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Last active May 11, 2021 17:02
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# %%
# %matplotlib widget
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import SymLogNorm
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
import numpy as np
from neuron import h
from hnn_core.network_builder import load_custom_mechanisms
from hnn_core.lfp import _LFPElectrode
from hnn_core.cells_default import pyramidal
def calc_monopole_multiplier(ele_pos, sec_mid, sigma=.3):
ele_pos = np.array(ele_pos) # electrode position
# distance from compartment to electrode
dis = np.linalg.norm(ele_pos - mid)
phi = 1. / dis
return 1000.0 * phi / (4.0 * np.pi * sigma)
_CVODE = h.CVode()
sigma = 0.3 # S / m
method = 'psa'
params = dict(tstop=300, dt=0.025, burnin=200)
h.tstop = params['tstop'] + params['burnin']
h.dt = params['dt']
h.celsius = 37
silence_hh = {'L5Pyr_soma_gkbar_hh2': 0.0,
'L5Pyr_soma_gnabar_hh2': 0.0,
'L5Pyr_dend_gkbar_hh2': 0.0,
'L5Pyr_dend_gnabar_hh2': 0.0}
l5p = pyramidal(pos=(0, 0, 0), cell_name='L5Pyr',
# for sec in l5p.sections:
# sec.insert('pas')
# for seg in sec:
# seg.pas.g = 4.26e-05
# if 'soma' in
# seg.pas.e = -65.
# else:
# seg.pas.e = -71.
def laminar_array(ymin, ymax, ystep, posx=10, posz=10):
el_array = list()
for posy in np.arange(ymin, ymax, ystep):
el_array.append(_LFPElectrode((posx, posy, posz), sigma=sigma, pc=None,
cvode=_CVODE, method=method))
return el_array
laminar_lfp = laminar_array(-200, 2000, 100)
# %%
ls = h.allsec()
allsecs = [s for s in ls]
imem_vecs = dict()
for ii, sec in enumerate(allsecs):
key = '_'.join('_')[1:])
imem_vecs.update({key: list()})
for seg in sec.allseg():
syn_deep = l5p.synapses['basal_1_nmda']
syn_superf = l5p.synapses['apical_2_nmda']
syn_deep_i = h.Vector().record(syn_deep._ref_i)
syn_superf_i = h.Vector().record(syn_superf._ref_i)
soma_v = l5p.rec_v.record(l5p.sections['soma'](0.5)._ref_v)
t = h.Vector().record(h._ref_t)
stim_deep = h.NetStim() # Make a new stimulator
stim_deep.number = 1
stim_deep.start = 49 + params['burnin'] # ms
ncstim_deep = h.NetCon(stim_deep, syn_deep)
ncstim_deep.delay = 10
ncstim_deep.weight[0] = 0.02 # NetCon weight is a vector.
stim_superf = h.NetStim() # Make a new stimulator
stim_superf.number = 2
stim_superf.start = 199 + params['burnin'] # ms
ncstim_superf = h.NetCon(stim_superf, syn_superf)
ncstim_superf.delay = 1
ncstim_superf.weight[0] = 0.02 # NetCon weight is a vector.
times = np.array(t.to_python())
v_soma = np.array(soma_v.to_python())
i_deep = np.array(syn_deep_i.to_python())
i_superf = np.array(syn_superf_i.to_python())
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
ax[0].plot(times[times >= params['burnin']],
v_soma[times >= params['burnin']])
ax[1].plot(times[times >= params['burnin']],
i_deep[times >= params['burnin']],
ax[1].plot(times[times >= params['burnin']],
i_superf[times >= params['burnin']],
ax[0].set_title('Somatic membrane potential (mV)')
ax[1].legend(loc='lower right')
ax[1].set_title('Synaptic currents (nA)')
# laminar LFP
efig, eax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
times_lfp = np.array(laminar_lfp[0].lfp_t.to_python())
tind = times_lfp >= params['burnin']
cmap = plt.get_cmap('inferno')
depths = np.arange(-200, 2000, 100)
for ii, lfp in enumerate(laminar_lfp):
eax.plot(times_lfp[tind] + ii * 2,
10 * ii + 10 * np.array(lfp.lfp_v)[tind],
color=cmap(ii / len(laminar_lfp)))
eax.text(200, 10 * ii, f'{int(depths[ii])}')
eax.set_ylim((-20, len(depths) * 10))
eax.set_title('NMDA events at 250 ms (basal_1) and 400 ms (apical_2)')
eax.set_ylabel('Potential as function of distance from soma')
eax.set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
# %% plot NET membrane current in each section
# NB summing over segments
sec_order = ['basal_3', 'basal_2', 'basal_1', 'soma',
'apical_trunk', 'apical_oblique',
'apical_1', 'apical_2', 'apical_tuft']
soma_idx = 3
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(sec_order), 1, figsize=(8, 12))
for ii_sec, key in enumerate(sec_order):
for ii_seg, _h_seg_im in enumerate(imem_vecs[key]):
seg_im = np.array(_h_seg_im.to_python())[:-1]
ax[ii_sec].plot(times_lfp[tind] + ii_seg * 10,
ii_seg + 10 * seg_im[tind])
# ax[ii_sec].text(150, im, key)
ax[ii_sec].set_ylim((-0.2, (ii_seg + 1) + 0.2))
ax[ii_sec].set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
fig.suptitle('Transmembrane current (nA) in sub-segments')
# %%
# calculate LFP manually from imem_secs
laminar_lfp_man = list()
for ele_depth in depths:
ele_pos = (10, ele_depth, 10)
lfp = 0
for ii, (seg_im_list, sec) in enumerate(zip(imem_vecs.values(), allsecs)):
sec_start = np.array([sec.x3d(0), sec.y3d(0), sec.z3d(0)])
sec_end = np.array([sec.x3d(1), sec.y3d(1), sec.z3d(1)])
mid = (sec_start + sec_end) / 2
mult = calc_monopole_multiplier(ele_pos, mid, sigma=sigma)
for _h_seg_im in seg_im_list[1:-1]: # ignore endpoints (zero)
seg_im = np.array(_h_seg_im.to_python())
lfp += seg_im * mult
# plot manual LFP
efig, eax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
for ii, lfp in enumerate(laminar_lfp_man):
eax.plot(times_lfp[tind] + ii * 2,
10 * ii + 10 * np.array(lfp)[:-1][tind],
color=cmap(ii / len(laminar_lfp_man)))
eax.text(200, 10 * ii, f'{int(depths[ii])}')
eax.set_ylim((-20, len(depths) * 10))
eax.set_title('NMDA events at 250 ms (basal_1) and 400 ms (apical_2)')
eax.set_ylabel('Potential as function of distance from soma')
eax.set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
# %% Check that all currents are accounted for!
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 3))
# synapses at midpoints
n_seg_deep = int((l5p.sections['basal_1'].nseg + 2) / 2)
n_seg_superf = int((l5p.sections['apical_2'].nseg + 2) / 2)
syn_current = i_deep + i_superf
leak_currents = np.zeros(syn_current.shape)
for key, segs in imem_vecs.items():
for idx, seg_current in enumerate(segs):
this_seg_net_current = np.array(seg_current.to_python())
if key == 'basal_1' and idx == n_seg_deep:
this_seg_net_current -= i_deep
elif key == 'apical_2' and idx == n_seg_superf:
this_seg_net_current -= i_superf
leak_currents += np.array(this_seg_net_current)
ax.plot(times_lfp[tind], -syn_current[:-1][tind],
ls='--', lw=4, label='$-I_{syn}$')
ax.plot(times_lfp[tind], leak_currents[:-1][tind],
lw=2, label='$I_{leak}$')
ax.set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
ax.set_ylabel('Net current (nA)')
fig.suptitle('Synaptic currents must leave cell as leak current')
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