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Last active March 17, 2020 23:54
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'use strict';
process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE = 5;
const myPoolSize = 5; // poolMin & poolMax;
const numStmts = 5; // number of statements to run in parallel
console.log('UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE :', process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE );
console.log('poolMin & poolMax :', myPoolSize);
console.log('number of selects to run :', numStmts);
process.env.ORA_SDTZ = 'UTC';
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const config = require('./dbconfig.js');
let executeCount = 0;
async function executeQuery(query) {
const c = executeCount++;
const startTime =;
console.log(`execute #${c}. Started at`, startTime);
let connection;
try {
connection = await oracledb.getConnection();
const result = await connection.execute(query);
const endTime =;
console.log(`execute #${c} took ${endTime - startTime} ms. Ended at`, endTime);
return result;
} catch (err) {
} finally {
if (connection) {
await connection.close();
async function run() {
await oracledb.createPool({
user: config.user,
password: config.password,
connectString: config.connectString,
poolMax: myPoolSize,
poolMin: myPoolSize,
poolIncrement: 0
console.log('Pool creation complete');
let queries = new Array(numStmts);
queries.fill('select current_timestamp from dual');;
await Promise.all(queries);
async function closePoolAndExit() {
try {
// Get the pool from the pool cache and close it
// If this hangs, you may need DISABLE_OOB=ON in a sqlnet.ora file
await oracledb.getPool().close(0);
console.log("Pool closed");
} catch(err) {
.once('SIGTERM', closePoolAndExit)
.once('SIGINT', closePoolAndExit);
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