, xml_declaration=True, encoding="unicode")
etree.write(fname, xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8")
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drakewla commented Apr 25, 2019

Thank you for sharing this script. If I may, here's a patch suggestion with the OSM switch to HTTPS:

--- 8dce584d2f6241402344-a06caa33241ea19df05f20e09925fd4a6d2b06dc/ 2015-01-28 18:58:45.000000000 +0100
+++       2019-04-25 10:38:41.000000000 +0200
@@ -23,0 +24 @@
+import certifi
@@ -31,2 +32,2 @@
-API_BASE = ""
+API_BASE = ""
@@ -59 +60 @@
-        f = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
+        f = urllib.request.urlopen(url, cafile=certifi.where())

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