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Last active November 22, 2017 21:30
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improve require() failure messages
diff --git a/lib/oracledb.js b/lib/oracledb.js
index 10025481..869a6fb2 100644
--- a/lib/oracledb.js
+++ b/lib/oracledb.js
@@ -41,28 +41,32 @@ var binaryDebugPath = '../build/Debug/oracledb.node';
try {
oracledbCLib = require(binaryReleasePath);
} catch (err) {
- if (err.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
- throw err;
- } else {
+ var nodeInfo = process.versions.node + ' (' + process.platform + ', ' + process.arch +')\n';
+ var fullReleasePath = require('path').resolve(__dirname, binaryReleasePath);
+ if (err.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
try {
oracledbCLib = require(binaryDebugPath);
} catch (err) {
- if (err.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
- throw err;
+ if (err.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
+ // Neither Release or Debug binary was found but assume users wanted Release binary
+ nodeInfo += 'Cannot find module ' + fullReleasePath + '\n' + getInfo();
+ throw new Error(nodbUtil.getErrorMessage('NJS-045', nodeInfo));
} else {
- var nodeInfo = process.versions.node + ' (' + process.platform + ', ' + process.arch +')\n';
- var fullPath = require('path').resolve(__dirname, binaryReleasePath);
- try {
- require('fs').statSync(fullPath);
- nodeInfo += getInfo(); // file exists, so get message about Oracle Client
- throw new Error(nodbUtil.getErrorMessage('NJS-045', nodeInfo));
- } catch(err) {
- // file couldn't be found
- nodeInfo += 'Cannot read ' + fullPath + '\n' + err.message;
- throw new Error(nodbUtil.getErrorMessage('NJS-045', nodeInfo));
- }
+ nodeInfo += 'Cannot load ' + binaryDebugPath + '\n';
+ nodeInfo += 'Node.js require() error was: \n ' + err.message + '\n' + getInfo();
+ throw new Error(nodbUtil.getErrorMessage('NJS-045', nodeInfo));
+ } else {
+ if (err.message.startsWith('DPI-1047:')) {
+ // Release add-on binary loaded OK, but ODPI-C can't load Oracle client
+ nodeInfo += 'Node.js require() error was: \n ' + err.message + '\n';
+ nodeInfo += 'Node.js require() mapped to ' + fullReleasePath + '\n' + getInfo();
+ throw new Error(nodbUtil.getErrorMessage('NJS-045', nodeInfo));
+ } else {
+ nodeInfo += 'Cannot load ' + fullReleasePath + '\n' + err.message + '\n' + getInfo();
+ throw new Error(nodbUtil.getErrorMessage('NJS-045', nodeInfo));
+ }
@@ -72,9 +76,10 @@ oracledbCLib.Oracledb.prototype.newLob = function(iLob) {
// Return a string with installation usage tips that may be helpful
-// (although ODPI-C should catch most cases)
function getInfo() {
var arch, url, mesg = '';
+ mesg = 'Node-oracledb installation instructions: ';
+ mesg += '\n';
if (process.platform === 'linux') {
if (process.arch === 'x64') {
url = '\n';
@@ -84,14 +89,13 @@ function getInfo() {
arch = '32-bit';
mesg += 'You must have ' + arch + ' Oracle client libraries in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or configured with ldconfig.\n';
- mesg += 'If you do not already have libraries, install the Instant Client Basic or Basic Light package from \n';
+ mesg += 'If you do not have Oracle Database on this computer, then install the Instant Client Basic or Basic Light package from \n';
mesg += url;
} else if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
+ url = '';
if (process.arch === 'x64') {
- url = '';
arch = '64-bit';
} else {
- url = '';
arch = '32-bit';
mesg += 'You must have the ' + arch + ' Oracle Instant Client Basic or Basic Light package in ~/lib or /usr/local/lib\n';
@@ -105,7 +109,7 @@ function getInfo() {
arch = '32-bit';
mesg += 'You must have ' + arch + ' Oracle client libraries in your PATH environment variable.\n';
- mesg += 'If you do not already have libraries, install the Instant Client Basic or Basic Light package from\n';
+ mesg += 'If you do not have Oracle Database on this computer, then install the Instant Client Basic or Basic Light package from\n';
mesg += url;
mesg += 'A Microsoft Visual Studio Redistributable suitable for your Oracle client library version must be available.\n';
} else {
@@ -116,11 +120,9 @@ function getInfo() {
arch = '32-bit';
mesg += 'You must have ' + arch + ' Oracle client libraries in your operating system library search path.\n';
- mesg += 'If you do not already have libraries, install an Instant Client Basic or Basic Light package from: \n';
+ mesg += 'If you do not have Oracle Database on this computer, then install an Instant Client Basic or Basic Light package from: \n';
mesg += url;
- mesg += 'Node-oracledb installation instructions: ';
- mesg += '\n\n';
return mesg;
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