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Last active December 5, 2023 00:19
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Config for GHCi with pretty output
-- To run:
-- cabal repl -b pretty-simple
-- Colorizing and pretty-printing ghci output
-- requires: pretty-simple
:set -interactive-print=Text.Pretty.Simple.pPrint
-- green bold lambdas and multiline mode
:set prompt "\ESC[1;32mλ: \ESC[m"
:set prompt-cont "\ESC[1;32mλ| \ESC[m"
-- useful flags
:set -fprint-explicit-foralls
:set +m
-- useful extensions by default
:set -XTypeApplications -XKindSignatures
-- useful default imports
import Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)
-- helpful macros
:def package \ m -> return $ ":! ghc-pkg --simple-output find-module " ++ m
:def no-pretty \_ -> return (":set -interactive-print=System.IO.print")
:def rr \_ -> return ":script ~/.ghc/ghci.conf"
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Hi @AurevoirXavier, I no longer use this particular GHCi config. My new global GHCi config is much smaller. Also, I'm now using cabal almost all the time for development instead of stack. Cabal doesn't have such an issue, I can run cabal repl -b pretty-simple from any place and any project and it will work automatically. I've updated this gist to reflect my latest config and not confuse people in the future 🙂

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aurexav commented Jul 23, 2020

I found the problem. The :load will drop pre define things something like ghciColor.
pretty-simple sounds like a good solution.

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aurexav commented Jul 23, 2020

Here's my modification. It also works for stack, whatever you're under a stack project or not.

Thanks @chshersh

:def pretty \_ -> return (":set -interactive-print=Text.Pretty.Simple.pPrint")
:def no-pretty \_ -> return (":set -interactive-print System.IO.print")

:def package \m -> return $ ":! ghc-pkg --simple-output find-module " ++ m
:def rr \_ -> return ":script ~/.ghci"

:set prompt  "\ESC[1;32mλ \ESC[m"

:set +m
:set +s
:set +t

:set -package pretty-simple

:set -fprint-explicit-foralls
:set -interactive-print=Text.Pretty.Simple.pPrint
:set -XTypeApplications -XKindSignatures

import Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)

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