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Last active March 9, 2022 02:11
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#! /bin/sh -x
# This is my old script for auto-starting Oracle DB on Linux.
# When I'm not using Cloud Databases, I now install the Oracle Database 21c RPM which includes its own script
# chkconfig: 2345 80 05
# description: start and stop Oracle Databases
# OL7: systemctl enable dbora
# Note:
# Change the awk pattern to match a DB of the ORACLE_HOME to be used
# Change the autostart entry of /etc/oratab to Y for any DB you want started; this is required by dbstart
ORACLE_HOME=$(awk -F: '/^ORCLCDB:/ {print $2}' /etc/oratab )
[ -z "$ORACLE_HOME" ] && { echo "ORACLE_HOME is not set in dbora"; exit 1; }
# Note: Change the value of ORACLE to the login name of the oracle owner
case $1 in
echo -n $"Starting Oracle: "
su $ORACLE -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart $ORACLE_HOME" &
echo -n $"Shutting down Oracle: "
su $ORACLE -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut $ORACLE_HOME" &
echo -n $"Shutting down Oracle: "
su $ORACLE -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut $ORACLE_HOME" &
sleep 5
echo -n $"Starting Oracle: "
su $ORACLE -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart $ORACLE_HOME" &
echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
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