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Last active December 21, 2018 20:56
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VexIQ Triple Play Team 800 Code
#pragma config(Sensor, port2, statusLED, sensorVexIQ_LED)
#pragma config(Motor, motor1, leftMotor, tmotorVexIQ, openLoop, driveLeft)
#pragma config(Motor, motor6, wristMotor, tmotorVexIQ, openLoop, encoder)
#pragma config(Motor, motor7, rightMotor, tmotorVexIQ, openLoop, reversed, driveRight)
#pragma config(Motor, motor9, fourBarMotor, tmotorVexIQ, openLoop, encoder)
//*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*//
* IntakeAssembly control modes.
typedef enum ControlMode {
Idle, /**< Idle mode, no movement or current control mode. */
Manual, /**< Manual mode, driver manually moving IntakeAssembly. */
Preset /**< Preset mode, reading an IntakePreset. */
* FourBar presets.
enum FourBarPreset {
FOURBAR_GROUND = 0, /**< FourBar ground preset. */
FOURBAR_STOW = 30, /**< FourBar stow preset. */
FOURBAR_LOW_GOAL = 300, /**< FourBar low goal preset. */
FOURBAR_HIGH_GOAL = 500 /**< FourBar high goal preset. */
* Wrist presets.
enum WristPreset {
WRIST_GROUND = 0, /**< Wrist ground preset. */
WRIST_STOW = 70, /**< Wrist stow preset. */
WRIST_COMPACT = 100 /**< Wrist compact preset. */
* Struct that contains a FourBar and Wrist preset.
typedef struct{
float fourBarPosition; /**< The FourBar position. */
float wristPosition; /**< The Wrist position. */
} IntakePreset;
IntakePreset m_intakePosGoal; /**< IntakeAssembly preset goal. */
ControlMode m_controlMode; /**< IntakeAssembly control mode. */
float m_fourBarOutput = 0.0; /**< FourBar output. */
float m_wristOutput = 0.0; /**< Wrist output. */
int m_wristTravelTimer = 0; /**< Wrist travel timer. */
float FOURBAR_MAX_SPEED = 100.0; /**< Maximum FourBar speed. */
float WRIST_MAX_SPEED = 25.0; /**< Maximum Wrist speed. */
IntakePreset GROUND_PRESET; /**< IntakeAssembly ground preset. */
IntakePreset STOW_PRESET; /**< IntakeAssembly stow preset. */
IntakePreset COMPACT_PRESET; /**< IntakeAssembly compact preset. */
IntakePreset LOW_GOAL_PRESET; /**< IntakeAssembly low goal preset. */
IntakePreset HIGH_GOAL_PRESET; /**< IntakeAssembly high goal preset. */
* Return the lesser of the two given numbers.
* @param a The first number.
* @param b The second number.
* @return The lesser number.
float min(float a, float b) {
if (a < b) {
return a;
else {
return b;
* Return the greater of the two given numbers.
* @param a The first number.
* @param b The second number.
* @return The greater number.
float max(float a, float b) {
if (a > b) {
return a;
else {
return b;
* Return the limit of the two given numbers.
* @param x
* @param maxMagnitude
* @return The limit of the numbers.
float limit(float x, float maxMagnitude) {
return min(maxMagnitude, max(-maxMagnitude, x));
* Square the given number, but keep the sign the same.
* @param n The number.
* @return The square of the number with the same sign.
float signSquare(float n) {
if (n < 0.0) {
return -1.0 * n * n;
else {
return n * n;
* Teleop initialization.
task TeleopInit() {
setTouchLEDColor(statusLED, colorOrange);
setMotorBrakeMode(leftMotor, motorCoast);
setMotorBrakeMode(rightMotor, motorCoast);
setMotorBrakeMode(fourBarMotor, motorCoast);
setMotorBrakeMode(wristMotor, motorHold);
m_controlMode = Idle;
* Periodic teleop loop.
task TeleopPeriodic() {
* Drive mode control.
// Get the joystick values.
float y = -getJoystickValue(ChA); /**< Current y joystick value. */
float x = getJoystickValue(ChC); /**< Current x joystick value. */
int slow = getJoystickValue(BtnRUp); /**< Current slow mode joystick value/ */
// Change joystick value to a decimal.
y /= 100;
x /= 100;
// Do some nice sine stuff to ramp up driving.
y = sin(pow(y, 3));
x = sin(pow(x, 3));
// Halve if slow mode.
if (slow == 1) {
y *= 0.5;
x *= 0.5;
// Change to a percentage.
y *= 100;
x *= 100;
// Set the motor speed.
setMotorSpeed(leftMotor, y - x);
setMotorSpeed(rightMotor, y + x);
* IntakeAssembly control.
// Handle presets.
if (getJoystickValue(BtnLUp) == 1) {
m_controlMode = Preset;
m_intakePosGoal.fourBarPosition = HIGH_GOAL_PRESET.fourBarPosition;
m_intakePosGoal.wristPosition = STOW_PRESET.wristPosition;
m_wristTravelTimer = time1[T1];
if (getJoystickValue(BtnLDown) == 1) {
m_controlMode = Preset;
m_intakePosGoal.fourBarPosition = GROUND_PRESET.fourBarPosition;
m_intakePosGoal.wristPosition = STOW_PRESET.wristPosition;
m_wristTravelTimer = time1[T1];
// Handle wrist stow timing.
if (time1[T1] - m_wristTravelTimer > 500) {
m_intakePosGoal.wristPosition = GROUND_PRESET.wristPosition;
// Handle FourBar manual control.
if (getJoystickValue(BtnEUp) == 1) {
m_controlMode = Manual;
m_fourBarOutput = FOURBAR_MAX_SPEED;
if (getJoystickValue(BtnEDown) == 1) {
m_controlMode = Manual;
m_fourBarOutput = -FOURBAR_MAX_SPEED;
if (getJoystickValue(BtnEUp) == 0 && getJoystickValue(BtnEDown) == 0) {
m_fourBarOutput = 0;
// Handle FourBar manual control.
if (getJoystickValue(BtnFUp) == 1) {
m_controlMode = Manual;
m_wristOutput = WRIST_MAX_SPEED;
if (getJoystickValue(BtnFDown) == 1) {
m_controlMode = Manual;
m_wristOutput = -WRIST_MAX_SPEED;
if (getJoystickValue(BtnFUp) == 0 && getJoystickValue(BtnFDown) == 0) {
m_wristOutput = 0;
// Handle IntakeAssembly control modes.
switch (m_controlMode) {
case Idle:
setTouchLEDColor(statusLED, colorOrange);
setMotorSpeed(fourBarMotor, 0);
setMotorSpeed(wristMotor, 0);
case Manual:
setTouchLEDColor(statusLED, colorBlue);
setMotorBrakeMode(fourBarMotor, motorBrake);
setMotorBrakeMode(wristMotor, motorCoast);
setMotorSpeed(fourBarMotor, m_fourBarOutput);
setMotorSpeed(wristMotor, m_wristOutput);
case Preset:
setTouchLEDColor(statusLED, colorGreen);
setMotorBrakeMode(fourBarMotor, motorHold);
setMotorTarget(fourBarMotor, m_intakePosGoal.fourBarPosition, FOURBAR_MAX_SPEED);
setMotorTarget(wristMotor, m_intakePosGoal.wristPosition, WRIST_MAX_SPEED);
* Debug on the brain.
displayString(1, "y: %f", y);
displayString(2, "x: %f", x);
displayString(3, "sl: %d", slow);
displayString(4, "fb e: %f", getMotorEncoder(fourBarMotor));
displayString(5, "w e: %f", getMotorEncoder(wristMotor));
* Main task.
task main() {
// Start teleop initialization.
while (true) {
// Run teleop periodic.
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