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chuyskywalker / esphome.yaml
Last active December 12, 2024 05:29
Kincony KC868-64
name: kc868-a64
friendly_name: KC868-A64
board: esp32dev
type: arduino
# Enable logging
chuyskywalker /
Last active September 12, 2024 18:13
RadRunnerPlus Highly Upgraded Electrical System

Best Viewed In Online Editor

The mermaid editor on github not super awesomel; try it over here:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am chuyskywalker on github.
  • I am chuyskywalker ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 45FC 2659 BCE7 ECCB 629D 3BE7 5A27 4011 BC1A 6F11

To claim this, I am signing this object:

chuyskywalker / simpler.js
Last active November 17, 2016 04:47
Simpler JS for you
// when the document is fully loaded, run this function
// find every checkbox
// and bind to the click method to run this function
// create a variable called "box_value" which has the string from the current element's "value" attribute.
// $(this), in the current context, refers to the input-checkbox that is experiencing a click event
var box_value = $(this).attr("value");
// since the "value" matches the class name, we can start a selector $() which combines a dot and the box_value variable to form a proper class name.
chuyskywalker / app-spread.go
Created September 18, 2016 02:51
Count to MAXINT
package main
// second variant, splits process among cores and creates a unique file for each. MUCH faster, but incurs randomness penelty
import (
import time
import logging
import pprint
import random
from threading import Thread, Event
class lastPerThread(logging.Handler):
A log handler which keeps the last log message availble per thread
chuyskywalker / memsql-sad.php
Last active February 5, 2016 07:07
memsql doesn't like medium ints on prepared statements
echo '<pre>';
Have a table like
`biu` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`bis` bigint NOT NULL ,
chuyskywalker / dance-party.php
Created August 14, 2014 04:48
Phillips Hue: Dance Party
* Make your Hue lights dance -- a very rudimentary Hue control script
$ip = 'your-ip-here';
$user = 'your-username-here';
$lights = array_flip(array(1,2)); // 3,4,5, etc
chuyskywalker / client.php
Created August 13, 2014 05:46
Parallel Tasks Spawn Other Tasks As Available
require './defs.php';
$gearmanClient = new GearmanClient();
$modelsToRun = [
chuyskywalker / basic
Created April 21, 2014 03:49
quick docker contained app
# echo '{"test":123, "peso": [1,2,3]}' | docker run -i --rm --networking=false app /bin/bash -c 'cat - | php app.php'
object(stdClass)#1 (2) {
array(3) {