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Created January 3, 2025 22:18
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Immutable deque ipmlementation in OCaml
type 'a deque =
| Empty
| Deque of 'a option * ('a * 'a) deque * 'a option
let rec push_front : type a . a -> a deque -> a deque = fun x deque ->
match deque with
| Empty -> Deque (Some x, Empty, None)
| Deque (left, child, right) ->
match left with
| None -> Deque (Some x, child, right)
| Some l -> Deque (None, push_front (x, l) child, right)
let rec pop_front : type a . a deque -> a option * a deque = function
| Empty -> (None, Empty)
| Deque (Some x, Empty, None) -> Some x, Empty
| Deque (Some x, child, right) -> Some x, Deque (None, child, right)
| Deque (None, Empty, right) -> right, Empty
| Deque (None, child, right) ->
let front, new_deque = pop_front child in
let first = fst front in
let second = snd front in
first, Deque (second, new_deque, right)
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