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Last active May 16, 2023 14:55
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Merges two sorted slices of one contiguous memory
const std = @import("std");
fn mergeInPlace(comptime T: type, s: []T, midpoint: usize) void {
std.debug.assert(midpoint <= s.len);
if (midpoint == 0 or midpoint == s.len) return;
var a: usize = 0;
var b: usize = midpoint;
var c: usize = midpoint;
var i: usize = 0;
// Objective: Make `a` and `c` meet
while (true) {
// Shrink slice `a..b` by shifting `a`
while (s[a] <= s[c]) : (a += 1) {
if (a == c) return;
b = @max(a+1, b);
// Insert min(s[b],s[c]) in s[a] and rotate insert the previous s[a] into `b..c` slice
const prev_a = s[a];
if (s[b] < s[c]) {
s[a] = s[b];
// Rotate left
i = b;
while (i < c-1 and prev_a >= s[i]) : (i += 1) {}
var j: usize = b;
while (j < i) : (j += 1) {
s[j] = s[j+1];
} else {
s[a] = s[c];
// Rotate right
i = b;
while (i < c and prev_a >= s[i]) : (i += 1) {}
var j: usize = c;
while (j > i) : (j -= 1) {
s[j] = s[j-1];
s[i] = prev_a;
a += 1;
b = @max(a+1, b);
c = @min(c+1, s.len-1);
// Shrink slice `b..c` by shifting `c`
while (b < c and s[c-1] <= s[c]) : (c -= 1) {
if (a == c) return;
test {
const arr_len = 20;
const rand_seed = 532;
const sorted = comptime blk: {
var a = [_]u8{0} ** arr_len;
var i = 0;
while (i < arr_len) : (i += 1) {
a[i] = i + 1;
break :blk a;
var default_prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(rand_seed);
var rng = default_prng.random();
var arr = [_]u8{0} ** arr_len;
var i: u16 = 0;
while (i < 10000) : (i += 1) {
const midpoint = rng.uintLessThan(u8, arr_len);
var a: u8 = 0;
var b: u8 = midpoint;
for (sorted) |n| {
if (a == midpoint) {
arr[b] = n;
b += 1;
if (b == arr_len) {
arr[a] = n;
a += 1;
if (rng.boolean()) {
arr[a] = n;
a += 1;
} else {
arr[b] = n;
b += 1;
std.debug.print("\nBefore: {any}\n", .{arr});
mergeInplace(u8, &arr, midpoint);
std.debug.print("After: {any}\n", .{arr});
try std.testing.expectEqual(sorted, arr);
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