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Created July 13, 2022 17:35
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""update redmine wiki page with exoscale status
How to use this:
- `pip install exoscale python-redmine`
- set env vars for exoscale, use `exo config show --output-format json | jq -r` to find the existing exo file config
- put env vars for redmine user/pass in your shell
- determine the redmine site, project, and assign the wiki page to be updated
- test it out
- add it to cron or systemd
Example output in textile format:
h3{margin-top:0}. VM Status
|_. Name |_. State |_. Type |
| | | |
| server | Running | Small |
| server | Running | Medium |
import os
import exoscale
from redminelib import Redmine
# exoscale stuff
exo = exoscale.Exoscale(api_key=key, api_secret=secret)
zone_gva2 = exo.compute.get_zone("ch-gva-2")
stuff = exo.compute.list_instances(zone=zone_gva2)
# template for the wiki table
vmtable = """
h3{margin-top:0}. VM Status
|_. Name |_. State |_. Type |
| | | |
# sort the list by vm name
sorted_vmlist = sorted(list(stuff), key=lambda a:, reverse=False)
for thing in sorted_vmlist:
row = (f"| {} | {thing.state.capitalize()} | {} |")
# print(row)
vmtable += row + "\n"
# redmine stuff
redmine_username = os.environ['REDMINE_USERNAME']
redmine_password = os.environ['REDMINE_PASSWORD']
redmine_url = os.environ['REDMINE_URL']
redmine = Redmine(url=redmine_url, username=redmine_username, password=redmine_password)
# iteration to find the project/page we want
# from:
projects = redmine.project.all()
for project in projects:
print(str( + ': ' +
proj_id =
for wiki_page in project.wiki_pages:
wiki_page_details = redmine.wiki_page.get(wiki_page.title, project_id=proj_id)
print('Title: ' + wiki_page_details.title)
# change the project_id and title as needed
redmine.wiki_page.update(resource_id='Uptime', text=vmtable, project_id=8)
pagetext = redmine.wiki_page.get(resource_id='Uptime', project_id=8)
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