- Created doc while stumbling upon this PR / issue in https://github.com/night/betterttv
- Also kudos Chrome network panel
bttv channel emotes: https://api.betterttv.net/3/cached/users/twitch/121059319
ffz channel emotes: https://api.betterttv.net/3/cached/frankerfacez/users/twitch/121059319
changelog: https://api.betterttv.net/3/cached/changelog
cdn hits:
I did a little bit more digging, found out that my browser sends a
sec-fetch-mode: navigate
header. So if you simply don't have that header in the request it should work, you can use something like curl, postman or the REST Client VSCode extension, shown in the bttv-request.http file above to try it out.