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Created August 19, 2018 12:01
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proc planeFit(cluster: Tensor[float], threshold = 10e-2): Option[Plane] =
## Fit points to a 3D plane
# At least 3 points are required to fit a plane
if cluster.shape[0] < 3: return
let points = cluster[_, 0..2]
let mean = points.mean(axis=0)
let delta = points .- mean
let covarMatrix = delta.covariance
let (eigenVal, eigenVec) = covarMatrix.symeig(true)
discard eigenVal
var planeNormal = eigenVec[_, 0].squeeze
# Filter out plane points
var i = 0
var planeDelta = zeros_like delta
for slice in delta.axis(0):
let norm = slice.squeeze / slice.dist
if < threshold:
planeDelta[i, _] = slice
inc i
planeDelta = planeDelta[0..<i, _]
let origin = mean + (planeDelta.min(axis=0) + planeDelta.max(axis=0)) / 2.0
# Plane normal orientation correction
let originOffset = (origin - mean).squeeze
if originOffset.dist > 0:
let norm = originOffset / originOffset.dist
planeNormal *=
return some Plane(
origin: origin.squeeze,
normal: planeNormal
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