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Created November 7, 2020 16:41
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Final version of my work Patcher
import os
import shutil
from pip._vendor.colorama import Fore, Style, init
import subprocess
import time
src_dir = os.getcwd()
servicesList = ['2018Server', 'TTC_AppService', 'TTC_ClockHost', 'TTDBSyncServer', 'TTNotify']
def copyloop(appdir, target):
cp_source_dir = appdir
cp_target_dir = target
file_names = os.listdir(cp_source_dir)
for file_name in file_names:
shutil.copy2(os.path.join(cp_source_dir, file_name), cp_target_dir)
def stopServices(svcname):
args = ['sc', 'stop', svcname]
result =
def startServices(svcname):
args = ['sc', 'start', svcname]
result =
def colourText(textHere, colour):
print(getattr(Fore, colour) + textHere + Style.RESET_ALL)
colourText("\n \t \t Welcome to Auto Patcher v.3", "RED")
colourText("\n \t ....Shutting down all Related Services....", "GREEN")
for svc in servicesList:
colourText("\n ....Waiting 5 Seconds....", "YELLOW")
colourText("\n \t ....Patching the Supervisor Client Time Zone Files....", "BLUE")
copyloop(appdir=src_dir + '\\TT2018\\', target="C:\\test\\")
colourText("\n ....Supervisor Client Patched", "BLUE")
colourText("\n \t ....Patching DBSyncServer to 2018.40....", "BLUE")
copyloop(appdir=src_dir + '\\DBSyncServer\\', target="C:\\TimeTrakConnect\\DBSyncServer\\")
colourText("\n ....DBSyncServer Patched", "BLUE")
colourText("\n \t ....Patching DBSyncServerAdmin to 2018.40....", "BLUE")
copyloop(appdir=src_dir + '\\DBSyncAdmin\\', target="C:\\TimeTrakConnect\\DBSyncServerAdmin\\")
colourText("\n ....DBSyncServerAdmin Patched", "BLUE")
colourText("\n \t ....Patching AppService to 2018.40....", "BLUE")
copyloop(appdir=src_dir + '\\AppService\\', target="C:\\TimeTrakConnect\\AppService\\")
colourText("\n ....AppService Patched", "BLUE")
colourText("\n \t ....Patching the Web Portal....", "BLUE")
wp_source_dir = src_dir + "\\WebPortal\\"
wp_target_dir = 'C:\\Test\\WebPortal\\'
for source_dir, dirs, file_names in os.walk(wp_source_dir):
target_dir = source_dir.replace(wp_source_dir, wp_target_dir, 1)
for file_name in file_names:
source_file = os.path.join(source_dir, file_name)
target_file = os.path.join(target_dir, file_name)
if os.path.exists(target_file):
# in case of the source and target are the same file
if os.path.samefile(source_file, target_file):
shutil.copy2(source_file, target_dir)
colourText("\n ....Web Portal Patched", "BLUE")
colourText("\n ....Waiting 5 Seconds....", "YELLOW")
colourText("\n \t ....Starting all Related Services....", "GREEN")
for svc in servicesList:
colourText("\n \t \t The v.3 Auto Patcher is Complete \n", "RED")
print("\n Made with ", Fore.RED + "<3", Style.RESET_ALL, "by Chuck Coggins \n")
input('Press ENTER to exit')
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chuckcoggins commented Nov 7, 2020

Changes since v.2
Created a function for the coloured text printing.
Made a List of services that are used for stopping and starting and then used a loop to go through the list to stop and start services when needed.
The other major change was in v. 2 I did not use src_dir in my copyloop I specified where the files would be and later realized this would not work in a real scenario unless the user of the program knew exactly where they needed to execute the program from.

I am pretty happy with this - I just finished my first Python Udemy Course and from what I learned I was able to tweak what I pieced together in v.1 to what you see above.

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