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Last active February 11, 2025 03:24
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Per criterion comparison of Parser Generators and Parser Combinators


  • ➖ poor (impossible or very hard to achieve)
  • ➕ good (possible but requires some dancing)
  • ✔️ excellent (very easy to achieve/have)

PC stands for parser combinators and PGparser generators.

Property Generators Combinators Description
Power ✔️ LALR ➕ LL(∞) PC can't handle left-recursive grammars (though, there's some article¹...).
Research/Age ✔️ ✔️ Both approaches have ~50 years of research behind them.
Accessibility PG is a separate framework you need to learn. As well as some formal language theory. PC is just a library in your PL.
Debug PG generates a lot of unreadable code you can't understand and debug most of the time. Though, debugging in Haskell is another story...
Visualization ✔️ ANTLR is capable of visualizing parsed tree on-the-fly as you change input or grammar.
Composability ✔️ You can't easily combine HTML grammar and Haskell grammar to get nice templating engine for example. PC are much more reusable.
Performance I didn't see benchmarks. But nobody complained so far.
Static analysis ✔️ ✔️ PG can analyze your grammar in advance and warn about ambiguity. uu-parsinglib⁷ also has this feature
Flexibility ✔️ PC is just code in your programming language. You can perform any computation there. PG achieve this through attributes and inline code.
Error messages ✔️² In PC you have full control on input stream so you can produce excellent error messages
Error recovery ✔️ ➕³ You may want to report multiple parser errors or do partial code analysis of unparsed code. LALR PG can handle this better than LL.
Indentation ✔️⁴ Usually it's much more difficult to parse layout-sensitive languages with PG.⁶
Pretty printing ➕⁵ Some PG allow you to specify formatting rules via attributes. Some Haskell libraries provide you bidirectional parsing/printing.


Also see discussion here for more details:

Good for:

  • Parser Generators
    • Programming languages
    • Complex domain specific languages (like SQL)
  • Parser Combinators
    • Simple DSLs and markup languages (XML, HTML, Markdown)
    • Serialisation and configuration formats (JSON, YAML, TOML)
    • Creating custom markup languages (like Haskell-specific markdown)
    • Parsing arbitrary non-difficult textual data (logging output, org-mode files)

Existing sources with excellent description:

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Generalized LL parsing (GLL) algorithms can be used to write parser combinators that can handle left recursive grammars.

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