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Forked from konstantinbo/
Created December 11, 2019 14:47
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  • Save cjayyy/d844433abab99e3e9a4cc4f08737e2f3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Thing to do after installation of Elementary OS Juno (5.0)
# First you update your system
sudo apt update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
# Uninstall unnecessary programs
sudo apt purge epiphany-browser epiphany-browser-data #browser
sudo apt purge pantheon-mail
# Bring back Software and Updates from Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install software-properties-gtk
# Properties Commons (to install elementary tweaks)
sudo apt install software-properties-common
# gdebi for easy click-install of *.deb
sudo apt install gdebi
#Install File Compression Libs
sudo apt install rar unrar zip unzip p7zip-full p7zip-rar
sudo apt install git
# essential programs
sudo apt install g++ libtool automake htop gparted vlc browser-plugin-vlc firefox inkscape shutter steam filezilla k4dirstat speedcrunch feh
# Java
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jdk
# Multimedia Codecs
sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras libavcodec-extra ffmpeg
# Elementary Tweaks
## 1. adding repository
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:philip.scott/elementary-tweaks
## 2. updating apt-get
sudo apt update
## 3. installing tweaks
sudo apt install elementary-tweaks
# KDE Connect with bluetooth enabled
# Google Chrome
sudo apt install libxss1 libappindicator1 libindicator7
## 1. downloading last stable package
## 2. installing package
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
## 3. fixing broken dependencies
sudo apt install -f
## 4. Enable maximize and minimize button on Google Chrome
#gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string ":minimize:maximize:close"
rm google-chrome*.deb # free up space
# Install Telegram
mkdir -p ~/Documents/apps/
wget -O ~/Downloads/tsetup.1.1.2.tar.xz
tar -xf ~/Downloads/tsetup.1.1.2.tar.xz -C ~/Documents/apps/
rm ~/Downloads/tsetup.tar.xz
#Install Spotify
## 1. Add the Spotify repository signing key to be able to verify downloaded packages
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 931FF8E79F0876134EDDBDCCA87FF9DF48BF1C90
## 2. Add the Spotify repository
echo deb stable non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list
## 3. Update list of available packages
sudo apt update
## 4. Install Spotify
sudo apt install spotify-client
# VirtualBox
## 1. downloading package
## 2. installing package into /opt
#sudo sh
## 3. downloading extension pack
## 4. install extension pack
#sudo VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.1.6-110634.vbox-extpack
## 5. listing installed extension packs
#sudo VBoxManage list extpacks
## Teamviewer 12
## 1. downloading package
## 2. installing package
sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_i386.deb
## 3. fixing broken dependencies
sudo apt-get install -f
## Synology Drive Client
sudo dpkg -i synology-drive-10562.x86_64.deb
#Reduce overheating and improve battery life
## 1. adding repository
#sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp
## 2. updating apt-get
#sudo apt-get update
## 3. installing package
#sudo apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw
## 4. starting application
#sudo tlp start
# Paper theme
# add daily builds PPA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:snwh/pulp
# update repository info
sudo apt-get update
# install icon theme
sudo apt-get install paper-icon-theme
# install cursor theme
sudo apt-get install paper-cursor-theme
# Synapse launcher
sudo apt install synapse
# neofetch for Ubuntu 16.10 and below
# add ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dawidd0811/neofetch
# update repos
sudo apt update
# install package
sudo apt install neofetch
# Keepassxc
sudo apt install keepassxc
# Gnome system monitor
sudo apt install gnome-system-monitor
# System load indicator
sudo apt install indicator-multiload
# Fira code
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts
for type in Bold Light Medium Regular Retina; do
wget -O ~/.local/share/fonts/FiraCode-${type}.ttf \
fc-cache -f
# Git setup
printf "Enter your name for git commits: \n"
read username
printf "Enter your email for git: \n"
read email
git config --global ${username}
git config --global ${email}
# Download git repos
mkdir -p ~/Documents/Github
# Powerline fonts
# clone
git clone ~/Documents/Github/fonts
# install
# My Keepassx database
# enter your git repo here
# Spotify notification script
mkdir -p ~/Documents/scripts/
mkdir -p ~/.icons/
wget -O ~/Documents/apps/sp
chmod +x ~/Documents/apps/sp
# install dependencies
sudo apt install libnotify-bin notify-send # notify-send seems to be missing in ubuntu 18
# get git repo
git clone ~/Documents/Github/sp-notification/
chmod +x ~/Documents/Github/sp-notification/sp-notify
chmod +x ~/Documents/Github/sp-notification/sp-pause-notification
cp ~/Documents/Github/sp-notification/pause-icon.png ~/.icons
# z - jump around
git clone ~/Documents/Github/z/
# Python2/3 pip
sudo apt install python3-dev python-pip python3-pip
# pip libs
pip3 install scipy pandas numpy sympy matplotlib html5lib thefuck
# Ruby and bropages
sudo apt install ruby ruby-dev
sudo gem install bropages
# Jetbrains Toolbox
tar -zxf /tmp/pycharm-pro.tar.gz -C ~/Documents/apps/
# install and change shell to zsh
sudo apt install zsh
chsh -s $(which zsh)
# install oh-my-zsh
printf "Enter 'exit' after installation of oh-my-zsh is finished to get back to the installation script. \n "
printf "Press <Enter> to continue. \n "
read input
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
# add additional plugins
git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/calc/
git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/alias-tips/
git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/history-search-multi-word/
git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/k/
git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
git clone "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/spaceship-prompt"
ln -s "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/spaceship-prompt/spaceship.zsh-theme" "$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/spaceship.zsh-theme"
# my dotfiles
git clone ~/Documents/Github/dotfiles/
# delete existing files in home directory
rm ~/.aliases
rm ~/.zshrc
# create soft links
ln -s /home/$USER/Documents/Github/dotfiles/.aliases /home/$USER/.aliases
ln -s /home/$USER/Documents/Github/dotfiles/.zshrc /home/$USER/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
source ~/.aliases
printf "Start Telegram manually in ~/Documents/apps/Telegram . \n"
# Clean up
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt autoclean
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