This website is brought to you by Cian Brassinne.
I've always wanted to say that! So I've been making websites for a few years now and I know the ins and outs of proper web design, functionality and simplicity of websites. I hope you appreciate the tutorials I have up there.
This website is like a backup log of the interesting pieces of code I have come across or created whilst having nothing to do. It is sort of my portfolio now.
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Programming languages:
- Javascript (including a little JQUERY)
- Batch (MS-DOS)
Practical languages:
- English
- French
- Dutch
- Gymnastics
- Basketball
- Skating
- Snowboard / Ski
- Surfing
- Catamaran
- Guitar
- Walks
- Websiting...?
- Gaming
For the website:
- More tutorials (simpler ones but more)
- Suggestions page
For myself:
- IT Engineer or something or rather