This took me some time to figure out so writing it down for posterity.
Setting up Rundeck in AWS running on Amazon Linux 2 using RPM install:
JRE runtime using AWS Corretto 8:
DB Backend using Aurora MySQL Serverless v2. Create rundeck user/pass.
MySQL JDBC Driver using AWS MySQL JDBC Driver:
Download latest driver & put in /var/lib/rundeck/lib
(lib needs to be created). Do not put it in /var/lib/rundeck/libext, it will not work there.
Edit /etc/rundeck/
dataSource.url = jdbc:mysql:aws://<rds-serverless-url>:3306/rundeck
dataSource.username = <db_username>
dataSource.password = <db_password>
dataSource.driverClassName =
(above snippet assumes your DB is named rundeck
Start rundeck up: systemctl start rundeckd.service
. Everything should work.