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Created November 4, 2015 13:46
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Code mesh 2015 notes

Kush, an introduction to schedulers

about me

  • I work for GDS
  • Cabinet Office
  • we started by building GOV.UK
    • replaced older sites like direct gov, business link
  • we’re note just fixing websites
    • we also build and run digital services
    • working with depts across the country
    • eg: register to vote
      • saw about 200k people register at the same time
  • visibility on govt services
  • I’m not here to talk about GDS
    • go to Phil’s talk

this talk

  • it’s been hard to go to a conf in the last two years without hearing about docker (docker docker docker)
  • I want to demystify schedulers
    • some people feel this is too much too soon
    • mesos, kubernetes, etc
  • when you should use schedulers
    • and when you shouldn’t
  • I see schedulers everywhere

what is it?

  • the job of a scheduler is to fairly allocate work
    • fairness is an artistic term
    • schedulers act fairly based on their defined objectives
  • example: schedule the expression E = AB + CD
    • E = AB + CD
    • E = (1*2) + (3*4) – explicit ordering
    • tree of expressions
      • addition is commutative, so order doesn’t matter

common scheduling problems

  1. unconstrained
  2. time-constrained
    • all ops completed in a time-bound
      • at least two steps
  3. resource-constrained
    • if we only have one multiplication unit

types of scheduling

  • ASAP (as soon as possible)
  • ALAP (as late as possible)
  • list scheduling
  • force-directed scheduling
    • weighting (commonly time)


  • we don’t make the best use of our infrastructure resources

example: linuxkernel cpu scheduler

  • decides which ops get CPU ultilization right now
  • challenge: make sure applications get a fair share of CPU time
    • (called a “time slice”)
  • let’s look at linux 2.4 cpu scheduler
    • task list containing all processes, and work to be completed
      • guarded by a r/w lock
      • each process has a priority
    • it had a number of shortcomings
      • wasn’t efficient
        • had to iterate through whole task list every time
      • bad in SMP environments
        • could easily pin a single CPU and leave others unused
  • was rewritten
    • remove global task list log
    • each process gets its own queue and its own lock
  • rewritten again in 2.6
    • called the Completely Fair Scheduler
    • uses red/black tree instead of queues
  • scheduling algorithms:
  • nice
    • runs a program with modified priority
    • eg: nice -n 19 echo “hello”
  • chrt or “change real time”
    • chrt -p 16
    • can change priority but also scheduling algorithm
  • ionice - set IO scheduling priority
    • ionice -c3 -p89
      • sets process with pid 89 as an idle io process

i see schedulers

  • many queues, locks and a scheduling algorithm over the top
  • not just CPUs!
  • eg in networking (see
  • tc - traffice control
    • eg: tc qdisc add dev lo root netem delay 500ms
      • sets queuing discipline
      • network delay of 500ms (netem == network emulation)
  • eg in postgres: has something called autovacuum
    • automates execution of VACUUM and ANALYZE

container schedulers

  • Kubernetes:
type Scheduler interface
  • Docker swarm
  • primitives
    • CPU
    • instances
    • add your own: eg response time
  • ephemeral node
    • with a service on it
    • different nodes have different properties in the cloud
      • bad io
      • noisy neighbours
  • see @kelseyhightower’s talks too on container schedulers


  • baggage reclaim
    • a bunch of queues
    • a lock
    • you are the scheduling algorithm - you know what you care about which is your bag
    • baggage reclaim is controlled by a software scheduler
  • premier league football matches
    • domain-specific rules
      • man city and man u can’t play at home on the same day
        • (infrastructure can’t cope)
      • nottingham trent bridge
        • three stadiums next to each other
        • can’t all operate at the same time
  • people
    • pomodoro
    • work planning
  • you can choose to hand over knowledge work to schedulers (but they’re not a silver bullet)
    • can probably do better capacity planning

Amir Chaudhry: Unikernels and hyper-elastic clouds

  • who’s heard of unikernels?
  • who’s actually used them? which ones?
    • halvm
    • mirage
    • rump kernel
  • talk resources


  • software today
    • is built locally, but deployed somewhere else
    • is complex! (even though most apps are single-purpose)
  • complexity is the enemy


  • OCaml
    • it has a good module system


Matthew Podwysocki, Putting You Back in Charge of Your Data

Zach Tellman, Everything Will Flow


  • they’re simple, right?
    • producer -> queue -> consumer
  • they’re everywhere
  • java.util.concurrent.Executor
    • thread pool
    • BlockingQueue on requests
  • java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue
    • producer -> [notFull] [buffer] [notEmpty] -> consumer
  • java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition
    • software threads
    • hardware threads
    • more queues to schedule the threads
  • queues are everywhere!


  • queues separate the “what” from the “when”

queueing theory

closed systems

  • one-at-a-time
  • shell prompt
    • command
    • output
    • command
    • output
  • single person browsing a website
    • click link
    • wait for page to load
    • click link
    • wait for page to load

open systems

  • requests come in
    • while we’re serving one, another can come in at any point

simulating open systems

  • producers: exponential distribution
    • it’s memoryless – the amount of time passed doesn’t change likelihood of producers arriving
  • consumers: pareto distribution
  • simulation examples
    • failure mode: load increases until queueing time dominates
    • the more consumers you add, the longer it takes to fall over
      • …but the more suprising it is when it does
      • echos of “why complex systems fail” here
  • lesson: unbounded queues are fundamentally broken
  • we’ve made assumptions about how users behave, but haven’t told them, or held them to it

dealing with too much data

  • options:
    1. drop the data
    2. reject the data
    3. pause the data
  • Drop
    • only valid if newer data obsoletes older data, or if we just don’t care
      • eg statsd uses UDP by default
        • problem: when we’re most in need of high fidelity data, we’re least likely to have it, because UDP is best-effort and will degrade under load
  • Reject
    • eg twitter fail whale
    • often, this is the only choice available
  • Pause (aka backpressure)
    • often the only choice for a close system, library, or subsystem
    • backpressure swims upstream
      • back to java BlockingQueue:
      • producer -> [notFull] [buffer] [notEmpty] -> consumer
        • the extra pieces are for backpressure reasons
        • you don’t even need the buffer here!

unbuffered queues

  • producer -> [puts] [takes] -> consumer
  • unbuffered queues are closed systems
  • why have buffers if we don’t need them?
    • because backpressure isn’t free
      • restarting threads
      • restarting TCP traffic
      • reading from disk
      • reading from dbs
    • a buffer allows higher, more consistent throughput
      • at a cost of potentially higher latency, because things sit on the buffer waiting to be dealt with


  • we should always plan for too much data
  • backpressure
  • TCP bufferbloat - example of problem of too many composed buffers

concrete example

  • ma: data system that takes data and takes it to a safe at-rest place
  • arbitrary volume of data -> ELB -> [thing] -> S3
    • what goes in the middle?
      • must horizontally scale
      • must be low-maintenance
      • not real-time
      • loss of data ∝ loss of utility
    • used:
      • aleph -> hadoop s3 client -> s3
    • but then:
      • S3 starts rejecting writes
      • hadoop starts accumulating writes waiting for S3 to come back
  • replaced hadoop s3 client with:
  • still had problems:
    • still acquired data in durable-queue without bound
    • no visibility when this happened; no metrics
    • had to start writing metrics for this
  • netty’s threading model
    • our typical metrics measure from when we start actually processing the request
      • but this ignores the queueing delay!
      • threadpools are not well instrumented
  • dirigiste for better understanding of behaviour of thread pools
    • distinguish task latency from queue latency
    • better metrics
      • not complete – they can’t be
      • whole system includes client


  • be clear what “completion” is
  • be picky about your tools
    • watch for sneaky unbounded queues!
  • prefer metrics to raw performance
  • you’re never measuring the complete system


  • eg chat server
  • one-to-many queue
  • timeouts

we talked about queues

  • unbounded queues aren’t. they’re bounded by something we’ve failed to define.


  • how do you deal with pain from low defaults (eg in haproxy?)
    • you need some documentation on the knobs are and why you should care
    • a one-size-fits-all parameter is bound to disappoint
  • with the log-latency graphs you showed with the buffered queue example, is that a useful visibility tool for day-to-day systems we use?
    • that’s my general intuition
    • most people use graphite
    • doing distributions in graphite is hard
  • if we follow your example of using buffered queues, were there any metrics you feel we should definitely be tracking?
    • utilization & contention
      • once you get above 60-70% utilization, exhaustion gets quite likely
  • queueing theory often assumes a fixed number of consumers; can it work in an autoscaling world?
    • yes
    • maybe cloud services resembles infinite consumers?
    • can you do formal analysis of a dynamic system like this and predict exactly how it will behave? probably not
      • better to test, benchmark, see what it does under load

Evan Czaplicki, Accidentally Concurrent

  • works for Prezi to work on the Elm language
  • I care a lot about how proglang research from last 30 yrs can be useful day-to-day on the web
    • eg: why is immutability good?

message passing concurrency

  • I take this from concurrent ML
  • lightweight threads
  • basic primitives:
    • channel: () -> Channel a
    • send: Channel a -> a -> ()
    • recv: Channel a -> a
    • spawn: (a -> ()) -> a -> ThreadId


  • what does mutation look like when you model it as a concurrent system with these primitives?
    • type Msg a = Get | Set a
    • “two spies in the park” approach to communication
    • a new thread per variable
      • becomes unmanagable


function BadGuy() {
    var x = 0;
    var y = 0;
    var health = 100;
    this.follow = function(hero) { ... };
    this.damage = function(n) { ... };
  • hides multiple mutable cells behind a single interface
  • introduces hierarchy
  • but: hierarchy ≠ modularity
    • reference can be passed from one code unit to another
      • introduces extra comm lines between subtrees of hierarchy
    • getters and setters on objects
    • setters mean readers have ability to bash on objects


  • different kinds
    • cooperative
      • runs a thread until it’s done or it yields
      • used by golang, …
    • preemptive
      • you can bail on something half-way through
      • used by erlang, concurrent ML, …
  • that old thing concurrency ≠ parallelism
  • event loop
    • “a poor man’s concurrency”
    • javascript setTimeout(callback, 0); is the same as spawn callback()
  • “Reactive” Programming
    • “everything is a stream!”
      • type alias Stream a = Channel a
      • build things up with combinators
      • map: (a->b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
    • glitches
      • diamond communication shape
diamond : Stream Float -> Stream Bool
diamond stream =
    (map sqrt stream)
    (map sqrt stream)
  • glitches cont’d
    • looked at as a concurrent system, it’s clear that this will cause glitches
      • there’s no reason to expect synchronization
    • if you thought of your streams as a concurrent system, you probably wouldn’t write it this way in the first place
  • FlatMap is weird!
    • flatMap : (a -> Stream b) -> Stream a -> Stream b
    • it is kind of like a threadpool, but really bizarrely done
    • is it even a reasonable use of flatmap?
  • dependencies between streams become a rat’s nest
    • hero depends on keyboard
      • hero’s health depends on location, bad guys, etc
    • bad guys depend on hero
      • want to chase him
    • pause screen depends on
      • hero’s health
      • keyboard, mouse
    • hero depends on pause screen
      • maybe I can apply a potion to increase health
    • this is crazy

big points

  • writing high-quality concurrent programs is hard
  • everyone is writing accidentally concurrent programs

better stuff

  • immutability
    • means no accidental communication channels
    • revealing information doesn’t change your architecture


  • what about Rust’s approach to mutability where it just emphasizes ownership?
    • ownership and encapsulation are separate concerns

Leah Hanson, How Julia Goes Fast

what problem is julia solving?

  • julia is for scientists
    • engineers, mathematicians, finance people
    • non-professional programmers who use programming as a tool
      • least time programming for maximum benefit
  • what do they need?
    • easy to learn
    • easy to use
    • good for scripts
    • good for libraries
    • fast enough for medium to large data sets
    • fast, extensible math
      • linear algebra
      • new numeric types
  • easy and fast
  • how is it better than what they already use? (eg numpy)
    • need to learn python
    • need to add your own function that doesn’t yet exist
      • implement in python
        • too slow
        • (numpy’s things are written in C with python wrappers)
        • learning C is not a good use of our users’ time
  • fast julia code is written in julia

the big decisions

  • dynamic, interpreted, easy

background for implementation

  • JIT compilation
    • at run time, you alternate between compiling and running code
  • compiler needs to be fast
    • static compilers can be slow because they don’t contribute to runtime
    • this is no longer true for JITs
  • compiler has access to runtime information
  • julia is designed up front to be JIT compiled
    • type system
      • abstract or concrete types
        • concrete types:
          • can be instantiated
          • determine mem layout
          • types can’t be modified after creation
          • can’t have subtypes
          • single supertype
        • abstract types:
          • can’t instantiate
          • new subtypes can be added at any time
          • single supertype
          • zero or more subtypes
  • multiple dispatch
    • convenience for extensible math
    • single dispatch is method dispatch we’re familiar with
      • – code impl depends on type of x
    • multiple dispatch can depend on any param:
      • foo(x,y) – code impl depends on types of x and y
    • all named fns are generic
    • each fn has one or more methods
x = ModInt(3,5)
x + 5 # ModInt + Int
5 + x # Int + ModInt

function Base.+(m::ModInt, i::Int64)
    return m + ModInt(..)
  • this just can’t be done nicely with single dispatch

the details of how things go fast


  • dispatch happens a lot, so needs to be really fast
    • foo(5) #dispatch, compile, run
    • foo(6) #dispatch, run
    • foo(7) #dispatch, run
  • possible signatures:
    • foo(Int64)
    • foo(Number)
    • foo(Float64)
    • foo(Int64,Int64)
  • do we need to keep redispatching? aren’t we always going to pick foo(Int64)?
    • add a cache
    • foo(5) #cache, dispatch, compile, run
    • foo(6) #cache, run
    • foo(7) #cache, run
    • call into hashmap rather than going through a list

generic functions

  • define Base.* in terms of +(Number,Number) and -(Number,Number)
  • C++: templates vs dynamic dispatch
    • dynamic dispatch is generic
      • single Base.* impl to cover all Number instances
    • templates do aggressive specialization
      • individual Base.* impl for each Number instance
    • tradeoff: code size vs speed
  • inlining
    • makes more optimizations available
    • not reusable
  • devirtualization
    • write down the IP to avoid DNS
    • ie hardcode the method implementation rather doing dispatch
  • why do we normally dispatch?
    • we’re avoiding dispatch as much as possible for performance
    • worth knowing why we have it in the first place
      • repl work
        • redefine a function to fix a bug, want callers to reflect changes
        • issue 265

type stability

  • non-concrete types have to be boxed
  • immutable types
    • kind of concrete type
    • once created, value can’t change
  • boxed immutable values are bad for perf
    • immutable types can’t appear to change
    • we have to copy them each time we want to change them
    • new heap allocation

macros for speed?

  • julia has lisp-style macros
  • macros are evaluated at compile time
  • macros should be used sparingly
  • Horner’s rule
    • a*x*x + b*x + c
    • skip a multiply with (a*x + b)*x + c
    • for a cubic: 6 multiplies down to 3
    • for a quartic: 10 multiplies down to 4
    • etc (O(n^2) down to O(n))
  • Horner’s rule can be implemented as a macro
  • 4x faster than matlab
  • 3x faster than scipy
    • both of which call C/Fortran libs
  • Julia is faster than C!
    • compiled julia methods will have inlined constants, which are very optimizable
    • C would involve a run-time loop over the array of coeffs
    • LLVM can optimize the julia better than the C
    • an abstraction which makes things faster


  • scientists like easy & fast
  • dynamic for easy (but with limits)
  • compiled for fast
  • multiple dispatch for making fast code concise


  • what about R?
    • R is slow for things that need loops (like monte carlo)
  • does julia have support for openmp?
    • I think so?
    • you can call libs that use OpenMP
    • there’s experimental support for OpenMP within julia

John Hughes, Mary Sheeran, Why Functional Programming Matters

FP à la 1940s

  • who needs booleans?
  • a boolean just makes a choice! They can just be functions!
    • true x y = x
    • false x y = y
  • we can then define if-then-else
    • ifte bool t e = bool t e
  • who needs integers?
    • a (positive) integer just counts loop iterations
      • two f x = f (f x)
      • one f x = f x
      • zero f x = x
    • to recover a “normal” integer…
      • two (+1) 0
        • gives 2!
    • add m n f x = m f (n f x)
    • mul m n f x = m (n f) x
  • factorial!
fact n =
  ifte (iszero n)
    (mul n (fact decr n))

This means: booleans, integers, (and other data structures) can be entirely replaced by functions!

Church encodings

Before you try this at home…

  • “cannot construct the infinite type…”
(forall a. (a->a) -> a -> a)…~


Factorial à la 1960

  • LISP!
  • This got lots of people excited!
    • esp Peter Landin (see The Next 700 Programming Languages and ISWIM)


  • (maplist f (reverse l))(reverse (maplist f l))
    • …only if f is side-effect free

issues with conventional languages

  • John Backus, “Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and Its Algebra of Programs”
    • Turing award 1977; paper 1978
  • “Inherent defects at the most basic level cause them [conventional languages] to be both fat and weak
  • defects such as:

word-at-a-time operation

  • inherited from the von Neumann machine
    • the von Neumann way of designing machines has a terrible effect on writing programs
    • don’t focus on the word-at-a-time bottleneck; focus on whole values

inability to use “combining forms”

  • what we would today call “higher order functions”
  • he called map f “αf”

lack of useful mathematical properties for reasoning about programs

  • [f1,f2,..,fn] ∘ g ≡ [f1 ∘ g, f2 ∘ g,…, fn ∘ g]
  • g ∘ [f1,f2,..,fn] ≡ [g ∘ f1, g ∘ f2,…, g ∘ fn]

Got a bit APLy:

Def IP = (/ +) ∘ (α ×) ∘ Trans

Peter Henderson

  • functional geometry
  • escher’s square limit fish
  • devised an algorithmic definition of escher’s picture
    • operators on pictures such as rot, over, above
    • higher-order operators cycle, quartet
  • then: define pictures as functions
    • p(a,b,c) is the picture at position a, with height along vector b and width along vector c
    • other combinators become easy to describe here:
      • eg over (p,q) (a,b,c) becomes p(a,b,c) ∪ q(a,b,c)
  • this functional geometry avoids Backus’s defects:
    • combining forms
    • operations on whole values
    • algebra with laws
  • and as a bonus: functions as representations
  • taking it further: Conal Elliot’s Pan

FP à la 1990s

  • Haskell: Paul Hudak got DARPA money to work on Haskell as a prototyping language
  • functions as data
    • type Region = Point -> Bool
      • predicate representation of set of points
  • reactions…
    • “too cute for it’s own good”
    • “higher-order functions just a trick, probably not useful in other contexts”

Lazy evaluation

  • Henderson and Morris, A lazy evaluator
  • Friedman and Wise, CONS should not evaluate its arguments
  • “The Whole Value” can be infinite!
    • the infinite list of natural numbers [0, 1, 2, 3, …]
    • all the iterations of a function
    • iterate f x = [x, f x, f (f x), ...]
  • some things can be expressed very nicely with lazy eval
    • eg newton-raphson, numerical derivative

my paper

  • John Hughes, Why Functional Programming Matters
  • lazy producer-consumer pattern
    • producer: successive approximations of a numerical algorithm (eg derivative, integral)
      • consumer: limit detection
    • producer: search space
      • consumer: search strategy
  • pretty printing
    • make choices between horizontal and vertical layout
      • vertical: preserve indentation
      • horizontal: discard indentation
    • combinators: a $$ b puts a above b; a <> b puts a beside b
    • combinators obey laws:
      • <> and $$ are both associative
    • once we understand the laws, the implementation can use the laws to make the best layout

my other paper

  • Koen Claessen, John Hughes, “QuickCheck: A Lightweight Tool for Random Testing of Haskell Programs”
  • randomly generate test cases from properties (properties based on laws)
  • then shrink failing test cases to minimal counterexamples
  • This is another lazy producer-consumer!
    • producer: space of all possible tests
    • consumer: QuickCheck search strategy

more applications

  • Introduction to VLSI systems
    • was intended to revolutionize programming
    • did revolutionize hardware design
  • A VLSI circuit is not a million miles away from Escher’s square limit!
    • we used functional geometry ideas to design VLSI circuits
    • we need to be certain we haven’t made a mistake as the feedback cycle from the fab was too slow (9 months)
  • use Backus’s FP to create a language that describes streaming circuits
    • then use algebraic laws of the language to optimize the circuits
    • symbolic simulator to test
    • muFP
  • hardware sorting based on doubly-recursive definition:
  • having a language of combining forms makes it much easier to reason about sorting networks
    • though there are still outstanding unsolved problems
  • Satnam Singh: Lava language
  • Pentium float division bug
    • very costly mistake
    • they suddenly got interested in formal verifiction
    • forte
  • bluespec bsv
    • bluecheck
      • QuickCheck in hardware design!
      • iterative deepening and shrinking on FPGA designs!

four key ideas

  • functions as representations
  • whole values
  • simple laws
  • combining forms

Martin Thompson, A Quest for Predictable Latency

  • subtitle: Adventures in Java Concurrency
  • @mjpt777
  • latency: responding in a timely manner
  • the more things you try to juggle, the harder it becomes to predict how responsive you can be
  • if you don’t respond in a timely manner, you’re effectively unavailable

causes of blocking

  • concurrent algorithms
    • notifying completion
    • mutex
    • synchronization/rendezvous
  • systemic pauses
    • JVM Safepoints (GC etc)
    • Transparent Huge Pages (linux)
    • Hardware

concurrent algorithms

  • two approachs: locks and CAS
    • both are hard to get right!

what is latency?

  • queueing theory
    • response time is sum of:
      • enqueue time
      • latent time (time in queue)
      • dequeue time
      • service time (time being processed)
  • queueing theory focuses on latent time and service time, but sometimes enqueue and dequeue dominate!
  • relationship between utilization and increase response time

adventures with locks and queues

  • evils of blocking
  • condition variables
    • condition variable RTT (echo service)
    • request: ping; response: pong
    • measure histogram of response times
      • don’t use averages! they lie!
    • 90th percentile: 8 µs
    • 8 µs is loads of time to talk between two threads!
      • 2 µs is enough to go between two machines on the same network!
    • but it gets worse at higher percentiles
      • max is 5525 µs!
  • bad news: this is the best case scenario!
  • context for benchmarks:
  • producers: 1, 2 or 3 (can’t have more on a quad-core machine!)
  • measuring: mean and 99th percentile
  • baseline (wait-free) vs ArrayBlockingQueue vs LinkedBlockingQueue vs ConcurrentLinkedQueue
  • burst length: 1 then 100
    • real world traffic is bursty
    • send a burst of 100; wait for 1 ack
  • other considerations:
    • Backpressure (queues should have bounded size)
    • size methods
    • flow rates
    • garbage
    • fan out
  • in the real world, I cannot use java’s built-in queues, partly because they lack features I need
    • if you call .size() on ConcurrentLinkedQueue, it walks the whole list

some alternative FIFOs

the disruptor

  • get over the garbage problem
    • preallocate a ring buffer and reuse it
  • producers claim a slot using CAS
    • once a slot is claimed, can write to the slot
    • once written, can update the cursor
  • consumer updates gating
  • no need for locks!
  • wrinkle: how do I deal with setting the cursor?
    • I can’t update cursor to n before it has reached n-1
    • thread claims slot; gets swapped out before writing to slot
      • blocks whole queue until thread swaps back in (many ms!)

update in Disruptor 3.0

  • cursor is used as CAS loop
  • add an “available” array to mark when things are written
  • made a huge difference

what if I just need a queue?

  • disruptor isn’t best used as a queue (better for coordinating graph of dependencies)
  • ManyToOneConcurrentArrayQueue (influences: Lamport + Fast Flow)
  • link?
  • tail: CAS counter
  • head: counter
  • reference ring buffer

back to the benchmarks

  • Disruptor and ManyToOneConcurrentArrayQueue behave better in low contention
  • gets worse under the bursty case
  • each over 50 µs at this stage
  • spinning CAS loops are the great equalizer

inter-process FIFOs

  • ring buffer
  • spinning CAS on tail counter
  • write message once space claimed
  • write header to indicate completion
    • (zero out memory on consumption to make this work)
  • MPSC Ring Buffer
  • latency is good but throughput takes a hit from zeroing memory

Aeron IPC

  • we wanted a CRDT
    • replicated to another machine
    • may be reordered or duplicated
    • want to reassemble deterministically
  • big shared-memory file
    • tail pointer (but no head this time)
    • advance tail, write message, write header (just as above)
  • does the file really just go on forever?
    • problems with this: page faults; page cache churn; VM pressure
    • wash one, wear one, dry one
    • active file, dirty file, clean file
  • XADD instruction
    • available in JVM now
    • ring buffers can’t use this because the tail can overtake the head
    • if you move the tail beyond the end of the buffer, you can detect this
      • your responsibility is to rotate the buffer now
    • messages persist while active & dirty buffers are around
  • append-only data structures can be safe to read without locks
    • they can detect when they’ve reached the end
  • zeroing problem from before: how do we avoid the throughput problem?
    • do it in a background thread!
    • the old “dirty” becomes the new “clean”

back to the benchmarks!

  • aeron IPC is slower than ManyToOneConcurrentArrayQueue in the happy case (no burst, one producer, average time)
  • for bursty, 3 producers, 99th percentile:
    • ManyToOneConcurrentArrayQueue breaks below 50µs to 34µs
      • less “False Sharing”
      • inlined data vs Reference Array
        • less “Card Marking”
    • Aeron gets even further down to 13µs (ish?)
      • also mean is 10µs so this is phenomenal predictability
      • avoids the spinning CAS

logging is a messaging problem!

  • the abominations we have in Java for logging are disgusting!
    • the APIs, the design, etc
  • what design should we use?

where can we go next

  • C vs Java
    • Spin loops
    • modern processors do out-of-order speculation
    • with spin loops, they speculate wrong
      • Proposed: Thread.spinYieldHint()
    • data dependent loads
      • heap aggregates: objectlayout
      • stack allocation - value types
    • memory copying
      • baseline against memcpy() for differing alignment
    • queue interface
      • break conflated concerns to reduce blocking actions
      • API design mistakes
        • conflates “is something available?” with “is it empty?”
        • should not have used normal collections API for concurrent stuff


  • AWS recently announced x1 instances
    • 2TB RAM + 100+ vcores!
    • lots of spinning wheels


  • can you tell us more about XADD in java?
    • AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, etc

Martin Kleppmann, Transactions: Myths, Surprises and Opportunities


  • 1975: IBM System R
  • 2008? NoSQL
  • 2012? “NewSQL”
    • eg SQL on top of HBase
  • really a movement of transactions-or-not


  • Härder & Reuter, 1983
  • “More mnemonic than precise” - Brewer, 2012

D for Durability

  • archive tape?
  • fsync to disk?
  • replication?

C for Consistency

A for Atomicity

  • not the same as in “atomic compare-and-swap”
  • not about concurrency
  • it’s about fault tolerance
  • rolls back writes on abort
  • better word might have been Abortability
  • aborts are super helpful because they collapse a whole bunch of error classes:
    • crashes, power failures
    • constraint violation
    • network fault
    • deadlock

I for Isolation

  • this is where we start talking about concurrency
  • in practice, multiple isolation levels
    • Repeatable Read
    • Snapshot Isolation
    • Read Committed
    • Read Uncommitted
  • can anyone here describe the difference of the top of their head? (one hand goes up)
  • this is a configurable property of many databases
    • though many don’t go as high as Serializable
    • and some call it Serializable but are actually weaker than this

isolation levels

preventing dirty reads and dirty writes

  • read committed prevents these anomalies
  • default in postgres, oracle, …
  • that’s enough for transactions, right?
  • what are the other weird isolation levels?

preventing read skew

  • this can happen under read committed!
  • concurrent transaction:
      • add 100 to x
      • subtract 100 from y
      • commit
      • read y
      • read x
  • reader can see old value of y, but new value of x
  • Repeatable Read and Snapshot Isolation were invented to prevent this
  • Traditional RR implementation is based on locking
  • SI is used more often now to avoid locks
    • poorly named in most DBs

write skew

  • invariant: at least one doctor on call at all times
  • doctors can trade shifts
  • transaction:
    • count how many doctors are on call
    • if >=2:
      • update
    • commit
  • but: two txns operate concurrently for two different doctors:
    • both see n >= 2
    • both remove themselves from rota
    • invariant violated!
  • pattern:
    • measure
    • decide
    • write
    • commit
    • by the time the write is committed, the premise of the decision is no longer true!
  • solutions
    • two-phase locking (pessimistic)
      • shared lock on measure step
        • block entire table for writes, whenever you make a large read
      • poor for perf
      • motivation for weaker isolation levels
      • System R team just didn’t hold locks for so long
        • this is what created their crazy isolation levels
    • H-Store (Stonebraker et al)
      • VoltDB, datomic
      • literally execute your txns in a serial order
        • trivally correct
        • as long as you make your txns fast enough!
          • otherwise your throughput will be abysmal
    • SSI (Cehill Röhm & Fekete)
      • Postgres
      • detect conflicts & abort
        • optmistic counterpart to pessimistic 2PL
      • Idea: locks like in 2PL
        • but locks don’t block, just gather information

what about other distributed systems?

  • microservices?
  • stream processing?
  • serializability across services?
    • atomic commitment
    • total ordering
    • consensus
      • paxos, raft, zab
  • strong connection between all of these things
    • coordination
    • failure amplification
  • geographic distribution makes this worse
  • distributed txns don’t work particularly well

without cross-service transactions

  • so where are we now?
  • compensating transactions
    • ≅ abort/rollback at app level
    • looks a bit like ACID A
  • apologies
    • detect & fix contraint violations after the fact, rather than preventing
      • overselling beyond stock level; issue voucher instead
    • looks a bit like ACID C

every sufficient large deployment of microservices contains an ad-hoc informally-specified bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of transactions

  • ordering of events
    • unfriend
    • post nastygram to remaining friends
  • friends service and posts service are separate services
  • notifications services pushing out emails etc, reading from posts and friends services
  • reordering due to delays
  • notification goes to old set of friends, not new set of friends. oops!
  • implicit causal relationships leading to violated expectations

current research

  • things between strict serializability and eventual consistency
  • causality:
    • partial order of reads/writes
    • can be maintained without global coordination
    • “consistent snapshot” in SI
      • consistent with causality
    • but also efficient?
  • isolation levels are divided into those that require coordination and those that don’t


  • four slides’ worth!


  • how did we end up with this mess? naming etc
    • on the academic side, the database community and distributed systems community have historically been completely separate
      • evolved separate language for similar concepts
    • wouldn’t have many of current problems if they had talked to each other in 1980s
    • SQL standard had problems with isolation levels
      • failed to describe them in an implementation-neutral way
      • this is why Postgres uses SI but calls it REPEATABLE READ
  • also see hermitage, a tool to test what kind of anomalies different isolation levels of dbs allow
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