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Created May 18, 2019 12:49
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File hashes for older Adobe software

Due to some recent shenanigans between Adobe and Dolby, older versions of Adobe software are no longer available for download and evaluation.

Unfortunately, that means you'll need to resort to third-party websites to find copies of old Adobe software. To make sure you're getting an unaltered copy of the software you're looking for, you'll need to verify the authenticity with a hash. A list of known hashes is listed below.

NOTE: Only for evaluation/trial purposes. Don't steal software. Discontinued Adobe software is still protected under copyright law, and it is illegal to distribute copies without prior permission from Adobe. No links to the software mentioned below will be provided. Valid product keys are required to use the software unencumbered.

OS File Name SHA256
Windows Photoshop_13_LS16.7z 52d7698d14287a43adc6cecec996172cb1cbd6133eeb0f4eef3e24fc348dab4d
Windows Photoshop_13_LS16.exe c6bdd339a167ff663c57437ed8ee1e4abbd2c69f29a6924a1d1a661638716a36
macOS Photoshop_13_LS16.dmg f377a661660a5b00c46ef71dd5a835989d1374ed97bb891e9bdf98fa3a686a5e
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